Chapter 818
"Mr. Zhao!"

Suddenly a voice sounded, breaking the silence in the hall, and then a middle-aged man in his early forties was seen walking quickly from the direction of the elevator.

Zhao Chengdong was overjoyed when he saw it clearly, finally someone could help him deal with the alcoholic next to him.

"Mr. Zhao, didn't you arrange a meeting at 09:30 this morning? Everyone has arrived." The visitor said respectfully.

It was nearly ten o'clock at this time, otherwise he would not have come down to look for someone.

"Vice President Liu, you're here." Zhao Chengdong said, winking at his subordinates, and repeatedly glanced in the direction of the reception area.

Liu Hui looked at the boss in puzzlement, and then looked in the direction the boss pointed, and saw a young man sitting on the sofa in the hall, and a box of old Mao on the coffee table.

what's the situation?
To give gifts?
"Mr. Zhao, is this...?" Liu Hui asked curiously.

Huh?Why does this person look familiar?I seem to have seen it somewhere.

"Xu Jie, the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture, came to me to arrange a film for the National Day." Zhao Chengdong said in a low voice.

Liu Hui was stunned for a moment, and finally understood why he felt familiar. He had watched the other party's food show "Delicious History", and his whole family watched it. Could it be familiar?
"But hasn't the schedule for the National Day file been arranged long ago?" Liu Hui asked.

Leaving aside the unreliability of this gift-giving method, wouldn’t it be whimsical to use a case of wine to handle such a big event?
"Yes, that's why he came to the door." Zhao Chengdong said with a wry smile.

"Mr. Zhao, you go upstairs, I'll talk to him." Liu Hui said bravely.

When the boss is in trouble, when will he stand up if he doesn't stand up?
For the subordinates, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to perform, which is rare, and now he is so lucky to meet one, and there is even a hint of joy in his heart, and he must perform well later.

"Wait!" Zhao Chengdong grabbed Liu Hui, who was about to go, and said in a low voice: "If it was so easy to talk about, I would have sent him away long ago. You don't understand clearly..."

As he said that, he told his subordinates exactly what happened to Mr. Xu in the past two days, and also said that Mr. Xu came here today to "thank you" deliberately.

After Liu Hui listened, he was completely dumbfounded.

I thought it was just a simple question of persuasion, but I didn't expect it to rise directly to the height of life. Who would dare to go up and talk about it?
If you disagree and drink another bottle, whose fault is it if you pour it here?
"How about this, Vice President Liu, you hold him here, I'll go to the meeting first, don't worry about it, don't let him drink, remember?" Zhao Chengdong reminded repeatedly, no matter what this Xu guy does, as long as he doesn't If you drink, you should be fine.


Liu Hui stayed where he was at a loss. He thought he was lucky just now, but now he had only one thought: what a bad luck.

Zhao Chengdong glanced at Xu Jie, then walked lightly towards the elevator, for fear that his leaving would cause the other party's emotional instability.


Liu Hui was watching the boss leave when he was startled by a sudden sound. When he looked in the direction of the sound, he saw that Mr. Xu had already opened the wine box and took out a box of Lao Mao from it to look at carefully.

"Xu, Mr. Xu..." Liu Hui hurried over, not knowing where to put his hands, neither hanging down nor stretching out.

Xu Jie turned his head to look at the person, then passed the wine in his hand, and asked, "Do you want to drink?"

"No, no, this is the company, and it's working hours, so you can't drink." Liu Hui shook his head repeatedly.

"Boss Zhao really manages well." Xu Jie took the wine back, and asked while looking at it: "I heard that there are a lot of fake wines now, and I don't know what to think about it. Do you think I bought this case of wine? Will it be fake? Do you want to open it and have a taste?" After speaking, he opened the package and twisted the lid.

"Don't, don't!" Liu Hui stepped forward and snatched the wine away. The real wine can't be let the other party drink, even less if it's fake wine.

"What are you doing?" Xu Jie frowned slightly.

"I, I..." Liu Hui thought for a while, then suddenly said, "I know how to tell the difference."

"Oh?" Xu Jie looked at the other party with interest.

Liu Hui pretended to look at the wine bottle for a long time, then said with a smile, "Mr. Xu, this is real wine." Then he put the wine back into the box.

"Really? Where did you see it?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

"Uh... anti-counterfeit labels, pictures and fonts." Liu Hui said casually.

"Really? You teach me?" Xu Jie took the wine out of the box.

Liu Hui's heart skipped a beat, how could he know if this stuff was real or not?Besides, isn't it just a name for drinking this wine? How many people can drink it?
"Mr. Xu, wait for me here. I'll go to the bathroom for a while, and I'll be right back." Liu Hui said with a smile. Going to the bathroom is not a fake, but it is true to use the mobile phone to check the method of identifying Lao Mao.

"Well, let's go." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Liu Hui breathed a sigh of relief, but before leaving, he deliberately told the front desk to let the other party look at the guests, and never let the guests drink, so he walked to the bathroom with confidence.

Xu Jie looked at Liu Hui's back, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

There is an old saying: You can't eat with a thin skin, but you can eat with a thick skin.

For the sake of the box office, even if he played a rogue today, he still had to get the film.

Nobody works!
Liu Hui entered the bathroom, quickly took out his mobile phone, searched on the Internet, and then memorized every method in his mind. After repeating it silently twice, he walked out of the bathroom after confirming it.

However, when Liu Hui returned to the hall and saw the opened old Mao on the coffee table, his face was instantly pale with fright.

"Mr. Xu!"

Liu Hui ran over anxiously, screwed the cap back on the bottle, and at the same time glared fiercely at the receptionist beside him, and scolded in a low voice: "Are you just a display? Didn't I tell you not to let the guests drink? "

The front desk said with an innocent face: "Mr. Liu, the customer didn't drink, he just opened the bottle cap."

"That doesn't work either!" Liu Hui said angrily, thinking: The bottle cap has been opened, is it still far from drinking it?
He sent the receptionist away, then came to the guest, held the wine bottle in his hand and said, "President Xu, it's very easy to identify Lao Mao, you just need to remember these points." Immediately afterwards, he said He recited what he had learned in the bathroom against the wine bottle.

One, two, three, all of them are true... They all match up with the Internet, and the facts have proved that these are indeed real wine.

"It's fine if it's real wine. If it's fake wine, how can I toast Mr. Zhao? Thank you, by the way, you are..." Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

"I'm Liu Hui, the deputy general manager."

"Vice President? So we are both the same, we are both Vice Presidents? Then we are really destined. For the sake of fate, how about we have a drink?" Xu Jie took out a wine box from the box and opened it directly. Take out the wine bottle inside.

"Mr. Xu, I really can't drink while I'm at work." Liu Hui refused again.

"It's okay, I'll do it, you can do whatever you want." Xu Jie looked around, but didn't find the wine glass, so he said, "I blew on the bottle."

"No, Mr. Xu, don't do this!" Liu Hui snatched the wine bottle, this time he didn't beat around the bush, but said directly: "Mr. Xu, it's really not good to arrange the filming, so don't make things difficult for us, okay?"

Even vice presidents want to drink too?

So should college students drink it?Are all men want to drink?Do you want to drink when you are married?
Anyone who has been to the drinking table knows that as long as you drink the first glass and open the opening, there will be a second glass, a third glass, and a fourth glass... So, you must not drink it.

"Mr. Liu, what do you mean by that? I have already told Mr. Zhao that I am not here today to arrange a film, but to wish you a happy cooperation next time. Besides, why am I embarrassing you? I am here to toast with wine Mr. Zhao, is there something wrong? Or am I delaying the normal operation of your company by sitting here?" Xu Jie said with a sullen face.

When Liu Hui saw Xu Jie was angry, he couldn't help but panic. He had nothing to do with the other party, but now he made the other party anxious. Isn't this magnifying the problem?
"Mr. Xu, don't be angry. It's my fault. I said the wrong thing in a hurry. In fact, I want to tell you that alcohol is a poison for the intestines. Drinking alcohol is harmful to your health..." Liu Hui hurriedly spoke out, hoping to calm down The opponent's anger.

Just when Liu Hui felt helpless, the elevator door not far away opened, and then Zhao Chengdong was seen coming out of it. At this time, in Liu Hui's eyes, Zhao Chengdong was not only his boss, but also his savior.

"Mr. Zhao!" Liu Hui looked at the boss for help.

Zhao Chengdong originally wanted to leave the company through the back door, and then told Xu Jie to retreat, but he was called out by Liu Hui, and he couldn't even leave secretly.

If I had known this, I should have taken the stairs when I came down.

"Vice President Liu, how was your chat with President Xu?" Zhao Chengdong walked over and asked.

Liu Hui thought to himself: Can't you see it?Isn't the expression on my face obvious enough?

"Mr. Zhao, I suddenly remembered that I have an appointment with Mr. Jiang from Chuanxing Company at noon today. I went back to the office to prepare materials. You and Mr. Xu have a slow chat." Liu Hui hurried to the elevator after speaking.

He'd rather be reprimanded by his boss afterwards than stay here, it's so fucking torturous.

Zhao Chengdong was dumbfounded.

Xiao Liu, what's the situation?
He asked the other party to deal with Xu Jie, why did the other party return Xu Jie to him and run away?

"Mr. Zhao, have you finished the meeting?" Xu Jie looked at Zhao Chengdong with a smile and asked.

"Well, it's over, you..." Zhao Chengdong finished speaking halfway, looking at the wine bottles on the coffee table and the unscrewed lid, the expression on his face immediately froze, and he roughly guessed why Liu Hui would run away up.

Fuck, is this drunk?

It's over, it's over, if the other party falls here, I must be in bad luck.

Zhao Chengdong gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"Mr. Xu, the company had a meeting and discussed it just now. I think your movie looks good from the leading role to the content, so after research, I decided to give you 5.00% of the film schedule." Zhao Chengdong said.

What kind of research is just a reason he found casually. The reason why he said this is completely to save money and avoid disaster.

Yes, isn't it a waste of money to transfer the schedule of other popular movies to this movie that popped up out of nowhere?

When Xu Jie heard it, instead of being happy, he frowned, looked at Zhao Chengdong and said, "Mr. Zhao, is there some misunderstanding here? I really didn't come here today to arrange a film."

The corner of Zhao Chengdong's mouth twitched, and he squeezed out a smile and said, "I know, but don't think too much about it, I'll arrange the film for you, and it's all for the movie."

What if you don't say that?
Are you afraid that you will fall here?Afraid that the leaders of your Beijing Radio and Television Station will blame you?

"Aiming at the movie? Does Mr. Zhao have no confidence in my movie?" Xu Jie asked back.

"Ah? How do you say that?" Zhao Chengdong had a question mark on his face.

"The more confident the theater company is in a film, the higher the film schedule will be. For example, Mr. Wang Zhaoqiang, Mr. Yang Anfei, Mr. Li Kangyong and Mr. Li, they have confidence in my film, so they gave 15.00%, or even 20.00% filming, Mr. Zhao, do you think there is anything wrong with my film? How about this, I'll ask someone to bring a copy..."

As Xu Jie said, he was about to take out his mobile phone.

"No, no!" Zhao Chengdong stopped immediately, and his forehead was already sweating.

The filming rate that I managed to get out of was actually too low for the other party.

15.00% to 20.00%?
Are Wang Zhaoqiang and the others crazy for giving such a high screening rate to a romance film in the National Day file, which is crowded with blockbuster films and fierce competition?
"Mr. Zhao, you'd better take a look. You will be confident after reading it. I happen to have wine here. Let's watch it while drinking." Xu Jie held the wine bottle in his hand.

Zhao Chengdong thought to himself, this is not a matter of confidence at all.

"Mr. Xu, I also contribute 15.00%."

Zhao Chengdong decided to take another step back, and the sea and the sky are brighter, and the film schedule is not fixed. Once the box office fails, the theaters will usually modify the film schedule in time.

He knows that it's useless to say anything to the other party now, so let reality slap the other party's face severely, and wait for the first day's box office to come out and see what the other party has to say.

"Mr. Zhao, why are you so embarrassed? Are you not embarrassed?" Xu Jie asked.

"No embarrassment, no embarrassment, I really don't want such a good movie to be buried." Zhao Chengdong said perfunctorily, he just wants the other party to leave quickly.

"Then thank you Mr. Zhao." Xu Jie stood up, looked at Zhao Chengdong and said, "I think Mr. Zhao is very busy, so I won't bother Mr. Zhao. I will send someone to sign the contract later. I wish us a happy cooperation .”

"Happy, happy!"

Zhao Chengdong kept nodding his head, and then invited the person out like sending off the plague god, until he saw the other person driving away, he was deeply relieved.

Xu Jie called Zhang Di while driving.

Soon, the call is connected.

"Mr. Xu, where are you?" Zhang Di opened his mouth and asked.

After he sent the theater company's address to Mr. Xu, he had been thinking about this matter all the time, so he went to the hospital secretly, but as he expected, he was not in the hospital.

"I just finished talking with Zhao Chengdong, the person in charge of Xingchen Dadi Cinemas, and he has agreed to give us 15.00% of the filming during the National Day file. Now you immediately go to Zhao Chengdong with the contract and say that I let you go." Xu Jie said.

Zhang Di was stunned.

Talked down?

Is this too fast?

"Okay, I'll go right away, Mr. Xu, your body... Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu?" Zhang Di wanted to say something, but found that the other side of the phone had been hung up.

He stared blankly at the phone. Could it be that Mr. Xu really intends to run all the remaining cinema companies himself?
Xu Jie drove to the next stop, Victory Cinema Company.

Still holding a box of old Mao.

"Sir, who are you looking for?" the security guard asked.

"I'm Xu Jie from Jingshi Culture, I'm looking for Mr. Qian." Xu Jie said.

"The money is always gone, you can come back another day." The security guard said.

not there?

Xu Jie looked up and looked inside the gate. Could it be that Qian Xuejun hasn't gotten up yet?
He put the box in his hand aside, then took out the phone, dialed Qian Xuejun's number, and after waiting for a few seconds, the other side answered the phone.

"Mr. Qian, I'm Xu Jie from Jingshi Culture. I called you this morning."

"Xu Jie? You were the one who called me this morning? What's the matter?"

Xu Jie smiled slightly. It seemed that the other party had heard of his name, so it would be easy to handle.

"I heard that Qian is always a kind and helpful person, so I really admire Mr. Yang in my heart. No, I brought a case of good wine to Mr. Qian's company, and I want to have a good chat with Mr. Qian." Xu Jay said sincerely.

"What? You came to our company? Aren't you in hospital?" Qian Xuejun was taken aback.

The Beijing circle is so big, there is no way to hide anything.

What's more, pouring a vice president of Beijing Radio and Television Station into the hospital for emergency treatment is not a trivial matter. Not to mention that a day and two nights have passed, even a meal is enough to spread the word.

"It is true that I am in the hospital, but I admire Mr. Yang so much, so I ran out of the hospital. By the way, our company has a movie that will be released on National Day. Would you like to see a copy, Mr. Zhao from Star Land , and Mr. Wang Zhaoqiang, Mr. Li Kangyong and Mr. Li, they all like it very much, and they even gave me 15.00% of the filming..."

Qian Xuejun was not stupid, he understood what the other party meant when he heard these words.

This is asking him to arrange a film!
"Mr. Xu, you came too late. Our company has already arranged the movie schedule for the National Day." Qian Xuejun said.

"Mr. Qian, don't get me wrong. I didn't come to ask you to arrange a movie. I just came here to have a drink with you. I just want you to know that our company's movie is really good." Xu Jie explained.

"Mr. Xu, didn't you just drink into the hospital? I think it's better to stop drinking." Qian Xuejun kindly persuaded.

"It's okay, I'm drunk, Mr. Qian will call 120 for me." Xu Jie said indifferently.

Qian Xuejun is in a hurry, it doesn't matter to you, it does matter to me.

It's no problem to call 120, once it falls to him, what should we do if it spreads?
He had heard that Vice President Xu had been admitted to the hospital because of the company's business. Could it be that he was trying to fight for the filming?

This is troublesome.

drink?It must not be drunk!

don't drink?The other party insisted on drinking, but no one could stop it.

Is this asking him to have a drink?

This is obviously a blackmail, and if they don't arrange the film, they will drink to the company.

"Mr. Xu, it's okay to drink, but I'm very interested in the movie you just mentioned. How about this, I will also give you 15.00% of the movie schedule for this year's National Day." Qian Xuejun thought: Since Mr. Zhao, Mr. Wang, Mr. Li and the others can all come up with 15.00% of the film schedule, and the film will not be bad.

"Really? Thank you very much Mr. Qian. It seems that the rumors are true. Mr. Qian is really a helpful person." Xu Jie thanked.

Qian Xuejun chuckled twice, if he didn't enjoy helping others today, he would have to call 120 for helping others.

After Xu Jie settled Qian Xuejun, he directly sent a voice message to Zhang Di, asking the other party to finish looking for Zhao Chengdong and then looking for Qian Xuejun.

And he continued to visit the next theater company.


(End of this chapter)

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