The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 820 The Chance of a Good Wife

In the evening, Xu Jie returned to the hospital.

I ran out for "business" for a whole day today. If it was normal, this workload would be as easy as visiting relatives during the Chinese New Year.

But this time, because the body has not fully recovered, the whole body is still a little weak, so I feel very tired, and even sweat a lot. You know, when I chased my brother-in-law all over the neighborhood, I didn't sweat so much.

Sure enough, drinking alcohol is bad for your health.

Fortunately, today's work was not in vain, and the problem of arranging films was finally solved.

Next, watch the promotion of the movie.

Every year on National Day, before the box office war comes, there will usually be a wave of publicity wars. How to make your film stand out among the many films and attract more people's attention, so that everyone is willing to go to the theater to watch, This is both a challenge and a test for film propagandists.

Xu Jie was lying on the hospital bed, eating the fruit Lu Zhihong sent, and watching the video with his mobile phone. After watching it for a short time, his brows gradually frowned.

Among the ten short videos, half are related to the movies released on National Day. I haven't seen his "Lover in Time and Space".

Unwillingly, he swiped dozens more, but he still didn't see it.

what's the situation?
Didn't the promotion of "Lover in Time and Space" start a few days ago?
You know, in order to be able to present the exciting highlights of the movie to everyone, even the promotional video is personally in charge of him.

He glanced at the clock on the wall, picked up the remote control next to the bed, turned on the TV, and found the Beijing Literature and Art Channel.

"Hello, audience friends, welcome to today's "Entertainment Broadcasting" program..."

"Recently, the reporter ran into Liu Jiaman in Houhai. The actress was dressed in casual clothes, walking and chatting with friends, and she was very friendly when meeting fans for photos. She had no celebrity airs. It is reported that Liu Jiaman returned to the big screen after six years of absence. The guest movie "Lover in Time and Space" will be released on September 9, the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I look forward to the wonderful performance of the actress in the movie."

After reading the report, Xu Jie's serious expression eased a little, but the influence of "Entertainment Broadcasting" is really limited, and it can only be seen by audiences in the capital area, and people nowadays spend far more time swiping short videos on their mobile phones than watching TV For a long time, the exposure rate of "Literary Broadcasting" is far from enough.

Is it because there are still 20 days left, and Wang Yunjie hasn't exerted herself?
Well, that possibility cannot be ruled out.

After all, the closer the movie is released, the stronger the promotion will be.

Xu Jie thought it over, after he was discharged from the hospital, the first thing to do was to ask Wang Yunjie about the promotion of the movie.

There is no way, he is just a worry about his life, if he is not clear, he will always think about it in his heart.


At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the ward.

Xu Jie was about to call "Come in" when he heard a "click" and someone opened the door by himself.

Just when he thought it was Boss Jiang coming to see him after get off work, he saw a figure rushing in hastily.


Xu Jie was both surprised and happy when he saw the visitor, but when he saw the anxious look on Su Yun's face, he suddenly felt bad.

Obviously, the other party already knew about his glorious deeds, otherwise he wouldn't have suddenly appeared here. The key is that when he talked with the other party on the phone yesterday, he didn't mention alcoholism at all.

"Honey, aren't you filming in Hengdian? When did you come back?"

Xu Jie immediately jumped out of the bed, walked over quickly, and was about to hug him, but just as he came to his wife, he was grabbed by the arm and blocked a step away.

Su Yun looked at her husband with concern, and looked at her carefully from top to bottom. At the same time, she asked in a trembling voice: "You, how are you? Are you okay? What did the doctor say? of?"

Seeing his wife's anxious look, Xu Jie quickly comforted him: "It's okay, there's nothing wrong, it's just that I drank too much. If Boss Jiang insisted on letting me stay here, I would have gone home a long time ago. Look, Not even a hospital gown."

Don't look at his relaxed appearance on the surface, but in fact he is very nervous, afraid that the other party will be angry with him.

Su Yun observed for a while worriedly, and when she saw that the man's complexion was fine, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then threw herself into the man's arms, complaining, "Why didn't you make such a big deal happen?" Someone notify me, and why didn't you tell me last night, do you know how worried I was when I heard about your accident?"

As he spoke, he shed tears directly.

Huang Xiaorong, who was standing behind, saw this scene and left the ward consciously.

Xu Jie held Su Yun tightly with one hand, and gently patted her on the back with the other, "Actually, it's not as serious as the rumors from the outside world. It's not like you don't know that people in the entertainment industry like to add fuel and vinegar to their words. , I also heard that I drank to death, do you think I look dead? If I really have something, can I not tell you? Don't listen to outsiders' nonsense, by the way, why don't you tell me in advance when you come back Let me know, so I can pick you up at the airport."

"I wanted to call you, but I was afraid that you would hide me and don't want me to worry, so I asked for leave from the director, bought a plane ticket and flew back directly." Su Yun raised her head while answering, although the person was right in front of her eyes , but still don't worry.

Xu Jie's heart was suddenly filled with warmth.

He stretched out his hand and gently wiped away the tears for the other party. Looking at his wife's appearance in the rain, he couldn't help but kissed her in the process of wiping. As expected of his wife, she was so beautiful when she was crying.

"I'm sorry to worry you. This time the situation is special. I assure you that there will never be a second time." Xu Jie said seriously.

In fact, he could go to Mr. Guo of Forbidden Films for help with the film arrangement this time, or Mr. Gao Xiaobin, the vice-president.

However, this is his first time making a movie, and no one knows how the word-of-mouth and box office will be, and it will be released on the National Day file. The person in charge is embarrassed.

This favor is too great, and it may not be able to get the ideal film arrangement.

For example, Mr. Guo went to find several theater companies, and finally the theater companies decided to spend 5.00% of the films. When Mr. Guo came back and told him, should he be happy or unhappy?

Please be happy, the ranking is too low, and it is far from what he imagined; be unhappy, it was he who asked Mr. Guo for help, and Mr. Guo did come forward to help.

And the most important point, even if he is not satisfied with the screening, he can't go to the theater company to arrange the screening. After all, Mr. Guo has already looked for it, so what's the matter if he goes to look for it again?

Are you dissatisfied with Mr. Guo's ability to handle affairs?

If this reaches Guo Chuan's ears, how can he ask him for help in the future?How will you cooperate with Forbidden Pictures in the future?
So this time, he had to figure it out by himself.

As it is now, as long as the theater companies see his achievements, do you still have to worry about whether JingTV Culture will not arrange the films when they are released in the future?

The big deal is to apologize to the directors of the various theater companies at that time, and give those people a step down. Who will turn their faces when they make money?
If this movie doesn't do well at the box office...

If it's not good, it's not good. Anyway, he doesn't owe anyone a favor. At worst, he won't be a film director. In the future, Beijing Television Culture will hire professional directors to shoot all films.

Even if you have connections, you can't use them for everything, at least you can't embarrass the person you are looking for, otherwise what will you do in the future?
"Yes." Su Yun chose to believe it.

She has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, so she naturally knows that there are some things she can't help herself.

Take drinking as an example, the patron lets you drink, do you want to drink?The senior let me drink, do I want to drink?Don't say you can't drink, you can't drink, even if you are allergic, you have to drink.

In fact, this kind of thing is not only the entertainment circle, but also many industries.

The leader asked you to drink, do you want to drink?The customer asks you to drink, do you want to drink?
don't drink?

If you don't drink, you can't get promoted, and if you don't drink, you can't do business.

Do you still drink?
In order to develop and survive, we can only drink, we must drink!
Therefore, she was worried about Xu Jie, felt sorry for Xu Jie, and understood Xu Jie.

"You came back in a hurry, haven't you eaten yet?" Xu Jie held his wife's hand as he said, "Come on, I'll take you out for dinner, no, no, you finally come back, let's go to the supermarket to buy vegetables, I'll make it for you when I get home."

In order to thank his wife for her concern, Xu Jie decided to cook by himself.

"No, you are still living in the courtyard, how can I ask you to cook for me? Let Xiaorong go out and buy some casually, and you can lie on the bed and rest." Su Yun said after hearing this.

Even if the rumors in the circle are watery, it turns out that the other party is indeed alcoholic. How can she ask a patient to cook for her?

Speaking of which, she is the other party's wife, and she should be taking care of the other party at this time.

Thinking of this, Su Yun took out her mobile phone from her pocket.

"What are you doing? Are you ordering takeaway?" Xu Jie asked.

"I'll call the director and ask the crew for a few days off to stay and take care of you," Su Yun said.

The two have been married for almost a year, but because of work, she rarely fulfills her responsibilities as a wife. On the contrary, the other party has performed very well as a husband, not only helping her in her career, but also helping her when she is wronged. Now that her husband is hospitalized, isn't it her chance to fulfill her responsibilities as a wife?

"Honey, if you stay with me in the capital, I would like it, but if you stay to take care of me, I can only say that I really don't need anyone to take care of me. Boss Jiang even sent people to take care of me during the day, but I drove them away , How about this, I'll take you to see the nurse, you should believe what they say, right?"

In order not to worry his wife, Xu Jie took her directly to the nurse's station.

"Hello, Mr. Xu, what can you do?" The nurse asked with a smile, but when she saw the beautiful woman beside Xu Jie, her eyes lit up immediately, and she asked with surprise, "Are you Su Yun's friend?" ?"

Su Yun nodded slightly.

The nurse clenched her fists excitedly. If there were no other patients in the corridor, she would have screamed excitedly.

"Nurse, this is my wife. You know her too. She is worried about my health. Tell her how I am now. Is it okay?" Xu Jie said to the nurse, and then gave her a wink.

The nurse suppressed the excitement in her heart, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu's current signs are stable, and he is currently in the hospital for observation. He will conduct a comprehensive and systematic examination of Mr. Xu's body the day after tomorrow. If there is no problem, he can be discharged from the hospital." gone."

The length of hospitalization for alcoholism is not fixed. For mild cases like Xu Jie, one or two days, or five or six days is fine, depending on the recovery.

In fact, with Xu Jie's current physical condition, he can apply for discharge from the hospital, but the leader of the station has already explained that he must rest in the hospital for a few days to avoid sequelae, so he has to stay in the hospital.

Xu Jie was in a hurry at first, but today he has already settled the arrangement of the film, so he is not in a hurry.

When Su Yun heard the nurse's words, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The man said it was okay before, and she thought it was comforting. Now that the nurse said it was okay, it must be okay. After all, she is an angel in white, and she is responsible for the patient's health. Lie to her, the patient's family.

"Well, I didn't lie to you, did I? I'm really fine. Besides, don't you know how my physical fitness is?" Xu Jie said proudly.

Su Yun rolled her eyes at the man directly, then looked at the nurse gratefully and said, "Thank you for taking care of my husband, I have troubled you these few days."

"Don't bother, don't bother, this is what we should do, our responsibility." The nurse said quickly after hearing this, she didn't expect the big star to be so polite, she couldn't believe it.

A few days ago, I met a celebrity, and I was very attracted, not to mention thank you, I didn’t say anything to these nurses, and they were all replaced by assistants. Those who didn’t know thought they were dumb.

Su Yun took Xu Jie's hand back to the ward, she thought for a while, and finally dialed a number.

"Director, I'm Su Yun. I've already arrived in Beijing. My husband is still in the hospital. He will have a medical examination the day after tomorrow. I want to stay and take care of him...Thank you, director, for causing trouble to the crew and everyone..."

Soon, the call is over.

Su Yun put away her phone, looked at Xu Jie tenderly, and said, "The director gave me three days off, and I will stay and take care of you for these three days, so you can be observed in the hospital at ease."

"Thank you!" Xu Jie hugged Su Yun again.

In fact, he also wants the other party to stay. After all, since the two established a relationship, they haven't spent much time together, but he is very clear that now is the critical period of the other party's career, so he didn't say what he thought. come out.

"Thank you, we are husband and wife, why are you being polite to me?" Su Yun said with a smile, then called Huang Xiaorong who was standing in the corridor and asked her to go out and buy some food to send back.

She took care of her, but she also knew very well that with her current situation, she couldn't go out to show her face at all. Fortunately, this is a senior ward with a separate bathroom, so she doesn't have to go out to wash or do anything.

Not long after, Huang Xiaorong bought dinner back.

Su Yun asked Huang Xiaorong to go home and rest directly, and she would call if there was anything to do.

Huang Xiaorong also didn't want to disturb the two-person world of the boss and Teacher Xu, so she left wisely.

Xu Jie wanted to put the table on the bed, but Su Yun stopped him as soon as he took it out.

"Don't move, let me do it, you are a patient now, you have to give me a chance to take care of you and make me look like a good wife, understand? Go to bed and sit down." Su Yun said.

Xu Jie said good, and went to the hospital bed cooperatively.

Su Yun put the food on the table, took a mouthful of millet porridge with a spoon, and blew it gently to Xu Jie's mouth, "Come on, let me feed you, ah..."


Xu Jie was speechless.

With this kind of treatment, why do you make yourself look like you are dying of illness?

In fact, he had already had dinner, but in the face of Su Yun's desire to be a good wife, he still decided to satisfy her, so he opened his mouth and ate.

After eating a few mouthfuls, a burst of music interrupted the warm scene.

Su Yun took out her mobile phone and looked at the caller ID, said "It's Qingqing" to Xu Jie, and then connected the phone.

"Qingqing, what's the matter?"

"Sister Yun, have you arrived in the capital? How is Director Xu?"

Xu Jie and Su Yun sat very close, so they could clearly hear the voice from the phone's microphone.

However, he never expected that Liu Qing, who always made trouble for him, would actually care about him.

"Fortunately, I'm in the hospital for observation, and the nurse said there's nothing serious." Su Yun said after hearing that, Liu Qing is also in Hengdian, and the two usually see each other often, and the news of Xu Jie's alcohol poisoning was also told by the other party, so She is still very grateful to the other party, otherwise her husband is hospitalized, and as a wife, she doesn't know about it, and won't be scolded if it spreads?

"It seems that it's really all right. I just heard people say that Director Xu went around to toast with a box of wine today at various theater companies."

When Xu Jie heard it, he cried out that it was not good, and immediately coughed loudly.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Xu Jie thought Liu Qing was caring about him just now, but now it seems that the other party is just gossiping to satisfy curiosity.

Seeing Xu Jie's reaction, Su Yun immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Sister Yun, is Director Xu by your side?" Liu Qing asked curiously.

Su Yun didn't answer, but asked: "Qingqing, you just said that Director Xu went around to toast the cinema company with a box of wine? Who did you hear?"

"My boss said that. He also said that Director Xu frightened the usually arrogant bosses of theater companies, and he almost became their nightmare, haha!" Liu Qing laughed as he spoke.

After hearing this, Su Yun turned her head and glared at Xu Jie. She wanted to be a good wife, but the situation didn't allow her to toast because of alcoholism?Doesn't this make her a widow?
"Sister Yun, what do you think Director Xu thinks, he even came to scare people with wine, it's really hurtful, but I heard that the effect is good, and he got a lot of filming..."

"Liu Qing!" Xu Jie couldn't help interrupting the other party, "Who are you talking about? Don't you want to participate in TV dramas?"

"Ah? Sister Yun, he is really by your side. Don't talk about it. I'm dead. Don't forget to intercede for me."

"Beep beep..."

Liu Qing hung up the phone hastily.

Su Yunxiu frowned slightly, looked at Xu Jie and asked, "Is what Qingqing said true?"

"It's true, but she also said that I was just trying to scare people. It's a trick. They poured wine on me first, and didn't want to make a film for me. Then I used wine to scare them and asked them to make a film. This is called a plan. .” Xu Jie quickly explained.

"Really?" Su Yun asked.

"Of course it's true, I swear." Xu Jie said seriously.

"This is not an example." Su Yun's expression eased a lot.

"It's what my wife says." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Alcoholism was bad enough once, and he wasn't going to do it again.

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