The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 826 Propaganda and Hype


"Deep Talk on Film and Television" was broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV on time.

As the most well-known film and television interview program in China, "In-depth Film and Television Talk" mainly interviews the film and television drama crews that are about to be released or broadcast, and always puts the quality of film and television dramas in the first place, so it has gained countless loyal fans in China. Fans have also won a high reputation for the show.

Another magic weapon for the success of the program is that the interviews are interspersed with personal questions about the stars, and its simple, direct and bold interview methods are also deeply loved by the audience.

Therefore, not only people who love movies and TV shows like to watch them, but also those who are keen on celebrity gossip, and the ratings are not high.

But when people stood in front of the TV and saw the latest program, everyone was stunned.

Old Xu?

Anyone who is familiar with "In-depth Film and Television Talk" knows that Lao Xu was not only the director of this program, but also the founder of this program.

But today, why did he leave the country?

And also sitting in the interview booth.

Shouldn't that be where the invited crew sits?
Next, when everyone heard what the host said, they finally understood that this episode was about a movie directed and starred by Lao Xu.

The show creator is back for an interview on the show?That's where it gets interesting.

So, everyone watched with relish.

If in the past, everyone watched "In-depth Film and Television Talk" because of film and television dramas and celebrity gossip, then this time, everyone is completely focused on Lao Xu.

Who is Lao Xu?

The director and protagonist of "Delicious History", the director of "In-depth Film and Television Talk", the chief director of "Crossover Actor", and the chief director of "Ordinary Courage"...

Based on this brilliant resume, the films directed and starring Lao Xu are worth looking forward to.

As the interview progressed, the content of the movie and the cast of the cast were also known to everyone.

Through love movies?

Time travel with a character from Delicious History?
The female number one is Su Yun?

Husband and wife movie?
Liu Qing bid farewell to the innocent and sweet role in the past?

Change to the ruthless and unintentional black-bellied route?

Actress Liu Jiaman returns to the film industry after six years?
After the cameo, will you also star in the TV series?

Although everyone has not seen the feature film or heard the spoiler, but with so many highlights, people can't help but want to see the true content of the film.

At least it looks like there are many attractions.

The interview session about the content of the movie ended soon, and then it was the turn of the star's personal interview session.

The love between Lao Xu and Su Yun is very enviable. This can be seen from the eyes they look at each other. It really means that there is me in you, and you in me.

And when it was Liu Qing's turn to interview, it was another style of painting

Liu Qing, who has always shown the image of a young and beautiful girl, not only showed a rare shy performance this time, but also boldly talked about the template of the ideal object in the future, which also made many people realize that Liu Qing has also grown up. The age of love.

Next is Fang Yi.

Although his expression was not so straightforward, his eyes and words all revealed his admiration and appreciation for Liu Qing, coupled with the interaction with Liu Qing, it also added a bit of ambiguity between the two.

In contrast, the interview process between Ding Mengni and Wang Zijian was relatively calm, but Ding Mengni's fresh temperament still left a deep impression on people.

Finally, the show is over.

However, for many viewers, there is a feeling that there is still more to say.

And many topics that appeared in the program have also become the focus of people's discussion.

"I said why Lao Xu didn't have time to act in "Delicious History", so he went to make a movie."

"He has filmed food programs, filmed film and television programs, and filmed variety shows. Lao Xu is really versatile."

"Old Xu and Su Yun seem to be so affectionate, they are really beyond appearance. I finally know what Su Yun likes in Old Xu."

"Fart, old Xu is also very handsome!"

"Have you noticed Liu Qing and Fang Yi's every move? Why do I feel that they have something to do? Do you think so?"

"Liu Qing said that the future boyfriend template is Lao Xu. I feel that he is using Lao Xu to block the gun. What he really wants to talk about may be Fang Yi. You can tell from the way Liu Qing looks at Fang Yi. Every time he is shy Yes, there must be a problem."


The most heated discussions on the Internet were the fans of Liu Qing and Fang Yi.

The fans of both sides are roughly divided into two factions: one faction thinks that the two are talented and beautiful, and supports the two to form a CP;

And the latter is divided into two camps, one is Liu Qing's fans, who feel that Fang Yi is not good enough for his idol, and the other is Fang Yi's fans, who think Liu Qing is not good enough for his brother.

Since the two sides were at odds with each other, and no one would accept the other, the discussion gradually turned into mutual blackmail.

Things were not going well between the stars, but a scolding war broke out among the fans.

Not long after "In-depth Film and Television Talk" ended, the topic of Liu Qing and Fang Yi rushed to the trending searches, which not only brought popularity to the two stars, but also brought excitement to their new movie "Lovers in Time and Space". the heat.

Because it was a newly released program, the popularity of this topic was getting higher and higher. From the original dozen or so, it went up step by step, and at 0 o'clock in the middle of the night, it directly entered the top five.

If it is normal, 0 o'clock is nothing, but this time 0 o'clock heralds the arrival of the 22nd, which also marks the unified pre-sale of National Day movies.

The broadcast of "In-depth Film and Television Talk", coupled with the scandal of Liu Qing and Fang Yi, the superposition of double buffs made "Lovers in Time and Space" once ranked first at the beginning of the pre-sale, even surpassing the main theme movie that has been favored by theaters across the country "The Tides" and "Homeland," as well as the highly anticipated comedy "Crazy Cosmic Man" and the war drama "Guild Wars," were also left behind, and that didn't happen until 11:[-] p.m. changes happened.

The first place became "The Wave", "Homeland" ranked second, "Lover in Time and Space" ranked third, "Crazy Cosmic Man" ranked fifth, "Guild Wars" ranked sixth, "Most Heartbreaking" "seventh……

"It really deserves to be a blockbuster with the main theme. It only took one morning to surpass it." Xu Jie looked at the pre-sale list and couldn't help feeling emotional.

It seems that the All-Star lineup is still loved by everyone.

And comparing the number of screens scheduled, these two films far exceed other films.

Like "The Wave" and "Homeland", the first day of filming exceeded 8, while the first day of "Lover in Time and Space" was much inferior, with only a little over 1.

The only comedy film "Crazy Cosmic Man" has 3 screenings. As for "Most Heartwarming", which has a theater company background, it has more than 2 screenings.

In contrast, the schedule of action films "Guild Wars" and "Enemy of the People" is far from expectations, only a few thousand, while other movies, some 1, some hundreds, combined are not even as good as the top rankings. A fraction of a few.

Xu Jie silently calculated that if calculated according to the film schedule displayed on the pre-sale, the film schedule of his movie "Lover in Time and Space" would be 15.00% not to mention [-]%, which would be pretty good.

"What the hell, no one will betray the water, right?" Xu Jie frowned again.

Of course, there are still some theaters and theaters that did not participate in the pre-sale in the first place. Most of them are mainly small and medium-sized theaters, waiting to see the number of pre-sales, and then arrange films according to the pre-sales.

"Ring bell bell!"

A burst of music sounded, Xu Jie glanced at the phone, and then connected the call.

"Hello, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked the other party while watching the pre-sale.

It was Qin Yan who called.

"Old Xu, the ratings of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" came out last night, how much do you guess?" Qin Yan asked, her voice was full of excitement and joy.

Obviously the ratings must be higher than usual, otherwise she wouldn't be so happy.

"Break 3?" Xu Jie asked.

For him who used to be in the art program center, it was normal for the program ratings to break 2, but since he directed "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage", it is normal for the program ratings to break 3.

There's no way, all regular programs break 3, it's too common.

On the other side, Qin Yan's smile froze, and she almost wanted to curse, but she finally held back and said angrily, "Your program has high ratings, do you think all programs have high ratings?"

For most variety shows, breaking 2 is already very good, while for other shows, breaking 1 is already very good.

"I thought if you were so happy, the ratings would be very high." Xu Jie explained, thinking: I didn't say it broke 4, it's already very good.

For him who broke 3 in the regular period, now only breaking 4 can make him feel happy.

Qin Yan's mood suddenly turned bad.

It's really people-to-people, maddening people.

The audience rating in the other party's heart is very high, is it breaking 3?

However, in her heart, breaking 2 is already very good.

"Let me tell you, it's 2.256!" Qin Yan said directly, and she didn't give a shit about it anymore. She felt that if she continued to sell it, she would only get hurt more.

"Really? That's really tall, congratulations." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing that.

As the former director of "In-depth Film and Television Talk", he is well aware that the ratings of this program are usually around 1.8, but this time it can reach above 2.2. For the program team, it is indeed something to be happy about.

In fact, he is also happy.

Because of the high ratings, it means that the more people watch it, the more people will know about his movie. On the contrary, if the ratings of the program are low, there must be very few people who know about his movie.

"Ha ha!"

Qin Yan smirked twice.

She was very happy at first, but after hearing the other party's guess, she suddenly became unhappy.

Where is this congratulations?It was clearly a blow to her enthusiasm for work.

"Okay, it's okay." Qin Yan simply hung up the phone, without saying a lot of things.

She thought that the other party cared about the ratings of the show, so she called the other party as soon as she received the news, but she thought that the other party didn't care at all.

Alas, I really gave up on the show completely.

In fact, Xu Jie didn't care about the show. He brought the crew to participate in "Film and Television Talk". Could he not care about the ratings?
It's just that he still has something more important than the ratings of the show, and that is the pre-sale of the box office.

As box office pre-sales change, the number of films scheduled for the first day will also change.

He wants to make publicity based on these changes, and finally achieve the goal of improving pre-sales.

Seeing that the gap between his own movie and the top two in box office pre-sale was getting deeper and deeper, and it was about to be overtaken by the next movie, Xu Jie directly sent a text message to Dai Wei.

"It's time to start."

The popularity of Liu Qing and Fang Yi has gradually subsided, and it's time to put them on the top of the trending searches again.

Soon, the phone received a reply from Dai Wei.


Xu Jie entered Weibo, found Dai Wei in it, and followed the other party's Weibo updates.

Maybe it's because of too many subordinates, Dai Wei's Weibo has not posted information for a long time. The last time was in the middle of last year, when he revealed that a well-known actress was a mistress, and the object was the boss of an entertainment company.

Later, the boss got divorced, but he didn't marry the actress either.

After a few minutes...

Dai Wei's Weibo suddenly changed, and there was an update.

"A late-night secret meeting between a certain flower and a certain student."

A few photos are attached below. According to the time on the photos, a certain Xiaosheng entered the hotel room at 21:50 in the evening, and then at 22:[-], a certain Xiaohua appeared outside the same room.

The next step is to look at the picture and talk. After a certain Xiaohua knocked on the door, a certain Xiaosheng opened the door, and while letting a certain Xiaohua enter the room, he looked around in the corridor...

Although there is no direct name call on Weibo, and the photos have been blurred, but because there are no such jobs as hats, sunglasses, and masks, everyone can see clearly.

A certain Xiaohua is Liu Qing, and a certain Xiaosheng is Fang Yi.

One stone caused a thousand waves!

Who is Dai Wei?

Huaxia's strongest paparazzi has a lot of attention. As soon as he updated Weibo, he still secretly filmed the content of opening a house, which immediately attracted the attention of countless netizens.

Moreover, Liu Qing is a popular actress, and Fang Yi is also a second-tier male artist. The two had a room in a hotel, even if one was unmarried and the other was unmarried, it quickly detonated the entire Internet.

"After watching "In-depth Film and Television Talk", I guessed that the two of them had something to do, and I guessed it right!"

"I didn't expect that the two of them were really in a relationship, and it had developed to this point. I remember that the movie "Lover in Time and Space" was launched in February of the beginning of the year, and it was only half a year."

"As the deputy head of Liu Qing's fan group, I firmly oppose her falling in love with Fang Yi. Fang Yi is not good enough for my Qingqing."

"Nonsense, my family Fang Yi is tall and handsome, and he is more than enough to rub with Liu Qing. It should be because Liu Qing's ancestral grave is smoking that he met my family Fang Yi."


Fans were surprised and surprised.

After watching "In-depth Film and Television Talk" last night, the matter about Liu Qing and Fang Yi was still in theory, but seeing these photos, the theory immediately rose to reality.

And there are pictures and real thoughts!
This time, I can't believe it.

As a result, the news about Liu Qing and Fang Yi's late-night housekeeping immediately rushed to the hot search again, and this time it went straight to the top, ranking first.

In fact, not only the fans were surprised, but the parties were also surprised.

When Liu Qing swiped Weibo and saw her news, she was stunned.

This, isn't this when I went to Director Xu's room the night before to discuss with the crew members about the interview for "In-depth Film and Television Talk"?How did it become a room with Fang Yi?

"Ring bell bell!"

At this time, Liu Qing's mobile phone rang suddenly, it was Yuan Ou calling.

"Miss Gull..."

"Qingqing, what's going on in the news? When did you secretly start a room with Fang Yi?" Yuan Ou was going crazy. As Qingqing's agent, she didn't know such a big thing, and she was a friend of the reporter. I called and told her, otherwise she would have been kept in the dark.

"Sister Ou, look at the clothes I'm wearing. They were worn when I went to see Director Xu the night before yesterday!" Liu Qing reminded.

When participating in the show, she can act whatever she wants, but in private, she firmly refuses to admit it.

Yuan Ou heard it, and then looked at the photo carefully, it seemed that it was indeed the clothes she wore that night.

It's not that artists can't fall in love, but they must be cautious when falling in love, otherwise they will not only lose their fans, but also affect their own commercial value.

When celebrities announce their love affairs, they will be directly abandoned by many brands. This is one of the important reasons why most celebrities conceal their love affairs and even their marriage history.

"Strange, how could it be possible to be targeted by Dai Wei? Why have I never received any news or felt it?" Yuan Ou was puzzled.

In fact, these are secondary. The most important point is that Dai Wei didn't even contact her to talk about the hush money before posting on Weibo.

One must know that in the past, this was a common occurrence. Many stars in the entertainment industry gave Dai Wei hush money, and even took the initiative to win him over.

"Sister Ou, do you think it's because Dai Wei secretly photographed Director Xu last time and lost a sum of money, but he didn't want to do it, so he continued to be lazy, but instead of taking pictures of Director Xu, he and I were photographed. Where is Fang Yi?" Liu Qing asked.

Back then, she had a scene with Director Xu in front of Dai Wei's paparazzi.

When Yuan Ou heard this, he immediately felt that it was very possible.

What can't a person like Dai Wei do?
Maybe he is planning to use this incident to restore his negative image of making fake news after failing the lawsuit.

Fortunately, Director Xu testified, otherwise, he would not be able to clean up if he jumped into the Yellow River.

"Qingqing, you should immediately call Director Xu and ask him to post on Weibo to clarify what happened that night!" Yuan Ou directed Qingqing.

If it wasn't for the bad relationship with Director Xu, she would have taken the initiative to make this call.

And that Dai Wei must have wanted to get her to take the initiative to pay to take down that Weibo by exposing the photos, but this time, she didn't do that.

"I see." Liu Qing said.

Although the news was fake, she also knew the power of the news, so she immediately took out another mobile phone and called Xu Jie.

"Beep...beep...beep...the user you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later."

Why didn't you answer?
Liu Qing called again.


Still no response.

Liu Qing was a little anxious and didn't want to waste any more time, so she called Sister Yun directly.

She couldn't get in touch with Director Xu, but Sister Yun was Director Xu's wife, so she would definitely be able to.

"Qingqing, what's the matter?" Su Yun asked after answering the phone.

"Sister Yun, does Director Xu have another mobile phone number? I want him to help me clarify the fake news that Dai Wei sent, or you can contact me for me." Liu Qing said straight to the point.

Things like gossip must be nipped in the bud, otherwise, the more the discussion goes on, the more likely accidents will happen, and if it is not done well, it will easily involve black history.


Su Yun readily agreed, and it was just a matter of effort for her.

She knew that Xu Jie had two mobile phones, but she didn't know which one Qingqing was talking about, so she could only call the one she used often and try her luck.

"Beep... beep... click!"

The phone is connected quickly.

Su Yun froze for a moment, so fast?
"Honey, what's the matter? Did you miss me?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

"Qingqing called me and wanted you to help clarify her scandal with Fang Yi. Do you know what's going on?" Su Yun asked suspiciously.

In fact, she also saw those photos and felt a little incredible.

She was there when the movie was being filmed, so why didn't Liu Qing find Fang Yi interesting?

"What else can happen? I did it." Xu Jie didn't hide anything, and told the other party the truth directly. He believed that Su Yun could understand him.


Su Yun was taken aback, her brain couldn't even keep up.

Qingqing asked the other party to clarify, but this scandal was caused by the other party?
"Hype, promote the movie, understand?" Xu Jie said.


Su Yun suddenly realized that it was for publicity.


"Did you not get Qingqing's consent for this promotion?" Su Yun asked.

Although it is common in the film and television industry to use celebrity gossip to attract attention to movies, the crew and publicists usually communicate with the stars, and will conduct research on the exposed content and scale, but it can be heard from Qingqing's phone call just now , the other party did not know about it.

"No, that's why I found Dai Wei and asked him to publish it, otherwise I would directly register a small account and expose it." Xu Jie said.


Su Yun was a little speechless, with a wry smile on her face.

Don't you still want to cooperate with Qingqing in TV series?
How can there be such a trick actor?

"Do this, okay? Will it affect Qingqing?" Su Yun asked worriedly, hype is hype, if Qingqing is deceived, it will be bad.

She feels that neither the producer nor the publicist can harm the interests of the actors for the sake of movie promotion, which is immoral.

Of course, she didn't tell Xu Jie this. After all, Xu Jie is her husband, and she vaguely felt that since her husband dared to order Dai Wei to do this, there must be countermeasures to resolve it.

"Don't worry, my wife, let this heat last for a day or two. After the heat is over, I will stand up and clarify for them. There are two heats inside and out." Merchant House.

"But, how should I explain to Qingqing?" Su Yun asked with a wry smile.

"Let's just say I didn't get through. In fact, I saw her call just now, and I didn't answer it at all." Xu Jie came up with a reply for Su Yun.


Su Yun shook her head, no wonder Liu Qing said she couldn't get through, and people didn't want to pick it up, so it's no wonder they could get through.

Isn't there such a sentence?Never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep.

Put it here, never get through to a cell phone of a person who doesn't want to answer the call.

"I see." Su Yun said.

Although she didn't want to do this, but for the sake of her husband and the movie, she could only choose to let Liu Qing endure the humiliation.

Qingqing, Qingqing, you just donate once!


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