Chapter 840 The Fix

The sun is setting, and the sky is getting darker.

Xu Jie worked for half an afternoon, and Su Yun's program finally took shape.

According to the content of the song, he specially designed a set of dances for Su Yun.

It is said to be dance, but in fact it is just some stage movements, using simple body language to interpret a story.

This kind of performance is easy to say, because it does not require complicated and difficult movements, but it is also difficult to say, because the audience must understand the meaning of these movements, otherwise it will fail.

Just when Xu Jie was going back to the hotel for dinner with Su Yun, the phone rang suddenly.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at the screen. It was Jiang Yuanyue, his senior sister.

"Senior sister, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked, thinking: You won't have to arrange a new job for him, right?

"Is your wife by your side?" Jiang Yuanyue didn't answer directly, but asked Su Yun first.

"Well, what's the matter?" Xu Jie turned his head and looked at Su Yun beside him. Could it be related to his wife?

"It's like this. Haven't you handed over the program and sequence to Director Chen? He has already agreed, and the final program will be announced tomorrow. In addition, photos of the artists will be taken to promote the Mid-Autumn Festival. The filming of many artists has already been finished, if Su Yun has time now, you can bring her to the conference room of the hotel, where the filming is going on." Jiang Yuanyue said.

"Okay, let's go back right away." Xu Jie said after hearing this, and then hung up the phone.

Taking Su Yun's promotional photo for the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, isn't it a promotional photo for the movie "Lovers in Time and Space"?Therefore, not only to shoot, but also to make good use of this opportunity.

"What's the matter?" Su Yun looked curiously at Xu Jie who suddenly became serious, and her heart also raised.

"Jiang Yuanyue is going to take a group of artist photos for the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala for publicity. I want you to take some photos too. It's in the conference room of our hotel." Xu Jie said simply, holding Su Yun's hand towards the parking lot in the direction of the field.

"Oh, I thought something important happened." Su Yun said with a smile, her heart sank.

"Isn't that a big deal? The promotional photos this time must not only be well-shot, but also unique. After a while, you can change into the suit I brought you and wear that suit." Xu Jie Said.

Wearing the custom-made clothes in the movie to shoot has both characteristics and topics. After China Television released the promotional photos, I immediately asked Wang Yunjie to find someone to post a few related articles to hype it up, which not only attracted a lot of attention for my wife’s show at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. A wave of traffic, and a wave of attention for the movie, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

The two got into the car and returned to the hotel soon.

At this moment, the meeting room has been turned into a studio, and photographers are taking pictures of the artists.

Because only one promotional photo is needed, the shooting process is very simple and fast, and the artist can leave after posing a few poses in front of the camera.

When Xu Jie and Su Yun arrived, there were five or six artists waiting on the scene, and when Su Yun finished changing clothes, those five or six artists had already finished filming and left.

"Student, it's just taking a photo, and it will be processed later, so it doesn't need to be so formal?" Jiang Yuanyue came to the junior and said with a wry smile.

I saw that Su Yun on the side not only changed into an exquisite ancient costume, but also sorted out specific ancient women's hairstyles to match the costumes. This is a very time-consuming project, and it takes at least an hour to put it in the crew of a film and television drama. start.

"Shooting promotional photos for China TV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, of course we must pay special attention." Xu Jie said solemnly, then approached Jiang Yuanyue, and whispered with a smile: "Sister, can you do me a favor?"

"What's the matter?" Jiang Yuanyue asked curiously. The other party is also an assistant director now, with no less power than her. What else do you need her to help with?

"Hey, isn't the program list for the Mid-Autumn Festival party going to be released tomorrow? Can you add a line after the name of the song my wife sang?" Xu Jie asked.

"What word?"

"The theme song of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space"."


When Jiang Yuanyue heard this, her brows immediately frowned, and she said angrily: "What do you take the program list for? A billboard? You have to be clear, the program list is not released by the director team of the show, but by the main station It was posted over there, is that what you advertised if you wanted to?"

After Jiang Yuanyue finished speaking, she gave her junior a hard look. She is not a big man, but she is quite courageous.

"Senior sister, I didn't advertise. I did this to let the audience know more about this song. If the audience thinks it sounds good, it will be easier for them to find it." Xu Jie explained cheekily.

Isn't there such a sentence?
Thin-skinned, can't eat, thick-skinned, eat enough.

Had he not been thick-skinned back then, could Director Chen have agreed to advertise his show at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala?
"Hmph, do you think I'll believe you when you explain it this way? Don't think I don't know what's going on in your mind. Let me tell you, don't even think about it." Jiang Yuanyue walked towards the studio after speaking.

"Sister, don't go, we have something to discuss." Xu Jie hurriedly chased after him, stood in front of Jiang Yuanyue, and said, "Sister, Director Chen has already agreed to add this line to the subtitles during the live broadcast." It’s over, and you promised to let the host and my wife interact with each other on the content of the movie, what are you afraid of? Besides, when you CTV released the program list before, there was a precedent like this, if they can do it, why can’t I?”

"Is there a precedent? Why didn't I know?" Jiang Yuanyue asked.

Although she has not been working at CTS for a long time, she has participated in the production of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala for three years. However, she has never seen what the junior said, otherwise she would not have refused so simply.

Without further ado, Xu Jie took out his mobile phone, found a few press releases he had previously collected and handed them to his senior sister, obviously premeditated.

Jiang Yuanyue took a look, not to mention, it was really a program list for the Mid-Autumn Festival party released by Huaxia TV before. It was news ten years ago.

"It's all about the year of the monkey, thank you for finding out." Jiang Yuanyue was angry and funny, could it be the same ten years ago as it is now?

The background of news broadcasts more than ten years ago was still different from what it is now.

"Senior sister, you have to inherit such a good and excellent tradition, maybe you can attract a wave of fans for the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala?" Xu Jie said.

There were no language programs at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, so the publicity, release, and contact work were all in the charge of the senior sister, especially after he served as the assistant director, there was nothing about the senior sister on the scene.

"Nonsense, your movie hasn't been released yet, why attract fans for the party?" Jiang Yuanyue asked.

"My movie is released on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is broadcast at night. Why can't I attract fans for the show?" Xu Jie said eloquently, never missing any opportunity to promote the movie.


"Senior sister, don't worry about it. Just send the program list to the main station like this. It's their business whether to delete it or not. You have to help me because of our relationship."

Xu Jie tightly grasped the senior sister's hand. In fact, this matter was a matter of convenience for the other party, and there was no such thing as violating principles or regulations.

"Su Yun is watching." Jiang Yuanyue reminded.

Xu Jie was shocked, and immediately let go of his hand, but he said: "Senior sister, if you have no objection, I will take it as your agreement, thank you senior sister." After speaking, he turned and ran towards Su Yun.

"You..." Jiang Yuanyue looked at her junior's back and shook her head helplessly, there was really nothing she could do about him.

But then again, Director Chen can promise her junior to promote the movie during the program, so why can't she literally add a line under the program name when submitting the program list to the main station?
Besides, if she helped her junior, wouldn't the other party owe her a favor?When it's time for the Spring Festival Gala, isn't there a reason to ask the other party to help?

Yes, just do it.

Thinking of this, she took out her mobile phone, found the prepared list, and added a line of words under the name of the 26th program: The theme song of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space". After the promotional photos are made, they can be sent to The main station is gone.

After more than 20 minutes, Su Yun's makeup was finally finished.

In order to fully display the characteristics of the clothing, Xu Jie carefully arranged the hem of Su Yun's skirt, not letting go of a single fold.

"Student, there's no need to tidy up, the promotional photo only takes the upper body." Jiang Yuanyue said.


Xu Jie was speechless, then left Su Yun, stood behind the photographer, and supervised the shooting.

Su Yun has debuted for more than ten years. She has taken photos for promotional albums, magazine covers, and participated in various red carpet ceremonies. When facing the camera, he quickly made a pose.


The photographer presses the shutter.

Afterwards, Su Yun posed a few more poses, and the photographer took pictures of them all, in order to choose the best one.

in front of the computer.

Looking at the photo above, Jiang Yuanyue couldn't help but sigh in her heart that her junior is really blessed.

It was so beautiful that even she, a woman, was moved.

"Su Yun, come here quickly and take a look at the photos you took just now. Whichever one you think is suitable, we will use that one as a promotional photo." Jiang Yuanyue said while waving her hands enthusiastically at the other party.

Su Yun came to Jiang Yuanyue's side and looked at the photos on the screen.

For her, these photos are all the same, the same person, the same clothes, but with different poses and slight differences in expressions.

If you want her to say which one looks good and which one doesn't, she really can't tell.

"Husband, which one do you think is suitable?" Su Yun turned to look at Xu Jie who was at the side.

Xu Jie didn't make a sound, just stared at the photo intently, and after a while, he frowned.

"What's wrong?" Su Yun asked softly.

Jiang Yuanyue couldn't help being puzzled when she saw her junior's expression.

Is the photo taken badly, or is there something wrong?

I didn't see it.

"It's nothing." Xu Jie shook his head lightly, and said, "I just think it's a bit too ordinary."

"Ordinary?" Jiang Yuanyue looked at the photo after listening, and then asked Xu Jie: "Why is it ordinary? I think it's pretty good."

The photographer on the side also couldn't hang on his face.

too common?
Could it be that his photographs were too ordinary and did not capture the artist's characteristics and vigor?

Facing everyone's puzzled eyes, Xu Jie didn't say anything.

He didn't say that the photos are not good. In fact, the photographer took good photos, but the problem is that all the stars in the photos are good. In this way, how can Su Yun stand out?
What he wants is to be different.

Jiang Yuanyue saw that her junior didn't speak, so she asked, "Do you want to be a monster again? You don't want to add a comment like the heroine of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" in the promotional photo, right? "

Xu Jie ignored the senior sister's run.

He's talking about the photo itself, not the subtitles.

and many more!

A light flashed in Xu Jie's mind.

That's right, don't you just add something to your wife's hand?
He turned his head and looked around. Except for the tables and chairs and mineral water, there was not even a bouquet of flowers, and his wife's ancient costume was not suitable for holding flowers.

Moon Festival?
Got it!

"I'm going to prepare a prop, you wait for me." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he hurried out of the conference room.

The staff members looked at each other with confused expressions on their faces.


Do you need props for a promotional photo?
"What is he going to do?" Jiang Yuanyue looked at Su Yun and asked.

Su Yun shook her head lightly, she didn't know what Xu Jie was going to do.

Jiang Yuanyue sighed softly, it seems that she can only wait here.

Xu Jie took the elevator to the first floor, found the lobby manager, and told him what he wanted.

After the lobby manager heard this, he was immediately overwhelmed.

That thing is a dish in the hotel, there is really no one to live on.

If it was an ordinary tenant, the lobby manager would say that there was no more, but the other party was the assistant director of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala of China TV Station. The boss once said that as long as the needs of the party director team were met, they must be met.

It is necessary, but not possible.

So, he immediately took out his phone and reported the matter to the general manager.

After listening to the general manager, he immediately called the supplier. The supplier received the news and immediately called the farmer.

Finally, after waiting for half an hour, Xu Jie finally got what he wanted.

Everyone in the conference room has been waiting anxiously.

Because in addition to taking photos for the stars tonight, there is also post-processing of the photos.

There are more than 30 programs and more than 60 celebrities. This is a lot of work, and in order to take photos for the artists, everyone has not eaten dinner yet.

Jiang Yuanyue walked back and forth, and just as she was about to call her junior, the door suddenly opened, and then she saw her junior rushing in from outside, holding a cage in her hand, and inside the cage was a White Rabbit.

"This is the prop you mentioned?" Jiang Yuanyue looked shocked, but soon understood the younger brother's intentions.

Mid-Autumn Festival, full moon, ancient costumes, rabbits...

When the promotional photo is published, who will not say that Su Yun is Chang'e?

Xu Jie took the rabbit out of the cage and handed it to Su Yun, "Okay, now we can shoot."

Su Yun looked at the rabbit in her arms with a wry smile, not knowing where Xu Jie got it from.

The photographer starts to take pictures, and the photos are synced to the computer.

Xu Jie looked at the photo and finally showed a satisfied smile this time.

"Well, yes, that's how it feels."

Jiang Yuanyue looked at the photo, then looked at Xu Jie, and thought: This junior really knows how to do a good job!


(End of this chapter)

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