The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 846 Counterattack! ! !

Chapter 846 Counterattack! ! !


Xu Jie was eating with Su Yun when the phone in his chest pocket vibrated.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID. It was Wang Yunjie, vice president of Jingshi Culture.

"Hi Mr. Wang, happy holidays." Xu Jie said after connecting to the phone.

The publicity fee for the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" has been spent and there is no money left, and I don't know why the other party is calling him at this time.

"Mr. Xu, have you returned to the capital?" Wang Yunjie asked, sounding anxious.

"Not yet, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously, shouldn't the company have a holiday today?
"Mr. Xu, have you paid attention to some online comments about the movie "Lover in Time and Space"?" Wang Yunjie asked tentatively.

"No, what's the matter?" Xu Jie has been with his wife since he woke up. Even if he uses his mobile phone, he only uses the two functions of navigation and payment. Enjoying the good time shopping and eating with my wife wholeheartedly.

However, Wang Yunjie's words made him a little concerned. The other party asked, did the movie's reputation collapse?

"Mr. Xu, around noon, some negative comments about "Lover in Time and Space" suddenly appeared on the Internet. Weibo, post bars, and forums were everywhere. I asked a few friends, and they said that someone hired a troll and a marketing account to deliberately For our movie." Wang Yunjie said in a deep voice.


Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, but after a while, instead of being angry, he smiled.

Hiring sailors and marketing accounts, these behaviors are very common and normal in the film industry and even the entire entertainment industry, and Xu Jie himself has done it.

It's just that he didn't expect that someone would target and discredit the movie "Lover in Time and Space".

What does this mean?
It shows that "Lover in Time and Space" has robbed other people's market, and some people are in a hurry, so they use this shady method.

Just imagine, if "Lover in Time and Space" had no threat to other movies, would anyone spend money to hire trolls and marketing accounts to discredit it?

Will not!
Because the saliva of netizens is enough to drown the movie, so why bother?

In other words, this can be regarded as the opponent's affirmation of his movie.

But to be sure, this kind of behavior is not a good thing for his movies.

Nowadays, before watching a movie, most people will read the comments about the movie on the Internet. Once those negative comments are seen by people who don't know the truth, it will inevitably affect the final movie viewing choice.

"Mr. Wang, please contact Weibo and Tieba and ask them to delete the negative comments." Xu Jie said to Wang Yunjie.

As for who is behind the scenes, I can figure it out with my toes, it must be Zheng Guoliang.

Firstly, the two had a bet, and the amount involved was not small; secondly, during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, although many movies were released, there were only two romantic movies among them, namely his "Lover in Time and Space" and Zheng Guoliang Who would it be if it wasn't Zheng Guoliang's "The Most Heartbeating"?

"Alright Mr. Xu, what else?" Wang Yunjie asked.

"It's gone." Xu Jie said.

"No, no more? Don't we fight back?" Wang Yunjie asked with a frown. The opponent has already ridden on his head and shit, is it just to wipe the shit off?
This, this is too useless, right?
Even a woman like her can't swallow this breath, let alone a man.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang, I know what to do." Xu Jie reassured.

When Wang Yunjie heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the other party was going to swallow her anger and become a coward, but then again, Vice President Xu is not that kind of person.

"Mr. Xu, I will contact you immediately and ask them to delete the negative comments." Wang Yunjie said.

"Thank you, Mr. Wang. I still have to worry about the movie when I'm on vacation. I'll give you a big red envelope when the share is credited." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Mr. Xu, you are too polite. This is what I should do, so I won't bother you." After finishing speaking, Wang Yunjie hung up the call with Xu Jie and contacted the person in charge of Weibo and Tieba.

In her opinion, negative comments must be deleted as soon as possible.

One more minute may affect one more potential movie viewer.

Xu Jie put down his phone and began to think about countermeasures. As for the negative comments on the Internet, he didn't read them. He knew that they were caused by the trolls and marketing accounts, so it was useless to read them.

"Husband, what's the matter?" Su Yun asked in a low voice, thinking in her heart, don't interfere with her work just because she went shopping with her.

"It's nothing, it's probably because someone thought they couldn't beat me, so they hired some trolls to hack our movie online." Xu Jie said pretending not to care, he didn't seem to take it seriously, mainly because he didn't want Su Yun to Followed by worry.

"Oh? Are you talking about Zheng Guoliang?" Su Yun asked in amazement. She never expected that Director Zheng Guoliang, who is very famous in the film circle, would do such a thing.

She has always felt that those big directors in the industry should disdain to do things that are not visible and damage their reputation, but now it seems that it is a virtue in the face of interests.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

"What are you going to do?" Su Yun asked, this is not a trivial matter, so you must not remain indifferent, otherwise not only the movie will be affected, but the opponent will also get worse.

"What should I do? Do you think I look like a gentleman? Of course I hurt each other." Xu Jie said with a smile, and then found the number of Zhao Jiangpeng, the director of "Cultural Entertainment Broadcasting" in the phone contacts, and called the other party.

Soon, the call is connected.

"Hi Mr. Xu..."

"Old Zhao, happy holidays, how long is the National Day holiday?" Xu Jie asked.

"It will be released for six days. It will be on duty yesterday and today, and it will be released on the sixth from tomorrow." Zhao Jiangpeng replied truthfully.

Although Deputy Director Xu has been transferred from the art program center to Jingshi Culture to become the deputy general manager there, and he has no control over the work of the art program center, but he may be transferred back to the TV station someday in the future, at least he will be the director at that time .

"Really? Comrades have worked hard." Xu Jie said.

"Haha, serve the people." Zhao Jiangpeng said with a smile.

"By the way, can you do me a favor?" Xu Jie started to talk about the topic.

"Mr. Xu, are you still so polite to me? If you have something to say, as long as I can do it, I promise to be unambiguous." Zhao Jiangpeng said after hearing it.

"It's like this. In the past few days, in your "Entertainment Broadcasting", you have mostly promoted my movie "Lovers in Time and Space". In addition, you have made more complaints about Zheng Guoliang's "The Most Heartwarming"." Xu Jie said.

"No problem, Mr. Xu, just watch it." Zhao Jiangpeng readily agreed, this is simply a piece of cake for him, who asked him to be the program director?
"Well, I'll trouble you then." Xu Jie and Zhao Jiangpeng exchanged some polite words, and then hung up the phone.

Of course, it is not enough to let the "Cultural Entertainment Broadcasting" report. After all, this program is only broadcast on the Art Channel of Beijing TV Station, and only audiences in the capital area can see it. If you want better results, let audiences across the country watch it If so, the dose must be increased.

He picked up his phone again and called Qin Yan.

After the other side picked it up, he immediately said: "Old Qin, do me a favor, and make complaints about the movie "Most Heartwarming" in next week's "Deep Talk on Film and Television"."

"Ah?" Qin Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: "Did you drink too much again? How many dishes at noon did you drink like this? It's not like you don't know that "Deep Talk on Film and Television" is an interview that recommends film and television dramas The program is not a conference of complaints, can I complain about it?"

"It's up to you whether you can vomit or not. Anyway, I've already told you about it. You can handle it yourself. I can tell you that our movie was spat on the Internet by Zheng Guoliang, who asked Shui Jun to say It’s fine for me to shoot poorly, and I said that the amateurs I found acted like shit, isn’t that scolding you? If you can swallow this breath, then it’s all as if I didn’t make this call.” Xu Jie Said with added fuel and vinegar.

Although he hadn't read what the negative news on the Internet had to say, it didn't stop him from blackmailing Zheng Guoliang. Zheng Guoliang asked the navy to blackmail him, didn't he never watch his movies?
To hack a person, as long as there is a reason, there is no need to understand it.

"What?" Qin Yan became angry when she heard it, "What you said is true."

"Of course, when have I lied to you?" Xu Jie said solemnly, his current behavior is not cheating, but deceiving.

Qin Yan thought about it.


There is no need for the other party to lie to her.

The most important thing is that this person is worthy of her trust.

"Taking it all back, there must be a reason, right? Do you want to invite the crew of "Most Heartwarming" to "In-depth Film and Television Talk"? Aren't the movies already released?" Qin Yan said.

The program "In-depth Film and Television Talk" invites all upcoming or released film and television dramas, and never invites those film and television dramas that have already been aired or released.

"Reason?" Xu Jie thought for a while, and immediately came up with an idea, "Old Qin, listen to me, make a special program about this year's Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day movies, analyze these movies for everyone, and show them to the TV. viewers as a reference."

Qin Yan was shocked, this reason sounds good, and then she can openly complain about Zheng Guoliang's "The Most Heartbeat".

Well, as expected of Xu Jie, there are so many tricks.

Could this be the legendary ghost?
"Okay, I'll communicate with the team members and try to come up with a special program plan in the shortest possible time." Qin Yan said.

As the leading film and television talk show in China, how can this show be missing at such an important moment of the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day?
"Also, after two years of growth and testing, Miao Zhenzhen and the others have now reached the level of professional film critics. I heard that some film crews even invited you to attend the premiere? You let Miao Zhenzhen and the others each Write a small composition and send it out, remember, you must be professional, don't be black for black, do you understand what I mean?" Xu Jie said.

It's boring to simply scold the blackness of the movie.

In his opinion, if you want to be black, you should be black professional, black is justified, and black is full of sincerity, so that people who see it can be convinced.

This is called advanced black.

Those who scold at the beginning, who speak without evidence, and who are self-righteous, are not called black, they are called trolls, but anyone with a little brain will not follow suit, let alone be affected.

"Okay, I will notify them and try to write it out within today." Qin Yan said after hearing it.


Xu Jie hung up the phone.

In fact, he didn't want to bother Miao Zhenzhen and the others, but there was no other way. It was only Saturday, and "In-depth Film and Television Talk" would not be broadcast until next Thursday. By then, all the dishes would be cold, so he could only trouble his former subordinates.

Well, now that there's Advanced Black, it's time to find some more trolls.

This time Xu Jie didn't call, but directly sent a text message to Dai Wei, the strongest paparazzi. The content was very simple, only one sentence: spray "Most Heartwarming".

Soon, Dai Wei replied: Received.

After Xu Jie saw it, he put the phone in his pocket, looked up at Su Yun who was sitting opposite, and said relaxedly and cheerfully, "It's done!"

The Internet and TV stations have been used by him, which is much more advanced than Zheng Guoliang's only spraying on the Internet.

What is a TV station?
The TV station is the mainstream media, so how can the voices it emits be comparable to those Internet trolls?

"Do you need my help?" Su Yun asked. As the other party's wife and the heroine of the movie, she also wanted to do something for the other party and the movie.

In fact, she doesn't know what she can do for Xu Jie. After all, in the media circle, the other party's influence far exceeds her. Just like just now, the other party can complain about a movie through the Beijing Satellite TV program, but she can't do it. arrive.

"No, just leave this trivial matter to me." Xu Jie said while eating.

Su Yun couldn't help showing a wry smile.

Little things?

If those things just now were trivial things, then the fact that she came to the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala to promote the movie is simply insignificant.

"Husband, how about we go to the theater to watch a movie? Watch our movie." Su Yun said suddenly.

"Why? Haven't you already seen it?" Xu Jie looked at Su Yun suspiciously. After the movie was cut, he immediately showed the movie to his wife, who was also the first audience of the movie. .

"Will watching it at home be different from watching it in a theater? And I want to hear everyone's most honest thoughts. When "Mulan" was released last year, didn't we secretly watch it too?"

Su Yun thought that last year, her movie "Mulan" was also released on National Day. It was just in time for her wedding, and the two of them went to watch it secretly during their honeymoon.

Xu Jie looked at his wife. In fact, he also wanted to know the real thoughts of movie fans. As for the comments on the Internet, they were true and false. It was impossible to tell who was sincere and who was malicious.

"Don't go shopping? We only went to two stores." Xu Jie said.

According to the locals, this snack street is 400 meters long, and the two of them walked 30 meters, not even half of it.

"Look at me, how much I've eaten, no matter how delicious it is, I still have to take a rest." After finishing speaking, Su Yun got up and sat down beside Xu Jie, stretched her arms around Xu Jie's arm, tenderly Said in a low voice, "How about it, husband!"

When Xu Jie heard this voice, he felt that even his bones were brittle, and his whole body began to soften, only one place was going to be hard.

"Okay, let's go after eating." Xu Jie said.

"Thank you husband." Su Yun took the initiative to kiss Xu Jie on the face, then took out her mobile phone and logged into the ticketing website, "I'm buying movie tickets."

Xu Jie speeded up his eating. Su Yun had a small appetite and didn't eat much, so he had to rely on him to complete the task of eliminating the food on the table.

Su Yun entered the page of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space". After clicking to buy tickets, a series of theater lists appeared immediately. She clicked on one at random. There are five shows in total today, one has ended, and the remaining four will start in the afternoon. , until late at night, but all the movie tickets were sold out.

Next theater.

There are only four shows, but like the last theater, today's movie tickets are all sold out.

Unconvinced, Su Yun clicked on the third theater. She couldn't believe that she couldn't even buy a movie ticket for her own movie.

This theater has a lot of shows, seven shows a day, but they are still sold out.

what's the situation?
Are there too few shows, or are the films too popular?Why are all the tickets gone today?Even the corners of the first row or the last row are fine.

Fans of Hongdu, so positive.

Su Yun was a little depressed at first, but gradually, she became very happy again.

No tickets?
This is a good thing!

It shows that "Lovers in Time and Space" is popular in the movie market. If there are still many seats and movie tickets can be bought easily, it can only show that this movie is not popular, no one will watch it, and the box office will not be much better.

Su Yun kept searching, and finally found an empty seat in a theater far away from here. It was in the middle of the night and the seat was in the first row.

"I got it!" Su Yun said excitedly.

Xu Jie was taken aback by Su Yun's reaction. He just bought a movie ticket. As for being so happy?Those who didn't know thought they had won the lottery.

"At 22:55 in the evening, husband, don't worry, eat slowly." Su Yun said while taking a screenshot of the location of the theater.

"What? It's so late? Is there no time closer?" Xu Jie asked. He was planning to spend another good night with his wife. Cosplay really didn't have enough fun last night.

"I thought so too, but I found more than a dozen movie theaters, but none." Su Yun said helplessly, but her eyes were full of smiles.

Xu Jie was startled, and asked, "Is there no movie for us, or no tickets?"

"Of course there are no tickets, they are all sold out." Su Yun said with a smile.

Hearing this, Xu Jie breathed a sigh of relief.

Scared to death!
I thought that there were not many movie theaters in Hongdu showing his movies.

You must know that Hongdu is the capital city of the province, and it is also one of the main box office cities for movies. If there are too few movies, then the total box office of his movies will not be much higher.

Seeing Xu Jie's appearance, Su Yun smiled even wider. Of course, she also knew what her husband was worried about, so she said, "Husband, I have an idea."

"Oh? What do you think?" Xu Jie's eyes lit up, and he looked at his wife eagerly. In fact, he also had a lot of thoughts about her.

"Didn't I buy a movie ticket just now? I want to post the screenshot on Weibo, erase the time and the show, and only leave the name of the city of Hongdu, which can not only promote the movie, but also mobilize the city. How about the enthusiasm of movie fans and the ability to communicate with fans at close range?" Su Yun asked, her eyes kept shining.

Xu Jie looked surprised after hearing this, surprised at the other party's bold idea.

This is certainly a good way of publicity, but don't you worry about any surprises?

"Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to leave the theater surrounded by fans?" Xu Jie asked.

"With you, what am I afraid of?" Su Yun said.

Xu Jie thought about it seriously. This kind of publicity method can stimulate fans' enthusiasm for watching movies, so you can really try it.

For the movie, for the box office, I will go all out tonight!


(End of this chapter)

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