The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 851 Changing Attitudes

Chapter 851 Changing Attitudes

Just as Xu Jie put down his cell phone, there was a knock on the door outside the office.

"Please come in."


The door opened, and it was Qian Cheng from the creative department who came in.

"Old Qian, sit down quickly." Xu Jie said with a smile, then waved at the other party and pointed to the chair opposite.

In his heart, neither the film department nor the TV drama department is as important as the creative department, because the content is the foundation and core of film and television dramas.

Only a good story can attract more audiences, otherwise, even if a first-line star is invited, it is just a body without a soul.

He has always firmly believed that in the film and television industry, only content is the real traffic code, and this is why he set up a separate creative department.

Does the industry lack stars?

No shortage!

Short of money?
There is no shortage!
What's missing is good content.

"Mr. Xu, after listening to your suggestion, our creative department has revised and polished the script of "The Legend of Lan Xi". Please read it over." Qian Cheng put the thick stack of manuscripts in his hand on Xu total front.

Compared with electronic document-style manuscripts, paper manuscripts are more convenient to modify, and the reading experience will be very different.

"Thank you for your hard work." Xu Jie looked at a script that was taller than five fingers put together. The workload was not low.

In fact, "The Legend of Lan Xi" has been revised more than a dozen times, and what is certain is that this will definitely not be the last time.

Not to mention that the filming has not started yet, even if the filming starts, it is a common thing to revise the script, especially when everyone is on the scene and enters the scenes and plots of the play, the inspiration will erupt like a volcanic eruption. Can't change it.

"This is what our creative department should do." Qian Cheng said after hearing it.

Most of the scripts in the third season of "Crossover Actor" are in charge of the creative department, so the success of the third season has encouraged the entire creative department.

At the same time, the high box office of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" also made the people in the creative department very excited. Although they have nothing to do with them, when they think that the content they created may be made into a film and television drama, that kind of mood is absolutely not It can be described in a few words.

It is also this series of events that makes the creative atmosphere in the department very strong, and directly stimulates everyone's enthusiasm for creation.

"If there are no accidents, "Legend of Lan Xi" will be launched around the 10th of this month. You will pick someone in the creative department, and then the two of you will join the team together. If there are any changes that need to be made during the filming process, I can also give some advice," Xu Jie said.

In terms of the level of understanding of the script, he is the first, and then these people from the creation department, so in order to avoid conflicts in the plot, there must be people from the creation department present.

"Okay Mr. Xu." Qian Cheng nodded excitedly. This was his first time joining the crew, so he was very happy.

Although Beijing TV Culture has also filmed film and television dramas, most of them are supporting characters and have no right to speak at all, so screenwriters like them don't need to go to the set.

"Okay, it's okay, you can go back." Xu Jie said to Qian Cheng.

"Mr. Xu, I'll go back then." Qian Cheng saluted and then slowly exited the office.

After closing the door, he clenched his fist and waved it vigorously, while silently shouting "Yeah" in his heart, feeling that life is about to fly.

After Qian Cheng left, Xu Jie turned over the script on the table. He didn't read it from the beginning, but focused on some of the previous suggestions.

After an unknown amount of time, the phone on the desk suddenly rang.

Xu Jie grabbed the microphone and asked while continuing to read the script, "What's the matter?"

"President Xu, Liu Qing and her manager are here." The voice of Zhao Xiaoying from the front desk came from the microphone.

Xu Jie looked at the time on his phone, and it was only half an hour since he called Liu Qing just now.

This speed is really fast.

However, the more anxious the other party was, the more he wanted to hang him.

"I'm in a meeting, you take them into the reception room, I'll be there later." Xu Jie said lightly.

"Alright Mr. Xu."

Zhao Xiaoying put down the phone, then looked at Liu Qing and Yuan Ou with a smile and said, "Mr. Xu is in a meeting. Please follow me to the reception room. Mr. Xu will be here later."

After speaking, he stretched out his finger to the corridor beside him, and walked ahead to lead the way.

Liu Qing and Yuan Ou followed behind, and soon came to the reception room.

After Zhao Xiaoying withdrew, Liu Qing couldn't help but said, "It's already noon, and he still has a meeting? Sister Ou, do you think he deliberately left us alone?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Yuan Ou carefully glanced at the direction of the door, and then said in a low voice: "I told you to come back during work hours in the afternoon, but you didn't listen, so you are allowed to sign the contract during your lunch break, so you don't need to be there Meeting during lunch break?"

"Huh? Sister Ou, why are you talking to that man? Don't you have a problem with him?" Liu Qing asked strangely.

Maybe others don't know, but she knows very well that although Sister Ou was cautious and polite when she saw Xu Jie, she never said bad things about that man behind his back, such as unmannered, petty, tyrant, etc. Yes, there are worse ones.

Did the sun come out from the west today?

This is obviously not the old Miss Ou.

Yuan Ou blushed when he heard it, and asked calmly, "Why, am I wrong?"

"Yes, yes, but you don't need to run on me, do you?" Liu Qing said.

"I didn't run on you, I was just stating the facts." Yuan Ou explained for himself.

It's not that her attitude changes quickly, but that she changes from moment to moment.

The reason why she has a problem with that man is because she feels that he has fooled Liu Qing and asked Qing Qing to act in a bad movie, and the salary she gave is less than half of the usual salary, and a very tasteless box office is added into.

However, now, the bad movie has become a popular movie, and the change of roles has also been well received. The box office share that was considered to be a piece of shit has now turned into a big chicken leg. How dare she have an opinion on that man?
What she knew was because she was blind, but what she didn't know was that she thought she was going to harm Liu Qing.

"You call it a statement?" Liu Qingxiu frowned slightly, first doubting her own ears, and then doubting the other party's mouth. Anyway, there must be something wrong with one of these two human organs.

"Qingqing, those are not important, you sit down first, I'll tell you something very important." Yuan Ou didn't want to get too entangled in this matter, so he quickly changed the subject and pushed Liu Qing on the chair , said with a serious expression: "Wait a minute when you sign the actor contract, don't act anxiously just because you want to act, you must wait until I read the contract, do you hear me?"

"I heard, I'm not a child." Liu Qing said impatiently, then rolled her eyes, looked at Yuan Ou and asked, "Sister Ou, what if there is something inappropriate in the contract?"

"Inappropriate? Of course you have to bring it up, and then ask him to modify it." Yuan Ou said naturally.

Signing the contract itself is a process of bargaining between Party A and Party B. Both parties list their respective conditions one by one. Those who agree are written in the contract, and those who disagree are fought for. After all, everyone wants to strive for the greatest benefit, and no one wants damage to one's own interests.

"Revise? Sister Ou, do you think we have the capital to bargain with him?" Liu Qing asked.


Yuan Ou was stunned.

Yes, now that "Lover in Time and Space" is so popular, the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi" derived from it will definitely receive more attention, and the heroine of the TV series will definitely be followed by more actresses.

As the saying goes: if you compare people, you will die, if you compare goods, you will throw them away.

In the film and television industry, there are actresses who are more famous than Qingqing, and there are actresses who are better than Qingqing in acting. If these actresses take the initiative to approach Mr. Xu, who can guarantee that Mr. Xu will not change his mind?If there is another one with capital to enter the group, the possibility of Qingqing being kicked out will become even greater.

Yuan Ou couldn't help but began to worry in his heart, he could only secretly pray that the man would not put forward any harsh conditions.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and half an hour quickly passed.

Yuan Ou couldn't sit still any longer, and walked up and down in the reception room with an anxious look on his face.

Is it a bit long for this meeting?

On the other hand, Liu Qing sat as firmly as Mount Tai, and said while slapping the king: "Sister Ou, if you come, you will be safe. This time, Director Xu took the initiative to call me to sign the contract. It must be after careful consideration. He is not that kind." This kind of person who thinks about it once comes out, you should sit down quietly and don't sway in front of me, it makes my eyes dizzy, or if we form a team, you will play a game with me?"

"I'm not as big-hearted as you." Yuan Ou said, then came to the window and looked out through the glass to see if Mr. Xu had forgotten them, and went out to eat directly after the meeting.

Another hour later, just as Yuan Ou was about to go out to ask the front desk, the door of the reception room suddenly opened, and the man walked in.

After Yuan Ou saw it, his brows were furrowed at one moment, but he was full of smiles at the next moment, and hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Mr. But she just didn't listen and insisted on coming after the phone call, alas!"


Liu Qing on the side was dumbfounded.

In the entertainment industry, artists usually let their managers take the blame. How can an agent let the artist take the blame?Is there such a broker?
"Are you in a hurry?" Xu Jie sat down and asked.

He didn't come here until he had finished reading several revisions in the script.

"No, no, we're fine today anyway, so it doesn't matter if we wait a little longer." Yuan Ou said with a smile.

Seeing the manager's appearance, Liu Qing rolled her eyes directly. She didn't know who was running around in the room just now, sparks were almost grinding out under her feet.

Xu Jie raised his brows, feeling a little unhappy.

The reason why he came so late was that he wanted to let Liu Qing and Yuan Ou dry out, and let them have a taste of waiting for someone, but Yuan Ou actually said that it's okay to wait a little longer, how can he be in a good mood?

"Really? I just haven't had lunch yet, why don't you wait for me for a while when I go to eat?" Xu Jie asked.


Yuan Ou was stunned, caught off guard, thinking: Why doesn't this person play cards according to the routine?
"Mr. Xu, I actually didn't have lunch, why don't we go eat together? I invite you!" Liu Qing said with a smile, stopped playing the game, and put away the phone.

"Oh? I didn't expect you to grow up after a holiday." Xu Jie looked at Liu Qing in surprise, and he even learned how to treat guests to dinner.

"Isn't this just to thank Mr. Xu for giving me the opportunity to play the leading role in "The Legend of Lan Xi"? Please rest assured Mr. Xu. Wait for "Legend of Lanxi" to start." Liu Qing said very hard to show that he attaches great importance to "Legend of Lanxi".

Of course, attaching importance to TV dramas is only one aspect, and another aspect is that "Lovers in Time and Space" performed well in the film market, and no matter if it is fans, movie fans, or professional film critics, they all spoke highly of his transformation this time. Gao, so now she is not only grateful to this man, but also convinced. Otherwise, why would she be willing to wait here for two hours?
Try someone else?She had already walked away.

Xu Jie originally wanted to run on these two people, but now seeing their docile performance, he no longer has the desire to run on them.

"Really? Then I'll wait to see your performance on the set." Xu Jie said as he handed over the folder in his hand, which contained the actor employment contract for the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi".

In addition to stipulating the obligations of actors, the contract also clearly states labor fees and other expenses.

Although they are all acquaintances, familiarity is familiarity, business is business, and the two cannot be confused.

After receiving it, Liu Qing didn't even look at it. She just turned to the last page, wrote her name on it, and then closed the folder and returned it to Xu Jie.

"All right!"


After Yuan Ou saw it, he was completely dumbfounded.

This, this is the end of the signing?
Didn't you agree before that you have to wait for her to read the relevant clauses in the contract before making a decision?

Even if they don't have the capital to bargain, at least they have the right to know the details of the contract, right?
If you sign without even looking at it, don't you even know it's been sold?
It's just too much nonsense.

Yuan Ou's anxious eyes were red, and they were covered with bloodshot eyes. She wanted to get the contract back, but Liu Qing had already returned it to that man. Could she still snatch it back?
"Don't you want to take a look?" Xu Jie shook the document in his hand, and was a little surprised by Liu Qing's performance.

An actor's employment contract is not a child's play. There are many aspects involved in it, such as labor costs. If the above-mentioned remuneration is lower than the previously negotiated salary, the other party will sign the name without even looking at it. Wouldn't this be a scam?
"What's so interesting? It's not the first time we've worked together. Could Mr. Xu still lie to me? Even if you want to lie to me, Sister Yun won't let me, right?" Liu Qing said with a smile.

Her purpose of doing this is very simple, just to express her trust in the other party.

Xu Jie looked at Liu Qing in surprise, when did this girl become enlightened?
Not to mention, with the relationship between the other party and Su Yun, at most he would run on the other party a few words and fool the other party twice, but he would never cheat the other party.

And he wasn't that kind of guy either.

Liu Qing's performance today, whether it was because of being able to play the heroine or because of other reasons, in short, he was a little impressed.

Just as Xu Jie was about to put away the folder, he suddenly noticed that Yuan Ou was staring at the folder, so he handed the folder over and said, "Why don't you take a look again?"

Yuan Ou trembled all over. Just as he was about to say that respect is worse than obedience, Liu Qing pushed the folder back and said, "No, no, can we not trust you, Mr. Xu? Even if the contract requires me to move bricks , I also admit it."

Yuan Ou was depressed, thinking: If you are a brick, don't drag me.

While putting away the folder, Xu Jie said, "The launch of "Legend of Lan Xi" is expected to be around the 10th. I will pass on the script to you later. This time the time is short and the task is heavy. I hope you will not disappoint me."

"Mr. Xu, please rest assured. I have filmed "Lover in Time and Space", and I know the story and characters of "The Legend of Lan Xi" very well. It is just that I am a little unfamiliar with the lines in the new script, but I am a professional. Before the play, I memorized all the lines." Liu Qing said solemnly.

Xu Jie was very satisfied with Liu Qing's attitude, but there was also a bit of doubt in his eyes.

Is this really Liu Qing?
Why does it feel like a different person under the skin?
"By the way, there is one more thing. The news about the filming of "Legend of Lan Xi" will be announced in the near future. Don't forget to cooperate with it when the time comes. In fact, the promotion of "Legend of Lan Xi" is secondary, mainly for the sake of "Lovers in Time and Space". Increase the heat, do you understand what I mean?" Xu Jie asked.

"Understood, I will prepare the promotional draft when I get back." Liu Qing nodded.

Xu Jie thought for a while, and felt that there was nothing else to do, so he stood up and said, "Okay, it's all right, you go back, and wait for my news about the specific start-up time."

"Alright Mr. Xu." Liu Qing also stood up.

Xu Jie came out of the reception room, and stopped suddenly not far away.

Liu Qing, who was following behind, was caught off guard and bumped directly into Xu Jie's body.

"Oh, Mr. Xu, what's the matter?" Liu Qing rubbed her forehead with her hands, while looking at the man in front of her in doubt, why didn't she stop and say nothing?

Xu Jie stared at Liu Qing's face intently, and suddenly stretched out his hand to pinch the flesh on the other's cheek, and then pulled it hard twice.

"Ah? Xu, Mr. Xu, what are you doing?" Liu Qing was frightened, thinking to herself, is it possible that this man wants to sneak up on her?

"It's nothing, I just want to see if you are you." Xu Jie pinched the other person's face, then tugged at the other person's hair, saw that the hair did not fall off, and then let go, "Okay, it's okay, you go Bar."

After speaking, go to the elevator.

While walking, I thought: Why are you so obedient today?

Looking at the man's back, Liu Qing was dumbfounded.

See if you are you?
What does this mean?
When the man walked into the elevator, Liu Qing looked back at Yuan Ou, who was beside him, and asked in puzzlement, "Sister Ou, what did he mean by that last sentence?"

Yuan Ou stared at Liu Qing, "I also want to know if you are you!"

Liu Qing was even more confused.

I thought: Why am I not me anymore?

(End of this chapter)

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