The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 861 Another movie queen is tempted!

Chapter 861 Another movie queen is tempted!


"Fuck again!"

"I'm still playing!"

"Nonsense, you can figure it out yourself!"

Xu Jie pushed down the pair of [-] in his hand, and added the four [-], four [-], four [-], and four [-] that were put down before, forming a four-bar self-discovery.

Liu Jiaman, Liu Qing, and Ding Mengni calmly played mahjong again. They have been playing with Xu Jie for so long, what kind of mahjong have they never seen?For this kind of little Hu, I have long been accustomed to it.

Only Hu Jing, although she didn't have any expression on her face, had a bit of surprise in her eyes, thinking: Mr. Xu's luck is too good, right?
She often played mahjong with Liu Jiaman, and it was already difficult for Hu Qingyise, not to mention four bars, at least she had been playing mahjong for so many years, and she had never been so foolish.

It's just that the current situation is different from what she imagined?

Shouldn't Mr. Xu give Sister Man a shot?Why are you still fooling yourself?
With this kind of performance, why not kill Sister Man half to death?How could he come forward and invite her to play a guest role in a TV series?
Young people nowadays, when they see a good card, they get carried away and forget about business.

"Sister Man, what do you want to do in this game?" Xu Jie held the dice in his hand and asked Liu Jiaman who was on the side.

"Well, let's come to Thirteen Yao." Liu Jiaman thought for a while and said, she knew that Xu Jie was going to play tricks.

However, Hu Jing couldn't help laughing when she heard it.

What a joke.

Other playing tricks, other people can feed it, but Shisanyao, can't eat, can't touch, can only catch it by herself, Sister Man wants to Hu Shisanyao, isn't this embarrassing Mr. Xu?

"Okay, as Sister Man wishes." Xu Jie said, then threw the dice and began to draw cards.

Hu Jing looked at the cards Sister Man had drawn. There were only four out of thirteen cards. Thinking that Hu Shisanyao was harder than winning the lottery, the key was that there were three [-] cards and a pair of eights. Would Sister Man be willing to play?Anyway, if it was her, she would rather make a fool of herself than pursue Shisanyao.

I saw that Mr. Xu, the dealer, first played a three of a kind, and then it was Sister Man's turn to draw a card, which was a red one.

Hu Jing was immediately amused, because Sister Man already had a red card in her hand, and now they made a pair. In this case, who would break the pair for the sake of thirteen?Isn't that the brain is broken by drinking fake wine?

The facts were as she expected, she saw Sister Man took out a piece of Dongfeng and punched it out.

Hu Jing slightly turned her head to look at Mr. Xu. What she said just now was as Sister Man wished. It seems that this time the flattery is considered to be on the horse's leg.

After a few rounds, Sister Man listened to the card, and her hand also changed from the first four to the current two, which were the two red ones before.

Just when Hu Jing felt that Sister Man was sure of winning, she saw Xu Jie, the last family member, taking a picture of the red one on the table, and Hu Jing's eyes lit up, because this red one was exactly the one that Sister Man wanted. Card.

But before she could speak for Sister Man, Mr. Xu's voice came from next to her ear.

"Touch yourself, thirteen!"

Xu Jie put down the cards in front of him.

Hu Jing was stunned, she stared at the row of mahjong tiles in a daze, isn't it the thirteen tiles that are more difficult than all the tiles!
This, what's the situation?
Hu Jing blinked, and a puzzled expression finally appeared on her face.

Could it be that when Mr. Xu asked Sister Man just now, he didn't actually want to feed Sister Man, but wanted to play cards according to Sister Man's wishes?

This is too outrageous, right?
Looking at it from another angle, wouldn't it mean that Mr. Xu can do whatever he wants?
"Jing, what's the matter, isn't my brother very good?" Liu Jiaman smiled and looked at Hu Jing, who was obviously startled beside him, speaking with a hint of showing off, as if she was the one who played the cards.

Hu Jing came back to her senses when she heard it, Sister Man was not depressed but rather happy, which was obviously different from usual.

This abnormal performance is not so much an opponent as a teammate.

Gradually, she came to her senses. Sister Man asked Mr. Xu to behave well before she dared to love her. In fact, she didn't want the other party to flatter and feed her cards, but wanted Mr. Xu to show her hand in front of her.

Two rounds of mahjong, one round of four bars and one round of thirteen, this luck is simply against the sky.

"Well, it's amazing." Hu Jing said.

Of course, she was just being polite and echoing Sister Man's words. After all, she only played two rounds. It's still too early to say that she is awesome. Who hasn't had a bright moment in their life?She has also won Best Actress in two different awards for one film.

"Brother, let's show you Jing sister again, Jing, what do you want him to do wrong?" Liu Jiaman asked Hu Jing.

Hu Jing was startled, are you so confident?
"No need, you guys hit you, I was just passing by." Hu Jing said politely, not wanting to get involved.

If she said it, it would be as if she was deliberately embarrassing Mr. Xu. If Mr. Xu didn't have Hu Cheng, would the situation be embarrassing?She doesn't want to be this atmosphere spoiler.

What's more, Xu is always a member of Beijing Radio and Television Station. Once he fails to perform successfully in front of Sister Man, what should he do if he holds a grudge and trips her secretly?Wouldn't that be set on fire?
"Don't use it, Jingjing, don't you trust my brother?" Liu Jiaman frowned slightly, as if her interest had been interrupted.

"No, I definitely didn't mean that." Hu Jing said hastily.

Isn't this a start to war?
Hu Jing thought to herself: Sister Man, sister Man, can you control yourself on the mahjong table?
"Then what do you mean? Look down on my brother? Do you think my brother's card skills can't catch your attention?" Liu Jiaman asked again.

She is now like a child who just got a treasure and is showing it off to the children, but the children are not interested, who can bear it?
"Sister Man, that's really not the case. Well, let's make a pair." Hu Jing had no choice but to casually say a relatively simple way to play cards.

A pair is seven pairs, and fourteen cards are the winning method of seven pairs.

Although it is also a little difficult, compared with the previous Qingyise and Shisanyao, the difficulty can be said to have dropped a lot.

"Seven pairs? It's too easy, Jingjing, tell me one more difficult one." Liu Jiaman said.

Hu Jing showed a sad face. If she knew this, she wouldn't come to join in the excitement tonight, but now it's better, and there is trouble.

Sure enough, curiosity killed the cat.

"Then a dragon?" Hu Jing asked.

"No, a dragon is easier than seven pairs, Jingjing, can't you let go? How about this, I will make the decision for you, brother, you can have the most difficult Tianhu." Liu Jiaman said directly .

Hu Jing's expression changed.

Tian Hu?

Where is this making a decision for her?It's clearly a fire.

"Okay, since it's Sister Jing's request, I'll give it a try." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he threw the dice directly.

The corner of Hu Jing's mouth twitched, and her palms began to sweat.

her request?

When did she ask for it?Why press this pot on her body?

No, it is not advisable to stay here for long.

36 strategy, it's better to go ahead, it's better to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible, otherwise Sister Man's whim will not necessarily cause much fire on her.

"Sister Man, I..."

Hu Jing just wanted to say that I still have something to do, but Xu Jie, who had just finished drawing cards, directly pushed down the mahjong in his hand.



Hu Jing was stunned, and the second half of the sentence stuck in her throat.

Tian Hu?

Really Tianhu?
This, this, this is too powerful, right?
"Mr. Xu, how did you do it?" Hu Jing blurted out and asked in surprise.

If you say Tianhu is Tianhu, there must be a trick in it.

This also made her think of some movies about mahjong. Could it be that Mr. Xu in front of him is a sparrow?
"This is where my younger brother excels." Liu Jiaman said triumphantly.

"Small skills are not worth mentioning." Xu Jie quickly waved his hand, what is the advantage of knowing a few "card skills"?If you say it, you won't be laughed at?
"As long as anything is done to the extreme, it can't be said to be a trivial skill." Hu Jing said seriously.

Liu Jiaman asked with a smile: "How about Jingjing, are you a little tempted?"

Hu Jing looked at Sister Man, let alone, she was really tempted.

Let me ask, as long as someone who likes to play mahjong, who would not want to have this hand?
It's not that I want to win something with this hand, but to show off and get satisfaction from the amazed eyes of others.

If acting is part of work, then playing mahjong is part of life.

"Jingjing, do you want my brother to teach you?" Liu Jiaman asked again.

Hu Jing was about to nod, when she suddenly remembered something. It turned out that what Sister Man said before, being excited to play a cameo role in a TV series was such a thing.

Now she finally understands why Sister Man took over this TV series.

No need to ask, it must be to learn this poker hand from Mr. Xu.

To be honest, she was really moved by Mr. Xu's poker skills, and asked her to exchange for a cameo role, but reason told her that she shouldn't do that.

However, Sister Man is already learning. As a poker player, if she doesn't learn, won't she be able to play mahjong with Sister Man in the future?

Although playing mahjong is just a kind of entertainment and pastime, if you always lose, everyone will feel uncomfortable.

It's not about money.

Everyone wants to be a winner.

Even those who choose to lie flat have a desire to win in their hearts, but they are just temporarily powerless.

"I, I just came here to take a casual look, you go ahead." Hu Jing calmed down.

Before learning, she wanted to observe and observe again.

Because she had been looking at Sister Man's cards just now, she didn't pay attention to Mr. Xu's cards, and she didn't know what methods Mr. Xu used, so she wanted to watch a few more rounds carefully. Once she could find a flaw, it meant that the opponent's methods were not If she is smart, there is no need for her to study.

Looking at Hu Jing's appearance, Liu Jiaman couldn't help laughing.

She has known each other for so many years, and others don't understand, so doesn't she understand?
The opponent is notoriously cautious, even when playing mahjong. Every time a card is played, he will think about it again and again, especially in the final stage, which can make people anxious to death.

Not interested in?
What are you doing here if you're not interested?
"Oh, it's going to be 10 o'clock soon, I think I'll stop here tonight." Liu Jiaman said suddenly, she wanted to tease Hu Jing more than continuing to play a few laps.

Hu Jing was taken aback, and a disappointed expression immediately appeared on her face, which she had pretended to be calm just now.

I just want to take a good look at it, how can I stop playing if I don’t play?

"Come on, did I disturb you? How about I go?" Hu Jing stood up as she spoke.

"I didn't bother you. When you came, didn't they have to leave? They really have to get up early tomorrow to put on makeup and shoot a movie. How about it, my brother and the others will come tomorrow night. If you have time, come back tomorrow night." Liu Jiaman said with a smile.

Xu Jie looked back and forth between Liu Jiaman and Hu Jing's faces, and soon understood what Sister Man meant.

"Sister Man, you're finally willing to let me go. I have to go home and read the script, so I'll go first. Remember to go to the set early tomorrow." Xu Jie said to Liu Jiaman while standing up.

Taking advantage of Liu Jiaman's opportunity to pick up Hu Jing, when will I wait if I don't leave now?

After speaking, he winked at Ding Mengni who was beside him.

Ding Mengni understood immediately, stood up and said, "Sister Man, then I'll go home too, let's continue tomorrow, see you, Sister Jing."

Liu Qing originally wanted to say that there were still two or ten minutes until 10 o'clock, but seeing that everyone was about to disperse, she could only obey the majority.

Three missing one, it’s a big deal to shake people, wait a moment, but now one is missing three, how can we play?Only tomorrow.

"I'll send it to you."

Liu Jiaman stood up and sent Xu Jie and others out.

Although I didn't enjoy playing mahjong, but teasing Hu Jing for a while, I found some fun and put an end to the night, otherwise, even if a few people played till 10 o'clock, she wouldn't be able to enjoy herself to the fullest.

Liu Jiaman stood outside the door and watched until the cars disappeared from sight before turning back home. However, as soon as she entered the room, she saw the depressed expression on Hu Jing's face, as if she was dissatisfied with desire. of.

"Jingjing, what have you been up to lately? Why do you come back so late every day? I haven't played mahjong with you for a long time." Liu Jiaman pretended not to see Hu Jing's expression. His eyes dimmed a lot.

"I want to make some investments, so I have been doing research recently." Hu Jing said.

"You, you really can't stay idle. Now that you have achieved wealth and freedom, why bother? Isn't it great to praise newcomers and play mahjong?" Liu Jiaman said with a smile.

"Haven't you heard a saying? Life lies in tossing, and people will grow old if they don't toss. Okay, don't you have to film tomorrow? Then I won't bother you." Hu Jing picked up her bag, and Liu Jia Man said goodbye.

"Well, then I won't keep you. By the way, will you come tomorrow?" Liu Jiaman asked.

"Why, Sister Man, you have a new love and forget your old love, and you have a new card friend, so you don't want to see me, an old card friend?" Hu Jing pretended to be sad.

"No, the main reason is that Mr. Xu and I have made an agreement. In order not to delay the filming, we can only play until 9 o'clock every day. If you come at this time today, you will miss them." Liu Jiaman explained. road.

Hu Jing thought for a while, then pretended not to care and said: "Tomorrow, I have an appointment to have dinner with someone, and I don't know when it will end. You play your games, don't wait for me deliberately, Sister Man, I'm leaving .”

Liu Jiaman watched Hu Jing leave, thinking: pretend, keep pretending, let's see how long you can pretend.


(End of this chapter)

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