The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 855 Mr. Xu worked hard!

Chapter 855 Mr. Xu worked hard!

Jiang Hai came to the mahjong table with doubts. Is Xiao Xu playing mahjong with the star, or is the star playing mahjong with Xiao Xu?

"Hello, Mr. Jiang!" A celebrity agent saw Jiang Hai and immediately walked over to say hello.

"Are you...?" Jiang Hai shifted his gaze to the face of the middle-aged woman in front of him, but he couldn't remember who she was.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm Cheng Jihong, Su Zi's agent. We met when you were the director of the art program center at Beijing TV Station." The agent reminded him patiently.

Jiang Hai thought about it, but still couldn't remember.

He has met many celebrities and their managers, but he can't even remember all of them, so how can he remember their managers?
What's more, it was still in the art program center.

Of course, if I didn't think about it, I didn't think about it. Since the other party is standing here, it means that the other party's artist is an actor in "Legend of Lan Xi", so he is one of his own. How could he not give the other party a little face?

"I remember, Manager Cheng, right? Oh, this person has a bad memory as he gets older. I thought you looked familiar just now, but I didn't remember it in a hurry." Jiang Hai said while shaking his head with a wry smile, he had to do enough acting.

"I can't blame Mr. Jiang. The main reason is that we only met once. If we meet a few more times in the future, you will remember me." Cheng Jihong said with a smile.

It would be great if we could get on line with the general manager of Beijing TV Culture and the former director of the cultural program center of Beijing TV Station.

At this time, other people also found out about this big shot in the capital's TV industry, so they stepped forward to say hello.


Xu Jie stood up, ready to explain to Boss Jiang that no matter how good the relationship is, this is also a company, and the other party is his boss.

When Jiang Hai saw it, he immediately waved his hand at Xu Jie, motioning him to sit down, and said, "Sit, sit, you go on, I'm just here to take a look."

He did come to see, but only to see Liu Jiaman.

When he set his sights on the lover of his dreams sitting at Xiao Xu's next house, his heartbeat immediately started to speed up.

After so many years, can you not be excited to finally meet a real person?

Although the idol is over 40 years old and has lost the beauty and stunningness of his youth, his body exudes the charm of a mature woman.

Coupled with good maintenance, it looks like it is in its thirties, and it is still so fascinating.

"Mr. Xu, it's your turn to play cards. Can you hurry up, the flowers I've been waiting for are almost gone." Liu Jiaman urged Xu Jie loudly.

She has already listened to it, and she is only one card away from Hu, who is not in a hurry to change it?
Xu Jie sat down, instead of playing cards, he directly pushed down the cards in his hand.




When Liu Jiaman saw it, he immediately patted the table angrily, and said in his mouth: "Kao, why are you fooling around again, can you give me some hope? Tell me, what tricks are you playing this time? I've been staring at you all the time. .”

"I didn't do anything in this game." Xu Jie spread his hands and said.

"Tch, are you going to the grave to burn newspapers to fool ghosts? I don't believe it." Liu Jiaman directly rolled his eyes, firmly refusing to admit the fact that the other party is better than her with no card skills.

Jiang Hai on the side stood in place, staring blankly.

Opening his mouth to test, shutting his mouth to cut, this, is this still the noble and elegant dream lover in his mind?
Calm down, calm down, no matter how big a star is, he is still a human being, and if he is a human being, he will swear at others, not to mention that the other party does not count as spitting out dirty words. Kao and Qie should be regarded as interjections, yes, exclamation!
After comforting himself, Jiang Hai suddenly felt much more comfortable.

"Qingqing, you stare at his left hand in this game, and I stare at his right hand. Let's give him a sandwich and see what he does." Liu Jiaman said to Liu Qing who was at the opposite door.

"Okay Sister Man." Liu Qing nodded vigorously, and it seemed that she was working hard.

Jiang Hai was a little embarrassed to hear that.

Sin, sin, people are playing mahjong, so don't have any dirty thoughts.

"Brother, you can use whatever tricks you have, and my sister will follow them all!"

"Take a bite, take a bite!"

"Hey, you're really obedient!"

"Where should I catch it? Touch here!"


The more Jiang Hai heard it, the more he felt that something was wrong. Standing inside the room, he knew he was playing mahjong. If he stood outside the room, he might think what he would think.

Forget it, let's go.

The car was driving too fast, and I couldn't stand it.

Since it is the lover of the dream, let her continue to be in the dream.

It's been a long time.

"Sister Qingqing, the makeup is done." The makeup artist whispered.

"Well, okay, thank you." Liu Qing said casually, all her attention was focused on the mahjong tiles in front of her, her eyes were fixed on it, and she didn't leave for a moment.

"It's time to take a makeup photo." Xu Jie reminded that he didn't come here today to play mahjong.

"Don't worry, let other people shoot first." Liu Qing said after hearing this, obviously not wanting to leave the mahjong table right now.

Anyone who likes to play mahjong knows that as long as they are on the mahjong table, their buttocks will be welded to death.

stand up?

It's not that easy!
"That's right, let other people shoot first, and Qingqing and I will shoot last. It doesn't matter if we stay here at night and work overtime." Liu Jiaman said.

Now that the fierce battle is in full swing, how can she allow the situation where three are missing and one is missing?

As soon as Liu Qing heard Liu Jiaman speak for herself, she became more energetic and said plausibly: "Well, that's right, they are busy, let them shoot first, I'm fine, I'll shoot later, humility is a virtue, I To be an artist with all-round development of morality, intelligence, body, art and labor, [-]!"

Xu Jie glanced at Liu Qing coldly, if Liu Jiaman wasn't there, he would have killed this girl, this time... Forget it, give Liu Jiaman some face.

Soon, another makeup artist also put on makeup for Liu Jiaman.

It's just that Liu Jiaman is also on the addict, and he said before that other people should shoot first, so he continued to sit on the mahjong table and play cards.

Xu Jie looked at Liu Qing on the left, who was wearing the imperial concubine's costume, and then at Liu Jiaman, who was on the right, wearing the empress's costume. He was sitting between the two of them now, and only the emperor could get this kind of treatment.

Forget it, for this sake, let's play with the two of them for a while.

After playing a few more laps, the staff of the TV drama department delivered the work meal to the activity room.

"President Xu, it's time for lunch." Lu Zhihong came to the mahjong table and said.

Everyone in the crew knew how Mr. Xu invited Liu Jiaman, so for Mr. Xu and Liu Jiaman playing mahjong, everyone didn't think Mr. Xu was being lazy, but also felt that Mr. Xu had worked hard.

"Eat and eat!" Xu Jie took the opportunity to say, "Hurry up and take a photo of the makeup after eating, I want to have more time after playing, Sister Man, are you here for work meals, or go out to eat?"

"I don't have much to do, so let's eat here. Hurry up and finish eating, hurry up and shoot. Maybe I can play a few more laps after shooting." Liu Jiaman said.

Obviously, she cares more about mahjong than rice.

"Me too." Liu Qing echoed.

She finally understood that as long as she followed Liu Jiaman, she would not be at a disadvantage in front of Xu Jie, so now she is the only one who follows Sister Man's lead. She will do whatever Sister Man does, and even if Xu Jie reprimands her, Sister Man will help her. She talks, not to mention that Sister Man likes to play mahjong, and she also likes to play mahjong. With this mahjong friend, she will not be lonely and boring in the crew in the future, which is very good.

Xu Jie looked at Lu Zhihong and played tricks on him.

Lu Zhihong understood immediately, turned around and went to get some lunch boxes and put them on the mahjong table.

Nowadays, many artists eat small stoves alone and seldom eat with the staff. Firstly, they think the boxed lunches are not rich, secondly, they think the boxed lunches are not healthy, and thirdly, they think the boxed lunches are not delicious.

But Liu Jiaman obviously didn't care about these things, he opened the lunch box and started eating.

Xu Jie looked at Liu Jiaman, and didn't know if the other party was trying to save trouble, or if the other party was just so down-to-earth. Although it was just a trivial matter, it made him feel good about the other party. Able to share joys and sorrows with the crew.

Much better than some of the younger actors.

Thinking of this, Xu Jie looked at Liu Qing again. Although the other party was also eating, both the speed of chewing and the frequency of swallowing were very slow, and there was a trace of hesitation in his eyes, as if the contents of the lunch box made it difficult for her to swallow.

In fact, the boxed lunch today is much better than the boxed lunch I ate when I was filming "Lovers in Time and Space". Remuneration has also increased.

Isn't there such a sentence?People are like iron, and food is like steel. If you eat better, you will be more motivated to work.

Xu Jie didn't eat in the morning, and he often ate box lunch, so he ate it not only quickly, but also looked delicious, which shocked Liu Jiaman beside him.

"Now I finally know why you acted in "Delicious History"." Liu Jiaman said while eating.

"Why?" Xu Jie asked, thinking: How did the other party know that the program group had no money at that time?

"Watching you eat, even if it's just a simple box lunch, you will feel very delicious." Liu Jiaman said with a smile.

"Really? I also know why you can play so many movie roles, Sister Man." Xu Jie looked at Liu Jiaman and said.

"Oh? Why?" Liu Jiaman asked with interest.

"The comprehension ability is strong, and you can understand it at a glance." Xu Jie said and glanced at Liu Qing next to him, "Unlike some people, who can't teach, Yumu head."

Liu Qing was shocked, and her heart was full of dissatisfaction.

After all, she is also one of the four little flowers, and her acting skills are well-known and well-known in the circle. How come she becomes useless when she is said by this man?
But thinking of the scene of being reprimanded countless times by the other party because of his acting skills during the filming of "Lover in Time and Space", I immediately lost my temper.

Alas, I was caught by the other party!

"Thank you Mr. Xu for your compliment. It would be great if my talent for acting can be evened out for playing mahjong." Liu Jiaman said after hearing this.

She has been practicing the few tricks she learned when she was a guest star in "Lover in Time and Space" for several months, but it is still a bit unsatisfactory.

Fortunately, she has indeed made a little progress, which is also the motivation to support her to continue studying.

"When God closes a door for you, he will open a window for you. Everyone has things they are good at and things they are not good at. , and left a gap for your door, if you don’t believe me, ask Liu Qing, how much did she learn from the two tricks I taught you?” Xu Jie looked at Liu Qing.

Liu Jiaman was amused.

Leave a gap?

Does it mean that the door to playing mahjong has not been closed yet?
She also looked at Liu Qing at this time. When Xu Jie taught her, the other party was also present, and both of them were Xu Jie's students.

Liu Qing blushed when she heard this, not only embarrassed, but also embarrassed.

When playing mahjong just now, she paid attention to Liu Jiaman. If she gave Sister Man six points, she could only get two points.

"Did you see Sister Man? This is what it looks like when the door is closed." Xu Jie continued to eat after finishing speaking.

He taught Liu Jiaman, that's because Liu Jiaman was really practicing, which was already evident on the set of "Lover in Time and Space".

And the reason why he didn't bother to teach Liu Qing was because the other party didn't practice much at all. How could he learn it just by practicing while teaching?

It's like going to school to learn.

Some students can not only complete the homework left by the teacher after school, but also do extra exercises, while some students don’t even bother to turn over the books after school. How can such students’ grades Can it compare to the former?

Liu Qing was ashamed of what was said, but fortunately the man didn't say that her window was also closed, otherwise she would be useless.

After being said by Xu Jie, Liu Jiaman's mood immediately improved a lot. After taking a few mouthfuls of food, he suddenly raised his head, looked at Xu Jie and said, "No, Mr. Xu, you know how to film and act again, and how can you act?" You can play mahjong, why are your doors and windows open?"

"It didn't open. In fact, I was just like you. I just opened the door. Sister Man, you're almost there." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Didn't you just say that everyone has things they are good at and not good at? Then tell me what you are not good at." Liu Jiaman asked curiously.

"What I'm not good at? There are many, for example, I can't fly a plane, I can't drive a tank, I can't drive a rocket..." Xu Jie counted the things he was not good at, and he couldn't stop once he said it.

Liu Jiaman and Liu Qing were speechless after hearing this.

How many people know what the other party said?

Fortunately, I didn't mention the spaceship. If I did, no one on earth would do it.

After the meal, the makeup artist began to touch up the makeup of Liu Jiaman and Liu Qing, and then began to shoot the fixed makeup photos.

Because the two are the protagonists, there are many fixed-makeup photos, and there are six groups in total. That is to say, the two need to change into six different outfits for shooting.

Liu Jiaman and Liu Qing have taken makeup photos for many movies, and they are familiar with various poses and styles. Because of this, the whole shooting process was very smooth, and it took less than half an hour for continuous shooting and repair. Then start to make up for the next set of looks.

"Mr. Xu, here." Liu Jiaman shouted, then pointed to the mahjong table.

Because the face has already been made up, so this time I just need to change the hairstyle again. It will take about half an hour. Although the time is not much, as long as you hurry up, you can still play a few rounds.

"Also for half an hour?" Xu Jie asked with a wry smile.

"An inch of time is an inch of gold, and an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time. This sentence tells us to cherish time and not waste it. Does Mr. Xu still understand such a simple truth? Come on!" Liu Jiaman said anxiously, looking Like a smoker addicted to cigarettes, and Xu Jie is her herbal medicine.


Xu Jie was speechless.

The other party actually spends every inch of time and gold on playing mahjong. This actress is really hardworking.

It seems that mahjong will be played until night today.


(End of this chapter)

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