Chapter 835
Xu Jie returned to the hotel and was about to take the elevator upstairs when he saw Chen Ya, the chief director of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, come out of the elevator, beside him were Lu Xiaopeng, the deputy director of China Television Comprehensive Channel, and Yu Yan and Jiang Yuan, the deputy directors of the show moon.

"Hey, Xiao Xu, you're back." Chen Ya greeted him kindly. With this young man around, his work was a lot easier.

"Yeah." Xu Jie said weakly, although he didn't do much hard work, but it didn't feel good after a day in the sun.

If it weren't for the promotion on the platform of China TV, he wouldn't have suffered this crime.

"Did you just come back from the scene?" Chen Ya looked at Xu Jie. After only one day, he felt that the other party seemed to have become a lot rougher, probably because of the wind and the sun.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

"Xiao Xu, thank you for your hard work!" Chen Yasheng was afraid that the other party would retreat, so he reached out and patted Xu Jie on the shoulder, then looked at the people beside him and said, "Do you know what I admire most about Xiao Xu?"

"What?" Lu Xiaopeng asked with interest.

He had met this young man backstage at last year's China TV Spring Festival Gala, but because of work and everyone was busy at the time, he hadn't had much contact with him, but he had heard someone say something about him. It is rumored that he rejected Chen Ya's invitation to join CTV. Anyway, everyone spoke highly of this young man.

"There are fewer and fewer people who are talented and yet so serious and responsible." Chen Ya shook his head and sighed.

"Yes." Lv Xiaopeng nodded and echoed, "I still remember the Spring Festival food special program "The Temptation of Going Home" the year before last. At that time, time was tight and tasks were heavy. Many documentary directors and food directors dared not take it. Only Xiao Xu used it. The filming was finished in less than a month, not only achieved very good ratings, but also received unanimous praise from the audience. I remember that before the Spring Festival last year, there were enthusiastic audiences who asked if "The Temptation of Going Home" would have a second season."

When Xu Jie heard it, he felt extremely comfortable.

May I ask, who doesn't like the feeling of being praised?

"This is what I should do." Xu Jie said modestly, finally showing a little smile on his face.

"By the way, Xiao Xu, you haven't had dinner yet, have you? We are going out to eat and taste the local delicacies of Hongdu. Would you like to come together?" Chen Ya asked.

"No, my wife is still waiting for me upstairs." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

People from Huaxia TV had dinner together, why would he join in the fun as an outsider?
"Are you talking about Su Yun? Then invite her to come with you. You are now the assistant director of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, and everyone is your own person. Don't be so alien." Chen Ya said enthusiastically.

The reason why he took the initiative to win over the other party was not because of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala to be held the day after tomorrow, but for this year's Spring Festival Gala.

Last year's Spring Festival Gala, the other party produced three language programs by himself, and the results were very good. If he could invite the other party to join the Spring Festival Gala program group this year, then he would no longer have to worry about the language programs for the Spring Festival Gala.

We must know that over the years, language programs have always been the focus of audience attention, and they are also the top priority of the work of the director team of the Spring Festival Gala.

How heavy is it?
If the language programs are not good, the Spring Festival Gala will not be considered a success.

Language programs need to make hundreds of millions of viewers laugh. In contrast, singing and dancing programs are simpler.

People, you can't use first and pay first.

Friendship needs to be accumulated slowly.

Now that there is such an opportunity, Chen Ya must make good use of it.

"Yes, Xiao Xu, let's come together." Lu Xiaopeng also said.

"Student, don't be too polite, don't worry, you don't have to pay the bill." Jiang Yuanyue joked.

Xu Jie thought about it. In fact, he also wanted to establish a good relationship with the people in China TV. This would be of great help to his future development and Su Yun's future development.

Otherwise, he would not have taken over the work of writing sketches during the rehearsal stage of last year's Spring Festival Gala.

"Actually, someone has asked me out for dinner." Xu Jie looked at the people in front of him and said, "Why don't you go out for a meal with me? You must know this person, Chang Ziyang, the artist management director of Huasen Media .”

Everyone was stunned.

They really know this person.

Huasen Media is one of the largest entertainment companies in China, and it is also one of the earliest companies engaged in the entertainment industry in China. It owns countless stars, many of whom have appeared on the stage of China TV, and Chang Ziyang, as the director of artist management Well, usually Huaxia TV has an event or something, and there must be contact with each other.

"Xiao Xu, since Chang Ziyang has already made an appointment with you, then we won't go. Let's have a good get together after the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala." Chen Ya said.

"Come on, Director Chang invited the director of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. You are both directors. Isn't it normal to go together? And He Ying will also go. I heard that Director Chang said that He Ying is from Hongdu, so we can have dinner together Listen to her introduction to Hongdu when you are here." Xu Jie said with a smile.

In fact, even if he didn't meet Chen Ya and the others, he didn't plan to go alone.

What Chang Ziyang was thinking, he knew very well in his heart, and he had heard a little about what Chang Ziyang did usually.

It's okay to eat, but to eat other things, I'm sorry, I don't have an appetite.

Xu Jie is a person who cherishes his feathers and is also a very rational person. He managed to get to this position with great difficulty, so how could he destroy his reputation with his own hands?
Furthermore, if someone is given some excuse, is he still him?

Chen Ya hesitated.

When it comes to Chang Ziyang, he still thinks it's nothing, it's just an ordinary dinner appointment, who doesn't usually have a dinner?But as soon as he heard that He Ying was still there, he immediately realized that this was no ordinary dinner.

There are many kinds of dinners, some discuss work, some discuss business, some chat about friendship, and some chat...

The artist management director took the actress to the dinner, which was probably the last item.

He doesn't want to wade into this muddy water.

But Xiao Xu made it very clear that Chang Ziyang invited the director of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, not the vice president of Jingshi Culture. If something really happened to Xiao Xu during his trip, the director team of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala would not suffer. ?

You know, he was the one who invited Xiao Xu to join the director team of the party.

"Director Chen, and all the leaders, please don't be too polite. It's just a meal. I think Director Chang can still afford it. Besides, when you go out to eat, you don't even have a guide. You don't know what's delicious. You may be slaughtered, you wait for me for 10 minutes, I will go back to the room and take a simple shower, and I will come down with my wife immediately."

Xu Jie didn't care whether Chen Ya and the others agreed or not, and went straight into the elevator, leaving the big bosses in a daze.

"Chang Ziyang doesn't know what to do with Xiao Xu, does he? Isn't it good for us to follow?" Lu Xiaopeng looked at Chen Ya and asked.

It's okay for them to invite Xiao Xu to dinner, and it's okay for Xiao Xu to invite them to dinner, but it feels weird for Xiao Xu to take them to other dinner parties.

"Could it be that Xiao Xu knew what Chang Ziyang wanted him for, and he didn't want to agree, so he deliberately used us as a shield?" Yu Yan thought for a while and said.

"Well, there is such a possibility, but I invited him to have dinner first, and now he invites us to go together. It seems not good if we don't go." Chen Ya said with a wry smile. Invited in.

The others nodded.

Yes, if they don't go, it's as if they don't want to "collaborate" with each other, how can they work together in the future?
"Xiao Xu said just now that Chang Ziyang invited him as the assistant director of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. It seems that Chang Ziyang had something to ask for, and he couldn't save face. He happened to meet us now, so he invited us to go and listen to our opinions. "Jiang Yuanyue was expressing his conjecture on the surface, but he was actually defending his junior.

"This little Xu is really sweet." Lu Xiaopeng said with a sudden smile, "Director Chen invited him to join the director team, and now Chang Ziyang invites him to dinner. Both the director team and the entertainment company have both. treatment?"

When Chen Ya heard this, she couldn't help laughing.

He invited Xiao Xu for the show, and Chang Ziyang probably invited Xiao Xu for the show. Who is the chief director?Who is the person in charge of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala?


Xu Jie stood outside the guest room and gently knocked on the door.

Soon, the door opened from the inside.

"Husband, thank you for your hard work." Su Yun opened her arms and hugged Xu Jie who was standing outside the door tightly. They are husband and wife, so there is no need to be sneaky about doing things, even if they are photographed by paparazzi.

Xu Jie put his hands around Su Yun's waist, hugged her directly, and said as he entered the room: "Hurry up and change your clothes, just relax, and I'm going to participate in a dinner later."

"Dinner?" Su Yun let go of Xu Jie, and looked at the man suspiciously. In her impression, the other party seldom participated in dinners, and also disliked them.

"Well, after the rehearsal today, Chang Ziyang invited me to dinner. I didn't want to go, but I saw Liu Jinghua eavesdropping, so I deliberately agreed to come down to annoy him. When I came back just now, I met him again downstairs. I invited Director Chen and Director Lu, and they all invited them to go with me..." Xu Jie said as he took off his clothes and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

Su Yun's mind was a little confused.

She understood everything before, but she didn't understand the latter.

"Why did Chang Ziyang invite you, but you invited Director Chen and the others?" Su Yun asked in confusion. Isn't it impolite for the invited person to bring someone to the dinner? ?

"Didn't Chang Ziyang bring He Ying with him?" Xu Jie said.


Su Yun was taken aback for a moment, and soon understood what her husband meant.

This was to avoid suspicion, and it was also because he didn't want to follow Chang Ziyang's tricks.

Thinking of this, Su Yun laughed.

She knew that with her husband's current status, there would definitely be many female celebrities who would take the initiative to send them to their door. In the entertainment circle, most people would laugh at all the female celebrities who came to their door, but instead of doing that, her husband also Resisting is also considered a clear stream, of course, it also comes from the love for her.

Xu Jie continued in the bathroom: "I know you don't like the dinner, I didn't want to take you there and let you rest in the hotel, but I'm worried that someone is thinking about it, so I can only wrong you.

"It's okay, this is what I should do as a wife. How can I tolerate others splashing dirty water on my husband? I'll go and change immediately." Su Yun walked into the bedroom after finishing speaking.

Xu Jie simply rinsed and walked out of the bathroom. After changing into dry clothes, he left the room with his wife in white T-shirt and jeans.

When Xu Jie stepped out of the elevator, he immediately saw Chen Ya and others sitting in the lobby.

"Director Chen, Director Lu, Director Yu, and Senior Sister, I told you to wait, let's go." Xu Jie said.


Chen Ya nodded. They had decided to go with Xiao Xu after discussion just now, so they immediately got up and walked out of the hotel.

The two vehicles arrived at the Hongdu Peace Hotel near People's Park one after the other.

Xu Jie reported the room number to the waiter, and led him down to a private room upstairs.

The private room is very large, enough to seat 20 people around the big round table. The design of the room is also antique. The tables and chairs are made of mahogany, which looks low-key and luxurious.

Chang Ziyang and He Ying hadn't arrived yet. As for the reason, Xu Jie thought it might be that he took a bath too quickly, less than 10 minutes before and after. In comparison, women take a bath slower.

"Well, it's nice here, with a nice view." Lv Xiaopeng came to the window, and standing here happened to be able to see a bright moon in the sky.

Although there are still a few days until the Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon is already very round and bright, especially when there are a few wisps of white clouds floating in the sky, there will be a halo around the edge of the moon, which is very beautiful and artistic.

"Well, it's really good." After watching the city scenery outside, Chen Ya turned to Xu Jie and asked, "With so many people here, will it cost Chang Ziyang too much?"

"Let's just order some Hongdu specialties, and we don't drink alcohol, so it won't cost much, and He Ying said that we want to be a landlord, so please don't be too polite." Xu Jie said.

Come here, don't leave.

"Yes, no alcohol." Chen Ya nodded.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and then the door opened, and Chang Ziyang and He Ying came in from outside.

"Director Xu, I'm sorry, I'm late, wait for me..." Chang Ziyang originally wanted to say three glasses of self-punishment, but when he saw a room full of people, he was stunned.

One, two, three... a total of six, he obviously only invited Mr. Xu alone, why did he become a group of people?If he didn't see Mr. Xu in the room, he even suspected that he had gone to the wrong room.

This is how to do?
With so many people present, the original plan must be ruined.

Most importantly, even Mr. Xu's wife, Su Yun, was there.

If this had gone according to the original plan, would He Ying not have been scratched into a big face by Su Yun?

Following behind, He Ying, who was wearing a sexy tight dress, was also confused at this time.

what's the situation?
She looked at the people in the room, and after a while, she couldn't help swallowing, thinking: There are so many people, I can't bear it!


 There are too many people asking today, let me explain, a plot appeared in the novel a few days ago, a certain star was arrested before the Mid-Autumn Festival, the show was canceled. It is really just that the plot is purely fictitious, and any similarity is a coincidence. no inside information
(End of this chapter)

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