The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 856 Very irritable and crazy

Chapter 856 Very irritable and crazy
The second episode of the second season of the large-scale documentary reality show "Ordinary Courage" will be broadcast on time on Saturday night.

Because the first episode of the program was well received by the audience after it was broadcast, and even became a hot search topic, the ratings of the second episode of the program have remained high since the broadcast, and until the end of the program, the average ratings reached 3.902 , the distance to breaking 4 is getting closer and closer.

At the same time, Fang Yi, the celebrity guest who appeared in the second episode of the show, also received special attention from the audience after the show was broadcast.

Some movie fans who have watched the movie "Lover in Time and Space" were surprised to find that the guest who was in charge of embarrassing the stars turned out to be the emperor in the movie, that is, the male number two.

And some viewers who haven't seen the movie "Lover in Time and Space", after discovering that Fang Yi and the guest Liu Qing of the previous issue co-starred in a movie, and it is currently showing, people who have endured it once can't help it anymore It was the second time, and they all decided to go to the cinema to watch it the next day.

And Xu Jie also decided to add fire to the film, and on Sunday released the makeup photos of several leading actors in "Legend of Lan Xi".

For a moment, no matter if it was a movie fan or a celebrity fan, they were all surprised by it.

You know, the news of the filming of "Legend of Lan Xi" was announced on Friday, and it's only been two days, and even the makeup photos have been taken?

Such a result has to make people wonder, the filming of "Legend of Lan Xi" was not a whim, but premeditated, otherwise how could the makeup photos be finished so quickly?
Will take makeup photos, it means that the role has been decided.

Once the role is decided, it means that the script has been written.

As for the script, it cannot be written in a day or two, it takes a long time to polish.

From this, we can draw a conclusion that the producer decided to shoot "Legend of Lan Xi" a long time ago, even before the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" was released.

This, how confident is this in "Lover in Time and Space"!

From the perspective of film and television IP, only popular IP will be popular. How many people will pay attention to the TV series derived from a blockbuster movie?


Guoliang studio.

Zheng Guoliang slammed his fist fiercely at the desk. He, who usually regarded himself as a master, had a very ferocious expression at this moment. His fierce red eyes were not pleasing to the eye. Finally, he pushed the books on the desk down. , scattered all over the place.


Zheng Guoliang is looking at the real-time box office, so the numbers are still rising, but at the same time as "Most Heartbeat" is rising, "Lover in Time and Space" is also rising.

In the first half of the month, although the box office of "Most Heartbeat" did not reach twice that of "Lover in Time and Space", it was still more than the other party, but now, instead of being thrown away by the other party, it was surpassed by the other party, which made him Very embarrassing.

The showdown between "Most Heartwarming" and "Lover in Time and Space" has attracted the attention of the entire film circle, including actors who have worked with him and his friends in this circle.

But now, not only has he lost, but he has also lost completely. How will this make him mess up in the circle in the future?What face do you have to face your colleagues and friends?
He has no temper when he loses to the first three films, even if he loses to No. 6, No. 7 and No. 8, he will not be angry, because the directors of these films are all professionally trained, some have been famous for a long time, and some are in the film industry. After fighting for many years, but only this "Lover in Time and Space" made him very angry at losing.

Firstly, the director of this film is a layman, and he felt very humiliated when he lost professionally to the layman; secondly, he had a bet with the guy surnamed Xu, and the prime time for the National Day file to harvest the box office has passed. Even in the last two weeks, "Most Heartbeat" surpassed "Lover in Time and Space" at the box office, it is impossible to double it, that is to say, he will definitely lose in this bet.

He was the first to instigate this competition, and the bet was also made out of his mouth. Before the film was released, he even laughed at the opponent's overreach on many occasions, threatening to exceed the opponent's box office by ten times, but now... …

It turned out that he was the one who lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot!

"Someone will go to see such a bad movie, a bunch of scumbags!"

"It's because there are too many stupid audiences that there are so many bad movies!"

"If you don't eat a good Manchu banquet, you have to eat some rotten fish and rotten shrimp, it's really cheap!"

"Just eat shit!"

Zheng Guoliang yelled at the air in the office, and when he thought about losing more than 4000 million to that surnamed Xu, he became even more angry, and kicked at the desk again.



The sound spread to the working area outside, and all the overtime employees who heard it were terrified and surprised.

In their hearts, Director Zheng has always had a refined image, but now, although they haven't seen it with their own eyes, they can tell that Director Zheng is very irritable and crazy just by hearing the voice.

But the surprise is the surprise, everyone is still very sympathetic to Director Zheng at this moment.

As a famous director who is sought after by countless movie fans, he lost to a layman, who can feel at ease?
The key is that in addition to losing the works, you also lose money, which is tens of millions, not thousands of dollars, and it will hurt anyone!
"I have a document here, do you want to give it to Director Zheng now?" A female employee asked in a low voice.

"Now? Are you trying to be a punching bag? Didn't you hear Director Zheng was angry?" Another male colleague said in a low voice.

"It's scary. I've worked here for three years, and I've never seen Director Zheng like this." The female employee next to him sighed.

"Who would have thought that Lao Xu, a director of a variety show, could get so much box office with his movies? Moreover, the ratings of a certain episode were even higher than that of Director Zheng's movies. It's like cooking. The dishes cooked by the waiter on the plate are even more delicious than those made by the cook, do you think the cook is angry?"

"Although I haven't seen Lao Xu's movie, I have watched all the promotions about "Lover in Time and Space". From a few days before the release until today, there will be a hot topic almost every two or three days, some of which are about the movie. Some of the hot spots are hot spots about actors, and there is no interruption in the middle, and they are all the same. Look at us again and again. certain."

"Yes, the promotion of "Lovers in Time and Space" is indeed well done. Take the filming of the spin-off drama "Legend of Lan Xi" as an example. Who would have thought that a TV series would be followed immediately after the film was released? It is completely unreasonable Play your cards."

"There is still half a month to go, and I don't know what tricks that old Xu has. I think he must be holding back some tricks."

"Who knows?"

While everyone was discussing in low voices, there was a "click", and Director Zheng came out of the office.

Frowning, staring, blue face, as if someone owed him money.

Seeing the boss like this, everyone lowered their heads and pretended to be working, for fear of becoming the boss' punching bag.

"Xiao Zhao, contact the publicity and distribution company and let them continue to increase their publicity. How long has it been since I saw news about the movie "The Most Heartwarming"? The box office is rising slowly, and they have an inescapable responsibility." Zheng Guoliang said coldly said coldly.

Although he lost the bet, the box office of the movie must not be lost. This is his bottom line and his last face. If the box office of the movie is also compared with Xu, he will really have no face in the future.

"Yes, boss!" Xiao Zhao responded quickly, for fear of being scolded for being too slow.

The others looked at the boss and then at Xiao Zhao, but no one said anything more.

If they remember correctly, the boss just ordered Xiao Zhao to urge the publicity company to come up with some news about the movie a few days ago, and the publicity company did come out, but not many people paid attention to it.

Is the boss confused?Still dissatisfied with Xuanfa Company?
"Xiao Liu, contact the leading actors. From next week, "The Most Heartwarming" will have a national roadshow!" Zheng Guoliang said.

Hearing the boss's words, everyone present was stunned.


Shouldn't the roadshow take place before the movie's release, or right after it's released?

It's been half a month now, and the best time for the box office to rise has passed, so what's the use of roadshows?

"Boss, Yang Yi is preparing for the concert, Jiang Shishi is filming abroad, and several other leading actors have also gone to the new crew. Now I'm notifying them to come to the road show..." Xiao Liu bravely opened his mouth, although he didn't finish speaking, but The meaning has been expressed very clearly.

I'm afraid no one will come!
When Zheng Guoliang heard this, he almost lost his breath.

Are you busy?

Talked as if he was idle.

For the box office of the movie "Most Heartwarming", he even planned to stop working on a movie he was shooting.

How to do it?

Could it be that he went to the road show by himself?
Isn't that a polished commander?
Zheng Guoliang thought for a while, the road show was impossible, so he said again: "Xiao Zhou, give me the rating of "Lover in Time and Space", and contact more film critics to boycott "Lover in Time and Space". Movie."


Everyone looked at Director Zheng in surprise, this, this...

This method is too dirty, right?
Although this kind of thing is very common in the film and television industry, the outcome of the competition has already been determined, so why bother?Once it gets out, won't it damage Director Zheng's image?
Now the difference is not 4000 million, but [-] million.

If it is 4000 million, pour a few pots of dirty water, make a few trips, and use your strength, maybe you can turn the defeat into victory, but the difference is [-] million, and it is said that it is useless to drive a dung truck. The [-] million has already been obtained, and it is impossible for "Most Heartbeat" to skyrocket to [-] million because of the decrease in word-of-mouth of "Lover in Time and Space".

Time does not allow, and the market will not give them this opportunity.

"Are you deaf? Did you hear what I said?" Zheng Guoliang didn't hear Xiao Zhou's answer, and cursed angrily.

"I heard about the boss, so I'll make arrangements right away, but "Lover in Time and Space" has already been rated by more than 20 people, so even if you get a low score now, I'm afraid it won't drop much." Xiao Zhou said after hearing it.

There are too many people scoring, and hundreds or thousands of low-scoring ones are not enough to shake the current score. If more people are added, people will definitely find out. By then, instead of reducing the number of viewers, they may even give "" "Lover in Time and Space" brings a new topic, stealing chickens is not enough to lose money.

Zheng Guoliang also knows that it is indeed a little late to do so now. In fact, he asked the publicity company to do this when the film was released, but the bad reviews and low scores of those hundreds of people were quickly overwhelmed by netizens.

"It counts as much as it can drop!" Zheng Guoliang said in a deep voice, even if it didn't work, he would still be disgusted by that Xu.

"Oh!" Xiao Zhou didn't say anything anymore, anyway, he was just a part-time worker, and the money for finding the navy was also paid by the boss, so it had nothing to do with him.

When Zheng Guoliang was told by Xiao Zhou, he couldn't help but feel depressed. This feeling that nothing can be changed is really uncomfortable.

He still wanted to order the staff to do something, but he opened his mouth for a long time, but he didn't know what to say. What should be said has already been said just now, and what should not be said is useless, so he finally had to close his mouth , turned and walked towards the office.


As soon as the door was closed, the rainstorm in the entire office area suddenly turned sunny, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Director Zheng is really in a hurry."

"Nonsense, not only did the movie box office lose to others, but it still hasn't paid back. Can you be in a hurry?"

"It's no use rushing now."

"Yes, it's too late."

"It seems that Director Zheng has completely failed this time."

"Oh, sorry, I still have to call the Xuanfa company. When I called them a few days ago, my tone was not very good, and I don't know what will happen this time." Xiao Zhao got up and left the station, and came to the In the conference room, close the door to separate those discussing people, and then dial the phone number of the person in charge of the publicity company.


The phone rang for a long time before it was connected.

"Hi Director Yang, it's so late, so I didn't disturb you?" Xiao Zhao said embarrassedly.

"What's the matter?" Director Yang endured the dissatisfaction in his heart, why did he call someone after 11 o'clock in the evening?It's not harassment, it's harassment.

"Director Yang, it's like this. Isn't the movie "The Most Heartwarming" about to be released in half a month? What Director Zheng means is that he wants to work hard in the last two weeks, increase some publicity, and strive for Go one step further at the box office." Xiao Zhao said, feeling a little guilty at the same time, because he had said similar things to Director Yang several times.

For some things, it is enough to say it once or twice, two or three times, but if you say too much, it will be annoying.

"Well, I see. Is there anything else?" Director Yang asked indifferently.

This is not a question of whether it is annoying or not, but whether it is useful or not.

Propaganda, no problem, but how to calculate the cost?
"Most Heartbeat" has been in theaters for half a month. So far, the box office is still less than [-] million. In other words, this movie is destined to lose money. Take money for nothing?
That's it for director Zheng's movie.

This is the consensus of the entire company, otherwise he wouldn't be so impatient.

"No more, that's all." Xiao Zhao said.


The phone hangs up immediately.

Xiao Zhao stared blankly at the phone, and after a while, a wry smile appeared on his face.

When they were able to make money, everyone supported them, but now that they have lost money, they are all in their original shape.

This is reality!


(End of this chapter)

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