Chapter 854 For work!

On Saturday, Xu Jie came to the company as usual. Although today is the weekend, "Legend of Lan Xi" is about to start, and there is still a lot of work to be done.

For example, today, it is necessary to take makeup photos for actors, which can be used as the basis and reference for makeup artists to make up actors during the filming of TV dramas, and can also be used as promotional photos for TV dramas.

Xu Jie parked the car outside the company, but he didn't get out of the car immediately. Instead, he turned his head and looked around for a while. After making sure that there were no fans, he put on sunglasses and a mask and got out of the car.

Since he left "Delicious History", he seldom wears a mask when he goes out. Even if he goes out with Su Yun, he wears a baseball cap at most.

However, now, the hot screening of "Lover in Time and Space" has brought him into the public's field of vision again. Not only has his fame reached a new level, but he has even gained a wave of fans by the way, forcing him to put on a mask again.

Xu Jie walked into the company quickly, as if he had done something bad, until he entered the company's gate, he was secretly relieved, and entertained him with sunglasses and a mask.

Compared with actors, he still prefers to work behind the scenes.

"Mr. Xu, what's wrong with you? Are you sick? I have hot soy milk here." Zhao Xiaoying, the receptionist on duty, saw that Mr. Xu was wearing a mask, and immediately contributed the breakfast she hadn't had time to eat.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I'm not sick, so you can keep the soy milk for yourself." Xu Jie said after hearing this, he just didn't want to delay work because of signing autographs for fans.

"Mr. Xu, Liu Qing, Liu Jiaman, Ding Mengni, Fang Yi, Wang Zijian and other people on the list have arrived. I arranged them into the reception room." Zhao Xiaoying said.


Xu Jie was slightly startled, and couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Because there are too many actors, the shooting of the makeup photo was arranged for two days, one on Saturday and one on Sunday.

All the protagonists came here today, and they made an appointment at 9:9, but it's just after [-]:[-], so it's really early enough.

Xu Jie walked into the company's reception room, and the spacious reception room seemed a bit crowded at the moment. In addition to the ten leading actors, their managers also came, making the reception room much smaller in an instant.

"Mr. Xu!"

"Morning Director Xu!"

After seeing Xu Jie, everyone stood up to say hello.

In the past, when making movies, everyone listened to Director Xu, but now when making TV dramas, everyone listens to Director Xu even more, because the other party is a veritable TV boss.

"Everyone came early." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Coming early means that everyone attaches great importance to today's makeup photo shoot, and I hope that everyone will do the same when the official launch comes.

"Mr. Xu is also very early."

"Anyway, there's nothing to do, just to communicate with everyone."

"I also want to discuss the characters with the director and screenwriter. I wonder if I can see them today."

Everyone responded one after another, some were simple and polite, and some wanted to express their serious attitude towards this job.

Xu Jie looked at the time on his watch, and then said: "The director and screenwriter should have arrived, and there will be communication when the makeup photo is taken later, since everyone has arrived, let's start, follow me .”

After speaking, he turned and left the reception room.

After everyone heard it, they followed one after another, seemingly walking out one by one, but in fact, the order was determined according to the coffee position.

The first one to go out was Liu Jiaman. Although Liu Qing was the number one female in "Legend of Lan Xi", she was far behind in terms of qualifications, acting skills, achievements, and status.

When Liu Jiaman walked out, it was Liu Qing's second turn. Although Liu Qing was not as good as Liu Jiaman, compared with the other people in the reception room, she was still slightly better in terms of fame. After all, she was the Four Little Flowers one.

Next came Fang Yi, the number one male in the show, a second-tier male star, followed by Ding Mengni, Wang Zijian and others.

"It's finally time to turn on the machine." Liu Jiaman quickly walked a few steps to catch up with Xu Jie, his eyes full of anticipation.

"Sister Man can't wait?" Xu Jie asked.

He found that since "Lover in Time and Space" was a big hit at the box office, the attitude of people in the film and television industry towards him has changed drastically. Not only people from theater companies and film companies have shown favor to him, but even people like Liu Qing who are difficult to deal with The star has also become a good girl.

Sure enough, grades are everything.

This is true in school as well as in society.

"Yes." Liu Jiaman nodded, and then said, "I can't wait to play mahjong with you."


Xu Jie was speechless.

I thought the other party was looking forward to the TV series "The Legend of Lan Xi", but I didn't expect to be looking forward to playing mahjong. Could it be that playing mahjong is more important than acting in the other party's heart?

Hmm, it seems like a drop.

Isn't the reason why the other party agreed to act in "Legend of Lan Xi" to learn card skills from him?If he didn't agree to teach, how could the other party agree to come back?

"By the way, Mr. Xu, I bought a mahjong table. Is it okay to move it to the set?" Liu Jiaman asked.

What she bought was a folding table, not a fully automatic mahjong machine. She felt that arranging cards was also part of playing mahjong, and she never used a mahjong machine in a duel between masters.

Although she is not yet a real master, everything must be on par with masters.

"It's okay." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Not to mention moving the mahjong table to the set, even moving the house to the set, as long as it doesn’t delay the shooting.

"Mr. Xu, you also know that I never make TV dramas. I can agree this time because of your face. Therefore, you must not keep it private." Liu Jiaman reminded.

The old saying goes well: teach the young apprentice to starve to death the old master.

She is not worried that the other party will find a reason to escape, she is only worried that the other party will hold back when teaching her, so that she will not be able to learn the essence of playing mahjong.

"Don't worry, Sister Man, I, Xu Jie, always keep my word." Xu Jie said loudly.

For him, playing mahjong is just a form of entertainment, neither as a career nor as a means of making money, so there is no question of who will starve to death.

And he also knew how determined Liu Jiaman was for this comeback, so he naturally wouldn't let the other party down, and he must let the other party come here with joy and come back with all the fun.


At this time, a small voice suddenly came from behind.

Xu Jie and Liu Jiaman turned their heads at the same time, and it was Liu Qing who was following them who was talking.

"What do you mean?" Xu Jie frowned and looked at Liu Qing, saying that he was bragging in front of Liu Jiaman, wouldn't that mean demolishing him?
Did this woman think that she could do whatever she wanted after signing the actor contract?

Don't say that the filming has not started yet, even if it is filmed, it really pissed him off, and he should be kicked out of the crew.

No one in this world is irreplaceable, and the earth will continue to revolve without anyone.

"Qingqing, were you talking about Mr. Xu just now?" Liu Jiaman asked with interest, and at the same time pulled Liu Qing to her side.

Xu Jie stared at Liu Qing fiercely, signaling to the other party not to talk nonsense.

Liu Qing looked at Xu Jie, then at Liu Jiaman, probably because Liu Jiaman gave her courage, or maybe because she had resentment in her heart, so she said in a low voice: "Mr. Xu, do you still remember inviting me to participate in " When "Lover in Time and Space", promise me something?"

As soon as Xu Jie heard it, he immediately knew what the other party was going to say.

"What's the matter?" Liu Jiaman asked again.

She felt that since Liu Qing dared to say that Xu Jie was bragging, it must be that Xu Jie had promised Liu Qing something but failed to do it, and it was not a small matter, otherwise Liu Qing would not have remembered it so clearly.

Thinking of this, she became even more curious.

"He promised to teach me poker skills, but he still hasn't fulfilled his promise," Liu Qing said.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether this man teaches her card skills or not. After all, the big sale of "Lovers in Time and Space" brought her a lot of dividends, but she saw that the other party promised to teach Liu Jiaman card skills, but she never taught her. , I felt somewhat unbalanced and uncomfortable, so I couldn't help but say that the other party was bragging.

"Really?" Liu Jiaman turned to look at Xu Jie, if this was the case, then she would have to reconsider the other party's promise.

"You still have the nerve to say it? Don't even look at your performance during the filming process. At the beginning, you played with me, and then you not only lied to me, but also released my pigeons, making the whole crew wait for you on the set for a whole day. Only you This unprofessional and uncooperative performance, why should I teach you? Also, don’t drive a wedge between me and Sister Man, Sister Man doesn’t play big shots on the set, let alone lose her temper, let alone absenteeism, right? Sister Man ?”

Xu Jie looked at Liu Jiaman who was on the side. He could use this opportunity to set up the actress, so that the other party would not lose his temper and would not miss work.

Liu Jiaman looked at Liu Qing, and saw that the other party not only did not explain, but also showed a look of embarrassment, thinking that Mr. Xu's words were not wrong.

If this is the case, it is Liu Qing's fault.

Nowadays, many actors, especially young actors, are willing to play big names, come late and leave early without reason, and have no professional ethics at all. Not only do they not respect the profession of actors, they also do not respect other people. How can we treat such people and give some punishment? Woolen cloth?

In her opinion, these are habitual problems that must be cured.

If she was young, wouldn't she be directly scolded out of the crew by the director?
"Mr. Xu, don't worry, I won't leave the crew for a day until the show is finished." Liu Jiaman said seriously.

Anyway, apart from this TV series, she didn't take on other TV series, and she didn't have any business activities to participate in after six years of rest. If she wasn't on the set, where would she go?
"I knew Sister Man was the most professional, otherwise how could she become the actress?" Xu Jie gave Liu Jiaman a rainbow fart, then looked at Liu Qing and said, "See? This is the gap."


Liu Qing was speechless, with a depressed expression on her face.

She wanted to express her dissatisfaction, and by the way, she used Liu Jiaman to put pressure on the other party, as long as the other party said "I will teach you later" or "Learn with Sister Man".

But now, not only did she not get the opportunity to learn, but she became a negative example of playing big names, which made Liu Jiaman's impression of her worse.

"Actors, you must keep your original intentions, and you can't start playing big names after you become famous. The more famous you are, the more you must be strict with yourself, and set a good example for fans, so that everyone can like you, understand?" Xu Jie asked Liu Qing After a lesson, by the way, I gave each other a blank look.

Liu Qing wanted to refute, but she was afraid that the description would become darker. After all, she had indeed made some mistakes, and this man's words were beyond her ability, so in the end she could only be a good girl and say nothing.

We must know that we will have a long time to film together in the future. She doesn't want to offend the two most powerful bosses in the crew, one is the boss of the staff, and the other is the boss of the actors.

Under the leadership of Xu Jie, everyone came to the activity room.

It was originally a place for employees to relax, but now it has been temporarily requisitioned and has become a venue for photo shoots.

The staff is setting up the studio, but in order to speed up the shooting progress, a total of four studios have been arranged for multiple people to take pictures at the same time.

Taking a photo is easy, but applying makeup before taking a photo is not.

Especially period costumes.

It takes at least an hour to start, and there are many costumes and styles to be changed, which is why it takes two days to take makeup photos.

"Mr. Xu!"

Xu Jie was checking the latest batch of custom-made ancient costumes when he heard Liu Jiaman calling him.

"Sister Man, what's the matter?" Xu Jie walked over and asked.

The other party is not only the protagonist of this TV series, but also the biggest attraction of this TV series. Even if Liu Qing is replaced, Liu Jiaman cannot be replaced, so even he has to be careful.

Of course, this is an expression of attitude, which means to let the other party know that they are taken seriously. If Liu Jiaman is treated like Liu Qing, then Liu Jiaman will have to run away after filming for a few days.

"Mr. Xu, I asked the makeup artist just now. Now this look takes an hour and a half to complete. It's too boring to just sit like this. Don't you think so?" Liu Jiaman looked at Xu Jie and asked.

"Understood." Xu Jie turned and left, took a tablet computer and placed it in front of Liu Jiaman, opened a video website, and said to Liu Jiaman, "Sister Man, what movie do you want to watch, I'll help you find it."

The corner of Liu Jiaman's mouth twitched, did you understand?

Understand a ball!

"What are there movies to watch, and are there any other entertainment activities that can not only pass the time, but also make me happy." Liu Jiaman continued.

"Why don't we fight the landlord? It's okay to form a team to fight the king." Xu Jie took out his mobile phone while talking.

Liu Jiaman looked at Xu Jie expressionlessly, this time he didn't say anything, just stared at him, like two sharp knives stabbing at Xu Jie's face.

Xu Jie and Liu Jiaman looked at each other for a long time, gradually began to feel uncomfortable, and finally said with a wry smile: "Sister Man, there is no mahjong here."

In fact, he knew what Liu Jiaman meant from the very beginning, but he just didn't want to turn the company into a mahjong parlor.

"I have it!" Liu Jiaman looked at the manager at the side and said, "Sister Guan, go get the mahjong from the car. By the way, there is also a mahjong table."


Xu Jie is gone.

The nanny cars of other celebrities are filled with clothes or food, and only Sister Liu Jiamanman can put mahjong and mahjong tables in the nanny car.

Speaking of the stars he has worked with over the years, from shows to galas, there are hundreds of them, but he has never seen anyone like Liu Jiaman.

Sister Man is definitely the only one.

"But, no one." Xu Jie said, he meant that no one played mahjong.

"Are you kidding? There are so many people here, why is there no one there?" Liu Jiaman turned his head and said loudly, "Whoever comes to play mahjong, three are missing one!"

Although Xu Jie didn't say he wanted to play, Liu Jiaman had already counted Xu Jie in, and if Xu Jie wasn't there, she wouldn't be here to play.

"Me, count me in!"

Liu Qing, who was putting on makeup not far away, raised her hands actively.

How could she miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

Of course, she didn't want to play mahjong with Liu Jiaman, but just wanted to steal from Xu Jie.

Although Sister Man is good at playing mahjong, she doesn't envy her. What she envies is Xu Jie's poker skills, which are really cool and explosive, and can surprise poker players' jaws as soon as they make a move.

Xu Jie frowned, knowing that Sister Man's addiction to poker was so great, he separated Liu Qing from Sister Man.

Soon, Liu Jiaman's agent, Guan Ying, came in carrying a mahjong box, and behind him were staff members holding a mahjong table.

The mahjong table was placed in front of Liu Jiaman, the mahjong was poured on the table, and three chairs were moved, Liu Qing rushed over impatiently, found a random seat and sat down, followed by Manager Guan.

"Why are you still standing there, sit down, you are the protagonist." Liu Jiaman looked at Xu Jie and said.

Xu Jie looked at the company employees all over the room, with a wry smile on his face.

Openly playing mahjong in the company during working hours, if this is done by the leader in the stage, wouldn't he be so angry that he would scold him directly?
Too embarrassing!

However, who can afford to offend the person who suggested playing mahjong?
Leader, leader, I'm all for work!
Xu Jie comforted himself in his heart, and then sat on the last seat.

"How?" he asked.

"Play cards first, and then replay. You can use all your poker skills, of course, provided that we don't find out." Liu Jiaman said.

Playing two hands is secondary, and learning two hands is the main thing.

Xu Jie was speechless again.

Playing mahjong also want to replay?

Do you want to be so serious?

"Understood." Xu Jie nodded.

Soon, the sound of playing mahjong was heard in the activity room.

outside the company.

Jiang Hai parked the car, then hurriedly walked into the gate.

He heard from Xiao Xu that today he would be here to take a makeup photo for the protagonist of "The Legend of Lan Xi", so he came here.

Of course, he didn't come to help, but to see Liu Jiaman.

Liu Jiaman was not only his idol when he was young, but also his dream lover.

The last time Xiao Xu invited Liu Jiaman to be a guest star in the filming of "Lovers in Time and Space", he didn't know it at the time, and he regretted it for a long time when he learned about it when he was promoting the film.

But today, Xiao Xu gave him another chance to chase stars, how could he not seize it?
After Jiang Hai asked Zhao Xiaoying about the shooting room, he immediately walked over. He was usually a potbellied man, but now he became more flexible.

When he was standing outside the door of the activity room, his body stopped suddenly. He picked up his mobile phone to take a picture of himself, and tidied his hair and clothes. However, at this moment, he heard strange sounds in his ears.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

"Clap clap clap!"

what's the situation?
Jiang Hai felt a chill running down his back, and quickly turned his head to look in the corridor, but there was no one there.

Why is the sound gone again?

Could it be that he was so excited that auditory hallucinations appeared in his ears?
Jiang Hai shook his head, then listened carefully, and after confirming that there was no sound, he pushed the door open.

"Nonsense, Thirteen!"

"It's Thirteen again? Why are you collecting cards so fast? Why did I only draw eight?"

"Don't dawdle, hurry up and resume!"

"Wow hoo hoo!"

The strange sound just now sounded again.

As soon as Jiang Hai entered the door, he was stunned.

I saw that the goddess was playing mahjong with Xiao Xu and Liu Qing while receiving makeup from the makeup artist.

Well, why is this still playing mahjong?

(End of this chapter)

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