The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 849 People who climb high

Chapter 849 People who climb high

2 number.

The fourth day of the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday.

When most people were still on vacation, the crew of the movie "The Game in the Game" had already started work.


Xu Jie and Su Yun came to the set facing the rising sun. Many staff members have already arrived, and everyone is preparing for today's filming.

"Director Yu, I'm here." Su Yun walked up to the director who was discussing the script, and greeted him proactively.

Director Yu Zijian raised his head after hearing the voice, and when he saw Su Yun, he was relieved and a smile appeared on his face.

"It's good that you're here, go and change your clothes, huh? Mr. Xu?" When Yu Zijian saw the man behind Su Yun, he was taken aback for a moment, then put down the script and walked towards Xu Jie.

"Hello, Director Yu." Xu Jie looked at the famous director in his early fifties, and stretched out his hand to him, "I'm on vacation for a few days, so I come to accompany my wife and learn from Director Yu by the way, you don't mind Bar?

"Haha, Mr. Xu, are you kidding me? I watched Ni's movie, and there are many things worth learning from. If I want to learn, I also learn from each other." Yu Zijian said with a smile, and tightly held Xu Jie's hand. Together. .

What he said was not polite, as the saying goes: rulers are short and inches are strong, everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, when it comes to suspense films, he is better at it, but when it comes to romance films, the other party is better.

"No, no, those of mine are all trivial skills, far behind Director Yu." Xu Jie said modestly. The other party has not only made many movies, but also won many awards. In comparison, he, a new director, In front of the other party, the famous director, is the existence of elementary school students.

"Mr. Xu, I heard that your screenwriting ability is very good. Directors Zhang Weiqiang and Xu Shenghua are full of praise for you. Do you have time to read the script for me?" Yu Zijian asked.

Coincidentally, when I went back to Hengdian yesterday, I happened to meet Zhang Weiqiang in the VIP lounge of the airport. The two chatted all the way on the plane. When talking about this year's National Day movie, Xu Jie was mentioned, and the other party immediately beamed with joy. Kua, I didn't expect to meet so soon.

"Don't dare, suspense films have high requirements for content, so I'd better forget about my little ink." Xu Jie waved his hands repeatedly.

The main reason is that suspense films not only need to have big brains, but also must be rigorous. How dare he play tricks?Besides, he came here to accompany Su Yun, not to be a volunteer. After being tired for a whole year, wouldn't it be good to give himself a few days off?

After hearing this, Yu Zijian didn't try to force others to do anything. After chatting for a few words, he studied the script with the screenwriter just now.

Xu Jie was not polite either, he found a chair and sat down, waiting for Su Yun who was going to change clothes.

"President Xu? Is that you?" At this moment, another person came over with surprise written all over his face.

For this middle-aged man in his early forties, Xu Jie felt a little unfamiliar at first, but he felt as if he had seen it somewhere before. He thought about it carefully, and finally remembered it.

"So it's Mr. Guo, hello." Xu Jie stood up and greeted the visitor.

If he remembered correctly, the other party was Guo Yang, the deputy general manager of Huasen Media, and also the producer of the movie "The Game in the Game".

"Mr. Xu, congratulations to the box office success of the movie. Next time you want to make a movie, remember to bring us Hua Sen." Guo Yang said with bright eyes, as if he saw a cash cow.

Now the most discussed topic in the circle is the current Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day files, and the most discussed object is Xu Jie, the director of one of the National Day files.

The box office performance of the movie "Lover in Time and Space" in the past few days has slapped many people in the face. Judging from the current box office trend, it is a sure thing to get back the original, and the next step is to see how much it can earn. .

And such a result not only exceeded many people's expectations, but also made many people secretly regret it. After all, when the other party wanted to make a movie, they contacted many film and television companies, and none of them were willing to invest in the last one.

Now, I can only watch the other party count the money.

In the film and television industry, eyesight is very important.

Actors need to rely on their eyes to find good scripts and roles, while film companies need to rely on their eyes to find good investment projects.

There are many actors who reject the good scripts that come to them because of poor eyesight, thus missing the great opportunity to become famous in one fell swoop.

The same goes for movie companies.

Many companies have poor eyesight and sneer at the good projects delivered to their door. In the end, they can only watch others make a lot of money, while they can only hide in the corner and regret it secretly.

Guo Yang is now making amends, and I hope it is not too late.

"Mr. Guo, don't worry, if I still have the opportunity to make a movie in the future, I will be the first to look for you." Xu Jie said.

Originally, he didn't plan to make any more movies, but what Su Yun said yesterday moved his heart. If there is a good script, he doesn't mind re-fighting the movie market. After all, no one has trouble with money. With the support of the executives of the online company and the entertainment company, there is no longer any need to worry about running out of money to shoot.

"Okay, it's a deal." Guo Yang said excitedly.

Who doesn't like a director who can make money?

In the film and television industry, if you have a high box office, you are a boss, and if you can win awards, you are also a boss, but if you are not good at these two things, then you are a piece of shit, no one will pay attention to it, and no one will invest.

this is the truth.

As soon as Guo Yang left, Xu Jie just sat down when he saw a handsome guy coming in front of him.

"Hello, Mr. Xu, I'm Bai Yang, and I hope to have the opportunity to participate in a movie directed by you in the future."

Xu Jie looked at the other party. This is a popular niche with a very high popularity. He is also the leading actor in the movie "The Game in the Game".

"Well, easy to say." Xu Jie nodded in response.

This is called: Reach out and don't hit the smiling person.

Next, people continued to take the initiative to greet Xu Jie.

There are actors and actresses, some I know, some I don’t know, and some are the assistant directors of the crew. That’s called politeness, that’s called enthusiasm, as if we’ve known each other for a long time.

Xu Jie couldn't help feeling secretly in his heart, you didn't come when I was looking for you, but now you rush to post, you are really thick-skinned.

He suddenly thought of a sentence: At the beginning, you liked to answer and ignored, but now you can't afford it.

In the face of interests, everyone has to bow their heads.

"Husband, you seem to be very lively here." Su Yun changed her clothes and came to Xu Jie, and asked in a low voice, "Do you know them?"

When she was changing her clothes to touch up her makeup just now, she saw a steady stream of people looking for her husband. After one searched for another, they went to one after another. It was like queuing up. How did you know those people when you came to this crew once?
"I don't know." Xu Jie shook his head.

"Then they just now..." Su Yun looked at the others, and then at Xu Jie, with doubts in her eyes.

"It's nothing, I just hope there will be opportunities to cooperate in the future." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Su Yun was slightly taken aback when she heard it, and soon understood what her husband meant.

What kind of cooperation? Didn't you see the movie becoming popular and want to get some credit?Otherwise, why didn't these people ask for cooperation before making the movie?

Of course, this is also human nature, nothing to despise.

In the entertainment industry, no one is more noble than anyone else.

"The departments are preparing, the actors are preparing..."

With the voice of director Yu Zijian, today's shooting officially started.

As for Xu Jie, he sat quietly behind Yu Zijian. What he said to the other party before was not polite, he really came to learn.

This filming of "Lovers in Time and Space", although the box office is still good, but it also made him realize his own shortcomings. Now that the famous director Yu Zijian is still alive, how could he miss such a free learning opportunity?
Life-long learning!

Since he will still be engaged in this job in the future, of course he has to study hard to make up for his own shortcomings, so as to get better box office and word of mouth next time and avoid overturning.

Just as Xu Jie was stealing lessons to improve himself, the film market was also quietly changing.

On the fourth day of the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, the movie "Crazy Cosmic Man", which has always been ranked third at the box office, surpassed the previous "Homeland" in one fell swoop, and came to the No.2 position, second only to the main theme movie "The Wave". , although the rankings of other movies have not changed much, but there have been great changes in other statistics.

For example, the fifth-ranked movie "Lover in Time and Space", since last night, the number of his filming and the proportion of filming have been increasing.

Compared with only 13.00% of the screenings on the first day of release, it has now reached [-]%, and the number of screenings has also changed from less than [-] at the beginning to [-] now.

The increase in the number of films has also led to an increase in the box office. Not only did the single-day box office surpass the previous few days, but the box office gap with No.4 "Most Heartwarming" has further narrowed, reaching 500 million.

The box office of other movies is getting less and less, only his movies are getting more and more box office.

The time has come to the fifth day of the National Day holiday, which is also the fifth day when the National Day movie is released.

Two more movies broke through 2 million box office.

First, the film "The Most Exciting" ranked fourth, reaching 2 million at the box office at 5:2 pm, followed by "Lover in Time and Space", which was filmed at the fifth place, reaching [-] million at [-]:[-] pm.

Movie fans only care about which movie looks good, and don't care how much box office the movie will make, but for people in the film and television industry, this result is too interesting.

As for the competition between Xu Jie and Zheng Guoliang, it can be said that everyone in the film and television industry knows everyone. After all, the duel has been rumored for a whole year, and now it has finally begun.

There were even actors who bet in private. Some bet that Zheng Guoliang would win, others bet that Xu Jie would win. Jie is just the director of a variety show, and it's easy to see who wins and who loses.

But now, everything has changed.

Although the two films both reached [-] million box office, everyone felt that Zheng Guoliang had lost this time.

Not only because Zheng Guoliang uttered wild words at the beginning, telling Xu Jie that as long as the box office can reach half of his box office, the opponent will win, but also because Xu Jie's film cost is low.

The cost of "Lover in Time and Space" is only 7000 million, while the cost of "The Most Heartwarming" is nearly [-] million.

What is this concept?
The former has already started to make a profit, but the latter is still anxious about whether it can recover the cost.

For making movies, it’s not that the more you invest, the more awesome you are, but the more returns you get, the more awesome you are.

The higher the cost, the higher the box office needs. On the contrary, the lower the cost, the less pressure on the box office.

Obviously, all the pressure is concentrated on Zheng Guoliang now, maybe Xu Jie's movie box office will exceed Zheng Guoliang's movie box office.

Director Xu doesn't care about you!
On the sixth day, the movie "Lover in Time and Space" still earned 5000 million at the box office. After being released for many days, it can still get so much. Its performance is absolutely excellent.

On the seventh day, "Lover in Time and Space" broke through [-] million at the box office.

On the eighth day, the box office decreased slightly, but it still won 4000 million box office.

The gap with "Most Heartbreaking" is only 100 million.


(End of this chapter)

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