The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 853 A good chance to make money

Chapter 853 A good chance to make money
The days are fast approaching Friday.

Although the National Day holiday has ended for a week, the new films in the National Day file are still hot, and they are all hitting higher box office.

Xu Jie, who was sitting in the office, looked at the movie box office rankings on the computer screen, with a satisfied smile on his face.

The box office of "Lover in Time and Space" has reached 3.71 million, which is only about 50 away from the previous "Most Heartbreaking", not only one step closer to 4 million, but also only one step away from surpassing Zheng Guoliang.

And tomorrow will be the first weekend after the National Day holiday. Xu Jie is full of expectations about whether the box office of "Lovers in Time and Space" can exceed 4 million and whether it can surpass Zheng Guoliang.

In addition, he also re-set a small goal for himself, that is, the box office of the movie exceeds 5 million.

Although he also knows that it is very difficult, but people have dreams, once they come true?
Before the movie was released, didn't he set himself a small goal of getting back the money?Don't you do it now?
Xu Jie looked at the time in the lower right corner of the computer. It was already 15:20. Then he picked up his mobile phone and logged on to Weibo, where he found the official Weibo of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space".

Just 20 minutes ago, the official Weibo of "Lovers in Time and Space" released a Weibo, the content roughly reads: The original cast of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" is back, and will be based on the character Lan Xi (played by Liu Qing) in the play , shooting the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi", starring Liu Qing, Liu Jiaman, Fang Yi, Ding Mengni...

As soon as the news was announced, it immediately attracted the attention of many netizens. Everyone liked and left messages to express their feelings after knowing about it.

"Great, the movie time is too short, and the TV series is still enjoyable."

"Liu Qing's appearance in "Lover in Time and Space" is very nice. I hope to be able to carry the banner of puppet shows, and not to irritate my eyes like other puppet shows."

"Liu Jiaman is the lead actor? Are you sure it's not an assistant, or a guest star?"

"Where's Su Yun? Where's Old Xu? Why aren't the two of them in the starring role?"

"When will it air? I want to watch it!"


Because the news released on Weibo was very hot, it attracted the attention of many netizens in a short period of time, and even made the news of "Lan Xi Biography" and "Liu Jiaman Starring in a TV Series" popular, occupying the top 10. two positions.

Xu Jie is very satisfied with Wang Yunjie's promotion. With this wave of popularity, "Lovers in Time and Space" will definitely attract attention again, and maybe some fans will go for a second look.

He got up and left the office, and walked towards the TV drama department. As he walked, he considered whether to reserve the room to give the employees of the TV drama department a chance to learn and observe.

"Xiao Xu!"

Jiang Hai saw Xu Jie in the corridor, and immediately put his arms around Xu Jie's shoulders and said, "The filming of "Legend of Lan Xi" is about to start, right? Work hard, the growth of the company's performance next year depends on you. Lao Lu made a fortune to make more profits for the company."

"Boss, I got it." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Although "The Legend of Lan Xi" hasn't started filming yet, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu said at the beginning of the year that as long as it is a TV series he is in charge of, Beijing Satellite TV will broadcast it at the Golden Theater in the evening. Now he is really going to be the producer. The deputy editor-in-chief can't buy it if he wants to, and he must be responsible for what he said.

Boss Jiang is the witness and the instigator.

"I'll contact Lao Lu later. If he calls you to ask about the cost of the filming, you can report it at least [-] million yuan, understand?" Jiang Hai asked.

In this way, the cost of 5000 million can sell at least [-] million, making a profit of [-] million at once, and the company's financial report next year will not be good.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

Jiang Hai patted Xu Jie on the shoulder, hummed a little song, and left in satisfaction.

Xu Jie looked at Boss Jiang's back, and an idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

How can such a project that is sure to make money without losing money be without him?Isn't this a good opportunity to make money?

Thinking of this, Xu Jie took the elevator directly to the first floor, then walked out of the company, got into his car, then took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of his brother-in-law Su Lei.

By the way, my brother-in-law has already released two movies this year, a TV series has been featured, and an online drama has been broadcast on a certain video site. Although they are not the protagonists, they have enough exposure to make the other party look familiar in front of the audience. Nowadays, it can't be said that he is a small celebrity, but he is definitely no longer a small actor outside the [-]th line.

Soon, the call is connected.

"Su Lei, there is something you need to do immediately." Xu Jie said.

In two days' time, "Legend of Lan Xi" will start filming. Before the filming starts, he will complete the contract for the outstanding film and television culture company to invest in "Legend of Lan Xi".

"Hi, Mr. Xu, I'm Chen Xixi, Su Lei's assistant. Su Lei is filming. May I ask what you can do for him? I can help you." A woman's weak voice came from the microphone.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, his brother-in-law already has an assistant?

"It's okay, let him call me back after he finishes filming." Xu Jie said.

How can someone convey something so important?Even if you know, you can't let outsiders know.

"Okay Mr. Xu, I will definitely bring the word to you." The woman said respectfully, Su Lei's brother-in-law is an existence that even the boss of the company dare not mess with, how dare she neglect him?
"Thank you."

Xu Jie hung up the phone.

However, he didn't get out of the car, but continued to sit in the car, thinking about how to get his company to participate in the investment of the "Legend of Lan Xi" project.

The company is just an empty shell now. All the funds were invested in the movie "Lover in Time and Space". Although the movie made money for him, he still needs to wait three to six months to get the dividend. Now the company He didn't have a cent in his account, so how could he invest in "Legend of Lan Xi"?

There are nothing more than two ways to invest in TV dramas, one is to pay people, and the other is to pay money.

However, he has neither people nor money now.

This is how to do?
Is it possible to be an empty-handed white wolf?

Once the incident is revealed, someone will definitely add insult to injury, and these are hidden dangers.

He doesn't allow himself to have such a big stain!
Moreover, it's not worth taking such a big risk for such a little money. If money is money, he can't put his career and future on it.

How about signing the contract first?
The Great Wall was not built in a day, and TV dramas were not produced in a day.

According to expectations, "Legend of Lan Xi" will be filmed for about five months, and there will be a Spring Festival in between. At the later stage of filming, the dividends of "Lover in Time and Space" will be credited to the account, and the money will be taken at that time It's not too late to come out, anyway, "Legend of Lan Xi" doesn't lack that little money.

Well, just do it.

Thinking of this, Xu Jie opened the door and got out of the car.

However, he had just walked a few steps when his cell phone rang suddenly, it was a call from his brother-in-law.

"Brother-in-law? Are you looking for me?"

As soon as Xu Jie connected the phone, Su Lei's voice came from the microphone.

"Yeah." Xu Jie turned around and went back into the car, closing the door, "Where are you?"

"Brother-in-law, I'm in Hengdian, what's the matter? Let me guess, do you want to invite me to act in "Legend of Lan Xi" as the leading actor?" Su Lei asked excitedly.

"It's about the same." Xu Jie ordered after hearing this: "You take time to go back to the capital these two days, and sign a cooperation and investment agreement with Jingshi Culture on behalf of the outstanding film and television culture company."

"Ah? What are you investing in?" Su Lei asked curiously, and his heart became excited.

Is this another profitable project?
""Legend of Lan Xi"!" Xu Jie said.

Su Lei was taken aback. That's right, the movie "Lover in Time and Space" became popular, and the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi" will inevitably lead to the popularity. This is simply a profitable business, but...

"Brother-in-law, the company has no money." Su Lei said with a bitter face. He read the news that "Legend of Lan Xi" will be launched soon, but the film's dividends still have to wait for a long time.

"It doesn't matter, just wait for the dividends of "Lover in Time and Space" to arrive and then take it out." Xu Jie said.

"Okay, then I will ask the director for a day off, and I will go back to Beijing to sign the contract tomorrow." Su Lei would rather delay the filming than delay his brother-in-law's big event.

In his opinion, the brother-in-law has a lot of things to do every day, so do what can be done immediately, and don't waste the time of the brother-in-law.

And with the backing of his brother-in-law, the director didn't dare not give him a lie. Even his usual attitude towards him was different from that of other newcomers.

In the past two days in the entertainment industry, he deeply understood a truth.

Only by listening to my brother-in-law can I eat and drink spicy food, otherwise he is nothing.


Xu Jie hung up the phone, then went back to the company's office to draft a cooperation investment agreement, as the old saying goes: don't waste money on outsiders.

The performance of the company is important, but your wallet is equally important.

Originally, he didn't pay much attention to money, but since filming "Lovers in Time and Space" and experienced the distress of lack of money, he has become more and more aware of the importance of money.

Even as everyone usually says, money is not everything, but without money is absolutely impossible.

"Ring bell bell!"

Just when Xu Jie was about to get off work, the phone rang again, and he checked the caller ID, this time it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hello." Xu Jie walked out of the office while answering the phone, thinking about what to eat tonight. In the days when his wife is not around, eating has become a difficult multiple-choice question.

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Xu Jie from Beijing Culture Communication Company?" A man's voice came out of the microphone, which sounded very strange.

"It's me, you are..." Xu Jie asked.

"Hello Mr. Xu, I'm Liu Han, the general manager of Mingli Media. I read on the Internet that JingTV Culture is going to shoot a derivative TV series of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space". Our company is very interested in this. I don't know if there is any cooperation with Xu The total cooperation opportunity?"

Xu Jie stopped immediately and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Is this an initiative to seek cooperation?
There are too many companies engaged in the film and television industry in China, and he only knows a few relatively large entertainment companies. He has never heard of this Mingli Media.

"I don't know how Mr. Liu plans to cooperate?" Xu Jie asked with great interest, is the other party a cat's nose?Smelling the stench of a little bit of money and coming over?
"If there is a lack of funds, our company can provide funds. If there is a lack of professional film and television production personnel, our company also has the best domestic production team." Liu Han said seriously.

"What about the conditions?" Xu Jie asked.

There will be no pies in the sky. If the other party asks for money or someone to give, it will definitely not be for nothing. In the business field, all efforts are for more generous returns, and no one will do volunteer work.

"There are no conditions, it's fine to divide according to the normal investment, but I have a small request. Our company has a few good actors. I wonder if we can arrange a few roles in the TV series?" Liu Han tentatively asked.

After Xu Jie heard this, the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

In fact, it is very common for employers to place actors in film and television dramas, not to mention asking for a supporting role, even if the protagonist is changed, that is also a normal phenomenon.

Xu Jie does not refuse to cooperate, but the script has been completed, not only the characters have been written, but also the actors have been settled. Dispensable role, this will not only destroy the storyline, but also irresponsible to the audience.

He is also counting on "Legend of Lan Xi" to make Jingshi Culture famous in the film and television industry.

Later, yes.

But this time, no.

"Mr. Liu, your request is reasonable, but the actors on our side have already joined the group, and they are all actors who have participated in "Lover in Time and Space". It is not good to replace anyone. I think it will be fine this time. We will cooperate again next time." Xu Jie said tactfully.

The old saying goes well: if there is no business, benevolence and righteousness exist, this time will not work and the next time will come.

When Liu Han heard that he couldn't arrange an actor, he felt a little disappointed.

The reason why he wants to cooperate with the other party is not to make money, but to use the fame of "Legend of Lan Xi" to launch several artists in the company. After all, after the artists become popular, they will make more money for the company .

"Okay Mr. Xu, let's make a deal. You must find me next time we cooperate. Then I won't bother you." Liu Han didn't say much, and he didn't get angry because of the rejection this time. After all, the other party was JingTV. Mr. Xu, who is cultural, is behind the big tree of Beijing TV Station.

In their line of business, the most unofficial thing is the TV station.

Xu Jie packed his mobile phone and walked into the elevator.

He applauds investment, but he does not welcome interference in projects.

Xu Jie walked out of the company and was about to take out his keys to get in the car when suddenly many people came out from nowhere and surrounded him before he could react.

"Old Xu, can you sign your name?"

"Is it possible to take a picture together?"


Xu Jie took a closer look and saw a dozen girls in their 20s surrounding him, some with photos in their hands, and some with posters in their hands, all of which were his looks in the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" .

This is, fan?
Xu Jie always felt that his fans were foodies, but after seeing these young girls, he felt a little more comfort in his heart.

Unexpectedly, they have already turned three, and turned into idols.

"Everyone, don't worry, come one by one."

While maintaining order, Xu Jie took a pen from a female fan and signed his name on the poster in a fluttering manner.


(End of this chapter)

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