The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 821 Unconventional Propaganda

With Su Yun's company, Xu Jie's hospital life became no longer boring and lonely, which also allowed him to stay in the ward honestly, instead of going out early and returning late to cause trouble.

Of course, there is another version.

Ever since Su Yun learned from Liu Qing that Xu Jie went around scaring people with a box of wine on the second day of hospitalization, she resolutely did not allow Xu Jie to leave the hospital, even if Xu Jie explained it clearly, or even went to the hospital The restaurant opposite is not allowed to eat, as if Xu Jie is some kind of dangerous person.

The happy time is always short, and soon came the day of physical examination.

For the physical examination, Xu Jie was relatively relaxed. He knew his body well and knew his condition. In contrast, Su Yun was more worried and nervous.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, look!" Back in the ward, Xu Jie stepped back two steps and did a front flip in order to comfort Su Yun.

Maybe it's because I haven't turned over for many years, the strength is a little stronger, when the foot hits the ground, the body is still rushing forward, and I am about to fall to the ground face first and eat shit...

To say that Xu Jie is also a person who has experienced big scenes, he just bent his knees, knelt down on one knee, supported the ground with one hand, and tightly grasped Su Yun's hand with the other, not only the momentum was relieved, but also the posture was not bad.

"How is it, isn't he handsome?" Xu Jie raised his head to look at Su Yun with a smile, but cold sweat broke out on the back of his neck.

Almost flipped over.

"Don't be shy, get up quickly." Su Yun pulled Xu Jie up from the ground, and finally a smile appeared on her worried face.

This scene reminded her of the wedding of the two, when the other party also knelt on one knee, so there was a touch of sweetness in her smile.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door outside the ward.

Xu Jie opened the door, it was his attending doctor.

"Doctor Wang, have my examination results come out?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked, the results of the physical examination will directly determine whether he will continue to be hospitalized or be discharged immediately. Of course, this is not decided by the doctor, nor by him. It was decided by Su Yun.

"Doctor, I'm a family member, do I need to talk outside?" Su Yun asked nervously.

Xu Jie opened his eyes wide and looked at Su Yun. How can he say that he seems to be terminally ill?

The doctor shook his head, handed the report to Su Yun, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu's physical examination report is out, and all the values ​​are within the normal range."

After Su Yun heard it, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then took the medical examination report and read it carefully. Although she couldn't understand it, she read it very carefully.

"I said I'm cured, but you still don't believe me. Now that Dr. Wang said it, you should believe it, right?" Xu Jie stepped forward and held Dr. Wang's hand tightly and said, "Thank you, Dr. Wang. Normal, does that mean I can be discharged from the hospital?"

"Well, you can leave the hospital." The doctor nodded, and then said, "Then I won't bother you two." After speaking, he turned and left the ward.

"Okay, don't look at it, let's go home quickly." Xu Jie urged.

In the hospital, although the room is bright and the nurses are gentle, but for some reason, I always feel uncomfortable, not even as comfortable as in the company.

Su Yun looked up at Xu Jie, and asked with concern: "Do you need to continue to rest here for a few more days?"

For patients, it is not only the body that needs to be recovered, but also the spirit. The mental state cannot be reflected by those physical values, and the recovery time of the mental state is often longer than that of the physical recovery.

"Honey, this is a hospital, not a holiday resort. If you want to recuperate, it's better to go home to recuperate. The home is so comfortable, and there are gardens and ponds." Xu Jie said.

Although he made a big fuss, he was still very touched by his wife's concern. No matter what, his wife was doing it for his own good. It might be the first time he encountered such a situation and he didn't have much experience, so he was overly cautious. It's understandable. .

Su Yun thought for a while, and felt that what Xu Jie said was also reasonable, he only came to the hospital when he was sick, and who came to the hospital for recuperation?

"Okay, let's leave the hospital and go home." Su Yun said.

"My wife is wise!"

Xu Jie hugged Su Yun happily and kissed him, then he started packing his things and going through the discharge procedures. After everything was settled, the two left the hospital, Su Yun drove, Xu Jie sat in the co-pilot, and finally they could go home.


Since Su Yun only took three days off from the crew, she had to leave the next day after returning home.

To be honest, she didn't want to leave, she wanted to continue to be by Xu Jie's side, but there was no way, hundreds of people from the whole crew were waiting for her in Hengdian, how could she delay the whole crew's filming progress because of herself?


"Husband, I'm leaving. You must have a good rest. Don't rush to work, remember?" Su Yun held Xu Jie's hand tightly and instructed her earnestly, her face full of concern and reluctance .

"Don't worry, wife, even if you don't tell me, I know. With a wife as good as you, can I bear to let you be a widow? I definitely want to grow old with you." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

It was less than an hour's drive from home to the airport, and he had listened to Su Yun's instructions no less than eight times, and no matter what they were talking about, the other party would eventually bring up the matter of letting him have a good rest.

For example, when talking about movies, Su Yun will let him not worry about the promotion of the movie. The studio will promote it at the end of the month, and he just needs to rest well. Only in good health can we take care of our aging parents.

"It's good to know." A satisfied smile appeared on Su Yun's face, and then she threw herself into Xu Jie's arms, hugged her man tightly, and finally let go after a few minutes.

Xu Jie waved his hand towards Su Yun, and didn't leave the airport until he saw the plane take off.

However, his next destination is not home, but the company.

In the past few days at the hospital and at home, he discovered a very serious problem, that is, the promotion of "Lover in Time and Space" is obviously much weaker than other movies released on National Day.

In the past few days, he has watched TV on the Internet, watched videos and gone out, and even dived in forums, but he rarely watched the promotion of "Lover in Time and Space".

Moreover, the ones he watched were also promoted by the TV station. As for JingTV Culture, there was no movement at all.

How does this work?
He handed over the promotion of the film to Wang Yunjie, another vice president of the company. If the other party did not do a good job of publicity, the help of those people in the cultural program center would definitely not be enough.

He wants to let the whole of China know that his movie is going to be released, not the city of Beijing.

The car stopped outside the Jingshi Cultural Building, Xu Jie got off the car and walked into the company quickly.

"Mr. Xu? You are here. Are you feeling better?" Yang Xiuyan at the front desk looked at Xu Jie with surprise. During the days when Vice President Xu was hospitalized, it felt like the whole company had stagnated.

"It's all good, is Vice President Wang in the company?" Xu Jie asked after answering.

"Yes." Yang Xiuyan said.

Xu Jie nodded, then walked towards the elevator.

On the way, everyone who saw him greeted him proactively.

"Hello, Mr. Xu."

"Mr. Xu, why don't you rest in the hospital for a few more days? Work is important, but your body is even more important."

"Mr. Xu? Welcome back to the company. After you come back, our hearts are finally settled."

"Mr. Xu, I heard about you, and I admire you so much. It's like riding a thousand miles alone, passing five trials and beating six generals. Please tell me, how can I be as good as you?"


Xu Jie came to the marketing business department, reached out and knocked on the door, and after hearing a "please come in", he pushed the door and walked in.

"Mr. Xu? You're back?" Wang Yunjie saw that the person entering the door was Xu Jie, and immediately stood up from her seat in surprise, looking at him flickeringly with her big piercing eyes.

"I was discharged from the hospital and came back to work. I came here today mainly to ask Mr. Wang how the promotion of the movie is going." Xu Jie said with a light smile.

He didn't immediately express his dissatisfaction with the current propaganda work, but wanted to hear about the other party's propaganda plan and what he had done in the past few days, and it would not be too late to express his dissatisfaction after listening.

"Mr. Xu, please sit down." Wang Yunjie pointed to the sofa in the office, then personally made a cup of tea for the other party, and brought it in front of the other party, "The promotion of the film is proceeding in an orderly manner, but due to the limited publicity funds, At present, it mainly relies on promotional videos and posters. After another ten days, when there is still about a week before the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, we will increase our publicity efforts...

Wang Yunjie is not stupid. The first thing Xu did when he came back to the company was to inquire about the promotion of the movie. He must be dissatisfied with the current promotion work.

But she can't do anything about it. It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. The other party only gave him 200 million publicity fees, which is not even a fraction of the publicity fees of some blockbuster films. When the movie is about to be released.

When Xu Jie heard it, he immediately understood what was going on.

Propaganda is also a very expensive thing, and even if it is burned, it may not have any effect.

In the case of other films spending tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars in publicity, the 200 million publicity fee of "Lover in Time and Space" can't last for a few days, so the method of shortening the publicity period like Wang Yunjie, although the intensity is far Not enough to brainwash the public, but at least it can leave some impressions on the public.

It's like an exam, some students start revising a month before the exam and some students start revising a week before the exam.

Maybe the test results of the latter are not as good as the former, but at least they can get a pass, and there are some people with good brains. Even if they only review for a week, their test scores will even be higher than those of the students who review for a month.

"Mr. Wang, I understand your difficulties, but you know the situation of this movie. You can't even pay the actor's salary. In the end, it was replaced in the form of sharing. To be honest, I will give you the 200 million publicity fee. , it was saved by the whole production crew, so I ask Mr. Wang to worry about it." Xu Jie said sincerely.

"Mr. Xu, don't worry. We are all members of the same company. I will definitely do my best. However, with our publicity funds, Mr. Xu's expectations should not be too high. In addition, if some unconventional publicity methods can be used, We still have a chance." Wang Yunjie suggested.

"Unconventional means of propaganda?" Xu Jie looked at the other party in doubt, what the hell is unconventional?

"Mr. Xu, publicity such as website and short video push, station subway posters, etc. can be regarded as conventional publicity, and the publicity method of increasing the flow of artists by reporting on artists, and then attracting them to film works is unconventional publicity. Every day I watch the "Literary Broadcast" of the Beijing Literature and Art Channel, but that level of publicity is far from enough, it can't cause a sensational effect at all, and its influence is very limited." Wang Yunjie said.

As a professional in publicity and marketing, when she saw the news in "Literary Broadcasting", she knew that Xu Jie must have asked her former colleagues to help.

But this kind of local station's program, and it's ordinary news, the audience hears it as soon as they hear it, and it can't attract people's attention at all. Under such circumstances, the effect of the report has little impact on the box office. For the public to pay attention, at least it should be the news of the hot search level to play a role.

In fact, she also wanted to do the same, to stir up the popularity of the artist before the movie was released, and then it would definitely attract more people's attention, and then pay attention to the artist's work.

But the problem is that the 200 million publicity fee is not even enough for formal publicity, and it is said to be hype.

Another point is that the male lead and female lead in this movie are Mr. Xu and his wife. How can this be hyped up?

Show affection?

too common.

Domestic violence, derailment and divorce, these negative news flows are available, but it is likely to backfire.

She has never encountered such a situation, and she doesn't know where to hype it, so she can only let Mr. Xu carry out unconventional publicity.

Xu Jie is an insider, so he immediately understood what Wang Yunjie meant.

It's just that when he wanted to hype the target and content, he also encountered difficulties.

In other movies, the male and female lead CPs are all speculated, because of the love of the drama, but he and Su Yun can't be speculated, because they are husband and wife, and the CP is legal, so they still have to speculate?
As for the hype about playing big names and empathy, these topics are all negative news. He firmly opposes such hype that will have a negative impact on Su Yun.

If men, women, and one can't do it, then we can only start with men, women, and women.

Fang Yi and Liu Qing couldn't help but appear in Xu Jie's mind.

If it was the CP who fired these two, Fang Yi would definitely not mind, but Liu Qing's...

Although Liu Qing has played a lot of silly and sweet roles over the years, she has seldom fired CP with others, and has always maintained the image of a young girl.

This is the company's positioning for her, and this positioning has also brought her a lot of fans.

If this image is suddenly broken, it will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among some fans. Once it leads to losing fans, it will also have a certain impact on Liu Qing's popularity.

and many more!

Since the fans don't agree, let's speculate it first to attract a wave of public enthusiasm, and then clarify it, isn't it all right?

Xu Jie suddenly thought of someone.

The strongest paparazzi Dai Wei.

It's time to use this card.

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