The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 832 Is there a cat that doesn't steal fishy?

Chapter 832 Is there a cat that doesn't steal fishy?
Although Xu Jie is not from the entertainment circle, he still knows a little about the things in the entertainment circle.

I heard that in order to gain the support of the bosses, many entertainment companies will let the stars in the company show their talents, such as drinking, dancing, chopping, etc., in exchange for more cooperation and resources.

Is he a boss now?

With the current scale of Jingshi Culture, it doesn't count.

No matter what, you have to be at the level of deputy editor-in-chief Lu, or the boss of a company of the size of Forbidden Pictures to be called a big boss.

And he, at present, can be regarded as "centered" at best.

What is centering?

Insufficient than above, more than below.

And there must be the support and care of the big boss behind it, otherwise it won't count.

But with such a status, Liu Jinghua actually arranged for an actor to be a talent. Did he misunderstand his gender orientation, or did he deliberately disgust him here?
A few minutes later, Zhang Yijia finished singing and dancing, and turned his eyes to Liu Jinghua, the manager in the audience, as if asking if he was satisfied with his performance just now.

Of course Liu Jinghua is satisfied with the performance of the company's artists, but this is not a company, so what she says doesn't matter, and whether the performance is good or not depends on the intention of the assistant director of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala beside her.

However, when she turned her head and saw Xu Jie's serious expression, the smile on her face immediately froze.

what's the situation?
Are you not satisfied with the performance just now?
"Xu, Mr. Xu, what do you think?" Liu Jinghua asked cautiously, thinking: This person is probably planning to avenge his personal revenge and pass on the unhappiness between the two to the artist, right?
Although this kind of behavior is a bit despicable, she has no other way. Who made Liang Zi end up?And more than once.

"Which aspect are you referring to?" Xu Jie asked lightly.

Liu Jinghua was taken aback for a moment, the question was so professional that she was at a loss for what to do.


Is it pleasing to the eye?

It seems that he didn't say that.

"Uh... comprehensive performance." Liu Jinghua thought for a while and said.

"Singing is good and dancing is pretty good, but I don't like it." Xu Jie said bluntly.

Liu Jinghua was quite happy when he heard the first half of the sentence, but he was not calm when he heard the second half.

It's all good, why don't you like it?

Isn't this just finding fault on purpose?
No, this is not considered fault-finding, fault-finding refers to picking bones in the egg.

The other party didn't choose, and directly said that he didn't like eggs, whether they were organic or selenium-rich, they didn't like them.

How can this be done?

At this time, Xu Jie took out the program list of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, and found the program performed by Zhang Yijia in it. According to the above order, this program will appear third.

He took out the pen directly, drew a line in front of 3, went down and down, and finally stopped in the middle of 29 and 30, and drew an arrow.

When Liu Jinghua saw the arrow, his eyes straightened immediately.

You must know that there are only 32 programs in this year's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, and the other party actually changed Zhang Yijia's program from the third to the 3th. Isn't this bullying?
The show is so late, how many viewers are still watching?

Xu Jie put away his pen, looked at the program list and said: "I don't like this program, not because of Zhang Yijia, but because of you, but you also know that I always put work first, so this program will be released." Let's finish at the back."

The corner of Liu Jinghua's mouth twitched, thinking: Work comes first?Are you serious?
Besides, putting it in the end is not necessarily the finale.

The party is worried about the phenomenon of anticlimax, and usually arranges some heavyweight artists to appear at the end to attract the audience, which can be regarded as giving the audience a motivation to watch until the end. This is why many Spring Festival Gala will put good-looking sketches in 10:30, even eleven o'clock.

Therefore, the so-called finale does not refer to the program, nor does it refer to the ranking, but to the artist. As long as there are enough cafes and enough traffic, it is the finale at any time of day.

If the artist's popularity is not big enough, and no one will watch it at the back, it is not called the finale, but the ending. When the ratings come out, it will reveal the reality that the artist is not popular.

And with Zhang Yijia's status, it is not enough to be the finale.

If the program is arranged in the front, more people will watch it at the beginning, and the ratings will not be bad.

"Mr. Xu, for such a big finale, you should leave it to other artists. Just put Zhang Yijia in the front, and I don't think he is strong enough to take on such a big responsibility right now." Liu Jinghua said hastily.

"Oh? So, Liu always thinks that Zhang Yijia is not good?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

"It's not bad, it's just that there are not enough seats." Liu Jinghua explained.

"Mr. Liu, this is your fault. You have to be more confident in your artists, trust them, and give them a chance to perform." Xu Jie said.

Liu Jinghua thought: Is this a chance for Zhang Yijia?Obviously a hole was dug for Zhang Yijia to jump into.


If a person is confident, can he get a coffee position?
Confidence is good, but overconfidence is ego.

She still has this self-knowledge.

"Sister Hua, I think Mr. Xu is right."

Suddenly a voice sounded from behind Xu Jie, and then he saw a man in a red shirt walking to his side. The man looked about 35, six or less than forty, with short hair, good features, and not tall , but looks very spiritual.

Xu Jie knew this person. The other person was Chang Ziyang. He was an agent in Huasen Media. He had many young artists under him. He was a well-known behind-the-scenes star promoter in the circle, and he was especially good at discovering newcomers.

When Liu Jinghua saw the director, his face changed, and then he said in a strange way: "So it's Ziyang, you're here too?"

"Yes, isn't this for a rehearsal?" Chang Ziyang pointed to a beautiful woman wearing a sun hat and a dress behind him, then deliberately looked at his watch, and said, "However, it seems to be my turn, He Ying, right? Mr. Xu, why don't you watch my He Ying's show again?"

Xu Jie looked at the time and found that Zhang Yijia had already exceeded the time limit by 3 minutes, so he nodded at Chang Ziyang, "Go up."

"Okay." Chang Ziyang said with a smile, and then told He Ying who was beside him: "Xiaoying, Mr. Xu is here, you must behave well later, you know?"

"Yes." He Ying nodded obediently, and walked to the stage.

On the other hand, Zhang Yijia, who was in the last rehearsal, walked off the stage with a depressed expression. Obviously, she also knew how heavy she was and didn't want to be arranged to appear at the end.

"Mr. Xu, Zhang Yijia's program..." Liu Jinghua looked at Xu Jie pleadingly, wanting to fight for Zhang Yijia.

"When will it be your turn to take care of the sequence of the CTV Mid-Autumn Festival Gala? Or else you will be my assistant director?" Xu Jie frowned and looked at Liu Jinghua dissatisfied. ?

"No, no, I don't have that ability." Liu Jinghua shook his head immediately.

It's okay to ask her to help artists negotiate contracts and cooperation, but she is not at that level when asked to be a director.

After hearing this, Xu Jie sneered, ignored the other party, and turned his attention to the stage.

He Ying has already taken off her sun hat, and she is standing on the stage pretty, to be precise, on the stage directly in front of Xu Jie, with a microphone in her hand, a shy smile on her face, watery The eyes seem to speak.

Hmm, this is good.

Xu Jie thought to himself.

Of course, he didn't have any wrong thoughts, he just simply thought that Chang Ziyang was better at life than Liu Jinghua, so how good would it be to have a female celebrity come on stage to perform for him?
Accompanied by the band behind, He Ying sang.

She was accompanied by a dozen dancers in civilian clothes who danced on stage to the music, apparently rehearsing for a long time in private.

In fact, He Ying is an actor, not a professional singer.

Don't think it's hard for a singer to act, but it's easy for an actor to be accepted by the public when he sings.

Therefore, the party will not only invite singers to sing, but also invite actors to sing.

Moreover, the audience is more tolerant of the actors' singing. Even if the pitch is not accurate, no one will care about it, and it can even be regarded as a highlight. Fewer, more actors singing, singers singing are not so popular, and actors singing can cause screams.

Xu Jie looked at He Ying on the stage and listened to the other party's song, not to mention his singing skills, who would blame him if he couldn't sing well just because of his sweet appearance?

Gradually, Xu Jie realized.

The TV station and the evening party invited popular traffic niches and flowers, and they were naturally bubbling in appearance. In comparison, the looks of those singers were not as good as the actors.

After all, this is a world that looks at faces.

Soon, the singing is over.

"Mr. Xu, what do you think?" Chang Ziyang stood where Liu Jinghua was just now, and asked the same words.

And Liu Jinghua, who retreated to the side, kept rolling his eyes at Chang Ziyang, and at the same time, there was a look of disdain on his face.

Who Chang Ziyang is, she knows very well in her heart that she is known as the number one communicator in the brokerage circle. If she has nothing to do, she will take the company's artists to dinners outside, and often leave halfway through the meal with an excuse, leaving the artists at the dinner , As for how the artist will end up, everyone knows it well.

"Well, not bad." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

What is the purpose of inviting stars to the party?
It is to attract the audience, and to make people feel pleasing to the eye, so in his opinion, He Ying is obviously doing better than Zhang Yijia, even though he is just standing...

When Chang Ziyang heard it, the smile on his face became even brighter, like a flower, a blooming chrysanthemum. After Liu Jinghua heard it, his face was not only ugly, but also long, like a donkey's face. After a fight, I thought: This is not a performance, it is clearly a beauty trick.

Xu Jie looked at the program list, and the program for the group photo was located at the 20th, neither forward nor backward.

This position is very embarrassing, because it does not count the opening or the finale, and many viewers will change channels at this time.

Xu Jie drew another line in front of 20, and then drew the arrow in front of 3, which is the location of Zhang Yijia's program.

"Thank you, Director Xu. We listen to you. We will appear whenever you arrange for us to appear." Chang Ziyang said cheerfully.

Although Liu Jinghua didn't see the program list, but seeing Chang Ziyang's cheap and good-looking appearance, he immediately knew that Xu Jie must have arranged a good position for He Ying.

She gritted her teeth tightly, and looked at Xu Jie fiercely. She already had Su Yun, and she even showed her affections to other female stars. Isn't this the rhythm of cheating?

Although in the entertainment industry, this kind of situation is very common, and it is even normal for the couple to play their own things, but this man took Su Yun from her and encouraged Su Yun to leave the bustling business and establish his own family. Can she not be angry with other female stars?
Liu Jinghua was suddenly inspired.

What would happen if Su Yun knew about this matter?If this man cheated, would Su Yun regret her choice?
Thinking of this, her heart was no longer depressed and stressed, and even her face turned red because of the excitement in her heart, wishing to see the result immediately.


The time is not yet ripe.

Moreover, she didn't know if there was a story between that man and He Ying.

However, she believed that as long as she got in touch with Chang Ziyang, there would be no cat that didn't steal.

and many more!

You can't rely on Chang Ziyang, she should also take action, so that the chances of winning will be greater.

She quickly took out her mobile phone from her bag, and sent a WeChat message to the female artists of the company who will come to participate in the shooting later, telling them to put on makeup, and must dress beautifully, it would be even better if they could show some.

Isn't there such a sentence?House flowers do not have the fragrance of wild flowers.

Behind every beautiful female star, there is a man who rides until he vomits.

In recent years, have there been few news reports about the husbands of female celebrities cheating, raising mistresses, and looking for girls?

"Mr. Xu, do you have time at noon? I know a good private restaurant with local specialties. How about having a light meal together at noon? By the way, let He Ying tell you about the city of Hongdu. She is from Hongdu." Chang Zi Yang said politely.

Liu Jinghua secretly smiled when he saw it.

"No need, I don't rest at noon." Xu Jie said lightly, looking uninterested.

The day after tomorrow is the official rehearsal, so there is not much time left for the rehearsal of the program. The actor must complete the rehearsal as soon as possible, and he must familiarize himself with each program as soon as possible to avoid chaotic scenes during on-site scheduling. You must know that the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is a live broadcast. Well, if the chain is lost, the entire director team, and even the entire Huaxia TV station will be laughed at, and he cannot bear the responsibility.

As for what to do at noon, just eat a box lunch and make do with it.

"Mr. Xu, don't tell me, as the old saying goes, people are iron, and rice is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry, and it won't take long to eat a meal. It is also because your work is important, so you must Pay attention to your diet and supplement your nutrition, otherwise what will you do if you are exhausted? How can you do without you at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala?" Chang Ziyang said eloquently.

In a word, the invitation to dinner is said, and the flattery is also paid.

"Thank you, Manager Chang, for your kindness. I appreciate it." Xu Jie still refused.

In fact, he really hates participating in dinner parties. A group of hypocritical people sit together, you brag about me, I brag about you, it makes me sick to hear it.

"Mr. Xu..."

Chang Ziyang wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Liu Jinghua, who had long disliked him.

"Ziyang, Xu Jie has already said he can't go, why do you insist on forcing people to go? How can you invite people like that?" Liu Jinghua said with a sneer.

She didn't expect Xu Jie to refuse, because many directors and bosses have followed Chang Ziyang's advice. Of course, it is not ruled out that Xu Jie saw her here and told her deliberately, so she pretended to be for him. rescue.

"Sister Hua, look at what you said, how dare I force Mr. Xu to eat together, doesn't He Ying want to join the friendship of the landlord?" Chang Ziyang said plausibly, and he was not afraid of Liu Jinghua at all in terms of momentum.

By the way, which agent has never brought an artist to a dinner?Has Liu Jinghua done too little?
It's really shameless to be a bitch and still set up a memorial archway.

"Really? Can you add me, just because I don't have a place to eat at noon." Liu Jinghua said resolutely, today she was not targeting Xu Jie, but Chang Ziyang.

In fact, she has tolerated each other for a long time.

In the spring of this year, many artists in the company were poached by other companies after their contracts expired, and among these poaching companies, Chang Ziyang was the most active one.

As a result, when we meet now, not only does the other party not feel guilty at all, but he is also confident. Is this the attitude towards the seniors in the industry?
"Sister Hua, you don't have a place to eat? Don't be kidding. You want to have dinner with Mr. Xu. Why do you want to join me? Besides, you don't ask Mr. Xu, would you like to eat with you? "Chang Ziyang was also unambiguous, he already knew about the matter between Liu Jinghua and Mr. Xu, and the banning battle at the end of last year involved many artists.


Liu Jinghua's whole body trembled, she was so stunned that she didn't know what to say.

That's right, if you think about it with your toes, Mr. Xu definitely doesn't want to have dinner with her.

"Mr. Xu, don't worry, there are still a few female artists in our company, and it will be their turn soon." After Liu Jinghua finished speaking to Xu Jie, the demonstrators looked at Chang Ziyang, and she was going to talk to him here today. Compete.

Isn't it a female artist?It's like who doesn't have it.

"No matter whose turn it is, I will stay here for a day, so how did you see that I was anxious?" Xu Jie kept a straight face, and the other party said that he seemed to be greedy for the beauty of female artists.

That's right, he likes to watch female artists, is that wrong?
It is human nature to pursue beautiful things.

Does he have to keep his head down when it's the female artist's turn to take the stage?

How else can we say that this woman Liu Jinghua's thoughts are extremely dirty?

"No, I didn't mean that. I just want to say that my artist is not inferior to Chang Ziyang's artist." Liu Jinghua also realized that something was wrong at this time, so he quickly changed his words.

"Hehe!" Xu Jie sneered twice.

What if you don't lose?
Is he targeting artists?


He is targeting the other party.

As long as it is the artist of the other party, he will find it unpleasant. Otherwise, how could he have eliminated the artist of the other company Zheng Yun in the first round of the third season of "Crossover Actors"?

Soon, two more programs were rehearsed.

Liu Jinghua is very happy because her female artist is here.

Jin Lu, a super popular creative talent, and she is also beautiful, although she looks gentle and gentle like a sister next door, she is actually a weird person, otherwise how could she create so many songs?

"Jin Lu, go on stage and show everyone a show." Liu Jinghua straightened her back, feeling confident enough to speak.

"Okay Sister Hua." Jin Lu received Sister Hua's WeChat, and when she saw that she was asked to put on makeup, she immediately knew that something was wrong, so not only did she dress up beautifully, but she also adjusted her state.

Xu Jie looked at Jin Lu on the stage, the little vest, the little hot pants, and the white flowers on the outside are so beautiful.

Well, he was talking about socks.


(End of this chapter)

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