The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 842 Perfect performance

Chapter 842 Perfect performance
Mid-autumn night.

On this day of family reunion, in addition to Huaxia TV, many provincial satellite TVs also carefully prepared a wonderful Mid-Autumn Festival party for everyone to meet with the audience to enjoy the moon.

In order to attract more viewers to watch, each TV station spared no effort, not only invited many celebrities and entertainers, but also put a lot of effort into the stage design, just to bring you a wonderful audio-visual feast.

Among the many Mid-Autumn Festival galas, the most popular one is undoubtedly Huaxia TV Station. Whether it is real-time ratings attention, or market share and other important data, it far exceeds other TV stations, and it is not even a star.

According to the real-time ratings of the third-party TV live broadcast platform, one hour after the broadcast of each show, the CTS Mid-Autumn Festival Gala ranked first with 4.7231 real-time live broadcast attention.

The second place is Huxiang Satellite TV's live broadcast of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala with an attention rate of 0.4698, which is more than ten times different from China Television.

The Mid-Autumn Festival Gala of Beijing Satellite TV ranked third with 0.3552...

The fourth Shanghai Satellite TV, the real-time live broadcast attention of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is 0.3124...

The difference between real-time live broadcast attention and ratings is that ratings are only for traditional TV live broadcast scenarios, while attention is not only for smart TV live broadcast scenarios, but also involves on-demand scenarios, such as Internet TV, mobile phones, APPs, etc., so it can also Better reflect the live broadcast of the party.

Obviously, Huaxia TV is still the first choice for audiences across the country at the gala of major festivals.

This is strength.

This is influence.

However, as the live broadcast continued, Lu Xiaopeng's face became tense.

Although the show looked very exciting and there were no problems on stage, compared with last year's live broadcast, the attention was still a little bit worse.

He has a piece of paper in his hand, which is the graph of the live broadcast attention of CTS Mid-Autumn Festival Gala last year, and in the past more than an hour, the live broadcast attention of the gala has been slightly lower than last year.

Lu Xiaopeng was very puzzled, because no matter in terms of investment or star lineup, this year is higher than last year, but why the attention has not increased, and is still declining?
Where is the problem?

Was it invited by a celebrity?
Or is it that there are too many entertainment methods nowadays, and everyone has lost interest in the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala?

Lv Xiaopeng sighed suddenly, now the party is really getting more and more difficult to do, I feel that it costs a lot, there are a lot of celebrities, but it is just not flattering.

"Director Lu, what's wrong?" Chen Ya asked puzzledly, did something go wrong with the show?But why didn't he see it?

"Nothing." Lu Xiaopeng shook his head lightly.

"Old Lu, if you see something is wrong, just tell me so that I can make Xiao Xu make adjustments in time." Chen Ya said anxiously, if there is a mistake, it must be corrected, and the mistake cannot be allowed to continue.

"It has nothing to do with the program that is being broadcast live. I just saw that this year's live broadcast is not as popular as last year, so I feel a little bit emotional." Lu Xiaopeng explained.

Chen Ya suddenly realized, and then he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and comforted him: "Now that people's lives are better and there are more entertainment methods, naturally they don't watch the party in front of the TV like before, not to mention that this is not the first year ,Used to it."

He has been in this industry longer than Lu Xiaopeng, and he directs more evening parties, so he is already used to this kind of change. In fact, he was very disappointed at the beginning, and even wondered if he could not keep up with the times. In the end, he changed It turned out that whoever came to the director was the same a few times, so he accepted this reality.

Don't talk about others, let's take him as an example. His wife and children went on a trip during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday. Since it is a trip, they must not stay in the hotel to watch the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. Isn't there so little attention?

Lu Xiaopeng nodded after hearing this, and stopped feeling emotional, because if he really wanted to feel emotional, there were too many things to be emotional about, and he couldn't sigh at all.

Not to mention the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, isn't it the same for the Spring Festival Gala?

"Next, I would like to ask Su Yun to bring us her latest work, the theme song "Like a Dream" from the movie "Lovers in Time and Space". This is also the first time she has sung this song at a party..."

As the host's voice fell, it was finally Su Yun's turn.

When the scene went dark, a beam of light suddenly shone on the main stage. Su Yun slowly walked out from the colorful water curtain, accompanied by white mist, like a fairy descending from the earth, and immediately caught everyone's attention. Surprised everyone.

As she walked to the middle of the stage, the light and graceful singing sounded, not only pleasant to hear, but also highly recognizable and infectious, which made people immerse themselves in the zone in a second.

At the same time, the attention of the live broadcast of CTS Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is constantly changing.




Interest is still rising.

The graph looks like there is a sudden uphill road ahead of the potholed road, and it is still a very steep uphill road.

Although I don't know how the attention of the following programs will be, but among the 26 programs that have been broadcast live, the attention of Su Yun's program is the highest, and the attention of the program broke 5 for the first time.

Lu Xiaopeng looked at the real-time live broadcast attention displayed by the third-party platform, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and then a satisfied smile finally appeared on his face.

This level of attention is about the same.

"It would be great if the attention of all the programs was so high." Lu Xiaopeng said to Chen Ya beside him in a low voice. Now, it is already very good to have a show that breaks 6.

"I told you a long time ago, it has to be Xiao Xu." Chen Ya said with a smile: "How about it, the advertisement is not for nothing, right? It works."

Lu Xiaopeng also laughed.

In fact, when he heard Lao Chen talk about advertising for Xu Jie’s movie at the beginning, he was very resistant. Others had to pay for sponsorship when they advertised. Director, this has never happened before in the history of China TV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. If advertisers see this, why don't you just vomit blood?

It's all about advertising, why is the gap so big?
Moreover, the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala of Huaxia TV Station is full of celebrities and entertainers vying to come, but the other party is lucky, not only occupying a program, but also interactive advertisements, as if the director team of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is begging each other.

But now, his thoughts have all changed.

It is said that the director team invited so many celebrities, isn't it just to increase the attention?

Now that Su Yun has brought attention to the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, why is the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala promoting Xu Jie's movie?
This exchange is very reasonable.

After all, the party speaks by the attention of the live broadcast, just like the variety show speaks by the ratings.

It's a pity that this person is not from Huaxia TV.

If so, not only will the variety shows on the comprehensive channel be available, but even the production of large-scale evening parties will not have to worry.

After Su Yun finished singing the first verse, the attention of the live broadcast also rushed to 5.6625, and the live broadcast room exploded, and countless netizens began to swipe the screen.

"North of the equator, Su Yun is the most beautiful."

"The number one beauty in costume, I don't accept rebuttals."

"Fairy, fairy! Chang'e, Chang'e!"

"It sounds so good, Su Yun has never let me down before!"

"It's so touching, I'm going to the movies tomorrow."


The screen is full of barrage, if you don't close it, you can't even see the live broadcast.

Everyone has the mentality of joining in the fun, so the more this is the case, the more people post barrage, and gradually from expressing their inner feelings at the beginning, they become support for Su Yun.

Between the first and second paragraphs of the song, there was a piece of music that lasted more than ten seconds, and Su Yun's performance officially started from here.

Before, it was just devotion, but now, you must use your eyes and manners to interpret the content of the second lyric, such as longing, longing, joy, affection and other complex emotions.

It can be said that this is a test for Su Yun.

If she can do it, it will definitely make the effect of the show to a higher level, but if she can't, then her singing can only be regarded as wonderful, not perfect.

Xu Jie stared at Su Yun in the live broadcast with all his attention, not even daring to breathe at the moment.

He didn't know whether it was right or wrong to add drama to Su Yun's singing. All he did was to maximize the effect of publicity. As for whether Su Yun could perform well, he never thought about it.

Of course, he dared to do this out of his trust in Su Yun. He believed in Su Yun's acting skills.

But the old saying is good: people make mistakes, and horses make mistakes.

Now it is not filming, but live broadcasting, and there is no chance of reshooting.

That's why he was so nervous. This was a mood that had never appeared in the previous 25 shows.

It can also be seen from this point that this is definitely his own wife. If it were someone else's wife, he wouldn't care so much.

At this moment, a close-up shot of Su Yun's face also appeared on the live broadcast.

This was Xu Jie's request to the camera and director during yesterday's formal rehearsal.

The camera had to take a close-up of Su Yun's face, and the director had to broadcast the close-up footage live.

His purpose of doing this is to impress the audience even more. Through the switch between the close-up and the whole, the audience can feel the emotion Su Yun is expressing at the moment.

This kind of behavior is undoubtedly very bold and risky, but as long as Su Yun can do it, tonight's show will definitely be a godsend.

The scene of the performance was completely silent, and so was the front of the TV. Even the live webcast, which was dominated by bullet screens before, was left with only live images at this moment.

Everyone was immersed in Su Yun's singing and performance.

After 2 minutes, Su Yun's singing stopped, and the scene was still silent. Even the host stood blankly by the side of the stage, showing no intention of appearing on stage.

"Host, come on, host!" Xu Jie reminded loudly into the microphone, his voice even trembling slightly.

He was so excited, so excited, because Su Yun's performance was so perfect, it not only exceeded all the previous rehearsals, it even exceeded his expectations.

He has always felt that Su Yun is a very expressive artist on stage.

Such an artist, the more she performs live, the more she can display her strength and burst out with extraordinary potential.

Why do some singers sing well in headphones, but they overturn when they arrive at the scene?

And some singers can drive all the fans as soon as they arrive at the scene, not only singing into the ears of the fans, but also conveying their feelings to the hearts of the fans.

Su Yun is definitely this kind of singer.

Hearing the voice from the earphones, the host quickly walked onto the stage as if waking up from a dream.

The appearance of the hostess also brought the audience back to their senses, and then burst into warm applause.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

The sound was like thunder.

And in the webcast room, a new round of barrage was triggered.

"Su Yun!"

"Su Yun! Su Yun!"

Everyone didn't know how to describe it anymore, because "good-looking" and "wonderful" were not enough to express their thoughts, so everyone could only name "Su Yun" to show their support for Su Yun.

"Everyone said, does Su Yun sing well?" the hostess of China TV asked loudly, and then extended the microphone to the audience.


The voices of the audience were uniform, as if they wanted to spread to every corner of the city.

"Yes, it's really nice." The hostess stood beside Su Yun, her eyes lit up when she looked at Su Yun, as if she had become Su Yun's little girl, "Su Yun, hear everyone evaluation?"

"Well, thank you for liking it." Su Yun said with a smile.

"Su Yun, I noticed one thing. You are the composer of this song, and the lyricist's name is Xu Jie. I remember that is the name of your husband." The hostess said with a smile.

"En." Su Yun nodded generously, with a little pride in her brows.

"I know that this song is the theme song of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" that is currently showing, and the hero and heroine in the movie are Mr. Yi and you. Does this also mean that these words are also written by your husband? " asked the hostess.

Two red clouds immediately floated on Su Yun's face, and she replied a little shyly: "He should have written for me in the movie, but I think he wrote for me outside the movie."

"That's a good point. Anyway, no matter what, it's written for you. I think the theme song is so touching, the movie will be even more touching. I can't wait to go into the movie circle to watch "Lovers in Time and Space" This movie is over...Let us thank Su Yun for the wonderful performance!"

Su Yun bowed to express her gratitude to the audience, and then slowly walked off the stage.

And the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" repeatedly mentioned by the hostess, like the show just now, is deeply engraved in the minds of every audience.

The program is too short, only 5 minutes, not enjoyable, but the movie has more than 100 minutes.

Those viewers who still feel unsatisfied after watching Su Yun's show turn to Su Yun's movie one after another. They have only one idea: enjoy it.

As a result, the number of people searching for the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" on the Internet increased sharply, and the seats of "Lovers in Time and Space" in some theaters were also sold out, even tomorrow and the day after tomorrow were sold out. Some theater managers Seeing this scene, I had to temporarily add another scene to meet the needs of movie fans...

After all, no one has trouble with money!

(End of this chapter)

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