The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 844 The Box Office Released On The First Day

Chapter 844 The Box Office Released On The First Day
At the end of the party, Xu Jie, a "temporary worker", was completely unemployed.

Others are very depressed when they are unemployed, but he has a feeling of regaining freedom after being unemployed, just like a song sings: This is the feeling of flying, this is the feeling of freedom...

He contacted Su Yun with his mobile phone, and after confirming the other party's location, he immediately left the current place.

A parking lot outside the square.

Xu Jie looked around, and then quickly got into a commercial vehicle.

"Honey, how was my performance just now?" Su Yun looked at Xu Jie expectantly, like a primary school student waiting for a teacher's praise.

"Brilliant!" While Xu Jie replied, he stretched out a hand to hold the other party in his arms, and kissed him hard.

At this moment, Su Yun is still in the ancient costume of a fairy descending from the world on the stage, without removing makeup or changing clothes, watching Xu Jie's heart fluttering, ready to move, and even recalling the scene of self-driving tour with Su Yun on their honeymoon.

Speaking of this shape, he hasn't tried it yet.

It's a pity that there are people in the car, otherwise...

When Su Yun heard the evaluation, a flower-like smile appeared on her face.

In fact, after the performance of the show, she read many netizens' comments on the Internet, but no matter how hype those people said, in her heart, it was not as good as her husband's compliment.

"By the way, husband, have you watched the movie box office?" Su Yun asked.

"En." Xu Jie nodded, but when the box office was mentioned, the flame that had just ignited in his heart was extinguished by half.

There is no way, the movie box office is his pain now!

"I didn't expect that there would be a bonus of 4000 million at the box office on the first day. I don't think there should be a big problem with the film's return. Maybe it can make a small profit." Su Yun said with a smile.

The movie box office is divided into several parts, including the national film special fund, taxation, and the largest proportion of theater chains, and the rest is the box office revenue of the producer.

Take "Lover in Time and Space" as an example. With an investment of 7000 million yuan, the box office must reach at least [-] million yuan to pay back.

However, based on today's box office situation, it is still possible for the film to exceed [-] million before the end of the eight-day Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday. Is it all profitable?
"It should be possible!" Xu Jie said uncertainly.

Whether the movie can pay back the cost and make money mainly depends on whether it can break through [-] million in the first three days. If it can, based on the agreement between him and the theater company on the screening rate, there is no problem in making money. The result is an unknown, and it is even more difficult to surpass Zheng Guoliang.

"Honey, why don't you look happy? It's pretty good to be able to get such a high box office in the highly competitive National Day." Su Yun looked at Xu Jie's low-spirited look, and quickly thought of the reason. He asked, "Are you worried about the competition with Zheng Guoliang?"

"Yeah." Xu Jie didn't hide anything, and told Su Yun his worries about breaking [-] million in three days and whether he could surpass Zheng Guoliang.

Su Yun listened quietly, he likes the open communication now, it is a kind of trust, and it can also increase mutual affection.

After Xu Jie finished speaking, Su Yun didn't look worried, but said optimistically, "Husband, you don't have to worry too much. I think there is still hope for breaking [-] million in three days..."

Xu Jie couldn't help showing a wry smile when he heard this.


People can have hope, but they can't live by hope, they have to face reality in the end.

Su Yun continued: "Actually, you don't have to worry about arranging films and Zheng Guoliang at all, because in terms of the current film market, you have won nearly 4000 million box office with less than [-]% of the filming, which is already considered very impressive. Yes, Zheng Guoliang's movies have a high box office, but he also has a lot of films. In terms of attendance, our movies are no worse than him. I believe that both the theaters and theaters can see this. Fang's share is higher than that of Zheng Guoliang and the others, even if it can't break [-] million in three days, before you and Zheng Guoliang, the theater should still choose you, after all, no one has trouble with money, what do you think?"

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, thinking carefully about what his wife said, there was indeed some truth to it.

It's like selling goods.

For the same product, one with high profit and one with low profit, under the same sales conditions, merchants will naturally favor the product with high sales profit.

Regardless of the high total sales of the second product, it is because there are more merchants selling it. In terms of sales per store and profits to merchants, the first product still has an advantage.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun beside him. Although he knew that his wife was comforting him, he felt much more at ease.

No matter how strong a man is, there are times when he needs comfort.

"Thank you." Xu Jie reached out to hold Su Yun in his arms again.

"It doesn't matter even if the box office of "Lover in Time and Space" is not half of that of "The Most Heartwarming". Although you lost to Zheng Guoliang, you will win the recognition of the film circle and the capital market, because the movies you make can make money. In contrast, Zheng Guoliang's movie cost [-] million yuan, and the box office needs to reach at least [-] million yuan to make a profit. This is not a small difficulty, especially after the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day. No matter how much box office our movie has, it is acceptable. , because it's all profit, but what about him?" Su Yun said with a smile.

Xu Jie's eyes widened.

Well, that's right.

He can accept the daily box office of several million after the festival, but can Zheng Guoliang accept it?Then you can't worry about losing a lot of hair?

wait, no!
"Honey, even if Zheng Guoliang's movie doesn't reach [-] million yuan, as long as his movie box office is twice as much as mine, then I still have to lose tens of millions to him." Xu Jie said.

The bet is one-tenth of the opponent's box office, that is to say, Zheng Guoliang's movie box office is 5000 million, but his movie box office is less than 5000 million, then he will lose [-] million to the opponent.

"It doesn't matter, it's still a good deal to buy the recognition of the film industry and capital with tens of millions, at least there will be no shortage of investment in filming in the future, and your Jingshi Culture's financial report this year will also be very beautiful, the big deal is the money I'll go." Su Yun said.

She knew very well that if Xu Jie was good, she could be better. The higher Xu Jie's status in Beijing Radio and Television Station was, the higher her status in the entertainment circle would be.

Just like nowadays, no matter how popular a celebrity is, if they see her, they must call her sister Yun?
Xu Jie was stunned, and when his wife said this, he immediately felt that the money was worth the money, but it was a little uncomfortable to lose the money to Zheng Guoliang, even if it was donated to the school.

However, his state of mind was much better than before, and the flame that had just been extinguished in his heart was ignited again.

When the moon is in the sky, how much is life?

On such a beautiful day, with a beautiful woman in your arms, if you don't do something, wouldn't it be a waste of life?
"Let's go back to the hotel and talk to my sister Chang'e about the true meaning of life!"

When Su Yun heard it, she immediately knew what was going to happen next, she couldn't help but blushed, she was really pretty.

The Mid-Autumn Festival Gala of major TV stations has ended one after another.

The hot topics derived from various evening shows quickly appeared on the hot searches, and the popularity of the Internet remained high. After all, this is a good marketing opportunity for the participating stars. Before the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, I had already thought about how to market myself, and even prepared marketing articles.

As a result, many celebrities and artists have been on the hot search list, and the popularity value is one million plus.

"Chen Yilin appeared at the Shanghai Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, and her new image surprised the audience."

"The Little Tigers reunited after so many years!"

"Jiang Xintong is good at singing and dancing, backstage talking about her dreams as a singer."


There are many celebrities on the list, but among the many topics, Su Yun is the most popular topic.

"Su Yun is the most beautiful Chang'e."

With a few simple words, it directly occupied the top spot on the hot search list, and suppressed the hot searches of other celebrities and artists below.

Among the top ten most searched, there is another one related to her.

That is "Lover in Time and Space", which is ranked ninth.

The movie has been mentioned many times at the CTV Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. For this, it will bring a lot of heat to "Lover in Time and Space".

Of course, the fact that the movie's name became a hot search after the party is not unrelated to the marketing hype behind it, but as long as you know how to take advantage of the situation and grasp the timing, many netizens who don't know the truth will follow suit.

In the middle of the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, many people are resting, relaxing, and entertaining, but for the people of Fengchuan Culture Media Company, not only can't rest, they are even busier than ever.

There is no way, every Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, celebrities will work hard to market themselves.

Those who participated in the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala marketed how wonderful their performance at the party was, and those who participated in the screening of the movie marketed how amazing their acting skills in the movie were.

If celebrities want to be popular, they naturally need the help of their specialized marketing companies, not to mention that this year's Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day are combined, so they don't even have the time to appreciate the moon.

"Team leader, Jiang Xintong's Weibo popularity has already ranked sixth, and the number of views has exceeded 1000 million, can we stop?"

"No, once we stop, other companies will put other stars on the top and add more heat. We must not let our guard down."

"Hu Xinxin's agent just messaged me on WeChat, and wants us to put Hu Xinxin at the top of the list of hot searches, and the price is negotiable."

"Yes, as long as the money is in place, there is no problem with slaughtering the list."


In the office area, the lights are bright.

Every employee is busy busy, eyes are either staring at the computer screen, or staring at the mobile phone screen, typing on the keyboard with fingers like flying, it looks like a war without gunpowder smoke is being staged.


Suddenly, the general manager came out of the office.

"Tell everyone that the number one most searched topic tonight is reserved for Su Yun, and no one else can be number one, at most they can only be second." Dai Wei said loudly.

Although there are many celebrities who need to be marketed tonight, and the company has also received many orders, but no matter who is pushed down, Su Yun cannot be pushed down.

Who is Su Yun?

The queen of music, the super rookie in the film industry, the most popular actress, the most classic Hua Mulan, the most beautiful Chang'e... But these have nothing to do with him, and he doesn't care.

Dai Wei only knew that Su Yun was Xu Jie's wife.

When the employees heard this, they were in a hurry.

"Mr. Dai, what have you already agreed to do?" someone asked.

"What should I do? Cold salad, you think of your own reasons. After working for so many years, do you still use me to find a way for you?" Dai Wei said angrily.

When everyone saw the angry boss, no one dared to ask any more questions, so they quickly contacted the manager.

Who made them unable to offend the boss, and the boss couldn't offend Xu Jie?

Relationships are that simple.

Compared with the marketing company, the producers, producers, publicity parties and other related people of major movies are not so busy, but they are also extremely nervous. Everyone is waiting for the arrival of 0:[-].

Because as soon as 0 o'clock arrives, it means that the first day of the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday is over, and the box office on the first day of the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day will also be released, so everyone can promote it according to the box office situation.

The hour hand moves slowly, like an elderly man, although he walks slowly, he is the head of the family, and he decides what time.

After a long wait, the hour hand finally points to 12.

The first-day box office of the 13 films released on the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day files are all released.

Although there are still seven days left for the long holiday and 29 days left for the show, the results are just like the scene where the written test is released. Some people are happy and some are worried, some happy and some worried.

Those who are happy are naturally those filmmakers with good box office results, while those who are sad are naturally those filmmakers whose box office is not satisfactory, and it can even be said to be dismal.

The happiest movie is the number one movie "The Wave". The movie's official Weibo posted a picture at 0:01. This is a concept poster, and there are a few words written on it: the movie " The first-day box office of "The Giant Wave" was 1.9 million.

The number 1.9 is written particularly large.

With this speed of posting on Weibo, the poster has obviously been prepared a long time ago. Maybe there is another poster on it, which should say: The box office of the movie "The Great Wave" broke 2 million on the first day...It didn't break, and it didn't break. The difference is more than 600 million, and only 1.9 million posters can be issued.

The movie "Homeland" also released a happy announcement on the official Weibo, which read: The box office of the movie "Homeland" exceeded [-] million on the first day... a few words.

As for the other movies, they didn’t send any good news because they didn’t have a relationship with breaking [-] million. However, they also launched a new wave of marketing for the movie and the starring stars according to their box office situation, striving to break [-] million as soon as possible and get a higher income. movie box office.

The third place is still "Crazy Cosmic Man", with a combined box office of 9101 million; while the fourth-ranked movie "Most Heartbeat" has a combined box office of 5614 million, which is less than 6000 million; as for the fifth-ranked movie "Lover in Time and Space", with a combined box office of 4120 million...

Although the box office of "Two People in Time and Space" is still far behind "The Most Heartbeating", in the hour and a half after the end of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala to 0 o'clock, the box office of "The Most Heartbeating" only increased by 400 million, while the box office of "The Most Heartbeating" only increased by 600 million. The box office of Love in Time and Space has increased by more than 200 million, which is more than [-] million more than that of "The Most Heartwarming".

This is the influence of Huaxia TV station.

At the same time, it also proved that Xu Jie's publicity strategy is correct.

But at this moment, Xu Jie didn't pay attention to the box office situation on the first day of the movie like other filmmakers, but was spending a good night with Su Yun, playing Cosplay with Descendants and Chang'e, and didn't have time to care about other things.


(End of this chapter)

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