The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 825 Director Xu is Good

20 number.

All the main creators of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" came to Beijing TV Station to participate in the recording of the film and television interview program "Deep Talk on Film and Television".

"In-depth Film and Television Talk" is broadcast on Thursday night. Under normal circumstances, the recording work will be carried out during the daytime on Thursday. However, in order to have sufficient time for recording and post-production, Xu Jie moved the interview forward by one day.

Even though he is no longer working in the Art Program Center, his words are still useful here. You must know that not only the programs here are created by him, but even the current backbones are all brought out by him, so like this time The request to record the program in advance is just a matter of his one sentence.

The staff of the program team were doing final adjustments, and Xu Jie called all the crew to the front.

"Have you written down the content of the interview?" Xu Jie looked at the crowd, and finally his eyes fell on Liu Qing.

He is at ease with everyone else, except for Liu Qing. This is one of the important reasons why he has not signed the performance contract of "Legend of Lan Xi" with the other party. I had to listen to him, and I was still complaining to him when I was reading the interview draft last night.

"Write it down." Everyone said after hearing it, including Su Yun who just flew back to the capital from Hengdian.

"Director Xu, wait a minute and see my performance, I guarantee you will be satisfied." Liu Qing said loudly, looking confident.

Xu Jie frowned, what did the other party say?I closed my eyes and listened, thinking that this was not a recording site of a TV station, but a massage place in a bathing center.

"Not only do you have to remember the answer, but accepting an interview is not as simple as a question and an answer. You are actors, and as long as you are in front of the camera, you have to perform. The interview is also a show in essence, understand?" Xu Jie said seriously.

The "truth" and "temperament" that the audience sees in the programs and news are actually just performed by the stars. It is a performance of establishing a persona to please the audience.



Everyone was nodding in response, but Liu Qing's voice was especially loud.

Xu Jie looked at the other party. The more this woman was like this, the more worried he was. He always felt that the other party was going to be a monster, hoping it was just an illusion.

"Old Xu, everything is ready." Qin Yan came to Xu Jie's side and said.

She also had a cameo in the movie "Lover in Time and Space", so she naturally spared no effort to promote the movie.


Xu Jie nodded, and then took the lead on the recording site.

He has stood here countless times, but today he is no longer the director of "In-depth Film and Television Talk", but the interviewee of this program - the director of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" and the number one male.

With the movie hosts sitting in their respective seats, the host Qin Yan started the familiar opening speech.

"Hello, friends who love movies, welcome to the new issue of "In-depth Film and Television Talk". Today we are inviting the main creators of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space"..."

Although Xu Jie is not a star, but as the director of the movie and the number one male, there are still a lot of interviews about him.

Especially in the first half about the content of the movie, he is also a screenwriter. If he wants to talk about a love movie in depth, he must talk about it himself.

As for the others, Xu Jie also prepared the answer, and expressed the movie from the perspective of actors and characters, which can be said to be a laborious effort.

In fact, in today's recording, he is not only the subject of the interview, but also the director of the show, because he is responsible for writing all the interview content of this episode, and he will also be in charge of the post-production.

The part about the content of the movie was recorded soon, and the next part is the interview part about personal content, which is also the part that the audience likes gossip the most.

Many film and television dramas are because of this part that allows the audience to have a new understanding of the actors, thereby increasing their attention to the film and television dramas.

Regarding Xu Jie's personal interview, Su Yun must be inseparable, so the two interviews were carried out almost at the same time, and most of the content was about showing affection and spreading dog food.

It's not that Xu Jie doesn't want to add some lace to himself. It's really not suitable for married people to use this method of publicity. Once this happens, although they won the traffic and there are disputes, there are also black spots.

May I ask which star couple in the entertainment industry does not have a loving personality?Is there any married actor who would set Lihuaxin or cheating?Isn't that cast aside by the majority of female audiences?

Therefore, the responsibility for the scandals all fell on the second female and second male.

"Qingqing, are you still single? You had sparks with Fang Yi in the play, but did you have sparks with Fang Yi outside the play?" Qin Yan asked with a half-smile.

When Liu Qing heard it, her pretty face turned red immediately, then she turned her head slightly, glanced shyly at Fang Yi beside her, and said in a low voice, "Nothing."


Xu Jie was stunned.


This is different from the answer I decided last night.

He knew that there must be something wrong with the other party's positive response before the recording of the show, because everything is impermanent and there must be a demon.

But then again, this expression, coupled with this answer, is obviously insincere, who would believe it?
If the audience doesn't believe it, just looking at Liu Qing's shy look, they will definitely think in a wrong way, isn't this topic already there?

Qin Yan heard that Liu Qing's answer was different from the script, and saw that Xu Jie didn't stop, so she cooperated and continued to ask: "Is it true? The answer in your eyes is different from the answer in your mouth. I have some sweet memories, so let me ask you another question, do you have any template for your future boyfriend?"

"Template..." Liu Qing pretended to think.

"Well, you choose one of the male actors you have worked with." Qin Yan said, because there are too many female stars interviewed and too many gossips discussed, so even if she doesn't follow the script, she can still It's good for improvising, although it's not live, it's just recorded.

"Actors who have worked with..." Liu Qing put on a serious look, and at the same time, he still kept his eyes on the three actors on the stage.

Xu Jie, Fang Yi, and Wang Zijian looked at it in turn, and their bright eyes sparkled, saying that she was just looking at it casually, but it seemed to be full of stories.

After a while, he mustered up his courage and said coyly, "I think... Director Xu is pretty good."



Xu Jie was stunned, Qin Yan was stunned, and everyone else present was also stunned.

This answer is too... bold, right?
Su Yun is still at the side.

Qin Yan quickly came back to her senses, as if she had dug a big melon, and hurriedly asked: "What do you think is good about Director Xu?"

"Stop, pause!" Xu Jie sat up straight.

It's okay not to follow the script, but at least it needs to be more reliable. This answer sounds like there is something between the two of you. You must know that he is a married person.

"Don't stop, keep going!" Qin Yan said to the camera, and then continued to look at Liu Qing.

As for the section that called to stop just now, it can be cut out later.

Liu Qing didn't stop, she looked at Xu Jie and replied: "Director Xu can direct plays, can write screenplays, and can also act. It can be said that he is versatile. The most important thing is that he is usually very gentle and considerate to Sister Yun... ..."

When Xu Jie was praised by Liu Qing, he immediately felt goosebumps all over the floor.

Although they are all facts, the words coming out of Liu Qing's mouth are disgusting, so disgusting.

And if he remembers correctly, this should be the first time the other party has praised him. Whether it was in front of him or behind his back, he didn't hurt him less.

Could it be that the other party is deliberately praising him here in order to get the number one female lead in the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi"?

All the flattery was filmed in the recording program?really do.

Xu Jie saw that everyone was very involved in the show, so he didn't call to stop, just thinking about cutting this episode off the air in the later stage.

"Director Xu, do you have anything to say about Qingqing's praise?" Qin Yan asked Xu Jie with a smile.

Xu Jie turned to look at Liu Qing after hearing this, and said, "I just want to say to you: Don't fall in love with brother secretly, you already have a sister-in-law."

"Ha ha!"

There were bursts of laughter at the scene.


Because of Liu Qing's "acting on the spot", all subsequent interviews were messed up.

Originally, the show wanted to fire the CP couple Liu Qing and Fang Yi to increase the selling point of the movie, but after Liu Qing talked nonsense, Fang Yi had to modify the answer, and then the scene became that Fang Yi admired Liu Qing, and Liu Qing made Xu With Jie as a template, Xu Jie and Su Yun show off their affection again...

It wasn't until the interview with Ding Mengni and Wang Zijian that the script got back on track.

Don't look at Xu Jie talking and laughing happily in front of the camera, but in her heart, she already hates Liu Qingya so much.

Doesn't this cause him trouble in post-production?
The show, which was less than half an hour long, was recorded for three full hours before it ended.

However, the people in the program group seemed to be full of ideas, because they thought this program was too interesting.

"Director Xu, how did I behave just now, did I care too much?" Liu Qing asked with a smile while waiting for Xu Jie's compliment.

"Hmph, thanks to you, the post-editing workload has tripled." Xu Jie said coldly.

"Isn't the recording just now very complete?" Liu Qing didn't even feel the passage of time, thinking that only an hour had passed.

"Let me ask you, during the interview just now, why didn't you answer the questions according to the script?" Xu Jie stared at the other party.

"Aren't I here to praise you and to establish a good man's image in front of the audience? Among our leading actors, you are the least well-known one. I have to let the audience know you." Liu Qing explained eloquently.

"If everyone is like you, what's the point of my meeting last night?" Xu Jie said angrily.

"Isn't the purpose of the meeting last night to let us know the questions raised in the interview?" Liu Qing blinked and asked.

"Nonsense, is it inconvenient for me to mass-send the interview content to you? You are sincerely making trouble. It seems that I have to seriously consider your role as the female lead." Xu Jie said in a deep voice.

"Sister Yun, it's unreasonable!" Liu Qing hugged Su Yun's arm and cried loudly: "I said so many good things about him, but he actually thinks I'm making trouble. I judge."

Su Yun stretched out her hand and patted Liu Qing's shoulder to comfort her, then looked at Xu Jie, smiled lightly and said, "I think the interview about Qingqing was quite interesting, didn't you see everyone was laughing all the time?"

"That's right, I suggest keeping it." Qin Yan came over after hearing it. Although Liu Qing's interview didn't follow the script, it was very exciting.

If even the staff of these program groups think it's exciting, wouldn't the audience think it's even more exciting after watching the condensed version of the interview?

If it wasn't for the conditions, she even wanted to extend this episode to 10 minutes.

There is no way, there is too much content to present to the audience.

"Go, go, don't mess around." Xu Jie said to Qin Yan, the other party is the host of the show, why is it so messy?

"I just praised you, but I didn't say I like you. It scares you. Haven't you heard of the old bringing the new? As a senior in the film industry, I use this method to praise you, a newcomer, and bring you into the circle." , isn’t this a normal thing? Right, sister Yun?” Liu Qing said.

Su Yun nodded.

In the film industry, it is very difficult for a newcomer to succeed. In order to allow the audience to accept it faster, various companies will adopt the old way to lead the new, let the senior lead the younger generation, let the star lead the newcomer, so everyone can often be in some In the movie, I saw the combination of the male protagonist being a big star and the female protagonist being a newcomer.

In fact, not only the film industry, but also the music industry. When she debuted, she went to the concert of the senior singers of the same company as a guest performer. Later, when she became famous, she also started to lead the newcomers in the company. Even when Tang Fei first debuted , she also took each other.

"Okay, the recording of the show is over, you all hurry up, I know how to cut it." Xu Jie didn't want to continue discussing this issue.

"Well, let's have a show of hands to vote." After Qin Yan finished speaking, she clapped her hands vigorously, and after attracting everyone's attention, she said loudly: "I want to ask you something, what do you think about interviewing Liu? Wasn't that part of Qing wonderful?"

"Wonderful!" The program team members headed by Miao Zhenzhen replied loudly.

"Do you want to keep it in the feature film?" Qin Yan asked again.


Qin Yan looked at Xu Jie and said, "Old Xu, look, this is public opinion. Don't worry, it won't affect your and Liu Qing's reputation."

"That's right, Mr. Xu. In fact, the interview was nothing, and it was only a few minutes after it was cut into the feature film. Although our program has always been gossip, it never has a negative impact on the stars. You know this." Miao Zhen Jane also persuaded.

"Zhenzhen is the director now, so I just listen to Zhenzhen." Qin Yan made the final decision.

Xu Jie frowned when he heard these people's words.

"Are you trying to rebel?"

"Don't dare, we are doing this for the good of the movie. Don't forget, we are also actors and part of the movie." Qin Yan said with a smile.

She has several lines in the movie, and Miao Zhenzhen and the others also appear on the scene.

"Mr. Xu, when you left, you handed over this show to us, which fully demonstrated your trust in us. Well, this time, you still hand over the show to me, and we will be in charge of the post-production. You can watch it from the sidelines. If something feels inappropriate, can't we cut it off?" Miao Zhenzhen said seriously.

Xu Jie was originally going to be in charge of the later stage in person. Now that Director Miao has said so, what else can he say?

This time, give them a chance to show off!

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