Chapter 836
Chang Ziyang looked at the people in the private room and couldn't help but laugh.

Although all the directors and assistant directors of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala were present, but now there are too many people talking, the original goal has become difficult to achieve, and tonight's dinner has lost its meaning.

For a relationship-building dinner, of course, the fewer people present, the better.

When there are few people, the goal is clear, and they are open to each other, don't care about other people's eyes, but when there are many people, you need to be extra careful and careful when speaking and doing things. If there are words, one person is willing to listen, but that person may not be willing Listen, you must pay attention to everyone's emotions, and every flatterer needs to be covered in rain and dew, otherwise God knows who will turn jealousy into hatred.

"Broker Chang, when I went back to the hotel, I happened to meet Director Chen and the others. Don't you want to hear the director's team's opinion on the artists and the program? That's why I've recruited them all. You must listen carefully later. Write down everyone's opinions, you know?" Xu Jie looked at Chang Ziyang and said.

"Definitely." Chang Ziyang nodded again and again, then looked at Chen Ya and the others, and said politely: "Everyone can give guidance to our company's artistes in your busy schedule, it is really troublesome to everyone."

At the same time, I thought to myself: Mr. Xu, what is causing this trouble?Don't you understand what you mean?Or did I express myself inaccurately enough so that the other party misunderstood?
He couldn't help but glanced at He Ying beside him from the corner of his eye. He was taking a bath, changing clothes, and putting on makeup. It seemed that there was no use for him tonight.

"It's not troublesome. Instead, we came here without saying hello. I'm troublesome to the manager." Chen Ya said with a smile.

"No, no, everyone can come. I'm so happy that it's too late. Please take a seat." Chang Ziyang hurriedly greeted everyone, transforming from the dignified Huasen Media's artist management director into a waiter.

For him, it is his honor that these people can come to have a meal, and it is also to give him face. You must know that not everyone can invite people like Director Chen and Director Lu.

And from tonight's incident, he has a new understanding of Xu Jie. It is not something ordinary people can do that the other party can pull this group of people.

"Directors, what do you want to eat?" Chang Ziyang asked.

"Since we've arrived in Hongdu, we naturally want to taste the characteristics of Hongdu. Listen to me, Xiao Xu, He Ying is from Hongdu? Let He Ying decide." Chen Ya said.

He is the chief director of the director group, so his words can represent everyone present.

"Okay, then let He Ying decide." After Chang Ziyang finished speaking, he winked at He Ying who was beside him. He Ying knew that it was her turn to perform, and this might be one of the few opportunities to perform tonight. , So I hurriedly greeted a few big guys, and then ordered with the waiter.

As a native of Hongdu, she would come to this hotel for dinner with her parents and friends every time she returned to her hometown, so she is very familiar with the Hongdu cuisine here.

Soon, more than a dozen famous Hongdu dishes were ordered.

He Ying looked at everyone respectfully and asked, "Directors, what would you like to drink tonight?"

They have a very well-known baijiu in Hongdu, and the site of the shochu workshop was even awarded a "National Key Cultural Relics Protection Unit" by the state. However, everyone has different hobbies. Some like to drink baijiu, some like to drink rice wine, and others Some like to drink red wine, so she dare not make decisions at will.

"I still have work at night, so just drink tea or juice." Chen Ya said.

After He Ying heard it, she didn't know what to do for a while. How could there be less wine at the dinner?She immediately turned to look at Chang Ziyang and asked the director for his opinion.

Chang Ziyang understood He Ying's eyes, so he said, "Just do what Director Chen said."

In his plan, he must drink alcohol today, and drink a lot, isn't there a saying?Drink more and get things done.

But now besides Xu Jie, there are people like Chen Ya, Lu Xiaopeng, Yu Yan, Jiang Yuanyue, and even Xu Jie's wife Su Yun, so drinking is meaningless and a waste of money.

He Ying secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then handed over the menu to the waiter, and urged her to hurry up.


The waiter leaves and the door closes.

"Director Chen, Director Lu, and all the directors, everyone must have been working hard these days, right?" Chang Ziyang had nothing to say, and the food still had to wait for a while, so they couldn't all just sit here, right?
"It should be, this is our job, as long as we can bring a wonderful Mid-Autumn Festival party to the national audience, no matter how busy we are, it will be worth it." Chen Ya said after hearing this.

"Director Chen is right." Chang Ziyang flattered her at the right time.

"The success of the party is inseparable from your support, and you have worked hard." Chen Ya did not forget to praise the other party, and this is also true.

No matter what the party is, it needs stars to help out. Without stars, there will be no attention, even China TV is no exception.

Therefore, if you want to hold a good show, you will definitely need the support of various entertainment companies. Without their support, it means the participation of stars. Without the appearance of stars, will the audience still watch it?

Of course, he was just being polite. After all, which star would not want to be on a platform like Huaxia TV?

Xu Jie did not speak the whole time, and turned himself into a little transparent. Firstly, he was not the host and companion, and secondly, he was not the host and guest. Anyway, there are already witnesses, so just be a foodie with peace of mind.

Not long after, the waiter started serving the food.

Chang Ziyang immediately gave He Ying a wink, He Ying nodded knowingly, then stood up, and said to everyone present: "Dear directors, let me introduce my hometown cuisine to you, this is our Ganxi cuisine. The most famous traditional dish, Sancup Chicken, gets its name because no soup is used in the cooking process, and only one cup of rice wine, one cup of lard, and one cup of soy sauce are used. This dish is usually made of Sanhuang Chicken, which is sweet and salty. , salty and fresh, the taste is flexible and chewy..."

She originally wanted to say these words to Xu Jie, the director of the two gourmet films "Delicious History" and "The Temptation of Going Home".

She wants to make herself a snack food, so as to get close to the other party and win the other party's favor, so there will be endless topics during the dinner.

But now, with so many people present, she can only introduce to everyone. Although she can give the directors some good impressions to some extent, she can't increase the distance. This is where she is more disappointed.

"The next thing is our special dish tamales..."

He Ying continued to introduce.

In fact, this job was originally done by the waiter, but He Ying took over the job in order to gain the favor of the bosses.

If fans saw this scene, their idol He Ying actually acted as a waiter, I don't know how they would feel.

The point is, He Ying is still proud of it.

This is the case in the entertainment industry. In the eyes of some people, they are glamorous, even high-ranking stars, but in the eyes of others, they are just waiters serving food and water.

Soon, twelve dishes will be served.

After He Ying finished introducing everything, she began to pour juice for the people present.

She is very clear about her position.

Those who are here today are either the bosses of Huaxia TV Station or the bosses of Beijing TV Station, she can't afford to offend any of them.

Therefore, for her future acting career, she must serve these people well.

This is her job tonight.

Isn't there such a sentence?
No pain No gain.

What's more, it's just pouring water and running errands, and it's not asking her to carry bricks or carry big bags. What's unacceptable?
"Sister Yun, your juice." He Ying filled the glass in front of Su Yun.

"Thank you." Su Yun said with a smile.

"You are too polite, this is what I should do." He Ying said quickly after hearing this, and at the same time, she was also full of envy for Su Yun.

Among the female artists in the entertainment industry, there is a saying: It is better to marry than to do well.

It doesn't matter whether you are a movie queen or a movie queen, no matter how hard you work and how much money you earn, you will not be as beautiful as those well-married female artists in the end.

If you are lucky, you will marry a rich businessman, and then you will quit the circle and live a life of a young lady who has no worries about food and clothing. If you are unlucky, you will marry a wealthy businessman.

And people like Su Yun are undoubtedly the luckiest. Marrying a big man in the industry will have a backer in the industry in the future. , who doesn't call Su Yun Sister Yun?Let alone an artist, even the boss of an entertainment company has to give Su Yun some face.

Moreover, Su Yun's husband is still so young and has a promising future. This is the most enviable and dreadful thing.

He Ying really wanted to ask Sister Yun if there was another Mr. Xu, even if he was five or ten years older.

"Ring bell bell!"

About 10 minutes after eating, a burst of music suddenly sounded in the private room.

Chang Ziyang was shocked, it was his cell phone ringing, and he also knew that this call was made by his assistant, because this was his usual trick...Bringing artists to dinner parties, and then taking advantage of this halfway Feel free to find a reason to leave the phone, creating an opportunity for entertainers and guests to spend some time alone.

It's just that I made a mistake tonight, I didn't expect Xu Jie to bring so many people, and just now I was only busy chatting with a few directors, and forgot to notify the assistant to cancel the call.

Since the phone had already rang, there was no reason not to answer it, so he took out the phone from his pocket, looked at it pretendingly, then got up and said, "Directors, I'm sorry, I'm going outside to answer the phone."

"Broker Chang, if you have something to do, just take care of yourself, don't worry about us." Chen Ya said after hearing this.

Chang Ziyang left his seat, and before he left, he did not forget to wink at He Ying again, signaling for him to accompany him, and then he left the private room.

In order to act more realistically, he turned on his mobile phone while walking briskly, and at the same time he did not forget to say a few words in a pretentious manner, such as "Hello", "It's me", "Yes, yes", and finally slipped into the bathroom.

Although the atmosphere in the private room was harmonious and everyone was talking and laughing happily, it looked very casual and harmonious, but in fact only Chen Ya and his group were like this.

As for him, he was not only tired, but also uncomfortable. He had to be careful all the time, and his palms were constantly sweating.

From his point of view, today's scene is far less relaxed than the usual meeting with one person. It is not tiring to support one person, but it is exhausting to support so many people and pay attention to propriety.

Thinking of going back later, Chang Ziyang couldn't help but sighed, let He Ying push him first, he rested in the bathroom to adjust his state.


At this time, a single room in the bathroom suddenly opened the door, and then saw a young man walking out with a satchel on his back.

Chang Ziyang was taken aback, and he heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the other party walking out of the bathroom.

After the young man left the bathroom, he didn't leave immediately, but stood outside and lowered his head to play with his mobile phone.

1 minute, 2 minutes...

It was not until more than five minutes later that the young man raised his head. He glanced at the door of the bathroom, and then walked straight along the corridor.

He walked slowly, looking at the house number on the private room while walking, and stopped suddenly when he walked outside the door of one of the rooms.

He cautiously looked to both sides of the corridor, then lightly grabbed the handle of the door, and then pushed hard inside, and the person also rushed in with big strides.

"Sorry old classmates, I'm late, there's a traffic jam on the road..." The young man was stunned when he saw the situation in the private room. A flash of surprise flashed through his eyes, and his footsteps also stopped.

"Did you go to the wrong room?" He Ying looked at the people who came in from the outside strangely, old classmates?There are more than 20, more than 30, and more than 40 in this room. Does it look like a class reunion?

"Oh, I'm sorry, I misremembered the room." The young man said embarrassedly, and then hurried out the door.

"and many more!"

Suddenly a voice sounded, the young man trembled and stopped.

Xu Jie turned to look at the young man and said, "Handsome guy, come here."

The young man turned around, looked at Xu Jie suspiciously and asked, "You, are you talking to me?"

"Yes, it's you." Xu Jie nodded.

The young man walked over slowly and asked, "What's the matter?"

The other people in the room also looked at Xu Jie with puzzled faces. The young man just went to the wrong room. What does Xiao Xu want to do?

Xu Jie squinted his eyes, kept looking at the other party, and said after a while: "Take it out."

Everyone was stunned.

take it out?
What do you take out?
Why are you talking so nonchalantly?

The young man also looked confused, and then said with an innocent look: "What, what? I didn't take your things." After speaking, he spread his hands, except for the mobile phone he was holding when he entered the door. other things.

"Act, continue to act, when I did this, you hadn't graduated yet." Xu Jie sneered, then set his eyes on the satchel on the young man's waist, "Did you take it out yourself, or should I do it? Don't rush to answer, you have to think carefully."

Hearing what Xu Jie said, the others couldn't help but reconsider the young man who broke in suddenly. According to Xiao Xu, the other party didn't seem to simply walk into the wrong room.

Is there something else?


(End of this chapter)

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