Chapter 845 Heizi
The second day of the long holiday.

Today the crew was on holiday, and Zheng Guoliang had a late sleep in the hotel.

In order to wait for the first-day box office results of "The Most Heartwarming" in the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day file, he didn't go to sleep until after 2 o'clock.

As for why the results came out at 0 o'clock and I didn't go to bed until 2 o'clock, the reason is very simple, and I feel uncomfortable.

The more unhappy, the more angry; the more angry, the more sleepless Chapter 843

If it wasn't for finding an actress in the crew to vent her anger, she might have suffered from insomnia the whole night yesterday.

His films have always been released during Valentine's Day. This year, because of the competition with Xu Jie, the film's release schedule has been postponed from Valentine's Day at the beginning of the year to the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day at the end of the year.

Originally, he thought that with his own fame and reputation, coupled with the popularity of celebrities as leading actors and actresses, the Double BUFF Possession is definitely not inferior to other movies released at the same time, and he would definitely get a good start, but seeing the box office on the first day He found that the competition for National Day stalls was far beyond his imagination.

Although the movie box office of 600 million yuan on the first day is not a lot, it is not much.

In his prediction, the box office on the first day must be 8000 to [-] million to be considered passable. Only when it reaches this much, there will be no pressure to recover the cost.

However, the reality slapped him hard in the face. The difference in the box office was as much as 2000 million. Although it was only 2000 million a day, it was [-] million after the eight-day holiday.

A difference of 2000 million is not much, but a difference of [-] million is really too much.

Perhaps it was this [-] million that made the film that could have made money lose money, which would have an impact on his reputation in the film industry.

This is second, after all, he has been famous for many years and has made many profitable movies. Even if he loses once in a while, with his fame, there is still no shortage of people who invest in his movies.

However, it would be very embarrassing to lose to that Xu.

A professional actually loses to an amateur, can he hold his head up in the film industry in the future?

Therefore, the first thing Zheng Guoliang did after waking up was to check the movie box office situation, to see how much his movie box office had risen compared to last night, and how big the gap was with that Xu.

Soon, real-time box office data appeared on the phone screen.

He directly ignored the top three and set his sights on No.4. It wasn't that he didn't want to go further, it was because his No.4 was too far behind the top three, and it was impossible to catch up.

No. 4: The movie "The Most Heartwarming", with a combined box office of 5732 million...a box office increase of more than 100 million compared to last night.

Although the increase is not much, who makes the number of people going to watch movies in the second half of the night less?
The box office increase of more than 100 million is already very reasonable.

Even for the top three movies, the box office growth is very limited.

He moved his eyes down and landed on the fifth place.

The movie "Lover in Time and Space" has a combined box office of 4411 million.

Zheng Guoliang was slightly taken aback, then his brows were tightly wrinkled.

Here, what's the situation?There is actually a box office increase of 300 million?
Zheng Guoliang, who was confident yesterday, felt a little uneasy at this moment.

Since last night, the gap between the two movies has been continuously decreasing, from 700 million at the beginning, to 500 million later, and now to 300 million. To him, this is amazing. Not good news.

He originally thought that as time passed, his movies and Xu Jie's movies would gradually increase in box office, but the reality gave him another slap in the face.

You know, the screening rate of "The Most Heartwarming" has always been higher than that of "Lover in Time and Space". Under such circumstances, the box office of the other party's movie has a tendency to catch up.

If this continues, within a few days, the current advantage of 300 million will be gone.

Zheng Guoliang was very puzzled, how could so many people watch a movie made by an amateur?Do these people understand movies?
He even felt that the reason why there are so many bad movies now is because the audience's requirements for movies are too low, and people watch all kinds of bad movies, so there is room for bad movies to survive.

"Director Zheng, you're awake, why don't you look happy?" At this moment, the actress on the bed sat up and gently hugged Zheng Guoliang from behind, not even wearing any clothes.

Zheng Guoliang's face darkened, he really didn't want to open the pot, he glanced at the actress behind him, and said coldly: "Get up, get out."

The actress was startled.

What kind of attitude is this?

Don't you recognize people when you put on your pants?

Son of a bitch!
The actress cursed secretly in her heart, but on the surface she still pretended to be obedient, picked up the clothes on the floor, put them on, and walked out of Director Zheng's room.

Alas, who made him a great director?
Zheng Guoliang has been devoting all his energy to shooting new movies recently, and he didn't care about this competition at all, nor did he interfere with the movie's publicity work, but now, the situation is urgent, and he has to find out.

It's good to have a follow-up publicity plan, but if there is no follow-up publicity plan, then this time I will really lose to that Xu.

Therefore, it must be urged.

He got his mobile phone from the bedside, found the company responsible for the promotion of "Most Heartwarming", and directly dialed the mobile phone number of the other party's general manager.

"Beep... beep... click!"

The phone is connected quickly.

"Morning Director Zheng, congratulations to the first-day box office of the movie "The Most Exciting" breaking through 5000 million." A man's voice came from the microphone.

Zheng Guoliang thought to himself after hearing this: It's already past nine o'clock.

Besides, what's there to congratulate when the box office on the first day was only 5000 million?It didn't exceed [-] million.

Moreover, judging from the box office situation on the first day of the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday, whether the movie "The Most Heartwarming" can recover its cost has become a problem.

If the movie loses money, and the box office also loses, his face will be greatly lost.

"The movie has already been released, are there any promotional activities in the future?" Zheng Guoliang asked.

In the past, he never cared about film promotion, and left it all to the publicity and distribution company. This is also the concept he has always advocated: professionals do professional things, not laymen guiding experts.

But this time, he made an exception.

No way, No.5 chased him too closely, which created a sense of urgency in his heart.

It is said that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, so he doesn't want to die on the beach.

"Yes, there is today. Didn't yesterday's box office results come out? I have already found a number of marketing accounts and asked them to conduct Amway for the movie. In two days, there will be two events where the leading actors will book the show and invite fans to watch the movie. Director Zheng Just put your mind at ease."

After Zheng Guoliang listened, the serious expression on his face eased a lot.

The film needs to be promoted before it is released, and it must be promoted after it is released.

But he felt that was not enough.

It’s not enough to just go up by yourself, and you have to let the other party go down, so as to widen the gap between the two movies, otherwise you will always be chasing each other.

"Mr. Wang, do you know? This year's Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day will have two romantic movies. If the other movie receives overwhelmingly negative reviews, will movie fans choose us among these two romantic movies?" Zheng Guoliang didn't say what to do, he just used words to suggest to the other party what to do. He believed that the other party would definitely understand what he meant.

On the other side, Mr. Wang laughed, saying that praising themselves and discrediting their opponents has always been their usual method.

"Director Zheng, don't worry, I know what to do." Mr. Wang said confidently. He is a professional in such things as discrediting opponents.

"Well, I'll wait to see the news." Zheng Guoliang said lightly, and then hung up the phone with a sneer of meaning on his face.

Those with the surname Xu, accept the criticism from the Internet!

When Xu Jie woke up, it was already past 11 o'clock.

During the past few days, he has been busy with the back of his head for the party, the program, and the movie. Now that the party is over, he can finally catch up on a good night's sleep.

"Honey, you're awake." Seeing Xu Jie who opened his eyes, Su Yun put down the script, went to the bed and sat down.

"Is it noon?" Xu Jie glanced at the clock on the wall, and after confirming the time, he looked at Su Yun and asked, "When do you plan to return to Hengdian?"

"The director gave the crew a three-day vacation, and work will resume on October [-]," Su Yun said.

Although for the profession of an actor, there is no distinction between working days and holidays, but when it comes to some important festivals, the crew usually gives the actors a holiday. After all, the director is also a human being and wants to go home for the holidays.

There is only one day between the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day holiday this year, so we have three days off, on the 29th, 30th, and October 10st.

"Really? That's good. This is my first time in Hongdu. Let's walk around today. How about I take you back to Hengdian tomorrow night?" Xu Jie asked.

Before the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, the two had been separated in two places due to their work. Now that they have finally met, they must make full use of the remaining time.

"Okay." Su Yun said happily.

She is willing to go out with Xu Jie, even if she just walks along the street, she will enjoy this feeling of being together very much, which will make her feel very sweet, just like a little girl who has eaten candy.

Xu Jie got out of bed, washed his face briefly, and began to change clothes.

"Honey, did you watch the box office movie? Last night..."


Su Yun was interrupted by Xu Jie just in the middle of her words.

"What's wrong?" Su Yun looked at her husband in confusion.

"Don't mention the box office of the movie, I want to concentrate on being with you these two days." Xu Jie said seriously.

Movie box office is important, but having a wife is even more important.

In fact, he really wants to know how much his movie's box office has reached, and he can't wait to stare at it without leaving for a moment, but the question is, what can he do now that he has watched it?Is it possible that the box office will rise because he is watching?Won't.

Not only will it not, but it will also increase the uneasiness and anxiety in his heart, making him cranky and unable to calm down.

Instead of being restless and restless all day, it is better to spend this time with your wife.

Moreover, the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala has just ended, and it will take some time for CTV's advertising effect to ferment, so there is no rush.

Besides, he had already seen the box office of the movie last night, and now it's only been one night, can he still raise tens of millions and directly help the movie break [-] million?

Now the commercials have been launched, and the marketing has also been done. He has tried his best, and the rest depends on whether the movie fans buy it or not.

After Su Yun heard this, she didn't know whether the other party really wanted to concentrate on being with her, or just wanted to escape from reality, but no matter what, as the other party's wife, it was right to be by her side when the other party was bored.

Movies are just work, no matter what the box office is, life still has to go on, if it’s just because the box office fails, then 90.00% of the directors in the movie industry will have to die.

"Let's go eat first. I heard from the waiter in the hotel that there is a snack street that locals like very much nearby. Let's go there and eat." Su Yun said, quickly changing the topic from the movie box office to eating above.

Isn't there such a sentence?
Life is always a mess, and only delicious food can relieve all worries.

"Okay." Xu Jie agreed, and he was following his heart, turning anxiety into appetite.

Su Yun immediately opened the suitcase, took out a two-piece camouflage suit, a baseball cap and sunglasses, and gave Xu Jie two more, which can be regarded as a couple hat and a couple mirror.

The two left the hotel and wandered the streets of Hongdu.

Maybe it was because the disguise of the two-piece suit played a role, or maybe it was because there were not a large number of security guards around, and no one recognized them along the way, which also made the two of them feel very relaxed and at ease.

Big stars also have lives, and big stars don't want their lives to be disturbed.

Xu Jie inquired all the way, and finally found a snack street near the hotel. His principle is to eat less in one family, and taste it from house to house.

While Xu Jie and Su Yun were enjoying the delicious food during their holiday, there were suddenly many negative comments about "Lover in Time and Space" on the Internet.

"Leaving aside the content of the movie, isn't Xu Jie too narcissistic? He actually came to play the leading role? Who gave him the confidence?"

"The theme song of "Lover in Time and Space" is a bit better, and everything else is rubbish."

"The plot is chaotic. I don't know whether the protagonist is time-traveling or just dreaming. The movie ended without a clear explanation. It's really lonely to watch..."

"Facts have proved that Xu Jie is not suitable to be a film director. It is better to go back and do variety shows quickly. Movies are not as simple as you imagined."

"If the full score is five stars, I can only give three at most. One is for Su Yun, one is for Liu Qing, and one is for Liu Jiaman. The rest are useless..."


Soon, on Weibo, forums, and post bars, there were comments saying "Lover in Time and Space" was not good.

Moreover, from the actors to the plot, the whole movie has been damaged to nothing. At the same time, some people compared another love movie "The Most Heartwarming", not only praising the story of "The Most Heartbeating" is compact, but also very exciting. A feeling that is completely different from previous romance films, and at the same time conveys a new feeling to people, it is simply a love textbook.

In short, no matter how ugly "Lovers in Time and Space" is damaged, how wonderful "Most Heartbeat" is.

Although some fans who have watched "Lovers in Time and Space" complained about the movie, the comments were either deleted or disappeared in the vast comments, and the people who commented and left comments seemed to be unified, and all agreed with the author's views.

For a while, "Lover in Time and Space" was pushed to the forefront.

Thousands of words are just one word, bad!


(End of this chapter)

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