The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 839 You're messing with me

Chapter 839 You're messing with me

Back in the car, Liu Jinghua's face was full of uneasiness and uneasiness. The purpose of her breaking the news to the reporter was to prevent Chang Ziyang's treacherous plan from succeeding, and to catch Xu Jie's handle by the way, so that she would no longer be afraid of the other party's threats. However, now, not only did the plan fail, but Xu Jie found out about it. Isn't this equivalent to shooting himself in the foot?
But what concerned her the most was Chen Ya, Lv Xiaopeng and others that Xiao Zhao mentioned just now. Once those big bosses of China TV were angry, the artists of her company might never have the chance to appear on China TV again.

Are those people from Chen Ya angry?
Liu Jinghua thought about this question repeatedly.

The situation of Huaxia TV station is different from that of Beijing TV station.

She has had a long-standing grievance with Xu Jie, and it is not easy to turn the fight into friendship with a few words, so the chance to be on the TV station in Beijing must not be considered in the future.

As for the people from Huaxia TV, he has no grievances with Chen Ya, Lu Xiaopeng and others, and there is no grudge. In addition, she is going for Chang Ziyang and Xu Jie. I believe Chen Ya and Lu Xiaopeng should not misunderstand ……Bar?


Chang Ziyang and the one surnamed Xu were still with Chen Ya and the others, what would happen if these two people fanned the flames?
That Chang Ziyang is very bad, and the one surnamed Xu is not a fuel-efficient lamp. The two of them talked sweetly, swayed their lips and tongue, fueled the flames, and sowed discord. Director Chen and Director Lu were furious and furious if they didn't listen?
Thinking of this, Liu Jinghua couldn't sit still impatiently. If Chen Ya was banned by China TV because of angering Chen Ya, then she would be too wronged.

No, it must be confirmed.

Liu Jinghua took out his cell phone from his bag, and was about to dial Chen Ya's cell phone number when his fingers stopped suddenly.

No, it's still early, maybe Director Chen is still having dinner with Xu Jie and Chang Ziyang, if you call at this time, you will be provoked by those two people in every possible way, and sincere explanations may also be called a cover-up.

"Go back to the hotel just now." Liu Jinghua said to the driver.

This call must be made, but it must be done after Director Chen and Xu Jie are separated. Otherwise, she will explain clearly and Chang Ziyang will add fuel to the back. Wouldn't she just explain in vain?
It didn't take long for the commercial vehicle to return outside the hotel.

While organizing words in her mind, Liu Jinghua was thinking about how to explain to Director Chen, while staring at the door intently, waiting for Director Chen and Director Lu to appear.

One hour……

two hours...

The time soon came to 10 o'clock in the evening.

Liu Jinghua frowned tightly, with deep doubts on his face.

Why don't you come out yet?Are there other programs after the meal, such as bathing and massage?

With doubts, Liu Jinghua waited for another half an hour. When the time came to 10:30 in the evening, she finally couldn't bear it anymore. She found Chen Ya's mobile phone number in her mobile phone and called him.

After such a long time, not to mention bathing and massage, even if it is a project that is not suitable for children, it should be completed.

Now there are two possibilities, one is that the person drank too much and fell asleep in the hotel directly, and the other is that the person has already left, but he didn't stop him.

Regardless of the possibility, he had to call Director Chen.

"Explaining" this kind of thing, you must not stay overnight, because people are most likely to think wildly before going to bed, or when they can't sleep. Once Director Chen's impression of her becomes worse during this process, he will explain it tomorrow Also to no avail.


The phone rang for a long time, but Director Chen couldn't hear the call.

Liu Jinghua was a little flustered. Logically speaking, the day after tomorrow would be the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. As the general director of the gala, Director Chen shouldn't have had a rest so early. Did he really drink too much?
Not reconciled, she dialed again.


After waiting for a long time this time, the other side of the phone finally connected.

Liu Jinghua was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Director Chen, I'm Liu Jinghua, I'm sorry to disturb your rest at such a late hour."

When Chen Ya heard it, she thought to herself: Since you know it's so late to disturb people's rest, why do you bother them?

"Agent Liu, what's the matter?" Chen Ya asked lightly. In fact, he didn't take a break, but came to People's Square to check the lighting arrangement on the stage.

The Mid-Autumn Festival party is an outdoor party, and the lighting effect is very important to the party. If there is a problem with the lighting, what are you looking at in the dark?Enjoy the moon?

As for why he didn't answer the phone just now, it was purely because he didn't want to answer it, but who would have thought that this Liu Jinghua didn't know the height of his eyebrows, so he could only press the answer button in order to avoid the continuous ringing.

"Director Chen, I want to apologize to you." Liu Jinghua said sincerely.

"Apologize? Where did you say that?" Chen Ya asked pretending not to know.

"Director Chen, I think Deputy Director Xu was unfair in arranging the sequence of the program. That's why I wanted to film the affair between him and Chang Ziyang. I didn't expect to disturb your meal. I'm really sorry." Liu Jinghua was full of enthusiasm. He said apologetically, and at the same time told the reason why he did that, it could be regarded as a blame.

"You think Director Xu is unfair, thinking that he and Chang Ziyang have a shady affair? Then did you take any evidence?" Chen Ya asked with a frown.

Liu Jinghua thought: Are you talking nonsense?If I caught it, would I still apologize to you?It was shown to you long ago.

"No, but I firmly believe that the relationship between the two must be unusual." Liu Jinghua said seriously. Anyway, Xu Jie has been offended, and the Beijing TV company has almost blocked her company. As the saying goes: Barefoot is not afraid of shoes, she has nothing to be afraid of now.

"Convincing? Where is your basis?" Chen Ya asked, he wanted to know more about Liu Jinghua's original intention.

"Because, because he adjusted the shows of Chang Ziyang's artists to the front, and arranged my artists to the back." Liu Jinghua said, thinking about this incident, he became angry.

"Hmph, according to what you said, don't the top shows all have unknown affairs with Xiao Xu? Nonsense, more than 30 shows, there will always be a front and a back, you can't be ranked behind because of your artist , Let’s just say that Xiao Xu is having affairs with other people, and Xiao Xu also arranged his wife’s program in the back No. 20, how do you explain it?” Chen Ya said angrily.

What he hates the most is the kind of people who are looking for trouble all day long and think there is a conspiracy when they see others are good.

He has also been in the large-scale program center for more than ten years. He has directed Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, New Year Gala, Spring Festival Gala, Lantern Festival Gala, and even 315 Gala. If you think like Liu Jinghua, who has an unusual relationship with him? Not more?

Liu Jinghua was taken aback when he heard it, and then said with a puzzled face: "Director Chen, did you remember wrongly? I didn't see Su Yun's program in the program list."

"The program list in your hands is only temporary and not the final program list. Isn't it normal to add a program? Also, I personally invited Xiao Xu to join the director team of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. Everything he does is I allow it, not to mention adjusting the order of the program, even if someone's program is taken away? Is there a pot of soup because of a stinky fish?" Chen Ya said angrily.

His meaning could not be more clear.

Xiao Xu is mine, if you mess with Xiao Xu, you're messing with me again!
Liu Jinghua's whole body trembled, and cold sweat flowed from his forehead.

How could she not understand Director Chen's meaning?

It's over, the explanation is not clear now.

"Director Chen..."

Liu Jinghua wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Chen Ya as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Broker Liu, I know that the relationship between you and Broker Chang is very bad. I don't care how much trouble you usually make, and I don't care, but if anyone wants to make trouble at my party, I don't have anything else to do. I can only let you Her company's artists have since disappeared from various stages of Huaxia TV." Chen Ya said coldly, with a strong murderous look in her voice.

The party is his job, and he is the person in charge of the party. Once something happens at the party and the superiors investigate it, he must be the first person in charge.

At that time, Chang Ziyang will be able to take responsibility for him?Or can Liu Jinghua be responsible for him?
Liu Jinghua's heart skipped a beat. The Beijing TV program had already said goodbye to her. If the Huaxia TV program also said goodbye to her, then what's the point of her company being in the capital?

"Director Chen, the misunderstanding is all a misunderstanding. I assure you that similar things will never happen again in the future, I swear!" Liu Jinghua said swearingly, his seriousness was almost a knock.


Chen Ya snorted coldly.


If he wasn't present tonight, I'm afraid Xiao Xu would have been misunderstood.

"Is there anything else? Hang up if you don't have one. I still have work here." Chen Ya said impatiently, not wanting to say a word to the other party.

It's a waste of time and saliva to talk to such a person with ulterior motives and schemes.

"Okay Director Chen, then I won't disturb your work, you have worked hard, remember to rest early..."


Liu Jinghua stared blankly at the phone that had been hung up, feeling depressed for a while.

Just thinking about it with a strand of hair, Director Chen is very angry now, and she is very angry with her. If this anger continues, then the chances of artists from Fanhua Brokerage Company to be on the stage of China TV in the future are almost zero.

This is how to do?
It’s fine if you can’t get on the Beijing TV station, but it’s a big deal to get on other TV stations. Anyway, there are still many satellite TV channels, but if you can’t get on Huaxia TV station, the loss is too great, because Huaxia TV station is a platform for any other TV station, including all other media. Irreplaceable.

Liu Jinghua closed her eyes and pressed her temples with her hands, her head started to ache just thinking about it.

They all blamed that Chang Ziyang, if the other party didn't invite that surnamed Xu to the dinner, wouldn't there be nothing like that later?

You surnamed Chang, how dare you play tricks on me, we will never end.


the next day.

Rehearsal continues.

Xu Jie came to the stage early and was familiar with the secret channel mechanism here.

As the assistant director in charge of on-site scheduling, he must be familiar with every stage detail to ensure a smooth connection between programs.

"Mr. Xu!"

A voice suddenly came from behind Xu Jie, but it didn't interrupt Xu Jie who was recording something.

"Morning Mr. Xu!"

The voice just now sounded again, and at the same time, it was more embarrassing.

Xu Jie was not affected in any way, and the tip of the pen was still sliding quickly on the notebook.

It's not that he didn't hear the voice, he was just pretending not to hear it.

People always respond very enthusiastically when facing someone they like, but when facing someone they dislike, most of them are indifferent.

So is Xu Jie.

I wanted to hurt him last night, but today I took the initiative to greet him, isn't that too thick-skinned?To use Zhuge Liang's words to describe it: I have never seen such a brazen person.

"Mr. Xu came to the stage so early, it's really hard work." Liu Jinghua came to the man's side with a smile, and then asked: "Where is Xiaoyun? Why didn't I see her? I haven't seen her for a long time, and I feel strange." want."

Xu Jie sneered when he heard it. If there were no people at the scene, he might give the other party a big blow with his hands.

Miss Su Yun?
Since you want Su Yun, why do you want to hurt her husband?

"You don't need to think about my wife, and you should stop thinking about her in the future." Xu Jie said, it will definitely not be a good thing to be missed by such a mercenary person.

"Mr. Xu, what happened last night was actually a misunderstanding. I told that reporter to take pictures of He Ying. It was definitely not aimed at you." Liu Jinghua wanted to say more, but didn't know what to say.

"Misunderstanding? Shall I call that reporter and confront you face to face?" Xu Jie asked lightly.

"Mr. Xu, that man is an entertainment news reporter at best, and a paparazzi at worst. How can you believe his words?" Liu Jinghua said. As for reporter Xiao Zhao, she has already been sent back to the capital. It is to prevent face-to-face confrontation from happening.

"What's wrong with the entertainment news reporter? I used to be an entertainment news reporter for a while, and I think it's pretty good, unlike some thieves who are full of male thieves and female prostitutes, and they only calculate people behind their backs." Xu Jie finished speaking in vain. One glance at Liu Jinghua, as to who is the thieves, it is clear at a glance.

Embarrassment appeared on Liu Jinghua's face. She knew that no matter how she explained, the other party would not believe her, so she stopped talking.

Having said that, even if the other party believed her show, she didn't believe that the other party would believe it.

"Yo, sister Hua, good morning!"

Just when Liu Jinghua was about to leave, Chang Ziyang's voice suddenly came, and he began to greet him from a distance.

Liu Jinghua's face changed when she saw Chang Ziyang, she was very upset by the complacent look of the other party, she was cheated to death by this person last night, but there was no way, who made her suffer a big loss last night?
In order to avoid being squeezed by the other party, Liu Jinghua turned around and walked towards his artist as if he hadn't heard it.

However, Chang Ziyang didn't intend to just let the other party go, and followed quickly.

With such a good opportunity, how could he not run on the opponent?
"Sister Hua, thank you for your hard work. I invited the director team to dinner, and you still thought about taking a group photo for us. You are so thoughtful." Chang Ziyang said with emotion.

The corner of Liu Jinghua's mouth twitched, wishing to seal the opponent's mouth with a seal.

Is that human being?
"Sister Hua, that reporter friend of yours is really good at shooting. Director Chen and I didn't feel it, but he recorded it, and the recording was very clear. Where did you find such a person? ? Such a person will be in vain if he doesn't make movies." Chang Ziyang continued.

Although she had applied the powder and the dew, Liu Jinghua's face was still blushing. At this moment, she wished she could find a mouse hole to get into.

"Don't be so vicious over there, as if you haven't done it before." Liu Jinghua angrily directed at Chang Ziyang, she had never been afraid of him, at any time.

"Haha!" Seeing that Liu Jinghua finally reacted, Chang Ziyang smiled even more happily, and said in a low voice, "I did it before, but I was not discovered, unlike some people who were caught straight away. , Congratulations to Sister Hua, you will be well-known in Director Chen's place in the future, and you will definitely be the first thing Director Chen thinks of when Huaxia TV will have a party in the future."

Liu Jinghua gritted her teeth angrily, and finally said viciously: "People are not happy for a thousand days, and flowers are not popular for a hundred days. Don't look at your happy smile now, I am afraid that you will make a list in the future."

"Then I want to enjoy myself even more in time. Do you want Sister Hua to ask a reporter to take pictures of me? I plan to invite Director Chen to dinner tonight." Chang Ziyang came in front of Liu Jinghua, blocking his way.

"You...huh!" Liu Jinghua turned around and walked towards the parking lot.

She couldn't stay in the auditorium, so she could only go back to the car and observe the situation here with a telescope.

Soon, it's rehearsal time.

Just like yesterday, the artists on stage today still have half an hour to rehearse.

Xu Jie's task today is to determine the performance order of the show, and then get familiar with every link of the show in the official rehearsal tomorrow, and engrave everything deeply in his mind.

There were not as many artists rehearsing today as there were yesterday, so the rehearsal ended before two o'clock in the afternoon.

Artists and managers left one after another, Liu Jinghua didn't show his face at all, and Chang Ziyang also knew that Su Yun had come to Hongdu, so he didn't invite Mr. Xu again. After all, offending Su Yun is no different from offending Mr. Xu. The evening pillow wind can make Mr. Xu change all his minds.

Xu Jie watched the artists leave one by one, so he took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message, and soon Su Yun appeared on the stage.

In fact, Su Yun's show is not the last one, but the 26th one. In Xu Jie's plan, he is planning to use his wife as the finale.

Therefore, he will use the rest of his time to rehearse the program for his wife, and at the same time bring wonderful content to audiences across the country, so that everyone can remember this program, Su Yun, and the movie "Lover in Time and Space".

For him, programs are important, but promoting movies is even more important.

Although he is now the assistant director of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, he has not forgotten the purpose of coming here.

The day after tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, which is also the beginning of the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day holiday.

He must do a good job in the final sprint!


(End of this chapter)

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