Chapter 819 Prestige

Xu Jie was eating at the steamed stuffed bun shop when the phone in his pocket rang suddenly. He took out two paper towels and wiped his hands stained with soup, then took out his phone, and it was Lu Zhihong from the TV drama department calling again.


"President Xu, where are you?" Lu Zhihong asked.

"I'm in the hospital, what's the matter?" Xu Jie picked up a bun with chopsticks, put it in front of his mouth, and took a bite.

Originally, waste is the principle of crime, so he quickly sucked it twice, this is the essence of steamed stuffed bun.

"Mr. Xu, why didn't you eat the breakfast I put on the table this morning? Have you already left the hospital?" Lu Zhihong looked at the table and cabinet next to the hospital bed. The insulated lunch box he brought in the morning was still there untouched .

I agreed to exercise and come back to eat. It's already noon, are you lost?
Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, and then remembered Lu Zhihong's delivery of meals. In order to avoid reporting to Boss Xiang Jiang, he began to make up a story: "Well, it's like this. I met an old man during morning exercises. There is a steamed stuffed bun shop that has delicious steamed stuffed buns, and I strongly recommend it to me. I also hope to be photographed in "Delicious History", so I tried it with the mentality of giving it a try. I found it was really delicious. So I came over for lunch again, Lao Lu, I’m sorry, I asked you to come here again, so you don’t need to deliver food to me in the future, and it’s not that I can’t get out of bed, just eat something outside.”

Lu Zhihong said "oh", so that's the case, no wonder the lunch box delivered in the morning was not touched, but the neatly stacked quilt on the hospital bed did not seem to have been touched, but after thinking about it, this is not good Doubtful, maybe it was folded by the same nurse?
"Mr. Xu, your body hasn't recovered yet, so don't eat indiscriminately outside." Lu Zhihong reminded with concern, without Mr. Xu, many jobs in the company cannot be carried out normally, especially when the TV series is about to start. Pass, so he very much does not want any accidents to Mr. Xu.

"Understood, don't worry, I'll go back after eating, and you should hurry to have lunch too." Xu Jie hangs up the phone after a few words.

However, before he could put the phone back, the ringtone rang again, this time it was Boss Jiang.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked after answering the phone.

"Who told you to leave the hospital?" Boss Jiang's roar suddenly came from the microphone.

Xu Jie was startled, and quickly put the phone away from his ear. The first thing he thought was that Lu Zhihong had told him the secret, but then he thought, he just hung up the phone of Lao Lu, and it took only a few seconds before and after. The other party didn't have time to inform Boss Jiang, and on the phone, Lao Lu didn't doubt his story.

"Boss, who did you listen to?" Xu Jie didn't answer the question directly, but wanted to find out the whistleblower. Wouldn't this affect his work progress?

"Who do you need to listen to? It has already spread in the circle, saying that the vice president of Jingshi Culture, in order to arrange the film for the film, went around to the theater company with a box of old Mao to toast, and would not leave unless the film was arranged, saying, Is it you?" Jiang Hai asked loudly.

Xu Jie was slightly startled, did it spread so quickly?The mouths of this group of people are too broken, right?

He wanted to deny it, but they made it very clear that he was the vice president of Jingshi Culture, and the company has only three vice presidents, one is in administration and the other is a woman. .

"Boss, it is indeed me." Xu Jie stopped pretending and had a showdown.

"Admit it? Do you know what your current physical condition is? What did the doctor tell you? Let you rest well and don't drink alcohol in the near future. Do you want to die young and make your wife a widow?" Jiang Hai He reprimanded angrily, but there was concern in his words.

"Boss, don't be angry. Listen to me. In fact, I just want to scare the directors of those theater companies. If I don't do that, can they arrange the film for me?" Xu Jie explained.


He's not stupid, how could he continue to drink before his body recovered?
The last time was the last time, the next few cups were actually instinctive, no consciousness at all, but this time is different, he is awake, and the good life has just begun, and he will not easily joke about his own life.

But it was also this incident that made him understand a truth, that is: people are shameless and invincible.

When you should be shameless, you have to be shameless, when you should be shameless, you have to be lazy, too concerned about face, some things really can't be done.


Jiang Hai was stunned.

Can you still do that?
He has seen people using superior leaders to frighten people, he has seen people using prescribed rules to frighten people, he has even seen people making faces to frighten people, but he has never seen people frightening people with door-to-door toasts.

"Are you scaring people with your life?" Jiang Hai asked after regaining his senses. He is indeed a man who has planned many hit shows, but his brain is different from normal people.

"Boss, what does my life mean to the bosses of those theater companies? It's nothing. What they are afraid of is not me, but the leaders of our Beijing Radio and Television Station. They are afraid that after I drink down, they will attract the leaders of the station. That's why they had to arrange the film for me, they didn't save face for me, but for the leaders of Taiwan." Xu Jie said slowly.

If he didn't see through this point, he wouldn't go around scaring people with a case of wine.

Now he doesn't have that much face, otherwise he still needs to come to the door in person?Can't it be done with one phone call?
Doesn't he want to be a tiger with a domineering aura to impress his peers?

Doesn't he want everyone to give him face once Jinkou opened his mouth?

he thinks.

But the problem is, he hasn't reached that level yet.

No way, the influence is limited.

Hearing Xu Jie's words, Jiang Hai couldn't help showing a wry smile. He didn't expect the other party to see it so thoroughly. It seems that the other party's brain is not drunk and is awake.

"You boy, don't be self-defeating!" Jiang Hai said, and he was no longer angry, nor opposed to the other party's actions.

As the general manager, he can't help, so why don't he allow his subordinates to think of their own way?

When it comes to film and television companies, entertainment companies, and brokerage companies, he knows a lot of people, but when it comes to theater companies, he really doesn't know many people, and he rarely interacted with them before.

"Don't worry, I know it well, but boss, you have to work harder. If you can become the leader of Taiwan as soon as possible, will I also have a more reliable backer?" Xu Jie joked.

Jiang Hai felt embarrassed immediately after hearing this.

Yes, he is too incompetent as the general manager. Since he was transferred to Jingshi Culture, he has done nothing and relied on Xiao Xu for everything. This is not the behavior that a person who wants to go further should have.

Take this time as an example, as soon as Xiao Xu entered the hospital, all the important projects of the company stopped. Fortunately, Xiao Xu was injured lightly this time. The doctor said that he could be discharged after a few days of observation in the hospital, otherwise the company would be left with the performance of the past few months. Don't you want to pull your hips?

Jiang Hai reflected on himself. Since having Xiao Xu, he has become lazy, and when encountering problems, he habitually counts on Xiao Xu. This is not what he should do as the general manager of Jingshi Culture.

If it is just waiting for retirement, then that's fine, the key is that he still wants to continue to work hard, if he continues like this, he will only become more and more useless.

It seems that I have to rise up too.

Jiang Hai thought to himself.

"Well, I will work harder." Jiang Hai said seriously.

Yesterday, I chatted with Lao Lu about the New Year's Party and the Spring Festival Party. He took these two jobs.

"Come on, boss, I like you." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Come on, don't tire yourself out," Jiang Hai instructed.


After hanging up the phone, Xu Jie heaved a sigh of relief. Finally, Boss Jiang was dealt with. He was really worried that the other party would take him back to the hospital.

While continuing to eat steamed buns, he flipped through the messages Zhang Di sent him. He went to three theater companies in the morning, and there were still three companies left. Reached more than ten percent.

This film scheduling rate is usually not high, but in the fiercely competitive National Day file, it can basically guarantee the top six, that is, the fifth and sixth.

As for Zheng Guoliang's movies, even if there are big names in theaters participating in the investment, the film schedules in some theaters will be very high, but on average, all theater companies in the country should not be much different from his film schedules.

Zheng Guoliang is indeed more famous than him, but who made him shameless?
Continue to be shameless in the afternoon.

After Xu Jie finished eating the steamed stuffed bun, he went back to the car and took a nap. When it was time for work in the afternoon, he drove to the next theater company.

Dahua Cinema Company.

Xu Jie, like in the morning, got off the car and walked towards the gate with a box of old Mao in his arms.

However, at this moment, two security guards who were originally sitting inside the door suddenly walked out quickly, staring at him with serious expressions, as if he was holding explosives instead of wine in his arms. package like.

"You two, I'm looking for your President Jin..."

"Boss Jin is not here. He is on a business trip to Qiongzhou. It will take a month to come back. If you are in a hurry, call him. If you are not in a hurry, then come back in a month." The security guard directly interrupted Xu Jie.

On business trip?

Xu Jie was taken aback.

After a month?

A month later, the National Day file has already started.

Although after the movie is released, the theater company will also adjust the schedule of each movie according to the performance of the movie and the viewing situation of movie fans, but he made a bet with Li Kangyong and others, if the box office cannot exceed 20.00 million yuan in the first three days , then the [-]% film schedule will be lowered by the other party at will, even if it is adjusted to [-]%, he must accept it, so he can't wait that long.

Xu Jie put the wine on the ground, then found Jin Shilai's number, and called him.

"Sorry, the user you dialed has shut down, please try again later..."

Shut down?

Xu Jie hit it again.


Xu Jie showed the phone to the security guard, "Your President Jin's phone is turned off."

"Boss Jin may be in a meeting. Our Boss Jin is very busy, why don't you go back first?" the security guard said.

Xu Jie looked at his phone and then at the security guard. Is President Jin on a business trip, or is he avoiding him?

Boss Jiang already knew about it. As the person in charge of the theater company, wouldn't Jin Shilai know?
avoid me?

Can you hide?
"Since Mr. Jin is gone, who is in charge of your company now?" Xu Jie asked.

"I don't know." The security guard shook his head.

"do not know?"

Xu Jie frowned. Although the security guard is the most common position in a company, he is the most well-informed.

I don't even know who is in charge of such a big thing in the company, how is this possible?
"Your company has a vice president, right? I'm looking for the vice president of your company." Xu Jie thought to himself: Don't you know?I let you know.

"Sorry, the vice president of our company is not here," said the security guard.

"Not here? Are you going to Qiongzhou too?" Xu Jie squinted his eyes and stared at the security guards. His words were too watery, and it will be the national day soon. It should be a very busy period for the cinema company, the general manager The vice president is not even here, is this the rhythm of disbanding?

"You're right Mr. Xu, all the middle and upper-level leaders of our company have gone to Qiongzhou for team building." The security guard said with a smile.

"Team building?"

Xu Jie was stunned.

This reason is really good.

Xu Jie was about to go to the next company, but the general manager couldn't get through the phone, and there was no one in the company who could call the shots. What was he doing here?Do you drink Mistral?
Just as he was about to pick up the box, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

and many more!

What did the security guard call him just now?

Mr. Xu!
But he hasn't introduced himself yet.

Could it be the audience of Delicious History, who has already been recognized?
Not right either.

How can you see a celebrity and still look like you are ready?

"Do you know who I am?" Xu Jie asked tentatively.

"I don't know, what's wrong?" the security guard asked.

"You still call me Mr. Xu if you don't know me?" Xu Jie looked at the other party intently.

Why go to the Qiongzhou regiment building, bullshit, you are simply avoiding him, maybe in an office in the building, watching him through the monitor.

"Did I call?" The security guard who spoke looked at the colleague beside him, who was also confused and forgot whether he called or not.

"You called." Xu Jie said.

"I didn't call." The security guard didn't want to admit it, but his face was already red.

"You called."

"I didn't call."

"Okay, you didn't call." Xu Jie squatted down, and while unpacking the box, he said: "To express my apology, I punish myself with three cups."

"Not Mr. Xu!"

When the two security guards saw it, they rushed over immediately, one of them hugged Xu Jie tightly, and the other grabbed the wine and stuffed it into the box again.

"What are you doing?" Xu Jie looked at the two in confusion.

"You don't need to be fined, and I don't blame you, you'd better go." The security guard who called Leak just now said.

"You don't blame me? Really?" Xu Jie asked.

"Yeah." The security guard nodded vigorously.

"You are so open-minded. People like you are the ones I admire most in my life. Come, let me toast you three times." Xu Jie said seriously.

"No, Mr. Xu, I'm just a little security guard, why do you respect me." The security guard said with a wry smile.

"Occupation does not distinguish between high and low. For the sake of equality, let's blow a bottle!" Xu Jie gestured to take the wine again.

"No, no, I'm working." The security guard stopped him.

"For your dedication, let's blow two bottles."


The security guard was about to cry when he heard it.

What's the matter with this man?Why are there so many reasons to drink?
He couldn't help turning his head to look in the direction of the monitor. People can stop people outside the company, but they can't stop people from drinking. If this continues, the two security guards will have to drink too.

Just like that, outside the gate of Dahua Cinema Company, one person insisted on toasting, and the other hugged tightly, looking more fierce than wrestling.

"Ring bell bell!"

Suddenly, a burst of music sounded at this moment.

"Let go of me!" Xu Jie said to the security guard.

"No need to respect, really no need to respect." The security guard said.

"I want to answer the phone."


Xu Jie took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and was taken aback when he saw the calling number. Isn't this the same number he just called Jin Shilai?

"Hello?" Xu Jie answered the phone.

"Did you call me just now?"

"Yes, it's me." Xu Jie said.

"What can I do for you?" the other party asked.

"I want to invite Boss Jin to have a drink, watch a film by the way, and talk about the arrangement of the film."

"Alcohol is free. As for filming, how about [-]%?"

Xu Jie was taken aback. The other party didn't know who he was, and he hadn't said anything about the movie. When it was released, he had to arrange [-]% of the movie. This President Jin, can he pretend to be more fake?

"Then thank you, Mr. Jin. I heard that you took people to Qiongzhou for team building? When you come back, I will toast you a few glasses to express my gratitude!" Xu Jie didn't expose the other party either.

Don't tell the truth if you see through, friends can still do it.

After talking on the phone, Xu Jie happily moved the wine away.

He just wants to let everyone know that as long as he arranges a film for him, he will leave immediately.

Come to the second theater company.

When Xu Jie carried the suitcase to the gate, he found that the gate was locked. Looking inside through the glass, there was no one.

Weekdays, business hours, no one?
To fool a fool?
Anyway, hide the car parked in front of the door.

With Mr. Jin's clumsy performance just now, Xu Jie doesn't believe anyone anymore.

He put down the suitcase, then returned to the car, took out a folding table from the trunk, and returned to the outside of the company. The small table stood up, the wine box was removed, and the cups were placed on the table, respecting the building.

"Hey, wait a minute!"

A little beauty suddenly appeared from nowhere, rushed directly in front of him, and said after clearing the wine table, "Who are you? Why did you come here to drink? Is this a place to drink?"

Xu Jie saw the other party acting, so he also accompanied the other party to perform, "I am Xu Jie from Jingshi Culture, I came to find Mr. Chen from Changtian Cinema, and saw that Mr. Chen's company was closed, so I was going to have a few drinks. Cup, drink while waiting, are you...?"

"It turned out to be Mr. Xu. I said, why does it look so familiar? When the company held a meeting yesterday to study how to increase the lineup for your movie, I saw your movie poster. By the way, the company team building today, everyone left , I'm the only one left on duty, what do you want from Mr. Chen?" The little beauty blinked her eyes and asked suspiciously.

Xu Jie nodded in satisfaction, looked at it, looked at it all, this is called acting.

Although I also used the excuse of team building, but when it comes to arranging films, this avoids dragging.

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with it. I just learned that Mr. Chen has increased the film schedule for my movie, so I want to thank Mr. Chen. By the way, beauty, I don't know how much my film schedule is?" Xu Jie asked.

"I remember 12.00%. If the box office performance is good, we will increase the film schedule. Anyway, our Mr. Chen is very confident in Mr. Xu's movie, really." The little beauty said seriously.

"Really? Then, on behalf of the film crew and Jingshi Culture Company, I would like to thank Mr. Chen for his support. Since Mr. Chen has gone to build a team, I won't bother you anymore. I will definitely pay a visit some other day. Goodbye beauty." Xu Jie waved at the little beauty, then carried the suitcase and the table, and returned to the car.

When the little beauty saw the car drive away, she breathed a sigh of relief, then took out the key and opened the door. Many people appeared in the originally empty hall.

The leader, a middle-aged woman in fashionable clothes, looked out the door and asked the little beauty, "Xiao Zhang, are you gone?"

"Yes, Mr. Chen, let's go!" said the little beauty.

"Why did you leave so quickly? What did you say?" The middle-aged woman still had a trace of doubt and worry on her face, and she looked cautious for fear that the target would turn back.

"Mr. Chen, I will follow your instructions, first talk about the company's team building, and then talk about the filming for his movie." The little beauty said.

"What was his expression when he left?" The middle-aged woman asked cautiously.

"It looks very happy, and I also thank Mr. Chen for his support, and said that he will definitely visit him someday."

After hearing this, the middle-aged woman breathed a sigh of relief.

Just be happy.

As for visiting, forget it.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this time, the middle-aged woman's cell phone rang. She glanced at the caller ID, shook her head with a wry smile, and then connected the call.

"President Bai, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Chen, how is the situation over there? Has the surname Xu gone? I just heard from Mr. Jin that his side has fallen, and he asked me to surrender as soon as possible. I am going to close the company's door, and even the security guards will not show up. Let's see what to do with Xu." The voice from the microphone sounded confident.

"Mr. Bai, I just used this trick of yours, and it didn't work. They set up a table outside the gate and prepared to drink by themselves. If I hadn't told the secretary to stop it quickly, I would have been lying outside my company by now. .” The middle-aged woman sighed after finishing speaking.

"I'm going, are you so cruel?"

"Boss Bai, I also advise you to arrange some films for him first, stabilize him, and wait for the movie to be released for two days before we adjust his film schedule. This person is now a celebrity in the Beijing Radio and Television Station, so he can't be provoked."

"Oh, it seems that this is the only way to go."


Xu Jie came to the last theater company.

As soon as I got out of the car, before I could pick up the wine, I saw a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes approaching.

"Ah, isn't this Mr. Xu from Jingshi Culture? Coincidentally, I was going to find you." The visitor said in surprise.

"Are you...?" Xu Jie looked at the other party.

"I'm Bai Yangming, the general manager of Dayang Cinemas." The visitor introduced himself.

"Oh, hello Mr. Bai, what can Mr. Bai do for me?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

"It's like this. I saw your movie trailer and thought it was good. I wonder if it can be screened in our Ocean Cinema?" the visitor asked.

"Okay, that's what I wish for." Xu Jie said happily.

He only heard that the film studios were rushing to find theaters to schedule films, but he had never heard of theaters looking for film producers to order films.

It seems that his reputation has spread throughout the entire academy.

This is also good, and it will be much more convenient when we cooperate in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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