The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 822 Wind Direction

Xu Jie returned to his office, found Dai Wei's number in the phone contacts, and called him.

"Beep... beep... click!"

The other end of the phone was quickly connected, followed by Dai Wei's greetings.

"Hello, Mr. Xu."

The voice was not only respectful, but also trembling. Obviously, Dai Wei was very surprised by this call.

"Mr. Dai, I haven't contacted you for a long time. How are you doing recently?" Xu Jie asked lightly.

Speaking of which, four or five months have passed in the blink of an eye since the other party admitted his mistake and begged for mercy. I have to say that time flies so fast.

If he didn't want to hype the movie this time, he wouldn't be able to remember this person.

In fact, he can also do things like hype celebrity gossip. After all, the entertainment reporters on the Beijing TV station are all his people, but in terms of traffic and attention, it must be Dai Wei. The strongest paparazzi in China is not in vain. .

Just imagine, one side is an unknown reporter from a TV station, and the other side is Dai Wei, China's strongest paparazzi. Whoever's revelations can arouse the public's attention and heated discussions, must be Dai Wei.

"Mr. Xu, thanks to you, if you hadn't been merciful, I would have been a street mouse." Dai Wei said gratefully, and at the same time put himself very low.

What happened last time had already left a psychological shadow on him. Even when answering the phone, he didn't even dare to kick his breath. As for revenge, he didn't even dare to think about it.

"Oh? Is that so? Recently, I was admitted to the hospital due to alcoholism. Did you feel very happy after hearing the news?" Xu Jie asked.

The other party is the strongest paparazzi, this matter should not be hidden from the other party, after all, many people in the entertainment industry already know about it.

"No, no, actually, I've been worrying about Mr. Xu for the past few days. If it wasn't for my sensitive identity and worrying about your misunderstanding, I would have gone to the hospital to visit you a long time ago." After hearing this, Dai Wei quickly explained, and his whole back was in a cold sweat. DC, if he is really misunderstood by the other party, he still has to pack up and get out of the entertainment industry?

"Is that right, Mr. Dai?"

"It's absolutely true, by the way, Mr. Xu, don't call me Mr. Dai from now on, just call me Xiao Dai."

"Haha, don't be nervous, Mr. Dai. I'm calling you this time because I want you to do me a favor." Xu Jie said with a smile, remembering how arrogant the other party was to him before, how humble he is now .

"Mr. Xu, you are too polite. If you want to help or not, you can just tell me. Whether it is going up the mountain of swords or down into the sea of ​​fire, as long as you say a word, I will definitely do it." Dai Wei said seriously.

For him, it is an honor to be able to help Mr. Xu, and it also shows that he is still valuable in the other party's heart.

Don't look at the fact that the other party hasn't contacted him in the past few months. In fact, he has been very disturbed and uneasy in his heart. He is afraid that the other party will be in a bad mood one day, suddenly remember the bad things he did, and then directly sentence him to death.

Although he still doesn't know what the other party asked him to do, he is particularly at ease, because it at least proves that he is safe.

"It's like this. My movie "Lover in Time and Space" will be released at the end of the month. I want you to hype up the leading actors of the movie, Liu Qing and Fang Yi." Xu Jie said directly.

He has the handle of the other party, and has the ability to make the other party unable to turn over, so he is not afraid of the other party's leaking these words at all.

"No problem, Mr. Xu, you can leave this matter to me with confidence, and promise that the hype will be beautiful. Do you have any requirements for hype?" Dai Wei asked after hearing it.

Hype is one of the main businesses of his company, so this matter is a piece of cake for him.

"It is necessary to magnify the incident and control the direction of public opinion development, so as to avoid negative influence on Liu Qing and Fang Yi, which will affect the box office of the movie." Xu Jie said after thinking for a while.

The purpose of his hype is to promote the movie. If it makes the public feel disgusted and resistant, it is better not to hype.

"Understood!" Dai Wei said.

This requirement seems to be very simple, but it needs to master a certain scale, so it is still relatively difficult, but for him, it is not a big problem.

"Mr. Xu, did you give me the address, or did I send someone to follow up?" Dai Wei asked again.

"I'll give you the address." Xu Jie said.

If the other party went to follow up the filming, it is estimated that after the movie is over, there will be no photos of Liu Qing and Fang Yi in the same frame, because the two have no private communication other than filming.

Moreover, one of these two people is currently in Hengdian, and the other is in the capital. The two places are thousands of miles apart, so they can't be forced to be together, right?

So this opportunity for the two to meet depends on how he handles it.

"Understood Mr. Xu, I'll wait for your news." Dai Wei said.

"Well, hang up!"

"Goodbye Mr. Xu."

Dai Wei held the phone until he heard the blind tone, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. Immediately afterwards, he was extremely excited. The opportunity to prove himself to Mr. Xu finally came. .

After Xu Jie hung up the phone, he began to think about how to hype Liu Qing and Fang Yi.

The first thing to solve is how to get the two together.

Because only when two people meet face to face can they have the opportunity to take photos in the same frame. As long as there are photos in the same frame, can the story be made up casually?
Do you know how to look at pictures?
With Dai Wei's exposure, the public has preconceived ideas, and even if the person concerned clarifies it, it will only become darker and darker.

The reason why he didn't beat Dai Wei to death at the beginning was because he wanted to use this person to guide the public's awareness of news in the entertainment industry.

The TV station is the official media. Although it can broadcast entertainment news, it can't hype the news content. Dai Wei belongs to the private self-media and is still a leading figure. Strong paparazzi Dai Wei, not only the trends in the entertainment industry cannot escape his eyes, even the direction of the entertainment industry will be in his hands.

Let me ask, who would dare to black Su Yun in the future?
At least in terms of public opinion, he can protect Su Yun and prevent her from being attacked by others.

Xu Jie rummaged through the phone contacts for a while, and when he saw Fang Yi's number, he immediately called him.

After waiting for a few seconds, the call was connected.

"Hello, is this Fang Yi? I'm Xu Jie."

"Good afternoon Director Xu, I heard that you are hospitalized, are you okay?" Fang Yi's concerned voice came from the microphone.

"Okay, you've been discharged from the hospital. Where have you been recently? What are you doing? Are you busy?" Xu Jie asked directly three times.

"Director Xu, I've been reading scripts at home recently, and I occasionally go out to participate in a few commercial events. What's the matter?" Fang Yi asked curiously.

"It's like this. Isn't our movie going to be released soon? There will be some promotional activities for you to participate in during this period." Xu Jie said simply.

"Okay Director Xu, just send me the time and place of the event." Fang Yi was also unambiguous. It was also reflected when the actor contract was signed.

"Well, when there is an event, I will notify you one day in advance, just wait for my news, see you at the event."

"Okay Director Xu, pay attention to your body and see you when you exercise."

Xu Jie put down his phone, and immediately called Liu Qing.

In his opinion, Fang Yi's side is simple. Anyway, in the capital, he can basically be there whenever he is called. The key is Liu Qing. The other party is out of town, so the time for "activities" depends on when Liu Qing can come back.

Soon, the phone was connected.

"President Xu, Qingqing is filming, what do you want from her?" The person who answered the phone was Liu Qing's manager, Yuan Ou.

At first Xu Jie wanted the other party to hand over the mobile phone to Liu Qing, but then he thought that Liu Qing's work and itinerary were arranged by the company, and the agent, as the company's representative, should know everything about it.

And many times, celebrities need to listen to the arrangements of their managers, ranging from attending events to eating and drinking, so it doesn't matter if you tell Yuan Ou.

Another point is that Liu Qing's temper will explode as soon as he says it will explode, and Yuan Ou's will be the same, so it's easy to handle.

"It's almost the end of the month, and the movie is about to be released, so I want Liu Qing to come back to participate in a few promotional activities. Can Liu Qing ask for leave?" Xu Jie asked.

"Mr. Xu, it's okay to participate in the promotion, but can we talk about it in a week? Because Qingqing's play will be completed in another week, and I will definitely cooperate with the movie promotion." Yuan Ou asked in a discussion tone, and then He made a firm promise.

There is no way, I was scared by the lesson before, and I no longer dare to directly reject the other party.

She even felt that if she directly rejected the other party, the other party could even travel from the capital to Hengdian.

No one else could do this kind of thing, but she believed that that man would be able to do it.

Xu Jie thought about it after hearing it. If it was only a week, he could wait.

Originally, he didn't intend to hype it right away. After all, there are still more than ten days before the film's release.

"One week is a bit long, can't we speed it up?" Xu Jie asked, these words were mainly to pave the way for later bargaining.

"Mr. Xu, one week is already the fastest speed. Now Qingqing is shooting during the day and shooting at night. The workload is very heavy, and there is no extra time at all." Yuan Ou said awkwardly.

"But in this way, Liu Qing will miss two events, which will have a great impact on the film's promotion. In fact, you should also know that compared with other films, my film's promotional activities are relatively small. Yes Right?" Xu Jie said lightly.

"Mr. Xu, what you said is right. Let's do it. After a week, we will participate no matter how many activities there are, okay?" Yuan Ou almost begged.

Besides the boss, the only one who can make her so humble is Mr. Xu.

"Well, let me think about it again. By the way, what do you think about the hype of actors and actresses before the film's release?" Xu Jie changed the subject, but this was actually the main point of his call.

"This is a way of publicity. Many movies do this, but our Liu Qing follows the line of strength, so we never bother to do it." After Yuan Ou finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something, and asked suspiciously: "Mr. Xu, don't you want to promote the movie like this? But you and Sister Yun are husband and wife, how can you make a fuss?"

"My wife and I are not the only actors and actresses in the movie." Xu Jie said.

Yuan Ou was slightly taken aback, this time he finally understood what the other party meant.

It's not to fire one woman and one man, but to fire two women and two men!

"Mr. Xu, you also know that our Qingqing never hypes up the relationship between men and women. This is why Qingqing is popular with the public. If we do this, it will definitely have a great impact on Qingqing's popularity. "Yuan Ou said quickly, hoping to dispel the bad idea of ​​the other party.

"But you have to know that Liu Qing is not young anymore. She can still pretend to be a young girl in her early twenties, but she has already started her career, so what kind of young girl is she still pretending to be? It looks more real, and maybe it will gain a batch of new fans." Xu Jie said slowly.

Yuan Ou thought to himself: Why can't Bensan pretend to be a young lady?Female artists are well maintained. They are in their thirties and seem to be in their twenties. Besides, those in their forties are still designed by beautiful women.

But she also knew that if she explained it this way, the other party would definitely not give up, so she said: "Mr. Xu, why don't we stir up scandals between men and women, how about sisterhood? Sister Yun and Qingqing have such a good relationship, so I will find a professional writer to write a few more articles." The story, I believe it will move countless people.”

"Okay, if you don't know about sisterhood, how can there be a relationship between men and women that attracts people?"

Yuan Ou was so anxious that he was about to cry, isn't this going to destroy Qingqing?
In fact, it's not that she doesn't want to do this, but that she doesn't dare to do it.

Once such a thing as a person is broken, it will be difficult to stand up again, and it will even become a black history of a star, which will haunt it for a lifetime.

Too much risk!

"Mr. Xu, please be considerate of us." Yuan Ou said.

"You don't come back for movie promotion, and you don't want to hype. I understand you, but who understands me? This is my first movie." Xu Jie said in a deep voice, pretending to be very dissatisfied.

When Yuan Ou heard this, he felt a little panicked. Is the other party planning to force it?
"How about this, doesn't Liu Qing still need a week to film? I'll give you a week to think about my proposal while filming, and give me an answer when you return to the capital." Xu Jie spent a while talking. Turn around, not as aggressive as before.

"Thank you Mr. Xu, we will definitely think about it seriously." Yuan Ou said immediately, for fear that the other party would go back on his word.

For her, it's a week to fight for a week.

When the filming here is over, she won't be afraid of the other party's tossing.

"If you haven't come back after a week, don't blame me for turning my face and denying people." Xu Jie didn't forget to warn the other party, after all, the other party had a record of letting him go.

"Yes Yes."

Yuan Ou knew what the other party meant, so he repeatedly said yes.

call ended.

Xu Jie looked at the phone with a smile on his face.

He gave the other party a week to film for the other party, so in order to repay him, it should be fine for the other party to increase some attention for the movie through hype, right?

Xu Jie was not disappointed by Yuan Ou's answer of refusing to hype. Since he was able to find Dai Wei to hype, he didn't plan to get the consent of Yuan Ou and Liu Qing.

Even if Yuan Ou and Liu Qing disagreed, when the lace came out, it was Dai Wei's hype, it had nothing to do with him, and Yuan Ou could blame him for the blame.

If you say it again, so what if you blame him?

Of course, he definitely won't do it so obviously, it's not his style of doing things.

So, hype, he wants to hype.

He also wants to shake the pot.

Good guy, he wants to be too.


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