The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 843 Super sweet pastry

Chapter 843 Super sweet pastry

With the end of the last program, the China Television Mid-Autumn Festival Gala ended successfully.

Xu Jie stared at the live broadcast screen intently, until he saw the staff list appear, and then he was slightly relieved.

it is finally over!
Although he memorized every step of the whole party, during the live broadcast, he kept his nerves tensed, paying attention to every actor and staff on the scene, for fear that someone would make a mistake. After all, this is Live broadcast, not afraid of [-], just in case.

Fortunately, no matter whether it was ten thousand or one event, none of them appeared. To be precise, it was under his on-site command that all possible ten thousand and one event were eliminated in the bud, which ensured the success of the party. Fluency and integrity, the final result is that his voice is hoarse.

There is no way, the music is too loud, and the actors move around frequently, even if they wear headphones, they have to shout. After this party, it feels like talking to people for two or three hours.

After the party, Xu Jie, who had stood for more than two hours, did not sit down to rest, and did not even have time to drink water. He immediately took out his mobile phone to check today's movie box office.

It is already 10:[-] in the evening, that is to say, in another hour and a half, the first day of the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day stalls will be over.

For an hour and a half, the box office should not have a big increase, and the box office on the first day of the long holiday is basically like this.

There is no change in the top five movies, but the box office has increased significantly compared with the morning.

The No. 1.8 movie "Big Wave" has a combined box office of 9672 million; the second-ranked movie "Homeland" has a combined box office of 12 million. If you work hard, it may exceed 8152 million by [-] o'clock in the evening; the third-ranked movie " Crazy Cosmic Man's combined box office reached [-] million, which is very likely to surpass the movie "Homeland" and become the runner-up.

The fourth film is Zheng Guoliang's love movie "Most Heartbeat", with a combined box office of 5217 million. It can get such a high box office in the highly competitive National Day file, which also proves Zheng Guoliang's strength and the film's strength. quality.

Xu Jie saw his own movie "Lover in Time and Space" in the fifth position, with a combined box office of 3501 million, and the gap with Zheng Guoliang's movie box office has further widened, reaching nearly 2000 million. This result is absolutely unacceptable to him. optimism.

The sixth-ranked action crime movie "Guild Wars" has just broken 1106 million, with a combined box office of [-] million. As for the following movies, none of them has a box office of more than [-] million. In this year's Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day files, they basically belong to the role of accompanying and cannon fodder , can't make any waves.

Xu Jie set his sights on his movie box office again.

In addition to the fact that Zheng Guoliang's movies and his movies are getting bigger and bigger at the box office, there is another thing that worries him, even makes him uneasy.

That is whether the box office of the movie will exceed [-] million in the first three days of the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday.

At the beginning, he made a bet with a number of theater companies that as long as the box office of the movie exceeded 15.00 million in the first three days, the film schedule would remain at [-]%.

But now...

To be honest, being able to get a box office of more than 500 million on the first day of the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day file is quite good in such a fierce competitive environment. It is still very difficult to get more than 3000 million box office in two days.

Once this kind of thing really happens, the result will be that many theaters will adjust the film schedule of "Lovers in Time and Space". If the film schedule drops, the box office will inevitably be seriously affected. The gap with Zheng Guoliang's film It will also become bigger and bigger, and finally lose the competition.

How to do it?

Just when everyone was about to go home, Xu Jie fell into deep thought alone.

Increased publicity?

However, the publicity fee that was given to Wang Yunjie before was spent before the film was released. There was not even a dime left, and there was no money to do publicity. The reason for accepting the assistant director job.

Although the advertising effect may not appear until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, he cannot pin all his hopes on this matter. He must think of other ways to increase the exposure of the film and let more people know about it. , into the cinema to watch.


At this moment, Xu Jie's cell phone in his pocket vibrated suddenly, interrupting his thinking at the same time.

He thought it was Su Yun calling, and he agreed to go back to the hotel together at a time and place, but he took it out and looked at the caller ID, and it turned out to be Lu Honglu's deputy editor-in-chief.

Xu Jie was puzzled, it was already so late, and it was a holiday, why did you call him?
After thinking about it, he still connected the phone immediately.

"Editor Lu, happy Mid-Autumn Festival!" Xu Jie said.

"Thank you, by the way, Xiao Xu, where are you?" Lu Hong asked.

"I'm out of town, what's the matter with Editor-in-Chief Lu?" Xu Jie asked, looking for a place with relatively few people.

"I just watched CTV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, and I saw your name in the list of assistant directors at the end of the cast and crew. Is that person you, or someone with the same name and surname as you?" Lu Hong said. The reason for the call.

Originally, he just wanted to see if the CTV Mid-Autumn Festival Gala was over, but he saw Xiao Xu's name with just one glance, and he immediately lost his composure.


Xu Jie got stuck when he heard it, and thought: As the person in charge of Beijing Satellite TV, he didn’t watch the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala of Beijing Satellite TV, but watched the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala of China TV. This person in charge is really unqualified. programs are not supported.

Of course, these words can only be thought about, how dare he accuse Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu?

"If there is only one Xu Jie in the list of assistant directors, it might be me." Xu Jie said in a low voice.

In fact, he didn't want to say it. After he said it, he might be in charge of next year's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala of Beijing Satellite TV. However, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Director Chen are old classmates, and they can't be fooled, so they can only tell each other frank.

"What? It's really you? When did you become the assistant director of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala of Huaxia TV? Why haven't I heard Lao Jiang say that?" Lu Hong asked in surprise, unable to sit still.

He and Jiang Hai were in charge of this year's Beijing Satellite TV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. The two usually discussed the program of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. It can be said that countless brain cells were exhausted and countless nights of insomnia. The result?The number one under the two men went to serve as the assistant director of China TV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. This, isn't this a slap in the face?
Didn't you say you want to promote the movie?Didn't you say that you are very busy and have no time?
"I originally planned the show for my wife, but Director Chen insisted on letting me be the assistant director. I had no other choice but to bite the bullet and agree. In fact, I didn't do anything, just whose turn it was. , I’m in charge of reminding you in the headset.” Xu Jie explained simply, and repeatedly lowered the difficulty of his work, to avoid making himself look too good, and to prevent Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu from entrusting him with next year’s Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

"So that's what happened, Xiao Xu, it's your fault. No one came to our station's Mid-Autumn Festival party, so why did you go to China TV to help? Are you doing something wrong to me or to our station? Thoughts?" Lu Hong asked.

"No, absolutely not!" Xu Jie said quickly.

I have said that there is no way, why is it still online?How dare he think about Taili?

"Oh, I see. Is it because you have grown up and feel that the Beijing TV station can't accommodate you, and you want to go to China TV station to develop?" Lu Hong asked again.

"Editor Lu, you really misunderstood. In fact, I took over this assistant director because of work. Director Chen promised that as long as I agreed to be the assistant director, he would advertise for Jingshi Culture's film at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. I It is also for the benefit of the company, so I took this job." Xu Jie said.

He didn't talk about his own movies, but the company's movies. Firstly, he could emphasize that he is a member of Jingshi Culture, and secondly, it would appear that everything he did was for the company.

"Advertising the movie at the Mid-Autumn Festival?" Lu Hong was slightly startled, and then said in a tone of regret: "Xiao Xu, you should have said it earlier, I also asked you to advertise at the Mid-Autumn Festival on Beijing Satellite TV." .”

There is another sentence that he didn't say, that is: You also come to Beijing Satellite TV to be the director of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

How could Xu Jie not know what deputy editor-in-chief Lu was thinking?

But the problem is, he wants to let audiences across the country know about his movie, and Beijing Satellite TV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala... can't do that.

To put it bluntly, he didn't like the exposure of Beijing Satellite TV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

This point, live broadcast attention is the best proof.

The difference in the live broadcast attention of the two Mid-Autumn Festival Gala is more than ten times, there is no comparison at all.

But Xu Jie won't say what is in his heart, because what is in his heart is too hurtful. After all, he is also a member of Beijing TV Station. Isn't there such a sentence?A son doesn't think his mother is ugly, and a dog doesn't think his family is poor.

"The main reason is that I'm embarrassed, and I don't want to embarrass you and Mr. Jiang." Xu Jie made a fuss.

"Xiao Xu, look at what you said, you're out of touch, don't you? In the future, just say anything..." Lu Hong wished that the other party would ask him to do something every day. In this way, the other party would owe him countless favors. Don't you just do whatever you want the other party to do?
"Yes, yes, I see. Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Lu, for your concern." Xu Jie was worried that the other party would bring the topic to the party. Although the Mid-Autumn Festival party was over, wouldn't there be New Year's party and Spring Festival party later?So he pretended to be very busy and said, "Editor Lu, the party has just ended, and the scene is a bit chaotic. I will report to you later when I go to Beijing TV Station."

"En." Lu Hong couldn't continue to say anything. Since the other party is already the assistant director of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala of China TV, he should work hard and win some air for Beijing Satellite TV.

"Goodbye, Chief Editor Lu." Xu Jie hung up the phone.

Just when he was about to say goodbye to Director Chen, he saw Director Chen walking towards him quickly, with a smile like a chrysanthemum blooming on his face.

"Xiao Xu, thank you for your hard work!" Chen Ya came to Xu Jie's side, tightly grasping Xu Jie's hand and never let go. She had never been so excited when she saw a female star.

"This is what I should do." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

He is now a businessman, you do promotion for my movie, I do on-site command and dispatch for your party, fair trade.

"Xiao Xu, I have some good news for you. Your wife's program is the one with the most attention in the live show." Chen Ya said with a smile.

For this matter, he is very happy.

It was because of Su Yun's program that the overall attention of the party was increased, otherwise the live broadcast of the Mid-Autumn Festival this year would not even meet expectations.

If it is said that Huaxia TV has its own attention, then the attention of each program in the party is a true portrayal of the audience's liking for the show and the artist.

Knowing this, CTV will invite Su Yun to participate in any large-scale events or parties in the future.

Xu Jie was not surprised when he heard Director Chen's words, and his face was very calm.

The song "Like a Dream" is really good, and Su Yun's performance in singing is also obvious to all. Coupled with her ancient costume, it's strange that there is no attention.

"The main reason is that China TV is a good platform." Xu Jie said politely.

How else would you say?
That's because I'm a good director, let me tell you?

Who dares to go crazy in front of Huaxia TV?

"Xiao Xu, I'm planning to invite Su Yun to the CTS Spring Festival Gala this year, do you want to come with me?" Chen Ya asked with a smile, looking like a cunning fox.

Xu Jie was taken aback.

He already knew that Chen Ya was "interested" in him, and he had already thought of the reason for rejecting the other party, but the other party actually wanted to invite Su Yun again. What, what, what should I do?
Su Yun is his wife. Can he not accompany his wife to the Spring Festival Gala?
Reject the invitation of the Spring Festival Gala director group?
As bad as it sounds.

You know, the Spring Festival Gala is the stage that countless stars dream of.

It's fine if you don't have an invitation. If you have an invitation, how can you refuse it?
CTV's Spring Festival Gala certification must be very popular, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.

Although Su Yun's popularity is already very high now, and there is no shortage of resources, but being able to get the approval of CTV will be of great benefit to her future development. After all, CTV is a national TV station. , is enough to kill all other media in seconds.

"After the National Day holiday, I'm going to shoot a TV series. The next year will be very busy, and I may be needed for the TV show in Beijing, so I don't know if I have time to go. Let's talk about it later." Xu Jie sent the answer to three months later, and he was determined not to fall into the trap of the other party.

"Well, anyway, the door of the director team of the Spring Festival Gala is open to you at any time." Chen Ya said sincerely.

Because there were still many things to do after the party, Chen Ya simply said goodbye to Xu Jie and walked away.

Seeing Chen Ya's back, Xu Jie actually wanted to use Su Yun to lure her to attend the Spring Festival Gala of China TV. He was really cunning and cunning!


(End of this chapter)

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