The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 850 Don't make such jokes from now on!

Chapter 850 Don't make such jokes from now on!

7 number.

Xu Jie took the first flight in the morning from Hengdian and returned to Beijing.

Although today is Saturday, because of the holidays, I have to go to work even on Saturday.

Xu Jie rushed back to the unit before the noon break. As soon as he entered the gate, he heard excited shouts from the front desk.

"President Xu, you are back."

"Mr. Xu, congratulations on the box office success of the movie. You are so amazing. From now on, you will be my idol!"

The two beauties at the front desk smiled like flowers, their eyes kept shining, full of admiration.

Before Mr. Xu came, the company was like a pool of stagnant water, lifeless, but since Mr. Xu arrived, the whole company has been full of vitality.

What is this called?
This is called bringing the dead back to life!

"Don't engage in personality cult!" Xu Jie said with a smile: "You guys perform well, and there will definitely be big red envelopes at the end of the year."

The red envelope he mentioned refers to the year-end bonus.

"Thank you Mr. Xu!" Yang Xiuyan and Zhao Xiaoying said in unison, their voices were very sweet, they were both part-time workers, who doesn't like big red envelopes?

"By the way, Mr. Xu, Mr. Jiang has been waiting for you. After you come back, you must go to his office. It seems that there is something important." Zhao Xiaoying said.

"Really." After Xu Jie heard it, he walked towards the elevator.

When the elevator door opened, three employees walked out. When they saw Xu Jie standing outside, they immediately saluted and greeted respectfully.

"Hello, Mr. Xu!"

"En." Xu Jie nodded, then walked into the elevator.

The three employees immediately became excited when they saw the elevator go up.

"Mr. Xu, it's Mr. Xu!"

"Both the program department and the film department have become popular, and it will finally be our TV drama department's turn next."

"With Mr. Xu here, the rise of our Jingshi culture is just around the corner!"

Xu Jie came to the general manager's office, the door was open, and Boss Jiang was on the phone, looking very happy and laughing all the time.


Xu Jie reached out and knocked on the door.

Jiang Hai turned his head and was about to say wait for a while, but when he saw Xu Jie, his eyes lit up instantly, and he said hurriedly to the phone, "Okay, let's not talk." Then he hung up the phone and said Xu Jie walked over.

"Xiao Xu, you are finally back!"

After Jiang Hai finished speaking, he directly opened his arms and gave Xu Jie a big hug excitedly. At the same time, he patted Xu Jie's back heavily with his generous hands. That is to say, Xu Jie is in good health. Can vomit blood.

"Boss, are you looking for me?" Xu Jie asked while enduring the iron sand palm.

"Yeah!" Jiang Hai let go of Xu Jie, pointed to the sofa beside him and said, "Sit down first." Then he took out a bag of good tea from the cabinet under the water dispenser and rinsed the cup Pour water into it.

"Boss, I'm not thirsty. Tell me what's the matter." Xu Jie said directly. Given the relationship between the two, is it still necessary to pour tea so politely?
Not at all.

"That can't be done, you are now the great hero of our Jingshi culture. I thought it would be good if our company's performance could exceed 10 billion this year. As a result, once your movie is released, it will be at least another [-] to [-] million now." .”

While talking, Jiang Hai put the brewed tea on the coffee table in front of Xu Jie, and continued happily: "You know what? This morning, several leaders from the TV station called me, talking about About your movie, the words are full of praise."

Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that the leaders in the station were also paying attention to his movie, but after thinking about it carefully, deputy director Wang and deputy editor-in-chief Lu both helped a lot in the promotion of the movie. It's normal to pay attention.

"It's just luck." Xu Jie was as humble as ever.

"Luck is also a part of strength. By the way, Lao Lu is jealous when he sees you as the assistant director of China TV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. He wants you to be the chief director of Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Gala and Spring Festival Gala this year, but I blocked them all." Now, don’t you still have a TV series? From now on, you can concentrate on your TV series, and I will be in charge of the New Year’s party and the Spring Festival party.” Jiang Hai patted his chest and said.

For Beijing Satellite TV, the weight of New Year's Gala and Spring Festival Gala should be higher than that of TV dramas, but for Beijing TV Culture, the benefits brought by TV dramas to the company are obviously higher than that of New Year's Gala and Spring Festival Gala.

And he also knew that Xiao Xu didn't like directing the New Year's Gala and the Spring Festival Gala, so he took the initiative to take over the work of the party for the other party so that the other party could focus on TV dramas.

In fact, whether it is the New Year's Gala or the Spring Festival Gala, there is no difficulty. The main thing is to invite stars. The ratings are neither high nor low. In contrast, TV dramas cannot be supported by just having stars. .

"Really? Thank you boss." Xu Jie said gratefully.

He knew that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu would definitely not let him go, and he guessed it.

"It's nothing." Jiang Hai said with a smile: "In the future, all the work arranged by Lao Lu will be handed over to me, and you can concentrate on developing business for the company. Whether it's making programs or filming film and television dramas, I will fully support whatever you want to do."

He had worked in the art program center of Beijing TV station for so many years, and he was suddenly asked to develop other businesses, and he really couldn't start.

Xiao Xu is different.

The other party is capable, courageous, and courageous, and is the most suitable candidate.

And as the general manager, what he can do is to contract the work that Xiao Xu is unwilling to do, so that the other party can devote himself to the new business.

Director Jingcheng Satellite TV's evening party is like Beijing Television Culture accepting alms from Beijing TV Station. Although the funds given are quite a lot, they don't make any money at all.

Making a movie is different from making a TV series. It can easily generate hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue, and you don't need to look at people's faces. This is much better than working for a Beijing TV station.

"Thank you boss." Xu Jie said.

When he was working at the life program center of Beijing TV Station, he was targeted, criticized, snubbed, and blocked by the director at the time, so he knew very well how rare and important it is to have a leader who can support his work, which is why he The reason why he was willing to follow Boss Jiang.

"Which one of us is with whom, well, I'm fine, you go and get busy." Jiang Hai patted Xu Jie on the shoulder as a sign of encouragement.

Xu Jie drank the tea in the cup and left Boss Jiang's office, but when he walked out, he saw several people standing outside his office.

Wang Yunjie, who is also the vice president, Lu Zhihong, director of the TV drama department, and Wang Wen, director of the film department, looked both excited and anxious.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie walked over and asked.

When the three of them saw Xu Jie, their eyes lit up.

"Mr. Xu, didn't you ask me to make a publicity plan a few days ago? It's already done." Wang Yunjie said while taking out a folder.

Xu Jie took the publicity plan, looked at the other two and asked, "What about you?"

"Mr. Xu, the crew is ready. As long as you give an order, the filming of "Legend of Lan Xi" can officially begin." Lu Zhihong suppressed the excitement in his heart.

He knew that his chance had come, as long as he could direct this "Legend of Lan Xi" well, he would definitely be famous in the film and television industry.

"Mr. Xu, I...I have nothing to do, but I was so excited when I saw the box office of the movie." Wang Wen said with a flushed face.


Xu Jie was startled.

Is this too happy?

"I understand your feelings, but you have to eat every bite, and you have to take care of things one by one. You go back first, and I will look for you in the afternoon." Xu Jie said, then opened the door of the office and walked in.

After hearing this, the three didn't say anything, and left obediently.

They didn't dare not listen to Mr. Xu's words.

Xu Jie sat down and opened the folder in his hand. It was a publicity plan about "Legend of Lan Xi", which was the task he gave to Wang Yunjie the day before yesterday.

He plans to announce the news in a few days, which can not only add another wave of popularity to the movie "Lovers in Time and Space", but also use the momentum of the movie to promote "Legend of Lan Xi", which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Moreover, this publicity fee will be counted on "Legend of Lan Xi", the crew of "Legend of Lan Xi"... has money!
Xu Jie read it from beginning to end. The content is mainly an introduction to "The Legend of Lan Xi", its origin, its highlights, and the introduction of several protagonists, which can be said to be very detailed.

In fact, Wang Yunjie still has a way of publicity, but the publicity cost of "Lovers in Time and Space" is limited, and there is no opportunity for the other party to play.

Seeing the end, Xu Jie suddenly thought of one thing. The actor contract with Liu Qing had not been signed yet, and he had been hanging on each other before, but then he was busy with the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala of China TV, and forgot about Liu Qing. Now is the time to get the female number one thing sorted out.

He picked up his phone, found Liu Qing's number, and called him.

Soon, the call is connected.

"Is it Liu Qing?" Xu Jie asked.

"Director Xu, it's me, you want to talk to me about the female lead in "Legend of Lan Xi", right?" Liu Qing asked excitedly, she had been waiting for this call for a long time.

"Well, come to Jingshi Culture if you have time, and sign the actor's contract." Xu Jie said lightly.

"Okay, okay, I'll go now." Liu Qing couldn't wait.

"By the way, have you watched the movie box office?" Xu Jie changed the subject and asked about the movie again.

"Looked at it." Liu Qing said excitedly.

According to the current movie box office calculation, she can get more than 400 million box office share, and the movie box office is still rising, that is to say, she will get more share income, so this participation is not for her. deficit.

"So, do you still think the script of this movie is bad and the content is frustrating?" Xu Jie asked.

He knows that the other party has always looked down on this script, and even after the filming is over, he often shows disgust. The reason why he wants to ask today is to let the other party admit that his vision is poor. , can also put away that arrogance.


Liu Qing was at a loss for words for a moment, she didn't expect the man to remember this incident.

The movie has already surpassed 7000 million in box office, and I believe it will exceed [-] million in a few days. With a cost of [-] million, it won [-] million at the box office. Who dares to say that the script is bad?
More than 7.3 netizens who gave the film an average score of [-] also disagreed.

"Director Xu, how could your script be bad? If it was bad, I wouldn't have taken on "Legend of Lan Xi". In fact, I was joking about those words before." Liu Qing laughed along.

A man can bend and stretch, let alone she is just a little girl?



"It's better not to make such jokes in the future."

"Understood, I will never make such a joke again."


Looking at the hung up phone, Liu Qing couldn't help feeling depressed.

In the future, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold my head up in front of this man.


(End of this chapter)

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