The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 841 Mid-Autumn Festival

Chapter 841 Mid-Autumn Festival
28 number.


After today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Although the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday has not yet started, many people's minds have already drifted to the long holiday.

Where to go and what movies to watch are topics of concern to everyone.

But the most talked about is the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

Among the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala held by many TV stations, the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala of China TV Station is undoubtedly the focus of attention.

At 12:[-] noon, China Television officially announced the program list for the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

This year's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala has a total of 31 programs, including popular and purple traffic stars, as well as well-known and powerful singers, both artists of the older generation and outstanding talents of the new generation. In short, the star lineup is very strong. Absolutely worthy of the name of the stars.

The promotional photos of celebrities were also released together with the program list. The background pattern of mountains, rivers, flowers and birds is full of strong Chinese style, and the beautiful celebrities and artists make the audience full of infinite expectations for the program.

But the most amazing thing is Su Yun's promotional photo.

The background of the country style, the ancient style of clothing, plus the white rabbit in the hand, is properly the deity of Chang'e, which attracted countless netizens to leave a message.

"Su Yun's picture is Chang'e descending to earth?"

"Sister Yun's promotion is based on my score of 110, and the extra 10 points are for the rabbit."

"Are Chang'e and Jade Rabbit coming to speak for the CTS Mid-Autumn Festival Gala?"

"Su Yun's look is so beautiful, I can't wait to watch her show at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala."

"It is said that this is Su Yun's appearance in the new movie "Lovers in Time and Space"."

"Really? Just because of this look, I must watch this movie."


Soon, CTV's program list and celebrity promotional photos were reprinted and reported by major media, and Su Yun's "Chang'e Jade Rabbit" shape also became the most reposted photo by netizens, and they all asked for the original picture under the CTV official Weibo. background.

At the same time, the official Weibo of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" released a set of Jiugongge pictures, which are stills of Su Yun in the movie. Among them is the appearance of "Chang'e", but without the rabbit.

More pictures, more styles, as soon as the Weibo was posted, it immediately attracted countless netizens to repost and like it.

And the official Weibo account of the movie "Lover in Time and Space" was not idle, and then released three sets of Jiugongtu photos, one set of stills of Xiaohua Liuqing, one set of stills of actress Liu Jiaman, and one set of stills of Stills of newcomer Ding Mengni.

As soon as the three sets of stills came out, netizens exploded again.

"It's so beautiful, one is more beautiful than the other."

"Su Yun, Liu Qing, Liu Jiaman, what kind of fairy lineup is this?"

"Ding Mengni is also so pretty."

"Su Yun is noble and cold, Liu Qing is charming and charming, Liu Jiaman is elegant and generous, and Ding Mengni is pure and well-behaved. The four actresses can be said to have their own characteristics. I would like to call them the four beauties in ancient costumes in my heart. "This is the most liked comment by netizens.

"An eye-catching combination."

"I've bought a ticket."


Time passed by minute by minute.

From day to night, and from night to night.

It was already 11:[-] when Xu Jie returned to the hotel from the square after participating in the rehearsal. This not only means that the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, but also indicates that this year's movie Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day will start soon.

Everything I have done before, including publicity, hype, and filming, is actually preparing for this moment. It is like fighting a war. First, carry out a wave of ideological mobilization, and then prepare some guns and ammunition. As soon as 12 o'clock, the attack will be launched immediately. , As for who the enemy is, as long as they appear on the battlefield are enemies, there are no friendly forces.

Xu Jie rubbed his hands, and then turned on the laptop. His palms were sweating all the time. It would be a lie to say that he was not nervous. This was his first time making a movie, and he bet too much on the movie. Boss Jiang The trust of Su Yun, Su Yun's reputation, his future, and the expectations of the company's employees, compared with that, the little money invested and the little money lost by gambling are nothing.

"Husband, the pre-sales have increased a lot since night." Su Yun came to Xu Jie's side with her mobile phone, and showed her husband the box office pre-sales for Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day.

The number one movie is still the movie "The Wave", with a pre-sale of 1 million, and the second place has not changed. It is still the movie "Homeland", with a pre-sale of 2000 million, which almost exceeded 9536 million, ranking No. Three's "Crazy Cosmic Man" reached 5000 million, which fully shows that there are quite a lot of people who like comedies...

Next is No.4, the movie "The Most Heartwarming", with a pre-sale of 2503 million. In the fifth position, Xu Jie saw his own movie, "Lover in Time and Space", with a pre-sale of 2095 million, which just broke through 2000 million... and The film directed by Zheng Guoliang has a gap of 408 million.

In fact, at noon today, there was still a gap of more than 700 million. As a result, since CTV released the program list and promotional photos of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, the pre-sales of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" have been increasing rapidly, which has narrowed the gap. Some.

Of course, he will be very happy if he can maintain this gap after the movie is released. After all, the box office of "Lovers in Time and Space" only needs to reach half of that of "The Most Exciting" to win.

I'm afraid that the word-of-mouth explosion after the release of "The Most Heartwarming", coupled with the follow-up publicity, will make this gap continue to widen, from more than 400 million to 1000 million, and then from 1000 million to 2000 million or more, and eventually exceed "Lover in Time and Space" was more than doubled, and he couldn't be happy at that time.

"Husband, in fact, it is already very good to win more than 2000 million pre-sales in the fierce National Day file. Haven't you seen that the first day of our movie has been increasing? This shows that theaters and theaters are still very good. It looks good on us, so, let's take a good rest, maybe there will be surprises when we wake up?" Su Yun saw her husband's serious expression, and gently comforted her.

In fact, she was also very nervous, but what's the use of being nervous now?
The movie will be released in a while, and all they can do is wait for the first day's box office results. At this time, it will not be of much use to the movie's box office, and they have to wait until the first day of release. The daily box office is released before distribution. Movie promotion also needs to be strategic and cannot be distributed indiscriminately.

Xu Jie has been paying attention to the pre-sale these days, and he understands what Su Yun said very well. He also wants to rest early, but the problem is that as the person involved, he can't sleep at all.

However, he also knew that tomorrow's Mid-Autumn Festival party should not be missed, and that Su Yun also needed to rest and maintain a good state, so he nodded at the other party and showed a relaxed smile on his face.

"Well, rest."


29 number.

Moon Festival.

It is also the first day of the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday.

For the vast majority of people, today is a very happy day, some people are happy to spend money, and some people are happy to make money.

However, for those filmmakers whose films will be released on the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, today is a tense day.

Because of insomnia, Xu Jie went to bed very late, and because someone was late, he woke up very late.

10 o'clock in the morning.

Xu Jie opened his eyes. The first thing he did when he woke up was to find his phone and check the movie box office.

01: The film "The Great Wave" has a combined box office of 1503.21 million...

02: The film "Homeland" has a combined box office of 980.23 million...

03: The film "Crazy Cosmic Man" has a combined box office of 521.02 million...

04: The film "The Most Heartwarming" has a combined box office of 321.58 million...

05: The film "Lover in Time and Space", combined box office: 200.16...

After reading the box office rankings, Xu Jie frowned involuntarily.

so little?
Only 200 million?

Xu Jie was still a little drowsy at first, but when he saw the box office, he became sober in an instant.

But what surprised him the most was the gap with Zheng Guoliang's movie.

On the surface, the box office difference between the two is only one million yuan, which doesn't seem to be much, but to put it another way, the box office of "The Most Heartwarming" is more than half of that of "Lover in Time and Space", which is more A sense of urgency and crisis.

Maybe it's because it's still early, everyone dares to get up and hasn't gone to the cinema, but the same reasoning applies to other movies.

The fans of "Lover in Time and Space" are sleeping, don't the fans of other movies sleep?
Seeing that less than [-]% of the films were scheduled, Xu Jie not only cursed inwardly: Which bastard didn't fulfill the agreement?
According to his calculations, the theaters he persuaded plus the ones he didn't find would reach an average of 12 or 13, and the result is not even 10 now.

A group of double-dealers with no words on their walls.

Xu Jie turned off the phone and stopped looking at it.

Looking at it further, it is estimated that even the work of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala will not be able to proceed.

In order to avoid messing up the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, he made a vow to himself that he would not be able to watch movies at the box office until the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala was over.

He didn't want to miss the sesame and lose the watermelon.

Xu Jie and Su Yun left the hotel after lunch, and drove to the venue for the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

Compared with the previous few days, today's square is more heavily guarded, and there are many more police officers than before.

After Xu Jie arrived, he began to carry out various inspections to ensure that the equipment can operate normally and avoid accidents during the performance. At that time, it will not be his face that will be lost, but the face of China TV. He cannot afford this responsibility.

In the afternoon, each dance troupe arrived at the scene and began to change their costumes. While waiting for the start of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, they carried out the final rehearsal.

Around five o'clock, the stars arrived one after another.

At six o'clock, the audience began to enter.

There are more and more people. Although there are special personnel to maintain order, it still gives people a noisy feeling.

Xu Jie commanded in an orderly manner. Because he had made sufficient preparations before and had directed an outdoor party, he seemed to be able to do a job with ease. Not only did he not panic at all, but he was not affected by the surrounding environment.

"Xiao Xu, Deputy Director Xu, how are the actors getting ready?" Chief Director Chen Ya's voice came from the headset Xu Jie was wearing.

The news broadcast has ended, and the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala will start in half an hour, and Chen Ya is making the final confirmation.

"It's all ready." Xu Jie replied after hearing it.

He had just communicated face-to-face with the stars of each show, and made sure that all of them had arrived, and their makeup was done, and he was waiting for the live broadcast to start.

As far as he himself is concerned, not only the sequence of the programs has been clearly memorized, but also the duration of each program and every link in the program is memorized by heart.

When will the star come on stage, when will the host come on stage, and even when will the dancer come on stage, all are deeply imprinted in his heart.

As the old saying goes: Don’t do porcelain work without diamonds.

If he can't even do these things, how dare he take over the job of on-site command and dispatch?
Next, the answers from the heads of other departments came from the earphones, including lighting, sound, props, clothing, etc., to ensure everything was safe.

At this time, a bright moon appeared in the sky.

From the perspective of the front of the stage, the full moon is just at the upper left of the stage. Later, as the party progresses, the full moon will also come directly above the stage. This is one of the reasons why the party was chosen here in the first place. Not only is the environment good, but the position where the moon comes out is also good.

The following is the wonderful Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, and the above is the bright moon in the sky. Watching it from the TV, I feel that it will be there immediately.

"All departments are preparing..."

After an unknown amount of time, the voice of chief director Chen Ya came from the earphone again.

Xu Jie looked at his watch and counted down the last half minute.

"30, 29, 28..."

"Papa papa!" Xu Jie clapped his hands to the actors who were about to appear beside him, and encouraged him loudly: "Everyone cheer up, weaving baskets and baskets are all closed, I wish you a successful performance!"

The first show is also the show with the most actors. There are nearly a hundred actors alone, and the actors will enter the stage from four directions. The ones around him are just one of them. This is also a test for him as an on-site conductor.


Following the order of the chief director Chen Ya, Xu Jie quickly put down his raised hand, and the body blocking the entrance also moved aside.

And the actors, like the water that opened the gate, rushed up to the stage in front of them.

China TV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala officially begins.

The eyes of countless people gathered on the stage, some people sat on the scene and looked at it from the air, some people watched it through the TV screen, but none of this could stop everyone's enthusiasm for the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

Xu Jie's gaze also fell on the stage, but compared with the audience, his assistant director turned to the stage not to watch the performance, but to be able to accurately give the next order to the live program.

"Stage No. 2 is ready to rise, and the second group of artists is ready to appear..."

"Slow down the elevator..."

"Actors coming down, hurry up, don't block the passage, the next set of shows is ready..."

Because the music is too loud now, almost every command of Xu Jie is shouted out, for fear that the person on the other side of the earphone will not be able to hear it.

Under his command, the seamless connection between programs seems to be very smooth. The most important thing is that all the shots shot on the scene will not be chaotic, which also relieves the director a lot. After all, the better the picture, the less effort it takes to switch.

Director group.

Chen Ya and Lu Xiaopeng sat together, watching the scene, watching the monitor, and watching the broadcast.

If it was before, let alone two eyes, even two more would not be enough.

This time, however, it looks like it's going to be completely effortless.

"Xiao Xu's command is good." Lu Xiaopeng said while listening to Xu Jie's voice through the earphone.

"Of course, can the people I invite be bad?" Chen Ya said proudly.

"Can we get our Huaxia TV station?" Lu Xiaopeng asked.

"Dig it, don't come!"


Lu Xiaopeng was taken aback when he heard it.

China TV can't dig it?

This is really awesome!
(End of this chapter)

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