The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 829 Empty Gloves White Wolf?

Chapter 829 Empty Gloves White Wolf?
Jiang Yuanyue put down the phone and went directly to the director's office.

Regarding the temporary addition of programs, although she has verbally agreed to her junior, she still needs to discuss it with the director. After all, the director is the chief director of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, and adding programs temporarily will disrupt the previous program arrangement.

To be honest, this is the junior who helped her so much on the Spring Festival night last year, if it were someone else, she would not agree to anything.


"Please come in."

Jiang Yuanyue pushed the door open and walked into the director's office.

"Director, are you still busy with the Mid-Autumn Festival party?" Jiang Yuanyue came to the director and saw the program list of the Mid-Autumn Festival party on the table. question mark.

Obviously, the final program arrangement is still not finalized.

In this matter, the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is the same as the Spring Festival Gala. Until the last rehearsal, it is unknown who will be on and who will be off.

"Well, something has happened recently. Some actors are no longer suitable for the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala of our station, so I plan to invite a few more from the substitutes." Chen Ya said after hearing this, and then sighed .

The old saying goes well: plans don't change fast.

The artists who were originally invited have already been confirmed, but it turned out that some artists had accidents at this juncture. One was reported and arrested by Chaoyang people the day before yesterday, and another was exposed to cheating yesterday. Such bad artists are definitely not allowed to enter Huaxia. Various TV shows.

In fact, every time he directs a large-scale event, he has this concern. He is afraid that the invited artist will have an accident and disrupt the plan of the program group.

"By the way, what's the matter?" Chen Ya looked at Jiang Yuanyue and asked.

"Director, I have a situation here about Xu Jie, the Xu Jie who wrote three sketches at the Spring Festival Gala last year." Jiang Yuanyue was afraid that the director would forget who his junior was, so he deliberately emphasized it.

"Oh, I know, what's wrong with him? Do you also want to join this year's Spring Festival Gala?" Chen Ya asked with a smile. If this is the case, it is definitely good news for him as the chief director.

During the Spring Festival Gala in recent years, language programs have become a heart problem for him, and the performance of that young man last year brought him many surprises and left a deep impression on him.

"That's not true, but can you arrange a program for his wife Su Yun at the Mid-Autumn Festival?" Jiang Yuanyue asked.

"Yes, of course. For an artist like Su Yun with strength, traffic and reputation, it would be great if he could come. Was this proposed by Xiao Xu?" Chen Ya was full of surprise.

For a star like Su Yun, it's not that he doesn't want to invite, but he knows that the other party is too busy and worried that there will be no schedule, so he didn't send out an invitation at all. After all, China TV's evening party doesn't give much labor fees at all, and it's not even enough for stars to fly. of hotel.

Therefore, it was too late for him to be happy as the chief director to have a star of Su Yun's level ask to go to the party.

"Well, he proposed it." Jiang Yuanyue said.

"Not bad." Chen Ya nodded in satisfaction, her affection for that young man doubled in her heart, but after thinking about it, she felt something was wrong. If Su Yun had the idea of ​​going to the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, why did she ask Xu Jie to contact the program team?Why not contact the program group yourself?Chen Ya looked up at Jiang Yuanyue and asked, "Does he have any other requests?"

When Jiang Yuanyue heard it, she thought to herself: As expected of the director, I guessed it right away.

"Director, it's like this. He has a movie that will be released on the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day. He wants to advertise on our Huaxia TV station, so he found me, but he is not going to pay for the advertisement, so I want to give his wife an advertisement on the Mid-Autumn Festival. Arranging a program at the party to indirectly promote the film is also a way to repay the favor he gave for the Spring Festival party." Jiang Yuanyue briefly explained the whole story.


Chen Ya suddenly realized that it was so.

"Director, if you agree, I'll write back to Xu Jie right away, and then send him the schedule of rehearsals and official performances." Jiang Yuanyue said.

"Okay, you can reply to him. By the way, by the way, ask him if he is willing to participate in the Spring Festival Gala this year." Chen Ya said.

After Jiang Yuanyue heard it, she remembered what her junior had said, and couldn't help but smile wryly in her heart, but she said, "Okay Director, I'll ask."

After saying that, he went out.

Jiang Yuanyue returned to her office, took out her mobile phone and called her junior, and when the call got through, she immediately said: "Student, I have communicated with Director Chen just now, and he agreed to join Su Yun at the Mid-Autumn Festival party." Program, I will send you the schedule of the party for the next few days later, by the way, what program do you want Su Yun to perform?"

"Sister, I'm going to let my wife sing a new song at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, but you have to add a word to the program list." Xu Jie made a little request.

"What?" Jiang Yuanyue asked curiously.

"The theme song of the movie "Lover in Time and Space"." Xu Jie said.

When the senior sister proposed to invite Su Yun to the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, he had already thought about the content of the performance.

Not only is the song from "Lover in Time and Space", but even the costumes for the performance are prepared to use the costumes from the movie.

It just so happened that there was a scene of the Mid-Autumn Festival in the movie, and for that scene, he specially tailored a set of costumes for Su Yun. Don't wait for when?


Jiang Yuanyue was taken aback. She didn't expect her junior to promote the movie in this way, but it's normal. Aren't many of the classic songs that appeared at the party the theme songs of film and television dramas?When the party is broadcast live, it will be displayed in the subtitles.

"No problem, junior." Jiang Yuanyue readily agreed.

"I have one more request, that is, when the host introduces the songs my wife sings, he should also add this sentence." Xu Jie said again.

When Jiang Yuanyue heard this, Xiumei couldn't help furrowing her eyebrows slightly, and asked in her mouth: "Student, are you testing me? Does it mean that as long as I promise you one request, you will make the second request? If I promise you This second request, do you still have a third request waiting for me?"

"Haha, senior sister, look at what you said, am I that kind of person? I only have these two requirements, really." Xu Jie said with a smile.

In fact, he does have a third request, but since the senior has already guessed it, he won't say it, or won't it become too much?

"Student, I'm afraid this request is a bit difficult." Jiang Yuanyue said in a difficult way.

"What's so difficult about it? Isn't it just a matter of one sentence? Why, the host doesn't find it troublesome when he broadcasts commercials, but he finds it troublesome when he introduces the program? Can't the three Spring Festival Gala sketches be exchanged for a sentence of introduction?" Xu Jie Ask the senior sister a question that hits the soul.

They are all TV workers, who doesn't understand who?

What are you trying to do with him?
It is difficult to face the sponsor's request if you have the ability, prevent the host from broadcasting advertisements, and remove all the drinks from the guests' tables.

The Mid-Autumn Festival Gala does not need to be reviewed by the review team like the Spring Festival Gala. Isn't this just a matter of the director's words?
Although he has not directed the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala of China TV Station, he has directed the New Year's Gala of Beijing TV Station. Can he not know the truth of it?

Jiang Yuanyue was helpless when she heard the aggressive words of her junior.

She just said it was difficult, but she didn't say it was impossible. As for being so stubborn?

"I'll fight for it." Jiang Yuanyue thought for a while and said.

"Senior sister, it's not about fighting for it, it's for sure. Otherwise, why would I ask my wife to put down her work and go to the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala?" Xu Jie was very dissatisfied with her senior's perfunctory attitude.

"Okay, definitely!" Jiang Yuanyue finally compromised, who made her owe the other party a favor?

Moreover, for this year's Spring Festival Gala language program, there is a high probability that the other party will need to produce a sketch book. Now that the favor is returned, it will be convenient to ask the other party for help next time.

Isn't there such a sentence?
It is easy to borrow and repay, and it is not difficult to borrow again.

"I knew that Senior Sister is a straightforward person, so I would like to thank Senior Sister in advance." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"As long as you don't deny me as a senior." Jiang Yuanyue said, it can be regarded as paving the way for asking the other party for help next time. After all, it is almost October, and the Spring Festival is getting closer.

"Senior is so kind to me, how can I forget about her? By the way, the posters of the Mid-Autumn Festival party will be posted early, and don't forget my wife's position C." Xu Jie reminded.

The Mid-Autumn Festival Gala belongs to the promotion after the movie is released, and the poster of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala belongs to the promotion before the movie is released, which will help the pre-sale, which is what he needs most now.

"Got it!" Jiang Yuanyue said.

This junior really doesn't suffer at all.

Xu Jie praised the senior for a few more words, and then hung up the phone.

Although it failed to negotiate an advertisement, it also earned a wave of publicity, which is not a loss. The next step is to see the effect of the publicity. Huaxia TV's publicity should be able to attract some traffic.

Xu Jie got out of the car and was about to go back to the editing room when he saw Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu Honglu not far away.

"Hello, Editor-in-Chief Lu, are you off work?" Xu Jie took the initiative to greet him.

"Well, after get off work, are you here to find someone?" Lu Hong asked.

"I'm here to make a promotional video for "Ordinary Courage." Xu Jie explained.

"Oh, I didn't expect it to be so soon. In the blink of an eye, the second season of "Ordinary Courage" will start broadcasting. How is it? What are your expectations for the second season?" Lu Hong asked with a smile.

Anyway, he has great expectations for the second season of "Ordinary Courage".

"I hope the ratings can surpass the first season." Xu Jie said.

"I believe in you, it will be fine. Well, you can go up." Lu Hong waved his hand at General Fu, and then walked towards his car.

Xu Jie looked at the back of deputy editor-in-chief Lu, and suddenly stopped him.

"Editor Lu!"

"Huh?" Lu Hong stopped, looked back at Fu Jiang suspiciously and asked, "Xiao Xu, is there anything else?"


Xu Jie was not calm anymore, and even panicked.

Just now, an idea just flashed into his mind, but before he could think it through clearly, he blurted out the words.

This is how to do?
Say or don't say?

"Little Xu?" Lu Hong looked strangely at Xu Jie who was hesitant to speak, and asked as he walked back, "Is there something wrong with you? Just tell me if you have any difficulties, and I will definitely find a way to solve them for you."

If it was someone else, he would definitely not bother, but now that fortune is in trouble, how can he ignore it?

Blessed will be there, he can be better.

Seeing Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu's attitude, Xu Jie didn't hesitate anymore, and opened his mouth and said, "Editor-in-Chief Lu, can you do me a favor by advertising our company's film on Beijing Satellite TV?"

Lu Hong was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "You mean the movie you made, right?"

When he swiped his phone recently, he saw the promotional video of that movie, so he also paid attention to it.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded, and then said: "Editor Lu, we Jingshi culture is poor, you know that, my movie can't even pay for the promotion fee, so I can only ask you for help , you are the deputy editor-in-chief and the person in charge of the satellite TV channel, can you show a few rounds of movie promotional videos for free? Otherwise, I can only continue to ask the theater company for help with alcohol."

Senior sister failed to help him advertise on Huaxia TV, so he wanted to try his luck again to see if Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu could help him advertise on Beijing Satellite TV.

Although Beijing Satellite TV cannot compare with China TV in terms of influence and ratings, it is still number one among provincial satellite TVs in China.

Moreover, the viewing group it faces is not only audiences in the capital area, but also audiences in various provinces and cities across the country. If it can advertise on Beijing Satellite TV, it can be regarded as the best choice besides China TV.

After Lu Hong heard this, he immediately lost his composure. The other party had just been rescued from alcoholism, and it has only been a few days since he recovered. How can he continue to drink?
"Xiao Xu, you must not do that, you must take care of your health." Lu Hongyu said earnestly.

The other party is now the wealth of the entire Beijing Radio and Television Station. Once something happens to the other party, it will not only be affected by Beijing Television Culture, but also Beijing Satellite TV.

Take the two variety shows directed by the other party this year as an example, which together brought more than one billion in sponsorship income to the station. Not to mention the Beijing TV station, even any TV station in the country will not be able to find a second one. .

"Editor Lu, I don't want to either, but I have no other way." Xu Jie put on a pitiful look and said, "You must have heard about the competition between me and Zheng Guoliang. If I lose to Zheng Guoliang at the box office He will not only have to spend tens of millions, but will also seriously affect the future development of Jingshi Culture in the film and television industry, so whether it is public or private, I cannot lose this time."

Lu Hong pondered for a moment, and felt that what Xiao Xu said was also reasonable.

The other party represented not only an individual, but also the entire JingTV culture.

Although he hoped that Xiao Xu would focus on variety shows and not engage in film and television dramas, it was also related to the interests of the entire Beijing Radio and Television Station.

Moreover, Xiao Xu has already come to the door, and he has already let go of his words. If he chooses to stand by and watch, how can he deal with Xiao Xu in the future?

Who will be in charge of next year's "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage"?
Who will be responsible for the future variety shows of Beijing Satellite TV?
"Xiao Xu, can't Lao Lu get any publicity expenses?" Lu Hong asked tentatively. Although JingTV Culture is the company of Beijing Radio and Television Station, the old saying goes, brothers will settle accounts clearly, even if it is a little less , It sounds better than nothing.

"I still have [-] to [-], is it enough? I originally planned to buy wine with this money." Xu Jie said.


Lu Hong was speechless.

He knew that Jingshi Culture was poor, but he didn't expect it to be so poor.

"Hey, that's not right. Didn't "Crossover Actor" get 5000 million in naming fees? Don't tell me it's all spent." Lu Hong said.

If it is said that Jingshi Culture was poor in the past, he believes it, but if it is said that it is poor this year, he really does not believe it.

"Editor Lu, you don't know that the rest of the money from "Crossover Actor" is reserved for TV dramas. Didn't you say that as long as the TV dramas I am in charge of, they can be broadcast on the prime time of Beijing Satellite TV?" Is it? Of course I can't live up to your trust, I must do a good job in the TV series." Xu Jie said seriously.

"But, with so much money, it's better to spend a little bit." Lu Hong said.

"No way, Editor-in-Chief Lu, this TV series is a big production. I believe you have heard that the heroines are Liu Qing and Liu Jiaman, both of whom are big stars, so the current budget is not too small, not even a penny They don’t dare to move around, it’s like living at home, every money has a use for every money, can you use the money to buy soybean oil to buy rice? Then can you still cook vegetables?” Xu Jie started again. Best at reasoning.

"Then can't you put less oil in the cooking?" Lu Hong asked.

"Put less... less vegetables will not taste good!" Xu Jie said.

Lu Hong opened his mouth, but for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Is what Xiao Xu said wrong?
That's right!

Isn't there such a sentence?If you are not in charge of your family, you don't know how expensive firewood is.

He used to be the home of Beijing Satellite TV, so he understands Xiao Xu's current situation very well.

However, since the other party went to Jingshi Culture, I feel that Jingshi Culture's projects have been upgraded.

In the past, millions were used to make film and television dramas. In order to share the risks, the maximum was no more than 1000 million, but now?Either tens of millions, or hundreds of millions.

If this is lost...

It's really like what Xiao Xu said, you can't lose!
Once lost, the entire Jingshi culture will be ruined.

"Okay Xiao Xu, satellite TV channels can promote your movie. Of course, it is absolutely impossible not to pay a penny. This is also against the regulations of the station. However, you Beijing TV Culture can owe this money first, and wait How about repaying the promotion fee after the movie is released and getting the proceeds?" Lu Hong looked at Xu Jie and gave his own suggestion.

"A white note?" Xu Jie asked.

"It can also be understood in this way." Lu Hong nodded.

Xu Jie thought about it, and since he had called his senior sister before, he was not surprised by Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu's answer, but this suggestion is still very good.

The account hangs on the head of Jingshi Culture. Even if the movie box office is not ideal, if it doesn't make it this year, it can still be paid back next year, and if it doesn't make it next year, it can be paid back later. Anyway, it's not on his head.

Besides, anyone who has done business knows that which company has few bad debts?

"Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Lu, I will do as you say. I will take turns advertising before and after news, TV dramas, and popular programs." Xu Jie said.

"Ah? These time slots you mentioned are the most expensive for advertising." Lu Hong reminded.

"There are debts left and right, one dollar is owed, one million is also owed, it is better to give it a go, isn't there a saying on the Internet? Give it a try, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle, and a fight turns black soil into gold." Xu Jie Said.

When Lu Hong heard this, he was stunned.

Looking at the other party, it seems that he has no intention of paying back the debt at all.

He started to regret it.

This kid, really intends to do nothing, a white wolf with empty gloves?


(End of this chapter)

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