The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 848 Want to make money!

Chapter 848 Want to make money!
October 10st, National Day.

Because the growth rate of the movie box office exceeded expectations, and the three-day game of over [-] million yuan was a surefire win, so Xu Jie also completely let go of the burden in his heart, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the great cause of accompanying his wife.

Probably because theaters seldom arrange movies in the morning, "Lover in Time and Space" didn't break the box office until 4:[-] p.m., which was a little late, but it guaranteed the movie's future screenings, which is worth celebrating.

In a high-end restaurant by the Ganjiang River, Xu Jie and Su Yun were dining.

After eating this meal, the two will leave Hongdu by car and go to Hengdian.

In fact, neither Xu Jie nor Su Yun have had enough fun, but there is no way, the crew of "The Game in the Game" will resume work tomorrow, and Su Yun has asked for many days off before the Mid-Autumn Festival, which has already delayed The shooting progress of the film has been checked, and now that the recording of the program is over and the party is over, there is really no reason to continue to ask for leave.

"Congratulations husband, the box office of the movie has successfully exceeded [-] million." Su Yun picked up the cup, looked at the man across the table with a smile, her eyes were full of love.

"Congratulations!" Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this, and also raised his cup.



When the two cups collided, there was a "ding" sound, which was crisp and pleasant.

Xu Jie and Su Yun took their respective cups and drank the liquid in the cups.

The liquid is not wine, just plain old fresh squeezed juice.

In fact, on such a happy day, it is indeed necessary to open a bottle of wine to celebrate, but because of the terrible incident of Xu Jie's alcohol poisoning coma a few days ago, Su Yun has decided not to drink if it is not necessary.

"Husband, I watched the movie box office, and the gap between you and Zheng Guoliang has narrowed by more than 50. It seems that you will win this competition." Su Yun said excitedly.

Judging from the current situation, let alone half of the box office, even surpassing Zheng Guoliang's movie box office is not impossible.

You know, Zheng Guoliang is a well-known director in China, and he has made too many excellent romance films, and her husband's first film can wrestle with each other's arms, which is enough to prove how good his husband is.

Excellent man, who doesn't love it?

"Whether Zheng Guoliang can win or not is hard to say now, at least we won't know until the end of the National Day holiday." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

The box office of the movies released on National Day is mostly concentrated in the eight days of the long holiday, and today is the third day of the long holiday. It is still too early to draw conclusions. How can I say that Zheng Guoliang is also a well-known director who has been famous for a long time. Once it explodes in the next few days How to do?Therefore, you can be happy when you break [-] million, but you can't be happy in the competition with Zheng Guoliang, otherwise it will be easy to be extremely happy and sad.

"Husband, you are really steady, but what you said is right. You must not be careless until the last moment. What will you do if he steals the tower? God knows why he won the competition and what despicable means he will use." Su Yun knew about Zheng Guoliang spending money to find the navy, and while despising him in her heart, she didn't dare to jump to conclusions.

Xu Jie nodded. He just thought of Zheng Guoliang's various behaviors, so he didn't dare to be careless.

"By the way, I have to call the owners of those theaters and remind them not to forget the original agreement. These people are cheating and cheating. They have one thing on the surface but another on the inside. There are still some theaters who are perfunctory to me. Otherwise, my screening rate could not be so much worse than Zheng Guoliang." Xu Jie said while taking out his mobile phone from his pocket, and called a cinema boss.

"Beep... beep... click!"

The phone only rang twice, and the other side was connected.

"President Xu, congratulations, congratulations on your movie "Lover in Time and Space" breaking through [-] million at the box office."

Before Xu Jie could speak, a hearty and enthusiastic voice came from the microphone.

"Mr. Li already knows?" Xu Jie asked.

The first person he called was Li Kangyong. The theater alliance formed by Wang Dekun, Liu Ye, and Zhao Youzhong had a good relationship with Zhang Di, the film distributor. He was also the first person among many theaters to propose the condition of breaking [-] million in three days. Later, it was this condition that woke him up, allowing him to use this condition to negotiate with other theater companies.

"Well, yes, I have been paying attention to your movies these days, and I wanted to call you tomorrow to congratulate you, but I didn't expect you to be one step ahead of me." Li Kangyong said with a smile.

"Mr. Li, it's not that I'm one step ahead of you, but I'm more anxious than you. I wonder if Mr. Li still remembers our agreement?" Xu Jie reminded.

"Of course I remember. Just now, I have contacted all the theaters under the company and asked them to increase the film schedule of "Lovers in Time and Space" to 20.00%. Lao Liu and the others will follow up immediately." Li Kangyong said.

For theater companies, it is normal to increase the number of good movies and reduce the number of bad movies.

Although the box office of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" is not as good as the top few, Mr. Xu gave them more rebates than other movies. For this reason, they will give "Lovers in Time and Space" when arranging the film. "Incline, after all, compared with other movies, the higher the box office of "Lovers in Time and Space", the more rebates they get.

Of course, they will not reduce the schedule of hit movies, they will only start with those movies with poor box office.

The film market is so cruel, and a poor box office is a sin.

Some people may do things that do not make money, but absolutely no one is willing to do things that lose money.

"Thank you Mr. Li for your support." Xu Jie smiled.

From 15.00% to 20.00%, don't underestimate this 5.00%, if all theater companies can improve these for her movies, then there will be more than 1 more shows in total.

"Mr. Xu is too polite, I wish us a happy cooperation." Li Kangyong said.

"Well, it's a pleasure to work together."

After Xu Jie finished talking with Li Kangyong on the phone, he immediately called the general manager of another theater company.

Soon, the call is connected.

"President Wang, I'm Xu Jie, do you still remember me?" Xu Jie greeted.

The second person he called was Wang Zhaoqiang, one of the three directors of the theater who made him drink alcohol and be admitted to the hospital.

In fact, the overall screening rate of "Lovers in Time and Space" did not meet expectations. He always suspected that these three people were not convinced, and secretly reduced the screenings for him.

Especially the one named Zhou.

"Mr. Xu from Jingshi Culture, how can I forget? How is it? Are you in good health?" Wang Zhaoqiang said with a smile. As the box office of "Lover in Time and Space" exceeded [-] million, his thoughts on this young man also changed. changed.

In such a fierce situation in the National Day file, the other party's movie can break through [-] million in less than three days. Not only did he not expect such a result, but it also exceeded the expectations of everyone in the industry.

In fact, before "Lovers in Time and Space" was released, many theater bosses were not optimistic about this movie. Although stars such as Su Yun, Liu Qing, and Fang Yi joined in, and actress Liu Jiaman made a cameo, everyone was very impressed with the film for the first time. Xu Jie, the director, has no confidence, and the other party also plays the leading role in person. Doesn't he take himself too seriously?

Of course, if this time-travel romance film is released on Valentine's Day, it may be able to reap a wave of fans and couples, but if it is released on the National Day file, which is full of blockbusters, isn't this a sheep joining wolves and seeking death?

But now...

Facts hit everyone in the face.

And judging from the current trend, this film can not only recover its cost, but also make a fortune, which is not an easy task for a new director.

"Okay, if Mr. Wang can guarantee my schedule for this movie, I will do better." Xu Jie said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xu, I will definitely do what I promised you, and I believe that this is a good start for us, and there will be more opportunities for cooperation in the future." Wang Zhaoqiang took the initiative to express his goodwill.

The reason why he can do this is very simple. He thinks the other party is a ruthless person, so he admires him very much.

Of course, the so-called "ruthless" is not only about being able to drink, but also because the other party is powerful and can bring him benefits. With such a person, why not establish a good relationship?

As the old saying goes: many friends, many roads, many enemies, many walls.

The other party is not only the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture, but also a celebrity and gold medal producer in Beijing Radio and Television Station, and even the assistant director of Huaxia TV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

Such a person is qualified to be his friend.

"Well, I also hope to cooperate more with Mr. Wang." Xu Jie said with narrowed eyes.

People speak by strength.

Just like now, as soon as the box office came up, the attitudes of the directors of these theater companies all changed towards him.

Next, Xu Jie contacted a number of directors of theaters. Compared with the attitude of avoiding them at the beginning, if they call each other brothers and sisters, it is called a kindness.

Xu Jie always felt that he had a thick skin, but now compared with these people, he suddenly felt that he had to practice.

"I have gained a lot of knowledge. These people really turn their faces faster than turning a book." Xu Jie put away his mobile phone and sighed to his wife opposite.

"It's normal. Nowadays, everyone is chasing profits, especially in the film industry. Moreover, the current theater companies are no longer satisfied with just being a terminal. Many large theaters have taken advantage of their terminal advantages and started to participate in film investment. Producer, and you have proven your ability this time, of course they will not let the cash cow go." Su Yun said with a faint smile.

For example, the entire movie she is shooting has two theater companies participating in the investment behind it, so that in the future, there is no need to worry about the scheduling of the movie after it is released.

In fact, whether it is other investors, or directors and actors, theater companies are also very welcome to join, which is equivalent to a layer of insurance for the film.

"It's a pity that my money tree may not be able to make much money in the future." Xu Jie said while eating.

The purpose of making a movie this time is purely to compete with Zheng Guoliang. In the future... at least for a short time, he has no plans to make another movie.

After all, compared with shooting variety shows, filming involves too many aspects, many of which are beyond his control.

It's like in order to get enough film screening rate, he still has to go to accompany the wine, not only to accompany the wine, but also to drink into the hospital, which is almost useless.

Shooting variety shows is different, the terminal is Beijing Satellite TV, which is his home field, and everyone is scrambling to get his variety shows, so there is no need to humbly ask for help.

"That's not necessarily true." Su Yun looked at Xu Jie with a half-smile, and said, "Now the film hasn't split the bill yet, so you don't feel much. If the box office of this movie reaches 4000-[-] million, you alone can split the bill." When it reaches [-] million, I will ask if you are not tempted, do you still want to shoot in the future?"

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback after hearing this.

Not to mention, I was really moved.

If it’s so easy to get money, and there is an opportunity to make money, who wouldn’t want to shoot?
Seeing Xu Jie's expression, Su Yun knew what the other person was thinking, and then said: "Nowadays a lot of capital is pouring into the film industry, and many people want to get a share of it. If the film you make can make money, that is the film industry." The sweet pastry in the industry, when the time comes, you don’t need to attract investment, someone will naturally come to you, and then will give you a few million labor fees to let you make a movie. Do you want to make a movie? Do you think a few million is too little? Then Give you tens of millions."

Xu Jie swallowed unconsciously, and was used to receiving salary at the TV station. When he thought of someone spending tens of millions to ask him to make a movie, he would be a fool if he disagreed.

Who would think too much money?

What's more, he doesn't have much money now.

The money to invest in the movie was given by his mother. If he calculates it this way, not only does he have no money, but he is also in negative equity.

I have worked for so many years, and I have also done many popular shows, but now I am still in negative equity, and I am laughed at when I talk about it.

It seems that I have to put making money on the agenda.

Xu Jie and Su Yun were chatting while eating. Now that he has entered the entertainment industry, he and Su Yun have more common topics.

For example, talk about movies, talk about the industry, talk about gossip, there is simply too much to say.

After eating, the two returned to the hotel, packed their luggage, and then got into the car and headed to Hengdian.

On the road.

Su Yun held Xu Jie's hand tightly and remained silent.

Xu Jie saw his wife's strangeness, so he tightened his hands, and asked with concern: "What's wrong? What's on your mind?"

It was fine when I ate just now.

"It's nothing, I just feel a little bit sad when I think that we will be separated tomorrow." After Su Yun finished speaking, she leaned her head on Xu Jie's shoulder.

Xu Jie's heart trembled, why didn't he want to stay by the other party's side?

"Then I will stay in Hengdian for a few more days, and return to the capital after the long vacation." Xu Jie said after thinking for a while.

Originally, he planned to return to the capital tomorrow to think of ways to promote the film, but the schedule of the film can now be guaranteed, coupled with Su Yun's wonderful performance at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, and Miao Zhenzhen's film reviews, the film The heat should last for a while.

Moreover, he still has a big move that he has not released. If the news is announced, it will definitely bring another wave of enthusiasm to the movie.

"Really? Is it really possible?" Su Yun straightened up and sat up with joy in her eyes.

"Of course I can. Anyway, the variety show has finished recording, and the movie has already been released. The TV series will not be filmed until after the National Day. I also want to give myself a vacation." Xu Jie said.

"Don't you still want to promote the movie?" Su Yun suddenly remembered what Xu Jie said to her yesterday.

"Publicity is Wang Yunjie's job, and if I have a good idea, I can control it remotely, so I don't have to go back." Xu Jie said with his arms around Su Yun.

As long as he didn't want to leave, he could find a hundred reasons.


Su Yun cheered, then hugged Xu Jie's head with both hands and kissed fiercely, finally showing a smile on her face.

Seeing his wife's happy look, Xu Jie also laughed. He loves Jiangshan more than beauty, and feels that everything is worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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