Chapter 817

After Xu Jie stayed in the hospital for a day, he slipped out when the breakfast deliverer didn't come.

The 29th of this month is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the National Day holiday will also start on that day, and his movie will also be released on that day.

Therefore, there is not much time left for him.

He had to get the theater affairs done as soon as possible to ensure that the film could be released all over the country and get enough film schedules to compete head-on with Zheng Guoliang's film.

He didn't want to be so hungry that he couldn't even walk without waiting for the formal arm wrestling with Zheng Guoliang.

If he lost to Zheng Guoliang because he didn't look good, he would admit defeat, but if he lost to Zheng Guoliang because of fewer films, he would not be reconciled.

Xu Jie came to Beijing TV Station, drove his car away, and then found a noodle restaurant. While waiting for the meeting, he searched the information on his mobile phone that Zhang Di had sent him in charge of the theater.

Although a few have been done, it is far from enough. To him, filming is like Han Xinbing, the more the better.

He selected one of the targets, and then called the other party.



I don't know if it's because the mobile phone is not with me, it took a long time to connect.


"Hello, is this Mr. Zhao from Xingchen Dadi Cinema Company?" Xu Jie asked while eating noodles.

"It's me, you are..." A questioning voice came from the microphone.

"I'm Xu Jie, the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture Communication Company. Have you heard of it?" Xu Jie asked tentatively. If the other party hasn't heard of it, he should introduce himself in detail so as not to be taken as a phone scam Hang up the phone.

"Xu Jie?" The person on the other side of the microphone was obviously startled, and after a while he said, "I know, what does Mr. Xu want from me?"

Originally, he didn't know that there are so many people engaged in the film industry, those who have been connected to it may forget, let alone those who have never been in contact.

However, when I was at the dinner party last night, I heard from a friend at the same table that the vice president of a company under the Beijing Radio and Television Station was forced to drink more than three catties of liquor in order to discuss business, and was taken to the hospital by an ambulance while lying down.

It is said that this incident made the leaders of Beijing Radio and Television Station very angry, and they must make the companies involved and the participants pay the price. In the end, the vice president who rescued him calmed down the incident, so there was no trouble in the film circle.

If he remembered correctly, the alcoholic vice president mentioned by his friend was Xu Jie.

"Mr. Zhao, do you have time tonight? I would like to invite you out for dinner and talk about something." Xu Jie said.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Zhao Chengdong asked suspiciously. He didn't remember any business relationship between his company and JingTV Culture.

"Our company has a movie that will be released on this year's National Day, so I want to chat with Mr. Zhao about arranging the film, and I don't know if there is a chance to cooperate with Mr. Zhao." Xu Jie briefly talked about the matter.

Zhao Chengdong was taken aback.



When is this already? The film schedule for the National Day file has already been set. How can we talk about the film schedule until it is close to the release?It's like a wedding banquet. How can anyone find a hotel when they are about to get married?A hotel needs to be booked months in advance.

"Mr. Xu, our cinema's schedule for National Day screenings has been completed..." Zhao Chengdong said tactfully, and at the same time thought to himself: It seems that Mr. Xu is a newcomer in the industry, and he doesn't even know these most basic things.

"Mr. Zhao, don't rush to refuse. You are a businessman. Isn't a businessman a person who can discuss everything? Maybe you will change your mind after listening to my conditions? Whether it is the star lineup or the content of my movie , not losing to any other movie..."

Xu Jie introduced his films sincerely, he believes that everything depends on human effort.

Before Zhang Di also said that Wang Zhaoqiang and his group were not easy to talk to, but in the end they were still taken down by him?

Some things need to be fought for, and you will never get it if you don't fight for it.

"Mr. Xu, I'm really sorry, let's do it next time. Let's cooperate next time. What, I'm driving, so I won't talk much. I wish Mr. Xu's movie a big hit at the box office." After Zhao Chengdong finished speaking, he hung up Telephone.

He has already negotiated with other distributors. If the film schedule is lowered and transferred to other films, how can he explain to those distributors?

You know, many of them are old friends who have cooperated for many years.

Xu Jie looked at the phone that was hung up, and he was not angry. In fact, this was all within his expectations, but he didn't intend to just give up, and called another person in charge of the theater.


This time, the phone rang for a longer time.

Xu Jie couldn't help wondering, is it because the person in charge of the theater company doesn't have the habit of carrying a mobile phone with him?Or did you go out drinking last night and you still haven't woken up at this time?

Xu Jie couldn't help calling again, this time it rang a few times and finally connected.

"Hey, who is it?" The other party asked angrily.

"Hi Mr. Qian, I'm Xu Jie, the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture." Xu Jie said.

"What's the matter?" The other party asked impatiently.

"Excuse me, do you have time tonight? I want to treat you to a meal, by the way..."

"No time to!"

The phone hangs up immediately.

Xu Jie was stunned, thinking that Mr. Qian had such a temper, he died without listening to what was going on?
He even suspected that the other party hadn't listened carefully to his self-introduction at all.

But it doesn't matter, I don't have time to listen now, I will come to talk later.

Xu Jie made a few more phone calls to ask the people in charge of those theaters to have dinner, but the results were the same, only the reasons for rejecting him were different.

Of course, there are also several theaters that have prepared a film schedule for the movie "Lovers in Time and Space", but the film schedule is too small, either [-]% or [-]%. As Li Kangyong said a few days ago, the National Day file The competition is too fierce, and with the current market situation, it is impossible to give him too much.

Xu Jie continued to eat noodles. No matter what, he had to fill his stomach first, and then he had the energy to do things when he was full.

"Ring bell bell!"

Just when Xu Jie was about to finish eating, the mobile phone on the table rang suddenly. He glanced at the caller ID on the screen, and it was Lu Zhihong from the TV drama department.

"Old Lu, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked after connecting.

"Mr. Xu, where are you? I came to the hospital to bring you breakfast." Lu Zhihong asked.

"I'm going to exercise outside and get some fresh air. Put your meal on the bed, and I'll go back to eat after a while," Xu Jie said.

He didn't tell Lu Zhihong the truth, because once the other party knew, Boss Jiang would know too, so why don't he just take him back to the hospital?
"Alright Mr. Xu, then you have to come back quickly, by the way, do you want me to accompany you?" Lu Zhihong asked with concern.

In his heart, Mr. Xu is the pillar of the company.

Once something happens to Mr. Xu, the work of the entire company, and even the annual performance, will be seriously affected.

And the TV series after the National Day is still waiting for Director Xu to produce them.

Mr. Xu is lying in the hospital, who would dare to turn it on?
"I'm just suffering from alcoholism, and I'm not terminally ill. I don't need company. You should hurry back to the company and finish the preparations for the TV series. If you delay the filming after the National Day, don't blame me for turning my back on you." Xu Jie said solemnly. Said.

Of course, it's just a faux pas.

If he didn't let Lu Zhihong go back to work in the company, wouldn't it be time for the other party to wait in the ward forever?

"Yes, Mr. Xu."

Xu Jie hung up the phone, put down the phone, ate up the remaining noodles in the bowl, wiped his mouth with paper, and called Zhang Di from Xingye Film and Television Distribution Company.

After all, it was my own person, and the call was connected soon.

"Morning Mr. Xu, if you have any orders or needs, I will send them to you at noon." Zhang Di said politely.

Although he has not been in contact with Mr. Xu for a long time, he has already been deeply impressed. What he admires in his heart is called a five-body projection. If he is not older than the other party, he would like to recognize him as his big brother.

"Send me the addresses of the remaining cinema companies." Xu Jie said.


Zhang Di was startled, and asked in bewilderment: "Mr. Xu, what do you want this for?"

"It's nothing, I'm just lying on the hospital bed and bored, and I want to study the situation of other theater companies." Xu Jie said lightly.


Zhang Di was at a loss.

The situation of the companies in the research institute line is all right. Knowing yourself and the enemy will win every battle, but how can you just ask the company's address?What can be researched from the company address?
At this time, a voice came from the microphone.

"A bowl of two fine..."

Zhang Di frowned.

A bowl of two fine?Noodle House?

A bad premonition suddenly appeared in Zhang Di's heart.

"Mr. Xu, are you not in the hospital?" Zhang Di asked suspiciously.

If you are not in the hospital, then there is only one possibility to just ask for the address of the theater company. Mr. Xu is going to go to those theater companies.

Xu Jie turned his head to look at a diner who had just entered the door, and guessed what Zhang Di might have heard on the other side of the phone, so he explained: "I'm in a noodle restaurant next to the hospital, drinking some soup and water makes my stomach feel better. ,What's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing." Zhang Di said, although Mr. Xu answered no questions, he still didn't dare to be careless, thought for a while and said, "Mr. Take it all."

It is false to take the information, but it is true to see if the other party is in the hospital.

The scene of being glared at by Jiang Hai yesterday is still vivid in his memory, and he doesn't want to do it again.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, just send it to me with your mobile phone, and you are quite busy." Xu Jie didn't want the other party to come.

"Not busy, I just have nothing to do today." Zhang Di said after hearing it, the more the other party refused, the more he felt that there was something in it.

"It's okay? If you don't have anything, you can go to the theater more and solve the film arrangement for me, and it will save me from going to accompany the wine. The company chooses you because it believes in your ability to handle affairs, not to let you fish for it. Distribution agency Do you still want Fei?" Xu Jie said angrily.

How dare you say it's all right?

It's okay, didn't he drink the wine the night before yesterday for nothing?It's okay, wouldn't he stay in the hospital for a day and two nights in vain?
Zhang Di was shocked, sweating coldly, and finally said submissively: "Yes, it is Mr. Xu, I understand, I will send you the address of the theater company."

"Hurry up!" Xu Jie said coldly, and then hung up the phone.

Not long after, text message notifications sounded one after another.

Xu Jie clicked on the content, not only the addresses of various theater companies, but also the number of theaters owned by the company and the number of screens were also posted, which was very detailed.

However, the content of the last text message has nothing to do with the theater company. Zhang Di wrote: Mr. Xu, I will contact the person in charge of each theater company immediately. You should rest well in the hospital and don’t wander around.

Xu Jie thought to himself: It seems that Zhang Di guessed what he was going to do.

Don't tell me if you see through, some friends will do it.

Xu Jie put the phone in his pocket, got up and left the noodle shop.

He got in the car, entered the address of Zhao Chengdong's theater company into the navigation, and then drove to the destination according to the route displayed on the screen.

When passing by a famous liquor store, he got out of the car and bought two cases of Lao Mao and put them in the trunk. Since he didn't make an appointment at night, he made an appointment during the day.

Soon, the car arrived at Xingchen Dadi Cinema Company.

Xu Jie got out of the car, took out a box of old Mao, and walked directly to the gate.

"Hey, stop, what are you doing?"

The security guard stopped Xu Jie, looked him up and down, and finally set his eyes on the box of old Mao.

Is it a gift?

Isn't this too blatant?
"I'm looking for Mr. Zhao. I made an appointment with him. My name is Xu Jie. I'm the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture. Don't you think I look familiar? The one who played "Delicious History"." Xu Jie took the initiative to guide the security guard.

The security guard sized him up carefully, and a smile gradually appeared on his face, "Yes, yes, I remembered, what do you want from Mr. Zhao?"

Although Xu Jie has not appeared in the program "Delicious History" for more than half a year, his image is imprinted in the hearts of countless viewers.

"What else is there, of course it's drinking." Xu Jie lowered his head and pointed to a box of Lao Mao in his arms.

Only then did the security guard understand what was going on. Before, he thought he was here to give gifts, but he didn't expect that he came to ask Mr. Zhao for a drink. However, this was the first time he met him when he came to the door with a box in his arms.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Zhao hasn't come yet, why don't you sit in the lobby and wait for a while?" the security guard asked, pointing to the sofa in the lobby.

If it was someone else, he definitely wouldn't put it in, but this person in front of him is a celebrity, so we can't let people stand outside the company gate to be exposed to the sun, right?
"Okay, thank you." Xu Jie said with a smile, and then walked into the door.

Sure enough, the face of a celebrity is a business card.

Xu Jie sat down in the lobby, staring at the gate all the time, because he didn't know what Zhao Chengdong, the general manager of Xingchen Dadi Cinema, looked like, so he could only judge by the reactions of other people.

After more than ten minutes, I saw a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes appearing outside the company's gate. The originally sloppy security guard immediately stood up straight and respectful.

"Hi Mr. Zhao!"

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, then walked into the door.

The corners of Xu Jie's mouth turned up, and a smile appeared on his face.

This is the man!

He immediately picked up the box and walked over, saying loudly: "Mr. Zhao!" Then he stood in front of the other party, blocking the other party's way.

Zhao Chengdong was taken aback by the person who appeared suddenly, frowned and looked at the person in front of him, as well as the box of wine, and asked displeasedly, "Who are you?"

"Mr. Zhao, have you forgotten? We were talking on the phone just now, so think about it carefully." Xu Jie reminded him unhurriedly.

Zhao Chengdong was taken aback for a moment, thinking about the phone call he received this morning, and suddenly showed a shocked expression, "You, you are Xu Jie from Jingshi Culture?"

"Mr. Zhao's guess is really accurate. That's right. I'm Xu Jie. It's the first time we met. Please take care of Mr. Zhao in the future." Xu Jie said politely.

Zhao Chengdong was not happy because he guessed the identity of the other party, but asked with surprise: "Mr. Xu, why are you here? Didn't we just talk on the phone? If there is a chance, we will cooperate in the future."

"Mr. Zhao, you misunderstood me. I came to you today not to talk about arranging the film, but to celebrate the next cooperation. I deliberately came to toast Mr. Zhao. No, I brought all the wine. If the box is not enough, I have another box in the car." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Zhao Chengdong was stunned after listening.

Others are celebrating this cooperation, but the other party is so nice that they want to celebrate the next cooperation. The next time is just a polite way of saying, it doesn't have to wait until the year of the monkey.

Forget it, he has lived for more than 50 years, and it is the first time he sees someone come to toast with wine, how anxious he is to thank him.

Also, if he remembers correctly, it should have happened the night before that the other party drank into the emergency room. It was only a day later that he brought a case of wine to him for a drink. Could it be that the female nurse in the emergency room of the hospital was gentle? Beautiful, want to stay longer?

"Xu, Mr. Xu, I accept your wish. Drinking is fine. It's working hours, so you can't drink." Zhao Chengdong said in a trembling voice.

If this falls on his company, why don't the leaders of Beijing Radio and Television Station directly kill him?

"Then drink at noon, I'll wait for Mr. Zhao here." Xu Jie turned his head and pointed to the sofa in the hall.

"No, I have to go to work in the afternoon." Zhao Chengdong said.

"Then drink it at night."


Zhao Chengdong was speechless.

This is the must find him to drink.

In fact, it's okay to drink, the key is that he dare not drink with the other party.

This person has just been rescued, and he still doesn't know if he's all right. Don't talk about drinking three catties, even if he drinks a cup, something serious may happen.

After much deliberation, he felt that it would be better to send people away first, anyway, as long as he didn't drink in his company.

"Mr. Xu, in fact, you don't have to be so polite at all. I and Lao Guo from Forbidden Pictures are friends." Zhao Chengdong said.

"Mr. Guo, Mr. Guo, I am me, I really want to express my gratitude to Mr. Zhao." Xu Jie said sincerely.

"What do you thank me for?" Zhao Chengdong said with a wry smile.

"Thank you for agreeing to cooperate next time." Xu Jie looked as if it should be taken for granted.

"Isn't this still cooperating?"

"So, I would like to toast you a few glasses first, so as to lay a solid foundation for the next cooperation."

Zhao Chengdong is going crazy!

Where is this to respect him?It was clearly to threaten him.

Just like the scene that often appears in some social news: the wages will come, or I will jump off.

But in front of him, the other party seemed to say: Arrange the film for me, or I will drink it.

The point is that the other party is indeed owed money, but he doesn't owe the other party anything.

This is how to do?
Zhao Chengdong had a headache, his head was about to explode.


(End of this chapter)

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