In order to prove his "innocence", Xu Jie took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and immediately posted a Weibo in front of Liu Qing and Yuan Ou.

The content of the Weibo is very simple. It is to explain the group of photos about Liu Qing and Fang Yi's house opening that have been uploaded on the Internet, and attach the screenshots of the contact text messages with several main actors in "Lover in Time and Space" that night. There is a date for sending text messages, as well as the time and place of the agreed meeting. If you still don’t believe it, you can go to the hotel monitoring and you will know it at a glance.

"Do you think it's okay?" Xu Jie handed the phone to Liu Qing after sending it out, to prove that he wasn't just talking.

Liu Qing and Yuan Ou looked at it together, and what they said had antecedents, consequences, and evidence. The details couldn't be more detailed, and it was more comprehensive than they thought. It really deserves to be a director, who is thoughtful and rigorous in every aspect. , without any additions.

"Okay, that's great, I'll trouble you, Mr. Xu." Yuan Ou said gratefully. With Mr. Xu's Weibo, the scandal between Liu Qing and Fang Yi was completely extinguished.

"Thank you Director Xu." Liu Qing said shyly, feeling ashamed for doubting the other party before.

"You don't need to thank me, just don't make trouble for me in the future." Xu Jie said lightly: "Is there anything else? If not, I will go up."

"It's okay." Liu Qing shook her head quickly.

"I'm sorry Mr. Xu, I interrupted your work, we'll leave now." Yuan Ou pulled Liu Qing and ran away in despair.

Xu Jie looked at the backs of Liu Qing and Yuan Ou, and clarified that the Weibo was posted earlier than he thought, and the popularity would not last until the day of the release. It seems that he still needs to think of some publicity methods.

Is there any effective publicity method that does not cost money?

Once Xu Jie's Weibo was updated, it attracted the attention of countless netizens.

After reading the content, netizens left messages in the comment area to express their views.


"Old Xu came forward to explain, I must have misunderstood."

"It turned out that it was a crew meeting. I asked why the matter between Liu Qing and Fang Yi happened so suddenly. There was no sign of it before."

"Do you think it is possible that Liu Qing and Fang Yi used Lao Xu as a shield?"

"No way? Old Xu explained it in great detail, even in which hotel he was at. If he was telling lies, wouldn't he be afraid that people from the hotel would expose him?"

"But Dai Wei's revelations have always been highly credible."

"Maybe Dai Wei also misunderstood?"


Soon, Xu Jie's clarification of the scandal for Liu Qing and Fang Yi spread on the Internet.

Netizens are divided into three factions: one group believes in what Old Xu said, and these people are mostly fans of Xu Jie and those who oppose Liu Qing and Fang Yi being together; the other group does not believe what Old Xu said, and these people The reason is also very simple. Xu Jie is the director of "Lover in Time and Space", and his interests are the same as those of Liu Qing and Fang Yi. He definitely does not want Liu Qing and Fang Yi to have an accident when the movie is about to be released; I don't know who to believe. These people are mainly interested in watching the excitement. They don't pay attention to the truth, they only care about whether there is excitement to watch.

In short, the joining of Xu Jie has heated up the incident of Liu Qing and Fang Yi's house opening, which had already cooled down a lot.

It's like having a meeting.

When everyone agrees and accepts someone’s point of view, they usually move on to the next topic very quickly, but if someone stands up and puts forward a different point of view, the meeting will always stay on this topic, not only will it be debated for a long time, but even There is a possibility of a quarrel.

Soon, the incident rushed to the hot search again, and people began to have a heated debate about whose words to believe.

On one side is Dai Wei, the most powerful paparazzi in China who broke the news of countless entertainment circles, and on the other side is Xu Jie, a gold medal program producer and director with a good reputation.

Both sides have loyal fans, so many people don't know who to trust for a while.

And gradually, the topic got a little off track.

The focus of everyone's discussion is no longer whether Liu Qing and Fang Yi are compatible, but who is Xu Jie and Dai Wei.

Xu Jie looked at the hot search list, and finally showed some smiles on his face.

This thing is hotly searched on the Internet, and now he has completely understood it.


Just when Xu Jie was looking for Wang Yunjie, the phone in his pocket vibrated suddenly.

She took out her mobile phone and looked at the caller ID, it was Qin Yan calling.

"Old Qin, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked after answering the phone.

"Can you come to the TV station this afternoon? Isn't it going to October soon, and "Ordinary Courage" is about to start broadcasting. The Deputy Director Gao of the satellite TV program center wants the program team to do another one about the second Season [-]'s promotional video will be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV from next Monday to warm up for the second season's launch, how can such a thing be missed as a director?" Qin Yan said.

When Xu Jie heard it, it was a big deal.

Although the program "Ordinary Courage" is owned by Beijing Satellite TV, as the chief director of this program, the increase in program ratings will help improve his personal value.

Movies should be caught, and TV shows should be caught, not to mention that TV shows are the foundation for him to gain a foothold in Beijing TV Station. If the TV shows are not well done, his personal value will be greatly reduced.

"Okay, I'll go there now." Xu Jie said.

As for film promotion, there are ways, but the problem is that there is no money. As the old saying goes: a clever woman can't live without rice, so he can only continue to find ways.

"Well, I'll be waiting for you at the satellite TV program center." Qin Yan said.

call ended.

Xu Jie immediately left Beijing TV Culture, drove to Beijing TV Station, and found Qin Yan in the program editing room of the satellite TV program center.

In addition to Qin Yan, several assistant directors of the "Ordinary Courage" program group were also there, waiting for the order from the chief director Xu Jie.

Xu Jie has always taken a serious and responsible attitude towards work, so he quickly devoted himself to making promotional videos.

He had made a promotional video for "Ordinary Courage" before, and it was still early before the broadcast, so the promotional video was not only short, but also mainly in the form of text introduction.

It's different now, with less than two weeks until the broadcast, it's time to come up with some filming highlights.

Since the production of promotional videos was already thought of when recording the program, the extras are all ready-made, and the production is very simple, and it was completed in less than three hours.

"Okay, let's take this promotional video to Deputy Director Gao." Xu Jie stretched his waist, maybe because he hadn't exercised for a long time, his joints clicked.

"Yeah." Qin Yan hurriedly left with the USB flash drive.

Xu Jie looked at the time on his watch. It was already 04:30 in the afternoon. He estimated that when he returned to Jingshi Culture, Wang Yunjie would have already got off work, so he was not in a hurry and picked up the mineral water on the table to drink stand up.

"Mr. Xu, I took a look at the pre-sale status of our movie, and it seems to be pretty good." Assistant Director Zhao Gang said.

"Is this not bad? Your requirements for this movie are too low, right?" Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"Ah?" Zhao Gang was taken aback.

Is this still low?
The movies of many well-known directors and stars are ranked behind "Lover in Time and Space".

Is it because his requirements for movies are too low, or is Mr. Xu's requirements for movies too high?

"Mr. Xu, when I was watching the video at noon, I saw the promotional video of the movie. It's very exciting. I will definitely watch it then." Li Li said with a smile.

"Did you get it? You are lucky, because the crew has no money, so the promotion has not kept up, and there are very few advertisements. If you can give me another 2000 million for promotion, the pre-sale will definitely be even higher." Xu Jay sighed.

"Mr. Xu, didn't you all appear on our show "In-depth Film and Television Talk" a few days ago?"

"Only one program, other crews will participate in several programs, and will also conduct roadshows everywhere, not only conduct frequent publicity on short video platforms and long video websites, but even advertise on TV. It’s all about money.”

"Then you are also advertising on our station." Liu Jinbao said.

"Are you paying?" Xu Jie asked back.

"Does it cost money to advertise on our station?" Liu Jinbao asked.

"Nonsense, this is an advertisement, not a program, of course it needs money." Xu Jie rolled his eyes, and he didn't run the TV station.

If he had money, he would not look for Beijing Satellite TV, but go directly to Huaxia TV to advertise, so the ratings would not be good?

Huh, wait!

Huaxia TV...

Xu Jie suddenly thought of a person. Although he didn't have any strong friendship, he was very familiar with each other, and he still owed him a favor. If he made a small request, it shouldn't be rejected, right?

Thinking of this, he greeted the others and walked out of the house, then quickly went downstairs, sat in the car, then searched for the number in the phone contacts, and immediately called the other party after confirming it.

"Beep... beep... click!"

Soon, the phone is connected.

"Xu Jie? Is that you?" A woman's voice came from the microphone, both surprised and pleasantly surprised.

"Senior sister, it's me." Xu Jie said after hearing that, he was looking for none other than Jiang Yuanyue from Huaxia TV's large-scale program center, the director of language programs at Huaxia TV's Spring Festival Gala last year.

"Student, you haven't contacted me since the end of the Spring Festival Gala last year. What's the matter today? Did you know that this year's Spring Festival Gala has already formed a group and started preparing for the show, so you took the initiative to sign up? Welcome." Jiang Yuanyue Said enthusiastically.

In fact, even if this junior doesn't call her today, she will take the initiative to call this junior in a few days. There is no way, who made the three sketches written and directed by the other party last year so popular?Not only the ratings of a single program are high, but also many buzzwords have been born.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, is it such a coincidence?

The scene of being busy at Huaxia TV in his thirties last year is still vivid in his memory. Because of those few sketches, he didn't even return to his hometown in the end.

Don't sign up, definitely don't sign up.

"Senior sister, I was just about to talk about this. I helped you save the stage in the Spring Festival Gala last year, and produced three sketches in a row. You still owe me favors. I know you are the kind who don't want to owe others favors." Human, so today I am going to give you a chance to repay the favor." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Oh? What chance?" Jiang Yuanyue asked with interest.

Return favors?
I'm afraid there is something difficult?
"It's like this. Didn't I make a movie? I want to do a promotion on Huaxia TV. I don't know if my sister can help me find an acquaintance, Toto relationship, and I can do it. Return the favor." Xu Jie said the purpose of the call.

"Advertising? Isn't it easy? I know a few advertising agencies, so I'll give you the phone number. If you mention me, they will definitely give you a good price." Jiang Yuanyue said after hearing it.

Just now I thought the other party had encountered some problem.

Don't you just want to advertise on Huaxia TV?

This is equivalent to the rich man coming to give money to the door, and it is too late for the advertising agency to be happy.

If this is also called repaying favors, isn't it too simple?
"Senior sister, don't I know how to find an advertising agency? But isn't it expensive to find an advertising agency? My junior is not rich now, so it's okay to get [-] to [-], but a few million is gone." Xu Xu Jay said.

"Twenty thousand? Your little money is not enough to broadcast once in prime time." Jiang Yuanyue was a little speechless, let alone China TV, even Beijing TV was not enough.

"Senior sister, look at what you said, if it is enough, will I still look for you?" Xu Jie said.

"You, how can I help you?" Jiang Yuanyue said in a dilemma.

It's true that she is an employee of China TV, but employees can't advertise on China TV for free.

Not to mention the individual employees, even if it is the TV station's own program to promote, the program group has to pay for it themselves.

"Senior sister, last year's Spring Festival Gala, I helped you so much. It was a whole three sketches. You can't turn your face and deny people." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he thought to himself: How can you help? I can think of it, what else are you looking for?
"It's definitely not impossible to turn your face and deny people, but I don't count as talking about this matter. You can't let me help you with this favor out of my own pocket, can you?"

Jiang Yuanyue thanked her junior for her help at the Spring Festival Gala, and she never forgot in her heart, but she was just an ordinary producer in a large program center, how could she have the right to help people advertise for free on China TV?Not to mention her, even the director can't do it, this is a matter for two departments.

"Senior sister, it's up to you whether you pay or not. Anyway, you have to do me a favor. No, you have to pay me back the favor from the Spring Festival Gala." Xu Jie played a rogue.

Don't mention money to him, he arranged three sketches for the Spring Festival Gala, and no one gave him a penny, and he paid for the fuel to drive to Huaxia TV Station himself.


Jiang Yuanyue was in trouble for a while.

If it is advertising, it must not be one time.

Calculated based on the shortest duration of 5 seconds, the average cost of broadcasting on the integrated channel is 3 yuan, 24 yuan for eight times, and 240 million yuan for ten days.

How many years of work will she have to earn back!

If she saves money, she can save it for the other party, but if she pays, she will definitely not be able to spend much.

"Student, how about this year's Spring Festival Gala, how about our director team inviting your wife Su Yun to participate?" Jiang Yuanyue asked.

This year, she is still the deputy chief director of the Spring Festival Gala of China TV Station and the director of language programs.

"Who doesn't care about going to the Spring Festival Gala? Last year, I couldn't go home because of the Spring Festival Gala. Besides, my movie was released on the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day. It can't quench my thirst far away." Xu Jie said.

Not to mention going to the Spring Festival Gala, Beijing TV Station even asked him to direct the Spring Festival Gala of Beijing Satellite TV, didn't he get rejected by him?
Besides, compared to going to the Spring Festival Gala, he hopes to go home with his wife for the New Year.

"Mid-Autumn and National Day? It's easy to handle. This year's Mid-Autumn Festival is also in charge of our large-scale program center. Director Chen is still the chief director. How about I talk to Director Chen and get a program for Su Yun?" Jiang Yuanyue asked road.

She doesn't count for advertising, but she still has a certain right to speak in the evening show.

"I don't have time. My wife is filming in Hengdian and has no time to come back. Besides, if I perform at the party, can it be directly advertised?" Xu Jie said.

It's not that he doesn't appreciate it, but that he pays more attention to pre-sale now.

"Student, don't underestimate the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, it is also very popular. The most important thing is that if Su Yun can come to participate, then the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala will also include Su Yun in the promotion. You must know that the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala Promotional videos are broadcast on various channels of Huaxia TV every day, and they are all in prime time, such as before and after news, before and after TV dramas, even if they can't promote your movie, at least they can promote Su Yun, and thus indirectly help you The movie will bring a certain amount of traffic, I assure you, as long as Su Yun agrees, she will be directly C in the promotional film." Jiang Yuanyue said.

Xu Jie thought about it after hearing it, and it seemed that it was indeed useful for promoting movies.

In fact, he also heard that the senior sister really has more than enough heart and power when it comes to advertising, and if she asks the other party to return favors, it will be embarrassing for the other party.

"Okay, I'll go talk to my wife." Xu Jie said, some publicity is better than no publicity, and China TV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala has indeed attracted a lot of attention. Recently, many netizens are discussing the cast of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

After hearing this, Jiang Yuanyue breathed a sigh of relief, and finally satisfied the junior.

She didn't understand. Stars and entertainers in the entertainment industry were all vying to be on the stage of various large-scale evening shows of Huaxia TV, and even regarded it as a kind of honor, but why wasn't this junior interested?

Alas, it's really not easy to serve.

call ended.

Xu Jie then dialed Su Yun's cell phone number.

He knew that his wife was busy, but if there was no other way, he wouldn't disturb the other party's filming.

"Husband, why did you call so early today?" Su Yun asked with a smile, usually after six o'clock, today it was an hour earlier.

"Honey, do you have time before Mid-Autumn Festival?" Xu Jie asked.

"The director wants to give the crew a few days off for the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, so they have been rushing to the show these days. What's the matter?" Su Yun asked curiously.

"It's like this. I've hired you a job to attend the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala of Huaxia TV. Of course, I mainly want to use the platform of Huaxia TV to do a wave of publicity for you and indirectly attract people for the movie..." Xu Jie He simply explained to his wife, and then told about the phone call with his senior just now.

Su Yun is from the entertainment industry, so she understood what Xu Jie meant when she heard it.

"Okay, I can ask the director for a few days off, and I'll make up for it later." Su Yun readily agreed.

She knew that Xu Jie cared about this movie very much, and also knew the competition between Zheng Guoliang and Zheng Guoliang. Now that her husband needs her, she must stand up and support without hesitation.

"Is it really all right?" Xu Jie asked concerned, worried that the other party would fall out with the crew or the director.

"Don't worry, I will make it up later." Su Yun comforted.

Besides, since the banning happened, how many people in the circle dare to get angry with her?Not to mention the director, even Wang Tiannan, the boss of Huasen Media who invested behind it, was embarrassed to say anything.

As long as her husband is good, she can be better.

The two are one.

"Okay, just wait for my news."

"OK, all right."


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