Chapter 833

Jin Lu was born in a major and graduated from the Conservatory of Music. She actively participated in various music programs as early as her university days. Even the songs she sang were mostly composed by herself, which was well received by the judges. Therefore, she debuted as a creative talent The aura is deeply loved by the audience.

However, with the needs of the market, her performance style has also undergone great changes over the years.

In the first few years of her career, she used to sing and talk with her guitar in her arms, and her clothes were very simple and casual. Instead of dancing, she gradually began to take the sexy route, singing and dancing on the stage, doing some movements of twisting her waist and shaking her hips.

When Xu Jieji attended the annual meeting of the prosperous brokerage company for the first time, she saw Jinlu in the venue, but compared with that time, she is completely different now, and she can't even find the original trace. It wasn't for Liu Jinghua's introduction, he wouldn't even recognize the other party.

Times are changing, and people have to change accordingly to adapt to this market, otherwise they will be eliminated.

The entertainment industry is a very glamorous place, but it is also a very cruel place. There are many handsome men and beautiful women here, and there are also many people who can write and sing. Therefore, if you want to stand out from the crowd, you must constantly enrich yourself. Otherwise it is easy to be replaced by others.

How many people have great ambitions, but in the end they end up lacklustre?

How many people became famous overnight, then disappeared and were forgotten not long after they became popular?
Xu Jie suddenly thought of Tang Fei. As one of the most popular female singers of the new generation, the other party also received an invitation to the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala of China TV Station. The program was ranked 10th, and she didn't know what she was like now.

Liu Jinghua, who was standing aside, saw Xu Jie, who was so focused that he didn't even blink his eyelids for a long time, a smugness flashed in his eyes.

This expression is obviously fascinated.

Sure enough, men like this one, just like cats like to steal fish.

Speaking of Jinlu's little vest and hot pants, who wouldn't be confused?Even a woman like her couldn't help wanting to touch her.

This small waist, these long legs, tsk tsk tsk, amazing.

She turned her head and looked at Chang Ziyang demonstratively, as if to say: Do you have a beautiful singer?I have that too.

Is there a lack of beautiful women in the entertainment industry?No shortage!Can you sing?No shortage either!So, don't get too complacent.

Chang Ziyang noticed Liu Jinghua's expression, he has dealt with the other party for so many years, can he not know what kind of person the other party is?So I didn't pay attention to it at all, and silently calculated how to build a relationship with Mr. Xu to ensure more opportunities for cooperation in the future. After all, the other party's Beijing TV Station and China TV Station take everything. There are too few people like this.

Since the other party did not accept the invitation at noon today, they had to wait until evening to find another chance.

Not long after, Jinlu's performance ended.

"Director Xu, what did you think of Jin Lu's performance just now? Is it not worse than the previous one?" Liu Jinghua asked with a smile, as if she had grasped Xu Jie's lifeblood.

"Well, not bad." Xu Jie nodded after hearing that.

In fact, when he thought of Tang Fei just now, he suddenly had a feeling of sympathy for women like Jin Lu and He Ying.

People in the arena involuntarily.

But as soon as he saw the smile on Liu Jinghua's face like a bustard, the sympathy disappeared instantly.

What is involuntary, what is forced, isn't one willing to fight and the other willing to suffer?
Otherwise, it's fine to just quit the arena, so why bother to wrong yourself here and pretend to be a weak person?Still can't let go of fame and fortune?
Even if Su Yun faced Zhou Yuanqing last year.

I just don't drink, and I can be blocked if I want to, whatever I want.

No matter how hard Ren Na Zhou Yuanqing forced him, what could he do?

When Liu Jinghua heard Xu Jie's answer, the smile on his face became brighter, and even the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes laughed out.

Wouldn't this be a game back?

Chang Ziyang was very unwilling to see it.

It's okay on other stages, but on the stage of Huaxia TV, you must not admit defeat.

Want to compare?

Then let's compete!

Not to be outdone, Chang Ziyang took out his mobile phone and sent WeChat messages to the artistes of the company who hadn't arrived yet, asking the female artists to dress more beautifully and sexy...

So, it was agreed that today was just a rehearsal, but it turned into a competition for beauty.

The clothes worn by the artists are even better than those arranged for the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, and each piece is either an international brand name or a custom-made one. A good program rehearsal has turned into a personal show.

Although the rehearsal time is arranged according to the order of the program, it is inevitable that some artists will come to the rehearsal scene in advance. When these artists see the rehearsal artists who are gorgeous and not inferior to the catwalk, they are completely confused.

It was agreed that it was just a rehearsal to get acquainted with the stage scene. As for being so introverted?
In fact, celebrities dress casually in private, and they are not as luxurious and gorgeous as they are on the red carpet and stage, but today's situation is obviously not right.

Some managers who followed the artist to the scene were also puzzled, and even wondered if they had misread the message from the director team.

Individual managers couldn't help but came to Liu Jinghua and Chang Ziyang's side and asked about the inside of the rehearsal.

"Sister Hua, isn't it just for rehearsal today? Why are the artists of your prosperity agency dressed so formally?"

It's okay to wear a vest and short skirt, but what's the matter with a dress?And why don't you leave after rehearsal?Could it be that the director team has to hold a meeting with the artists later?I haven't been notified yet.

"It's nothing, I just want the artist to get into the mood quickly and treat the exercise as an actual combat. After all, the rehearsal time for this Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is very little, so it can't be wasted, and Director Xu is also there, so it happens that Director Xu can comment on it after the artist's performance Let’s see if there are any deficiencies, so we can make improvements.” Liu Jinghua said loudly deliberately, wanting Xu Jie who was sitting in front to hear him, so as to express his attitude.


The agent who asked the question was stunned.

Rehearsal is rehearsal, what should be actual combat?Besides, isn't there a formal rehearsal in two days?As for being so serious?

Another manager came to Chang Ziyang's side and asked in a low voice, "Director Chang, what's the situation? Didn't it mean rehearsal? How is it different from the past?"

Because everyone is in the same industry, they often meet each other in activities, and they are naturally very clear about the preparations for rehearsals.

But today's rehearsal is extraordinary.

It was as if Chang Ziyang's artist and Liu Jinghua's artist were in a competition, but no one knew exactly what they were fighting for.

Is there any mysterious gift?
I haven't heard anyone from the director team mention it.

"Of course it's different. Director Xu is here today. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to accept the guidance of Director Xu. Do you think you should rehearse with your best form?" Chang Ziyang also said very loudly, not wanting to be compared by Liu Jinghua. go down.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but cast their eyes on Xu Jie who was at the side.
Accept the guidance of Director Xu?

Isn't it just singing?Invited by China TV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, who is not a star entertainer with rich stage experience?Do you still need Director Xu to guide you?
Besides, does Director Xu know how to sing?
Everyone felt very strange. Even if it was the Spring Festival Gala of Huaxia TV, the review team and the director team would not check the stars' singing skills.

Later, these managers and celebrities looked at each other. Although they didn't understand what Liu Jinghua and Chang Ziyang meant, they hurried back to the nanny's car to change clothes. Chang Ziyang did that, so he must have his own intentions, so he just did it. Although he didn't know what the benefits would be, there was definitely no harm.

As a result, a rehearsal for a show that was supposed to be ordinary turned into "I Am a Singer", and there was only one judge, and that was Xu Jie.

Xu Jie was also a little confused.

One or two is fine, how can other artists compare?Why are they all dressed so well?The point is, everyone is still working hard.

Could it be that this is the strength of Huaxia TV's evening party?
Xu Jie watched one show after another, and suddenly a familiar figure appeared on the stage. He was taken aback for a moment, and then narrowed his eyes.

Tang Fei...

I didn't expect it to be her turn so soon!
Tang Fei on the stage was wearing a black strapless suspender skirt with light smoky makeup, looking very hot and flamboyant.

Xu Jie didn't evade, and didn't say anything, just as before, quietly waiting for the other party's performance. This was the first time he sat down to watch the other party's performance.

Tang Fei looked at Xu Jie who was sitting under the stage, her face was full of embarrassment, and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

Why is this man the object of the performance?
If it was someone else, she would be able to perform without fear, even if there were tens of thousands of people sitting in the audience, he would not be nervous at all, and the warm atmosphere at the scene would only make her more involved.

But facing this man alone, she couldn't relax no matter what. While feeling guilty, she felt even more ashamed.

At the beginning, she broke up with the other party in order to become a star, but now, she has finally become a star, but she has to perform for the other party, to please the other party, to wait for the other party's judgment, and even whether she can finally be on the stage of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala of China TV Station. It depends on the mood of the other party. Isn't this a kind of irony?

"Feifei, sing!" Liu Jinghua reminded, while winking at Tang Fei.

No matter how many good cards Chang Ziyang had in his hand, it couldn't compare to Tang Fei's card, which was the trump card!

Tang Fei trembled all over, and her face turned extremely pale. The person she once disliked, now even Sister Hua has to look at the other person's face. No one can understand such complicated emotions.

In layman's terms, it's like the ex-boyfriend who just broke up and suddenly won 500 million. This is not the end. The ex-boyfriend took the money to buy stocks, what to buy, what to buy, and directly turned into a stock god. She should be sad Well, should I be happy?I believe most women are the former.

Although things are not the same thing, but the meaning is interlinked.

She suddenly remembered a poem by Li Qingzhao, a poetess in the Song Dynasty: Things are people, but things are not, and tears flow first when you want to speak!

Tang Fei took a deep breath, looked away from the man, pretended not to see, and then started the normal rehearsal, after all, it was only half an hour.

Liu Jinghua saw Tang Fei start, and then smiled, then glanced at Xu Jie to the side, staring at the expression on the other's face, was it the same as when watching other programs, or did he still have any thoughts about Tang Fei?

If it's the former, then that's fine, but if it's the latter...

At this time, Xu Jie suddenly turned his head and shot his gaze at Liu Jinghua.

Liu Jinghua was taken aback, and with a guilty conscience quickly looked away, pretending to be watching the stage seriously, her heart beating wildly.

Too scary!

That gaze was too sharp, it was like a sharp knife piercing towards her, and now I still have lingering fears.

Xu Jie stared at Liu Jinghua coldly for a while, watching the other party pretending, then ignored him and continued to look at the stage.

Today's Tang Fei is obviously out of shape, her pronunciation is either high or low, and she doesn't even dance properly, making frequent mistakes.

The people watching under the stage not only started talking.

"What's the situation with Tang Fei? Why does she seem to be out of her wits?"

"Feifei has always been good at singing and dancing, why does she look like a different person today?"

"Is there something on your mind? Feeling absent-minded?"

"This is the stage of China TV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. How dare she lose her mind? Does she not want to participate?"

"Nowadays, young artists are too unprofessional, and as soon as they get a little name, they start to float. They don't practice singing and dancing, and they put down their majors. They just want to enjoy themselves and make money. If they don't give money, they won't cooperate .”

They said everything on the spot, especially those female singers, when they looked at Tang Fei, their eyes were full of contempt and jealousy, and they said the worst.

It is said that peers are enemies, which is absolutely true.

The cake is so big, and someone suddenly appeared to grab it. Who would forgive this person who was going to eat the cake?Although everyone seems to be able to get by on the surface, in fact they are intriguing with each other, wishing to draw circles and curse behind their backs.

Liu Jinghua frowned tightly, his eyes full of anxiety.

Feifei's performance today is too amateurish, right?With this performance, let alone "I Am a Singer", even if she participated in "The Voice", she might not be able to enter the national competition.

Artists need to face various situations, so they must learn to adjust their mentality. If they can't do this, they can't be regarded as a qualified artist.

She came to Feifei's front, waved vigorously at the other party, and made gestures to make the other party focus, not to be disturbed by other factors, as usual.

Of course Tang Fei understands this, but there is a big difference between theory and practical application. It doesn't mean that one can do well in practice if one knows the theory, otherwise everyone would be a scientist.

Isn't there such a sentence?Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles.

Doesn't she want to make it through rehearsals?

But she can't do it.

Xu Jie's eyes enveloped her every move like eagle eyes, which made her unable to calm down at all, and she could even feel the other party's gaze as long as she faced the auditorium.

Over time, even with her eyes closed, she could still feel a pair of eyes looking at her, making her flustered.

It's over, I'm sick.


(End of this chapter)

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