The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 827 Pre-sale changes

The news about Liu Qing and Fang Yi's late-night housekeeping has remained high. Although the management teams of both parties have explained what happened that night on Weibo, it feels like they are trying to hide it.

In fact, it’s not that the public doesn’t want to believe the explanations of the stars and the team. It’s just that too many similar things have happened before, and they were all hammered in the end, seriously damaging the public’s trust in the stars. This also makes everyone prefer to believe the rumors on the Internet. , I don't believe the star's explanation either.

What's more, there are still photos this time!
In this incident, the biggest beneficiary is undoubtedly the movie "Lover in Time and Space".

According to "enthusiastic netizens", Liu Qing and Fang Yi may have met during the filming of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space", and it can be regarded as a work of love between the two. For this reason, netizens will also pay attention to this Movies, the growth of pre-sales is the best proof.

In contrast, the old-fashioned propaganda of other movies, such as: playing big names, boasting acting skills, etc., no one paid attention at all.

Undoubtedly, "Out of Time and Space" has seized the opportunity in publicity. On the first day of the pre-sale, no movie can match the topic of it.

The time came to 0:[-] midnight.

The first day of pre-sale of the National Day file is released.

The top two movies are still the movies "Big Wave" and "Homeland", with pre-sales of 4081 million and 3421 million respectively, which can be said to be far ahead.

The third place is "Crazy Cosmic Man", with a pre-sale of 1364 million, while "Lover in Time and Space", which only had 510 screenings on the first day, ranked fourth, with a pre-sale of 2.5 million. "Most Heartbeat", which has a daily schedule of 496 shows, has a pre-sale of [-] million.

As for the action films "Guild Wars" and "Full Name Enemy", the pre-sales were less than 200 million.

And for all the 1 movies that started pre-sale, the total pre-sale exceeded [-] million.

The pre-sale of more than [-] million yuan represents the popularity of the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day film market, but for the list of pre-sales on the first day, it can be said that some people are happy and some are worried.

There is no surprise in the top three. Professionals in the film industry had already predicted it long before the pre-sale started, and even passers-by could guess it.

But starting from No.4, the subsequent rankings have exceeded everyone's expectations, and it can be described as "chaotic".

According to filmmakers' predictions, "Gunfight" and "The Enemy of All People" should be ranked fourth and fifth. After all, the market for criminal action movies has always been very large, and their performance in the film market in recent years has also been very impressive. What's more, there are many first-line male stars starring in it, which can be said to be full of hormones.

However, "Most Heartbeat" and "Lover in Time and Space" are unanimously unfavorable, and the reason is very simple. Romance movies are usually selected to be released on Valentine's Day and Christmas Eve, but now they go to the highly competitive National Day file to join in the fun. Short strike long, asking for trouble?

But now...

The reality turned out to be contrary to the prediction. The two romance movies rushed to the fourth and fifth places, but the two crime action movies were ranked behind. This result undoubtedly slapped those professionals in the face, and at the same time, it seemed to tell everyone, This year's Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day will be a big melee, and dark horses have already appeared.

Of course, the pre-sale has only passed one day, and no one knows what will happen to the pre-sale in the next few days, and as the film studio continues to increase its publicity, the results of the pre-sale will definitely get better and better. must.

Xu Jie is still very satisfied with the pre-sale results on the first day.

There are fewer shows and more pre-sales, what does this mean?
It shows that the attendance rate is high!

A high attendance rate means that the movie is popular, and it also means that the box office value is high.

The cost of playing a movie is fixed, so for theaters, of course, the more tickets sold for a single show, the more money they will make when the final accounts are divided.

On the contrary, if only a few tickets are sold for a movie, the theater will not even be able to recover the costs of rent and labor costs.

The result of the two situations is that for movies with a high attendance rate, theaters usually increase the number of films, while for movies with a low attendance rate, theaters will reduce the number of shows.

This is why the box office of some movies will grow steadily.

You must know that under normal circumstances, the box office of a single day will gradually decrease over time.

Xu Jie believes that with the pre-sale report card on the first day, not only the hearts of those theater bosses who were "toasted" by him will fall back into their stomachs, but even those theaters and theaters that have been holding a wait-and-see attitude will feel at ease to increase the number of slices.

Who doesn't want to make more money?
Who has a grudge against money?

23 number.

The major film studios began to adopt corresponding publicity according to the situation of the first-day pre-sale.

Some released new promotional videos, some participated in programs to promote, and some added road shows to recommend movies to the media, audience and theater managers.

Xu Jie didn't sit still, and directly launched a brand new set of character posters. The exquisite ancient costume styles immediately attracted countless likes from netizens.

Trying to participate in the program, he is okay on Beijing Satellite TV, but on other TV stations, his contacts are very limited, and it is too late to record the program now.

For the road show, the money invested in the film has already been spent, and there is no money to fly all over the country, otherwise, Wang Yunjie, who is in charge of publicity, would not have given such a little money.

This is also the reason why he hyped Liu Qing and Fang Yi.

No way, no money!
Isn't there such a sentence?
A rich man is hard to be a man without money.

Now he can only use the lowest publicity cost method to promote the movie.

Of course, low cost does not mean fooling around.

For example, this time the costume posters of the characters.

Among all the movies released during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, only his movies are costume movies, and cartoons are not counted.

He just wanted to use this to attract some fans of costume movies for the movie. Even if there were not many people in this group, it was better than nothing.

Maybe if you win Zheng Guoliang, you will win a movie ticket, and if you lose to Zheng Guoliang, you will also lose a movie ticket. Therefore, he should try his best to attract as many audiences as possible.

Mosquito legs are also meat.

At the same time, promotional videos and tidbits of "Lovers in Time and Space" also appeared on some video platforms.

Obviously, Wang Yunjie has also begun to exert her strength.

Soon, another day passed.

The time came to midnight again.

Not only the box office of the pre-sale data has changed, but even the ranking of the pre-sale has also changed.

The pre-sales of the first-ranked "Big Wave" reached 8102 million, the second-ranked "Homeland" also had 6000 million, and the third-ranked "Crazy Cosmic Man" broke through the 3000 million mark. No.4 became " "Most Exciting" had a pre-sale of over 4 million, and "Lovers in Time and Space" ranked fifth, with a pre-sale of over 30 million, but it was [-] less than No.[-].

Xu Jie had already expected the overtake, and Xu Jie could accept this result.

How can I say that Zheng Guoliang is also a well-known director of romance films in China. Not only is he famous, but he also has a large number of fans, not to mention that he is backed by theater companies. It is really no surprise.

For Xu Jie, as long as he can stick to Zheng Guoliang's movie, the difference in the box office is not too big. After all, he won the bet if his movie's box office can reach half of the opponent's.

On the 24th, the third day of the pre-sale.

Xu Jie was in the company, discussing the publicity with Wang Yunjie, to see if the intensity could be increased, when the cell phone rang suddenly.

He glanced at it and saw that it was Liu Qing calling, so he turned off the sound and set the phone to vibrate.

Do not pick up.

At his behest, Dai Wei was still hyping up the news about Liu Qing and Fang Yi, and even posted multiple versions of the love details, which was called sweet.

He knew that Liu Qing's purpose for looking for him was to let him clarify, but the scandal was still hot. Although it was popularly searched, there were still many people discussing it. He was really reluctant, but if the crew had another Two or three million for publicity, he wouldn't do that.

Soon the phone stopped vibrating.

Just when he was about to continue the discussion, the phone vibrated again, but this time it was a different person, and it was Yuan Ou who called.

Do not pick up!

Not long after, the phone stopped vibrating again.

In fact, the two of them called him quite a few times yesterday, and together they said at least a dozen times, but Fang Yi was very quiet and didn't call him once.

After a few minutes, the phone vibrated again.

Fortunately, this time, Yang Xiuyan from the front desk called.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie asked after connecting.

"Mr. Xu, Liu Qing is looking for you, along with Liu Qing's manager, Yuan Ou." Yang Xiuyan said.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback when he heard that, he had called a few minutes ago, did he kill JingTV Culture so quickly?

If he guessed correctly, when Liu Qing called just now, he should be on his way to Jingshi Culture.

"Just say that I'm not here, and if you ask other questions, just answer that you don't know." Xu Jie instructed.

"Yes, Mr. Xu..."

Before Yang Xiuyan finished speaking on the phone, Xu Jie heard another voice.

"Director Xu, why didn't you answer my call?"

It's Liu Qing.

Xu Jie thought to himself, did Yang Xiuyan make this call in front of Liu Qing?Isn't this too imprecise?
Immediately afterwards, there was a loud noise from the microphone.


"Give me the phone!"

"Miss Liu, don't grab the phone, please listen to me..."

"No, you and Director Xu are all in the same group, and you must be perfunctory to me."

"Miss Liu..."

"Are you going to give me the phone or not?"



The phone hangs up.

Xu Jie looked at the phone in surprise. Is Liu Qing here to mess things up?
This is Beijing Television Culture!

In order to avoid further expansion of the matter, Xu Jie got up and said to Wang Yunjie: "President Wang, I have something to do here, let's talk about it later."

After speaking, he hurried out of his office.

Xu Jie took the elevator downstairs, and as soon as he walked out, he saw many people around the front desk, even the security guards. Liu Qing was flushed and angry, as if he would not give up until he reached his goal.

"What are you doing?" Xu Jie walked over with displeasure on his face.

The front desk and the security guards breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Mr. Xu coming. Because of Liu Qing's special status, not only a star, but also one of the heroines of the movie invested by the company, they didn't dare to do anything to him.

"President Xu, Miss Liu..."

As soon as Yang Xiuyan spoke, she was interrupted by Liu Qing.

I saw Liu Qing walking quickly in front of Xu Jie, Xingshi asked, "You finally showed up and said, why didn't you answer my call?"

Xu Jie signaled the onlookers to leave, then looked at Liu Qing, and asked angrily, "Why don't you answer your call?"

"Ah?" Liu Qing frowned, thinking: Obviously I was the one who asked you, but why did you ask me?
"Director Xu, is there something we did wrong? Director Xu please make it clear." Yuan Ou, who was not far away, walked over and said.

Xu Jie looked at Yuan Ou, then at Liu Qing, and said, "Isn't it because of you?"

"What's wrong with me?" Liu Qing asked with a question mark.

"Because of your answers in "In-depth Film and Television Talk", many people mistakenly thought that you were interested in me, and later it came out that you and Fang Yi had a room. You called." Xu Jie said with a serious expression.

"What?" Liu Qing was taken aback for a moment, then said suspiciously: "This, isn't it?"

"Why not? Do you know how many people I have offended when I climbed to the current position? Do you know how many people are jealous of the position I am sitting in now? If I don't pay attention, there will be me and you on the TV station when I turn around The little story about it spreads." Xu Jie said coldly.


Liu Qing opened her mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

On the other hand, Yuan Ou understood Xu Jie's words very well.

After all, even the competition for artists in the entertainment industry is so fierce, let alone places like TV stations.

Artists can have scandals, but people in the system cannot have scandals. Once it spreads, even if it is fake, someone will make use of it.

These days, gentlemen may not be found everywhere, but villains are everywhere.

Xu Jie saw that Liu Qing's arrogance had been suppressed, so he asked impatiently: "What do you want from me? The movie has been filmed, and the program has also been recorded. It seems that there is nothing wrong between us. "

He deliberately distanced himself, and while speaking, looked around vigilantly.

Liu Qing was confused.

Isn't this Jingshi culture?
Isn't the other party the deputy general manager here?

How can I be more careful?
"I have something to ask you. The thing about Fang Yi and me that has been circulating on the Internet recently, is it you..." Before Liu Qing finished speaking, she felt that someone was touching her hand, and it happened several times. Turning to look at Yuan Ou beside him, he asked suspiciously, "Sister Ou, what's wrong?"

Yuan Ou showed embarrassment, then smiled embarrassedly at Xu Jie, and said: "President Xu, wait a moment, I have a few words with Qingqing."

Then he pulled Liu Qing aside.

"Sister Ou, what's the matter?" Liu Qing asked.

The purpose of their coming here today is to ask Xu Jie if the other party is behind the incident.

She didn't think so at first, but the other party never answered her calls, and the other party had asked her about the gossip hype before, so she felt that this man was the most suspicious.

Moreover, the meeting that night was also arranged by the other party, how could Dai Wei know about it in advance, and then wait in the hotel?It was clearly premeditated.

Of course, she didn't analyze this by herself, but she and her agent analyzed it together, and that's why she came to Jingshi Culture.

"Qingqing, I think... maybe he didn't do it." Yuan Ou said after hesitating for a while.

"Ah? Didn't you tell me that he was the most suspect?" Liu Qing's face was full of question marks.

"I really thought so at the beginning. After all, judging from the current situation, the scandal between you and Fang Yi will benefit him the most. But looking at him just now, I was afraid that it would be related to this matter. So I think his suspicion has become smaller." Yuan Ou explained.

After Liu Qing heard it, she fainted.

The one who said Director Xu was most suspicious was Oujie, and the one who said Xu Dao was less suspicious was Oujie, how about playing?Guess what?How about throwing dice to bet on size?

"Sister Ou, what shall we do?" Liu Qing asked.

"How about, let's go home first?" Yuan Ou finished speaking and glanced at Mr. Xu not far away. If he offended the other party because of this incident, not only the female number one in the TV series will be yellow, but in the future on the capital TV station May be unwelcome.

"Going home? But you've come all the time. If you just leave like this, isn't it a bit of a mess?" Liu Qing looked at the two employees who were tidying up the front desk. Because she grabbed the phone, the desktop was all messed up. .

Yuan Ou was startled, and felt that what Qingqing said made sense. She thought for a while, and finally said: "Why don't you ask him if he is the mastermind behind the scenes, but ask him to help clarify the scandal. If he helps, It means that he didn't do it, if he doesn't help, it won't be too late for us to question him, what do you think?"

Liu Qing nodded immediately, "Okay, let's do that."

The two women reached an agreement and returned to Xu Jie.

"Director Xu, you've also heard about the scandal between me and Fang Yi. It has had a great impact on my image. Not only have I lost a lot of fans, but even some brands have withdrawn their endorsements. I listened to you that night. Going to the meeting, can you post a Weibo to explain to the public what happened that night for me? Thank you." Liu Qing said seriously.

At the same time, he stared fixedly at the man in front of him, waiting for his answer.

"So it's about this." Xu Jie nodded, and said cheerfully, "Okay, no problem."

When he saw the appearance of Liu Qing and Yuan Ou, he knew that he must have doubts about him. In order to get rid of the suspicion, it was time to clarify.


Liu Qing's whole body was shocked, and she looked at the other party in disbelief, while Yuan Ou also stayed where she was, her eyes full of surprise.

This, this agrees?
Although they felt that the other party was less suspicious, they still doubted the other party in their hearts. As a result, the other party agreed so simply, it seemed that they treated the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

"Really? Is it really possible?" Liu Qing confirmed again.

"Of course it's true. Didn't you just say that? Many fans have already lost their fans, and this will have a certain negative impact on our movie, so we must clarify." Xu Jie said firmly.

"Then, thank you." Liu Qing was a little embarrassed.

"It's nothing, it's all for the movie." Xu Jie said indifferently.

Liu Qing looked at the manager at the side, and Yuan Ou had already looked guilty.


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