Chapter 837 Who is dirty?
The young man was still confused, but under Xu Jie's aggressive questioning, his face gradually became flustered, and his eyes were even more evasive, not daring to meet Xu Jie's gaze.

All the people present were human beings. Seeing the young man like this, he immediately realized that there was something wrong, but he didn't know where Xu Jie saw it.


Just when the atmosphere fell into silence, there was a sudden knock on the door, and Chang Ziyang was seen walking in from outside.

When Chang Ziyang saw the situation inside the house, he was slightly taken aback. He remembered that everyone was still laughing and laughing when he just left. Why did he suddenly become cold when he went out to answer the phone?

Could it be that He Ying said something wrong and offended a certain director?


Why is there an extra person in the room?
Who is this young man?Why does it look familiar?
Seeing Chang Ziyang who came back, everyone couldn't help frowning. It wasn't that there was something wrong with Chang Ziyang, but that the door was wide open at the moment, and everyone was worried that the young man would run away.

And this young man who pretended to go to the wrong room also glanced at the open door, as long as he wanted to run, a mere Chang Ziyang would not be able to stop him.

Just when he saw the right time and was about to escape, suddenly the voice sounded again in the house.

"The monk can't run away from the temple if he can run away. Do you want to make small things small, or do you want small things to become big?" Xu Jie reminded calmly.


The young man couldn't help hesitating when he heard it.

That's right, even if he ran out of this private room, if the people in front of him really wanted to arrest him, would he still be able to get out of this hotel?At that time, even the police may be alarmed.

You know, these people sitting in front of him now are the directors of the director team of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala of Huaxia TV Station, and they can also be said to be the distinguished guests of the entire Hongdu, and it is too late to protect them.

How to do?
Chang Ziyang, who had just entered the door, was not stupid either. Upon hearing Xu Jie's words, he immediately closed the door and used his body to hold the door.

Why did another unexpected guest appear?

"Who are you?" Chang Ziyang asked, frowning.

Although he only invited Xu Jie and did not invite Chen Ya and others, anyway, he organized the dinner tonight, and now someone disturbed everyone's dining pleasure, who is responsible for it?So no matter who this person is or what he does, even if it's just a misunderstanding, he has to ask clearly and give everyone an explanation.

Chang Ziyang looked at it, and suddenly remembered something, pointed at the other party and said, "I remember, you are the one who came out of the bathroom just now, aren't you?"

The young man was at a loss when he saw the door was closed.

The current situation is very clear, close the door and beat the dog.

I can't even run away.

He knew who were present and the consequences of not telling the truth, so he summoned up his courage and said, "I am a reporter from an entertainment studio, and I am engaged in reporting entertainment news. When I was passing by outside the hotel just now, I accidentally watched I saw the star He Ying, so I followed here all the time, wanting to take some photos about He Ying."

Everyone in the room was startled, unexpectedly, Xiao Xu guessed that this young man did not simply go to the wrong room, but came here to take pictures of He Ying's Yu Ji.

This little Xu really has sharp eyes!
"Really just want to take some photos?" Chen Ya asked lightly.

If the other party was Yu Ji, and they broke in just to take a few photos of He Ying, then they shouldn't make it difficult for the other party. After all, the other party was about to leave after seeing so many people after entering, and didn't take any pictures.

Moreover, they came to Hong for work, and they didn't want to make too much publicity. They also wanted to make big things into small things without offending everyone.

"It's true, I came to Hongdu this time because it was arranged by the studio to report on the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. I saw all the directors here just now, and I knew they were talking about work, so I wanted to find a reason quickly. Get out of here and don't disturb everyone's work, what I said is true." The young man said in a tone of voice.

Seeing the sincerity of the young man, everyone couldn't say anything more, so they looked at each other and decided not to pursue such a trivial matter.

Chang Ziyang knew how to read words, and knew that the big bosses didn't want to pursue it, and he didn't want this young man to stay here to disturb everyone's pleasure, so he opened the door and said impatiently: "Okay, let's go. "

"Okay, okay!" The young man nodded repeatedly, turned around and walked out the door.

However, just as he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the previous voice sounded again.

"and many more!"

Or Xu Jie.

The young man trembled all over, panic flashed in his eyes, then he turned around to look at Xu Jie, and asked timidly, "Is there anything else?"

The others looked at Xu Jie puzzled. Does Xiao Xu still want to pursue it?
It's such a trivial matter, isn't it?
However, Su Yun didn't think so.

After she and Xu Jie were together, she was often photographed by reporters, and she was often interrupted when going out to eat, but the other party didn't care, but now her husband's attitude, especially those sharp eyes, seems to be dying. Staring at the prey deadly.

Could this young man be lying?

Xu Jie stared at the young man intently, then suddenly stretched out his hand and hooked his fingers at him, then pointed in front of him and said, "Handsome guy, come here."

The young man was taken aback for a moment, and the whole person became confused.

Why did everyone let him go, but this one was the only one who held on to him?Could it be that the other party has seen him before?I have no impression.

Confused, he walked over slowly and came to Xu Jie, full of apprehension, like a suspect waiting to be sentenced.

"Put down the bag." Xu Jie pointed to the table.

"This is my bag." The young man quickly explained.

"I told you just now, take out the things, but you made up a story here, do you have me who can make up a story?" Xu Jie saw that the young man didn't move, and grabbed the other's bag.

"Director Xu, what are you going to do?" The young man held on to his bag tightly, flustered and at the same time at a loss.

"What do you think?" Xu Jie asked back, then quickly opened the zipper and put his hand in.

The people around were all dumbfounded, what is Xiao Xu doing?
Forced bag search?

This is against the law.

Relevant laws stipulate that, except for exercising state power according to law, no citizen, legal person or other organization may search other people's private property without their permission.

Once the other party grabs hold of this matter, Xiao Xu will definitely be punished.

"Student, forget it." Jiang Yuanyue persuaded, she knew that Xiao Xu was doing it for everyone's benefit, but since he didn't take pictures, why should he hold on to it?
Xu Jie pulled his hand out, grabbed a small video camera from the bag, and was in the state of shooting at this time. After pressing the pause button, he skillfully found a video from inside, and then put the camera on the On the table, slowly turn the table, and the video screen immediately appeared in front of Chen Ya and the others.

In the video.

From pushing the door to entering the room, from "confessing" to being called back by Xu Jie, the whole process was actually recorded, and everyone in the room was recorded.


The faces of Chen Ya, Lu Xiaopeng and others immediately turned gloomy, and now even fools know that the satchel on Yuji's waist is just a disguise, used to cover up the camera inside.

This kind of shooting method is usually used in unannounced interviews. I didn't expect that I would be recruited today.

Now thinking about the other party's explanation just now, and the sincere expression, it's really disgusting.

It's okay to break in, but it's very unpleasant to cheat them.

And this video.

The content that the other party secretly photographed just now is just a simple meal for them, but if it gets out, what will outsiders think?
The person in charge of Huaxia TV's large-scale program center accepts a banquet from an entertainment company and a star...

The agent led the female star to participate in the director's group dinner at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala...

It's easy to say or not!
Fortunately, Xiao Xu was there, so he could not be deceived by this entertainment reporter, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Which entertainment studio are you from?" Chang Ziyang asked in a deep voice, blushing with anger.

It's okay to secretly take pictures of him and He Ying, but he even dared to take pictures of director Chen and others. Those who didn't know thought it was a trap set by him on purpose.

"I...can't I delete it?" The young man lowered his head and said, then picked up the camera on the table and took the initiative to delete the content recorded in it.

Chang Ziyang snatched it over and checked it repeatedly. After confirming that it was really deleted, he returned the camera to the other party. Just as he was about to tell the other party to leave, he suddenly remembered Xu Jie who first noticed something strange, so he looked at the other party and asked for his attention Opinion, what to do next.

"Xiao Xu, what do you think should be done?" Chen Ya asked. He and Chang Ziyang had the same idea. The other party discovered this matter, so it should be handled by the other party.

And from this matter, it is not difficult to see that Xiao Xu is not only cautious, but also vigilant, and everyone can rest assured that this matter is handed over to the other party.

Xu Jie didn't answer, but looked at the young man and asked, "Tell me, who sent you here?"

When everyone heard this, they immediately lost their composure.

Is there someone behind this reporter?
If you met He Ying by chance, then the sneak shot just now was random, but if someone sent the other party, then the sneak shot just now was premeditated.

And the target is everyone present here.

In this way, things become more complicated.

Who instigated this reporter, what is the purpose of the sneak shot, and what to do with it when the sneak shot is taken back... Just thinking about it makes me feel cold sweat.

"No, no." The young man shook his head.

"I'll ask you again, who sent you here?" Xu Jie's voice was flat, but his eyes were extremely cold, which made people shudder.

The young man wanted to speak hard, but as soon as he met Xu Jie's gaze, what he wanted to say immediately stuck in his throat.

Chen Ya and the others looked at each other, looking at each other with this expression. The sneak shot just now was definitely not easy.

A conspiracy, definitely a conspiracy.

"Why are you still hesitating? Which one of us do you think you can offend? Or do you think the person who sent you can save you from us?" Xu Jie asked.

The young man swallowed involuntarily, and at the same time, cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

Think about the person who gave you the news, and then think about the people in front of you. It is clear at a glance who can be offended and who cannot be offended.

Xu Jie saw that the other party was tempted, so he continued to persuade: "I know, you are also doing things for others, and you have been used as a gun, so as long as you can tell who the person who asked you to come, I will let you go. "

"Really, really?" The young man looked up at Xu Jie and asked.

"Of course." In order to dispel the other party's doubts, Xu Jie turned to look at Chen Ya and asked, "Director Chen, can I make this decision?"

"Yes!" Chen Ya understood Xiao Xu's meaning, so she nodded cooperatively.

For everyone, what matters is not the little reporter in front of you, but the person behind the reporter.

The young man took a deep breath and said slowly, "It's Liu Jinghua."

"Liu Jinghua?"

Some of the people present were puzzled, some were surprised, and some were thinking. Obviously, the answer surprised everyone.

Only Xu Jie had a faint smile on his face, as if he had already guessed it.

"Okay, let's go." Xu Jie said.

The young man froze for a moment.

Just let him go?Is that how you trust him?

real or fake?

It's not that he doesn't believe it, but that he can't believe it.

You must know that since entering this room, other people have been deceived by him many times, only Mr. Xu does not believe him every time, and doubts him every time.

But now, he just said a name, and the other party believed it. Happiness came too fast, even a little caught off guard.

In fact, other people here did not expect Xiao Xu to believe it so easily.

There is a fable called the wolf is coming, their situation is the same as that of the deceived people in it, they have been deceived many times, so they don’t trust this entertainment reporter at all, but Xiao Xu does the opposite with them .

"Why did Liu Jinghua ask you to secretly take pictures of us?" Chen Ya asked suspiciously, thinking that he had nothing against Liu Jinghua, and that the other party had flattered him many times.

"I..." The young reporter wanted to say that I didn't know, but when he met Xu Jie's sharp eyes, he immediately felt that he had seen through his heart, so he turned his head and glanced at Chang Ziyang, and said, "She said that Director Chang wants to He took He Ying to see President Xu, and said that Director Chang would definitely take the opportunity to leave..."

Having said that, he stopped and did not continue to speak.

But the people present were not idiots. They followed the other party's words and knew what Liu Jinghua meant.

Liu Jinghua hired a reporter to catch Xu Jie and He Ying's rape.

He Ying's face suddenly turned pale, and she was a little at a loss.

If Mr. Xu hadn't brought so many people, it was really possible that something would happen to the other party now. Once it was photographed, the consequences would be disastrous.

Although the matter didn't happen, but if it is said now, it will inevitably make people think in that direction, not to mention that Su Yun is still sitting here.

"She, Liu Jinghua, is just farting!" Chang Ziyang cursed directly.

Although he planned it like this, but it didn't happen, how could he admit it?

Chang Ziyang, in order to make the people here believe in him, also specifically explained: "When I invited Mr. Xu, I made it very clear that I wanted to hear his opinions and suggestions on the performances of our company's artists. He Ying was brought along because she is from Hongdu, and she is a landlord, so why did she change her mind when she came to Liu Jinghua? Director Chen, everyone, and Su Yun, you must not believe Liu Jinghua's words."

Chen Ya and the others looked at Chang Ziyang and He Ying, and then at Xu Jie. They finally understood why Xu Jie tried so hard to invite them over for dinner when he was in the hotel lobby.

It's probably because Xiao Xu also thinks like Liu Jinghua, so he drags them to eat.

Liu Jinghua's words may not be false, and Chang Ziyang's words may not be true, but nothing has happened now, so of course everything must be based on Chang Ziyang's words.

Facts speak louder than words.

This "fact" is not someone's wishful thinking, but something that has happened or been verified.

Only what has happened and been verified is a fact, otherwise it is speculation and delusion.

Su Yun looked at her husband, although the other party didn't mention Liu Jinghua when he was in the hotel, but seeing the other party's calm response, it seemed as if he had guessed that Liu Jinghua would come.

How could my husband guess it?

Would it not count?

Su Yun felt very curious in her heart, but she didn't ask now, after all, there are so many people here, and if she asks, it seems that everyone is being used by her husband, so let's go back to the hotel room and ask again.

The young man looked at the people in the room. Everyone seemed very angry. In order not to be involved, he whispered, "I won't disturb everyone's meal. I'll go first. Goodbye." After speaking, he ran out.

Chang Ziyang raised his chest and stood in front of the young man

The young man was about to cry, and said with a bitter face, "Director Chang, didn't President Xu let me go?"

Of course Chang Ziyang did not dare to fight against Xu Jie, so he looked at him and said righteously: "Go back and tell Liu Jinghua to spend more energy on artists and works, and don't judge a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart, isn't it?" Everyone is as nasty as she is."


He Ying on the side lowered her head, thinking: Who is Director Chang scolding?

"I know, I know." The young man replied, and then quickly slipped away.

Chang Ziyang closed the door, and said angrily: "Isn't she, Liu Jinghua, too hateful? Isn't this pouring dirty water on Mr. Xu and me? Fortunately, Director Chen and you are here tonight, otherwise, even if we jump into the Yellow River, we will die." I can't wash it off."

"This Liu Jinghua is indeed a little too much." Chen Ya's face was gloomy, and all the good mood before was gone.

No matter what purpose Chang Ziyang brought He Ying to invite Xiao Xu, but before the Mid-Autumn Festival party, he asked a familiar reporter to secretly take pictures. Wouldn't this add trouble to him, the chief director of the party?

Once something is actually filmed, not only He Ying's show will be cancelled, but Xiao Xu will also be kicked out of the director group. Wouldn't it be a joke?

In fact, when he heard Liu Jinghua's name from the entertainment reporter, he guessed that it might be related to the competition between the agency and the artist.

As a member of Huaxia TV, he has always ignored the affairs between the agency and the artists, but if it affects the party he directed, he can no longer just sit idly by.


(End of this chapter)

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