Chapter 831: Everywhere
At two o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Jie, who was familiar with the site at the "construction site", received a call from Su Yun, saying that the car had arrived outside the People's Square. He immediately jumped off the stage and walked towards the main entrance.

Outside the square, a commercial vehicle was parked by the side of the road. Seeing Huang Xiaorong standing outside the vehicle looking around, Xu Jie immediately waved to the other party, motioning for the driver to drive the car in.

I remember that when he came here in the morning, he still had to wear a temporary work permit to go in with his senior sister, but in the middle of the afternoon, he was able to lead anyone in at will.

Alas, who made the word "temporary" be removed from the temporary work permit hanging on his chest?And in addition to the photo and name, there is also a title on it: assistant director.

People from Huaxia TV Station will be confessed when they go to the place. On the surface, this is a Mid-Autumn Festival party, but it is actually a kind of publicity for the whole city. Who can ignore it?Who dare not pay attention?Who would keep the assistant director's lover out of the door?
The commercial vehicle drove slowly into the gate, and finally stopped in a temporary parking lot nearby.

Su Yun got out of the car with a smile, quickly came to Xu Jie, looked at the helmet on her husband's head and asked, "What kind of shape do you have?"

It's not that she has never participated in an outdoor party, but usually the workers who set up the stage wear hard hats, and her husband is only here to help her rehearse the show, do they need to wear hard hats?I really have never seen any star wear a hard hat during rehearsal.

"I'm the foreman here now." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Foreman?" Su Yun looked puzzled.

Xu Jie directly turned over the work card on his chest and showed it in front of his wife.

Su Yun took a look in her hand, assistant director?At first, she thought that her husband had someone else's work permit. Isn't Jiang Yuanyue the assistant director of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala?
But after carefully looking at the photo and name on the work card, I was stunned immediately, and after a while I came back to my senses, looked at Xu Jie in surprise and asked: "Husband, how did you become the assistant director of the Mid-Autumn Festival party? This, isn't this the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala of Huaxia TV?"

If it was the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala of Beijing TV Station, she would not be surprised at all, but this is the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala of Huaxia TV Station. When did my husband become a member of Huaxia TV Station?Didn't you agree to come to promote and advertise the movie?

"Don't mention it, I was caught by Director Chen as a coolie and asked me to be in charge of the command and dispatch of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala." Xu Jie sighed deeply after speaking, his face full of reluctance.


Su Yun was surprised, and even couldn't believe it.

There are so many people in the large-scale program center of Huaxia TV Station that Director Chen doesn't need it, so why choose someone from a local station to be the assistant director?
Besides, this is the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala of Huaxia TV Station. Can the employer be called "catch"?I don't know how many people want to join but can't join.

"What's going on?" Su Yun was completely confused.

"I'm also a bitch. I expressed my views on the stage in front of Director Chen, but he insisted on inviting me to be the assistant director. I refuse. He's still holding on to me, alas!" Xu Jie shook his head as he said. , and smacked his mouth with his hand.

Su Yun couldn't help laughing when she saw it, she took Xu Jie's hand and said, "This is a good thing, it shows that Director Chen values ​​you, and others can't be the assistant director if they want to."

That's right, not everyone can be the director of China Television's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. Xu Jie's ability to be invited in a capacity other than a large-scale program center is a recognition of his ability.

Didn't you just express your views on the stage?

It must have helped Director Chen solve some problem, otherwise why did the other party suddenly invite him in person?

You must know that the director team of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala was established many days ago, and the members of the director team were also decided after careful consideration. Otherwise, how can it be said that not everyone can be the assistant director?

She was still very proud of this.

"What's the use of being important? It's not the leader of our station. To be honest, if he didn't promise to arrange an interaction between the host and you to promote the movie when you perform, I wouldn't care about this assistant director." Xu Jay pouted.

For him, the most important thing now is the movie, and everything else is secondary.

As long as the film's box office can rise and win the competition with Zheng Guoliang, then the future of Beijing Television Culture, as well as his future, will be infinitely bright.

Among other things, TV series based on movies will also be hugely popular.

"If you say you are fat, you are still out of breath." Su Yun gave her husband a charming look, and only the other party could say such a thing.

"Come on, let's take a look at the stage and tell you about my arrangement." Xu Jie said to Su Yun, and then took his wife's hand and walked towards the stage.

If it's just normal singing, you don't need to be so troublesome, you only need to rehearse once or twice before the official performance.

But for Xu Jie, Su Yun's participation in the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala this time is not just as simple as singing, but also an opportunity to show the movie "Lover in Time and Space" to audiences across the country.

Therefore, he not only brought Su Yun the custom-made costumes in the play, but also wrote a small script for the other party's performance on stage. The role in the movie, in order to achieve the purpose of promoting the movie.

It's just that this will test Su Yun's singing and acting skills, but he believes that Su Yun can do well because his wife is good enough and has never let him down.

Xu Jie came to the stage and expressed his thoughts on the show, including the meaning of each performance, the artistic conception he wanted to express, and even demonstrated the movements.

He has already told Director Chen about all these, and Director Chen also welcomes this kind of connotative and in-depth program, and promises to make the best live effect.

Su Yun listened carefully. She didn't know if the movie promotion would be effective this time, but she still recognized Xu Jie's ability to direct the show.

At the beginning, she was able to win the championship of the first season of "Crossover Actor", and the other party definitely contributed a lot. Without the guidance of the other party at home, she might not have won the championship in the end.

The explanation continued from the afternoon to the evening, and Xu Jie took Su Yun out of the square, and then found a nearby hotel to rest and prepare for tomorrow's rehearsal.


the next day.

It was agreed that the rehearsal would start at 9 am, but Xu Jie did not come to the square until 10 am.

After overnight arrangement, the stage part has been fully formed, and the artists participating in the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala will follow the sequence of the program, and each will have 10 minutes to get familiar with the stage, including communication and running-in with the band and backup dancers, and then the day after tomorrow, that is, The day before the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, there will be a rehearsal with makeup.

"Junior, why did you come here? The rehearsal has already started." Jiang Yuanyue saw Xu Jie who was swaying, and hurried to the other party, grabbed the other party's clothes and dragged him to the front of the stage.

Xu Jie followed the senior sister, and he didn't know whether he was tired or hot. Both sides of his forehead were covered with sweat, and wearing a sun hat was useless.

"What's the rush? It's not a formal rehearsal." Xu Jie said unhurriedly. A formal rehearsal means that the artist wears makeup, and all departments are ready. It's the same as during the live broadcast. Now this situation can only be regarded as simple rehearsal.

"Student, you are the assistant director in charge of on-site command and scheduling. Of course, you must be familiar with the situation of each program, otherwise how will you direct during the live broadcast?" Jiang Yuanyue said.

Xu Jie didn't say anything after hearing this.

Could he not know this?

It's not that I haven't directed a party.

But the problem is, he was too tired last night and he couldn't get up.

What can be done about this?
Jiang Yuanyue didn't hear the student's reply, thinking that the other party knew his mistake, so she pushed the person forward and walked in the opposite direction, saying: "I haven't finished my work there yet, you have to be honest Really stay here, don't forget that you are the assistant director of this party."

"Got it, senior." Xu Jie said lazily, then found a chair and sat down, covering the sun with his hands while watching the artists who were rehearsing on the stage.

This treatment is no one else.

"Xu, Mr. Xu?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice reached Xu Jie's ears.

He turned around and frowned immediately.

It's really a narrow road to enemies, the more you annoy someone, the more you can meet.

"I don't know who it is, it's Mr. Liu, why are you here?" Xu Jie looked at the other party with a strange look and asked, it was none other than Su Yun's former manager Liu Jinghua who called him.

"I, my artist is here to participate in the rehearsal of the China TV Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, how about you?" Liu Jinghua asked curiously, the other party is from Beijing Television Culture, affiliated to Beijing TV Station, why did it appear here?
To put it in a small way, this is Hongdu, and to say it in a big way, this is Ganxi. Besides, this is the scene of the China Television Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, no matter how you think, the other party should not appear here.

"I'm not an artist under your command, so there's no need to report to you." Xu Jie said indifferently.

Liu Jinghua was stunned, thinking: Why doesn't this person play cards according to common sense?
She told the other party, why didn't the other party tell her?
"Director Xu, the water curtain is being installed, do you want to go and have a look?"

At this moment, Gong Liu came over from not far away. Compared with yesterday, his attitude towards Xu Jie has obviously changed a lot.

As for the reason, it is very simple.

Later, he searched for the other party's name on the Internet, and only then did he know the origin of this young man, coupled with his resume, which was enough to blind his dog's eyes, he broke out in a cold sweat.

Yesterday I thought the other party was an outsider, but what happened, he is not only an insider, but also an expert.

No, since he came this morning, he has been waiting for the other party to come, and eased the relationship yesterday by letting the other party check the work.

"I don't know anything about the water curtain, so you can follow Director Chen's request." Xu Jie looked at him suspiciously. He was in charge of on-site command and dispatch. What does the installation of the water curtain have to do with him?
"Okay, I'll let the workers install it first, and then you can go and see the effect after the installation is complete." Liu Gong said politely, thinking to himself: You said you didn't understand yesterday, but didn't you find a way to solve the problem in the end?
In the same way, he won't do it a second time.

"Understood, go get busy." Xu Jie said, although the installation of the water curtain has nothing to do with him, but the effect of the water curtain has something to do with him, because the pictures that appear on the water curtain are important to the entire party and all the programs. Influenced, even Su Yun's program will use the water curtain.

"Director Xu, then I'm leaving." Liu Gong smiled, then turned and left.

Looking at the scene just now, Liu Jinghua was both surprised and strange.

She had seen that person when she came to the square, and she heard that he was the person in charge of setting up the stage, but why would such a person treat Xu Jie with respect?It looks like the upper and lower levels are the same.

At this time, she noticed Xu Jie's work card hanging on his chest. The actor wore an actor's card, and a manager like her wore a temporary work card, but why did the other party wear a work card?
Liu Jinghua saw that the other party's clothes were ignorant, so he didn't continue to stick his hot face on the other party's cold butt. After all, this is the west of Jiangxi, not the capital city, and it is the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala held by Huaxia TV. What can the other party do? Woolen cloth?

Thinking of this, she turned and returned to the side of the stage, and contacted several other artists of the company, telling them not to forget the time, and to arrive at the venue on time for rehearsal.

Because of that man, although the company related to Beijing Radio and Television Station lifted the ban on the artistes of the prosperous brokerage company on the surface, but in private, it reduced the use of the company's artists.

This not only caused the artists under her to lose a lot of job opportunities, but also made the competitors see the opportunity to poach people under her hands frantically, which caused the whole company to lose heart, and also caused her to be devastated.

Therefore, she had no choice but to change her development strategy. One is to move upwards, and actively strive for the opportunity for the company's artists to appear on China TV, even if there is no labor fee; Opportunities to appear on camera and work, and labor costs can also be negotiated.

Since the implementation of these two strategies, relying on the previous relationship network, the effect is still very good, and the hearts of the people in the company have gradually stabilized.

But she never dreamed that that man would appear here.

"Beauty!" Liu Jinghua suddenly stopped a staff member and asked, "Do you know who that person is sitting under the stage?"

"I know, it's Xu Jie. Don't you know Sister Hua? He is Su Yun's husband." While the staff member was answering, there was a suspicious expression on his face.

Director Xu is Su Yun's husband, and Su Yun was originally an entertainer under Sister Hua, how could the other party not know?Could it be that Liu Jinghua in front of me is a fake?Someone Fake?

"Of course I know him. I want to ask, why is he here? Did you invite him?" Liu Jinghua asked, can this person sing or dance?Or, want to make mooncakes on site?
"He is now the assistant director of our China Television Mid-Autumn Festival Gala." The staff said truthfully.


Liu Jinghua was shocked, and even wondered if he heard it wrong.

Isn't the other party a person from Beijing Radio and Television Station?How did you come here to be the assistant director of the China Television Mid-Autumn Festival Gala?Never heard of it before.

"Beauty, are you sure?" Liu Jinghua asked.

"Of course, I made Director Xu's work permit myself." The staff member said, Deputy Director Jiang entrusted her with this task yesterday, and it was done in less than 10 minutes.

"But, but..."

Liu Jinghua waited for a long time, but in the end he didn't say anything, not because he had nothing to say, but because he had too many questions, and his mind was all messed up.

how could this be?

Just now she felt that this was not the capital TV station, and the other party could not do anything to her, but now it turned out to be good, and finally fell into the other party's hands.

This, this is too bad luck, right?

Liu Jinghua even felt like crying.

She thought her strategy was successful. Even if she didn't have a job at Beijing Radio and Television Station, the company would still be able to operate normally, and artists would still have jobs, but now...

This person is really everywhere, and he can't hide even if he wants to.

Liu Jinghua looked at the man below the stage with tangled eyes. When did the other party break into China TV?This was completely beyond his expectations.


Liu Jinghua suddenly made a bitter face. This time, there are many artists from her company participating in the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. If the other party deliberately finds fault with them, they will not even be able to go up the road.

Thinking of the company, artists, and banknotes, she sighed deeply, then smiled and walked towards him.

"Mr. Xu!"

"Why are you here again?" Xu Jie said impatiently, the disgust on his face was undisguised.

Liu Jinghua thought: I don't want to come, and I don't want to stick my hot face on your cold butt, but who made you the assistant director of the show?

"Mr. Xu, the artist on stage belongs to our company. What do you think of him?" Liu Jinghua asked politely. Just now she didn't understand that Liu Gong's actions, but now she has become the same as Liu Gong up.

"I know him, isn't he Zhang Yijia? I've met him before. His singing is okay, but his dancing is so-so." Xu Jie said.

He knows all the famous artists in the prosperous brokerage company. It's not how famous these artists are, but knowing themselves and the enemy can win every battle.

He would never use an artist from the prosperous brokerage company.

The reason why he took the initiative to understand was because he didn't want to praise the wrong person in the show and let Liu Jinghua take advantage of him.

Liu Jinghua's heart skipped a beat.

This will not work!

Although the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala will start in a few days, what can't this man do?

She has been taught many times.

"Mr. Xu, Zhang Yijia is rehearsing with a backup dancer, and he hasn't shown his true strength. In fact, he dances very well." Liu Jinghua was afraid that the man in front of him would reject Zhang Yijia's show, so he immediately shouted at the artists on stage: "Zhang Yijia, be serious and dance well."

After speaking, he winked at Zhang Yijia, signaling the other party to be quicker and show some strength.

Zhang Yijia was puzzled. It wasn't a formal rehearsal, so there was no need for it, right?But who made Sister Hua his manager?So I immediately stood up and started the performance again.

singing and dancing.

Xu Jie looked at the hard-working male singer on the stage, and glanced at Liu Jinghua who was standing aside from the corner of his eye. Was the other party trying to please him?
But he is a man, is it a problem to use a male singer to please him?If you want to dance, you should also find a female singer to dance.

Is Liu Jinghua, an old woman, sick?


(End of this chapter)

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