The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 857 "The Legend of Lan Xi" starts

Chapter 857 "The Legend of Lan Xi" starts

on Monday.

Xu Jie came to the company early and went to the set with the crew to prepare for the opening ceremony of the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi".

Compared with the simple opening ceremony prepared for "Lover in Time and Space" last time, not only more people participated this time, but it was also more grand.

Xu Jie even invited a lot of media reporters to make the opening ceremony of "Legend of Lan Xi" bigger.

Not for anything else, only for the indirect drainage of "Lovers in Time and Space".

As the film was released for more than half a month, the growth rate of the box office became slower and slower, so even if it could bring in a little traffic for the film, Xu Jie would do it.

After all, for every 50 yuan movie ticket sold, more than 6 yuan will go into his pocket.

Who would think too much money?

"Old Zhao, Xueqing, you all need to help me promote it!" Xu Jie said to the director Zhao Jiangpeng and host Li Xueqing of "Entertainment Broadcasting".

"Mr. Xu, you are too polite. We are not outsiders. This is what we should do, right Xueqing?" Zhao Jiangpeng said with a smile after hearing this.

"Well, Mr. Xu, don't worry. Director Zhao and I have discussed it. We will have a special feature in the show, specifically introducing "Legend of Lan Xi" and its origin." Li Xueqing said seriously.

"Haha, I'll trouble you both." Xu Jie said happily.

Although "Culture and Entertainment Broadcast" is broadcast on the Literature and Art Channel, but as the only entertainment news program on Beijing TV Station, even if Beijing Satellite TV wants to broadcast entertainment news, it will also go to the "Culture and Arts Broadcast" program group to get materials. Then say hello to Deputy Director Gao of the Art Program Center, maybe you can even be featured on Beijing Satellite TV.

Xu Jie greeted his family, and then came to other media people.

"Everyone is able to attend the opening ceremony of "Legend of Lan Xi" in spite of their busy schedules. It is really hard for everyone." Xu Jie said with a smile.

If you want to develop in the film and television industry, building a good relationship with media people is very important.

"Mr. Xu, it is our honor to receive your invitation to participate in the opening ceremony of "Legend of Lan Xi"!" A editor-in-chief of a certain Langwang said politely.

The person in front of me is a high-level executive of Beijing Radio and Television Station. Let me ask these media people in Beijing, who dare not give face to the other party?
"That's right, I used to like the variety shows directed by Mr. Xu very much. After watching "Lover in Time and Space" a few days ago, I found that I fell in love with your movies again. Seeing you today is also considered to be seeing you." I am an idol." A female editor of Entertainment Weekly said.

At a young age, not only is he in a high position, but he is also talented. Who wouldn't like a man like this?Much better than those little fresh meats.

"Mr. Xu, if you have time, I would like to do an exclusive interview with you and talk about your views on family and career." The person in charge of the variety section of a video website said.

The other party is not only the vice president of Jingshi Culture, but also the director of many popular variety shows, and now he is an actor, and even the husband of superstar Su Yun. With so many identities, he will definitely attract a lot of traffic. If it becomes a video, it will have at least [-] views.

When other media people heard it, their eyes lit up.


Such an industry elite and star figure, there will definitely be many people interested in him.

By the way, isn't it because you are interested in this person that you can come here today?Otherwise, it would be enough to send a random reporter to take a few photos.

"Interview? No problem. Remember to interview me before "Legend of Lan Xi" airs." Xu Jie readily agreed, but not now.

"Lover in Time and Space" has been released for so long, the news can only maintain the exposure of the film, and its contribution to the growth of the film's box office is very limited.

Moreover, he had participated in the interview of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" with the crew of "Lovers in Time and Space" before, and now he accepts interviews with other media. The time distance between the two is too close, and the audience's interest in him will inevitably decrease, so it is better to put The exclusive interview is arranged for "Legend of Lan Xi", after all, "Legend of Lan Xi" also needs popularity before it starts broadcasting.

"Mr. Xu, then we can make a deal. You can't find other reasons to refuse."

"How could I refuse such a publicity opportunity?"

Although Xu Jie has always wanted to do behind-the-scenes work, as long as he can increase the flow of his work, he doesn't mind showing up on stage, after all, it is king to show results.

Xu Jie noticed that the actors had already finished their makeup, so he said to the media people around him: "Everyone, our actors are here. Today I am not the protagonist, they are the protagonists."

As soon as everyone heard it, they immediately understood what Mr. Xu meant, and quickly arranged for the reporters under him to interview the actors, so that they could have more news materials after returning.

Liu Qing, Liu Jiaman, Ding Mengni, Fang Yi and others were quickly surrounded by reporters, and microphones, recording pens, and mobile phones were stretched out in front of them.

"Qingqing, your transition in the movie "Lover in Time and Space" was very successful. Fans gave it a high evaluation. I don't know what you thought when you chose this role?" A reporter asked Liu Qing Dao, this is also a question that many movie fans are very concerned about.

You must know that actors are very cautious about transformation, especially the transformation of roles. Once they are unsuccessful, they will inevitably be labeled as "no acting skills" or "only one role". There is a shadow, which is why many actors only play one role, because the cost of failure in transformation is too high.

"When I saw this script, I thought the story was very exciting, and the transformation of the characters also attracted me deeply, so I wanted to challenge this role." Liu Qing talked to the reporter with eloquence.

Although she is very young, because she was born as a child star, she was interviewed at a very young age, so she was able to deal with reporters easily and freely, without any pressure at all.

And she is very clear that the media who can be invited to the opening ceremony today must have a relatively good relationship with Mr. Xu. You don't have to worry about saying the wrong thing, and you don't have to worry about being embarrassing, even if what you say is wrong. It will also be deleted when reporting.

Xu Jie, who was standing not far away, pursed his lips when he heard Liu Qing's answer.

Wonderful story?



Why doesn't he know any of these things?

He only knew that the other party was very disgusted when he saw the script, and refused his invitation in every possible way. As for the challenge... Isn't that what he said when he was fooling the other party?How did it become that the other party wants to challenge it?
Xu Jie looked at Liu Qing who was friendly with the reporter, and thought: This woman really knows how to put gold on her face!
Sure enough, he is an actor!
I really know how to act.

With the naive look of the other party, if he didn't know the truth, he would be easily deceived by the other party.

No way, this is the advantage of appearance. A beautiful person can easily gain the trust of others.

Just like what Yin Susu said to his son Zhang Wuji: Baby, when you grow up, beware of women deceiving you. The more beautiful a woman is, the more she will deceive others...

On the other side, actress Liu Jiaman was also surrounded by reporters.

"Sister Man, why did you come back to participate in the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi" this time?" A reporter asked.

Over the years, Liu Jiaman has participated in movies without exception, but now he has joined the TV series, who would not want to know the reason?

Is it because the story of "Legend of Lan Xi" is too exciting?
Or because there is no suitable script for the movie, you have to switch to TV?
"Come back? I never quit, why do I call it a comeback?" Liu Jiaman said after hearing this: "As for why he participated in "Legend of Lan Xi", it was because of a promise made to me by Mr. Xu."

"Promise? What promise?" All the reporters around showed curious eyes.

Shouldn't it be because of money?

Many big stars suddenly have a work after many years, and generally it has nothing to do with the script or the character. The main reason is that the film studio offers a price that is difficult to refuse.

As for human feelings, touching, art, etc., they are all nonsense.

"That can't be said." Liu Jiaman smiled mysteriously, and let it go.

In fact, it's not that I can't say it, but I'm embarrassed to say it.

If people found out that she agreed to take on the filming of this TV series because Xu Jie taught her poker skills, wouldn't she be called a gambler by then?
As for why he agreed to Xu Jie, it was because Xu Jie was an insider, and the script was really good. All these factors were combined to accept this TV series.

She will not ruin her reputation by learning poker skills.

When the reporter heard that Liu Jiaman didn't say anything, he became more curious and continued to ask questions.

However, it is a matter of reputation, how can Liu Jiaman say it?
Even if the entire entertainment industry knows that she likes to play mahjong, she can't say that she took on a TV series because of mahjong, as it will damage her personal image.

Not long after, it was finally time for the opening ceremony.

All the actors gathered in the middle of the square, and the reporters also consciously ended the interview, retreated to the periphery, and took photos and recorded the opening ceremony from a distance.

Although Xu Jie is not the director or starring role this time, as the producer, he still stands in the first row, offering incense and offering sacrifices with others.

After the series of ceremonies were over, it was noon.

After Xu Jie sent the media away, he hurried back to the set. The actors and staff were eating. Although the filming did not start, everyone worked hard all morning to prepare for the opening ceremony. Afternoon filming.

"Mr. Xu, come over to eat quickly, I've already brought it for you." Liu Jiaman shouted while waving to Xu Jie.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it.

The movie queen to help with food?

This treatment is no one else.

"Thank you, Sister Man." Xu Jie said after walking over.

At the same time, I was a little moved in my heart, this apprentice did not teach in vain, unlike Liu Qing...

"Hurry up and eat, hurry up and play twice after eating." Liu Jiaman urged.


Xu Jie looked at the other party in astonishment, all the emotion just now was gone.

The apprentice is not teaching in vain, but always thinking about the skills of the master.

"Sister Man, you only have an hour's break at noon, how can you play mahjong?" Xu Jie said with a wry smile.

Generally speaking, half of the hour at noon is used for eating and half for rest. After all, the labor costs of extras are calculated according to the number of days.

One hour of delay today, another hour of delay tomorrow, what should I do if I exceed the actor's fee in the future?
"That's why I asked you to eat quickly. Based on the calculation of a round of five minutes, you can play six or seven rounds." Liu Jiaman said and threw the chopsticks into the lunch box, "I'm done eating."

Xu Jie didn't expect that Liu Jiaman's addiction would be so great that he would not let it go even during such a short lunch break.

The director Lu Zhihong who is not far away is also very worried and anxious. Originally, there is not much time for lunch break. The actors should take a good rest and recharge their energy for the afternoon shooting. Even the actress has limited energy. Once sleepy in the afternoon, Or mental fatigue, what should I do if the shooting is delayed?
But the problem is that in the entire crew, only Mr. Xu can speak in front of Liu Jiaman. As for the others, they are under pressure to speak normally, let alone persuade.

If you don't listen to persuasion, or even make people angry, it's better not to persuade.

"Sister Man, how can you enjoy yourself if you only play six or seven rounds? It takes at least two or three hours to play. I don't think it's better than this. You can take a good rest during the noon period. When today's shooting task is over, I will accompany you again." How are you playing?" Xu Jie said.

Su Yun is not at home, and he has nothing to do when he goes home at night. Using this time to play mahjong with Liu Jiaman can be regarded as helping Liu Jiaman relax and relieve fatigue.

Liu Jiaman thought about it, and felt that what Xu Jie said made sense.

Playing only a few rounds, not only will she not be able to pass her card addiction, but it will completely hook her card addiction, and it may even affect her filming status in the afternoon.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, but don't run away after filming at night." Liu Jiaman reminded.

"Don't worry, Sister Man, since I promised you, I will definitely do it." Xu Jie said seriously, in order to dispel the other party's doubts.

Liu Jiaman nodded, then walked towards the nanny's car with the script in hand, "I'm going to read the script, call me when the filming starts."

"Good sister Man!" Xu Jie said with a smile.

He thought that Liu Jiaman didn't care about filming, but now that the other party took the script and left, he was relieved. It seemed that the other party still wanted to act well.

Xu Jie was about to eat when he found Liu Qing was staring at him, so he glared at him and said, "What are you looking at, hurry up and eat, have you read the script without seeing Sister Man?"

Liu Qing came here to have a lunch box to get closer to Liu Jiaman. Now when she heard Xu Jie's words, she immediately threw away her chopsticks and walked towards the nanny's car.

"Is it okay if I don't eat?"

To be precise, I don't eat boxed lunches. The assistant has already prepared lunch in the car, which is much richer and tastes better than boxed lunches.

Xu Jie rolled Liu Qing's eyes, broke off the convenient chopsticks and started eating.

"Ms. Xu, here's water!" Ding Mengni took the initiative to bring a bottle of mineral water to Xu Jie.

"Thank you!" Xu Jie opened it and took a sip, suddenly remembered something, looked at Ding Mengni and asked, "Can you play mahjong?"

"A little bit." Ding Mengni said softly.

"After filming tonight, come with me to play a few rounds of mahjong with Sister Man. You know her status in the entertainment industry. With her support, you may have the opportunity to participate in big productions in the future." Xu Jie said .

Although playing mahjong, not everyone is qualified to sit and play with Liu Jiaman.

Ding Mengni understood Xu Jie's painstaking efforts, so she nodded quickly.

"Understood, thank you Teacher Xu."


(End of this chapter)

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