The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 862 Preventing troubles before they happen

Chapter 862 Preventing troubles before they happen

On the second day after the start-up, Xu Jie came to the set on time. Although he has the title of producer, most of the things in the crew are left to Lu Zhihong and Wang Wen. He is only responsible for supervising the expenditure of each fund , just control the direction of the plot shooting.

Of course, there is the most important point, that is the town hall.

Since Jingshi Culture is not a big company in the film and television industry, and Lu Zhihong is not a well-known director, it is impossible to direct stars such as Liu Jiaman, Liu Qing, and Fang Yi, and only he is there. Celebrities will cooperate obediently, and Liu Qing's performance on the set yesterday is the best proof.

When Xu Jie appeared on the set with egg-filled biscuits bought outside the film and television base, the crew immediately stopped their work and applauded.


wow wow wow...

Xu Jie was a little confused when he saw it, and thought: What's going on?
He turned his head and looked behind him. There was no one else in this direction except him.

At this time, Wang Wen, director of the film department, came forward with flowers in her hands, "Mr. Xu, congratulations for the box office of your film "Lovers in Time and Space" that you directed exceeded 4 million."

Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood what was going on, no wonder everyone seemed so happy, it turned out it was because of this matter.

The on-site staff are all the original crew who filmed "Lovers in Time and Space", and one of them is an employee of Jingshi Culture. Now the box office of the movie has exceeded 4 million, which is indeed a happy thing for everyone.

"Congratulations!" Xu Jie took the flowers, and then said loudly: "After the movie is released, I will treat everyone to a big meal, and no one is allowed to be absent."


"Thank you Mr. Xu!"

The crowd cheered.

Xu Jie waved his hands at everyone, signaling to continue working.

The box office of a movie breaking 4 million is indeed something to be happy about, but the work still needs to be continued. The success of "Lovers in Time and Space" can only be regarded as the first step of success. If you want to go further in the future, you must take the next step seriously. every step of the way.

In fact, apart from Su Yun calling him to congratulate him last night, many people congratulated him via WeChat and SMS, including colleagues who have worked with him before, and artists who have worked with him before. , There are also some company bosses, although he didn't count them, but there are not more than a hundred, and there are also seventy or eighty.

In this regard, he is still very happy.

What does this mean?
It shows that he still has a certain weight in the minds of these people, otherwise they don't have to send this message at all.

What is this called?
This is called networking.

As long as he says a word, who among these people can't give him a little face?
Although it is not used now, it may be used in the future.

This is the case with contacts, which are usually invisible and intangible, but when needed, their value can be reflected.

Xu Jie put the flowers on the chair, and then went to the side to eat breakfast. The smell of egg-filled biscuits was too strong. He was worried that he would draw out the gluttons of those who hadn't eaten in the morning and affect the normal work.


Suddenly a yawning sound reached Xu Jie's ears, and he turned around to see that it was Liu Qing.

Although the other party had finished putting on makeup, there was still a trace of tiredness on his face, plus he had just yawned, it was obvious that he didn't get enough sleep last night.

Liu Qing shook her head to cheer herself up. At this moment, she suddenly felt an unkind gaze staring at her. She immediately turned her head to look. The man also woke up in an instant, and quickly opened his eyes wide, pretending to be full of energy, so as to avoid being reprimanded by that man in public.

After all, she is one of the four young female roles born in 95, and she also wants to save face. The scene of being reprimanded in public yesterday is still vivid in her memory, and she does not want to be reprimanded again.

"How many hours did you sleep last night?" Xu Jie asked Liu Qing.

"Seven hours." Liu Qing blurted out.

"How did you sleep for so long?" Xu Jie asked, frowning, questioning the other party's sleep time.

"My house is close to Sister Man's house, and I arrived home in less than 20 minutes. After returning home, I simply took a bath, did a skin care treatment, and lay in bed on time at 10:5, and then got up at [-]:[-] this morning, put on makeup and had dinner. It was all done in the car, and the timing was just right." Liu Qing said while thinking.

And after I finished speaking, I went through it in my mind again, whether it was 10 hours from 5:7 last night to 7:[-] this morning, I counted with my fingers behind my back, and after confirming that it was indeed [-] hours, then I breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, what she said was all the truth, but she changed the concept secretly. She was indeed lying on the bed at 10:11, but after lying on the bed, she used her mobile phone to scan the video for a while, and then threw away the mask on her face after [-] o'clock Mask before sleeping.

"Really?" Xu Jie squinted his eyes at Liu Qing, telling him intuitively that the other party was lying, or else he wouldn't keep looking away when he answered.

"Of course it's true. Do I have to lie to you? If you don't believe me, you can drive with me tonight and see what time the lights are turned off at my house." Liu Qing said eloquently.

Anyway, the other party didn't know what happened last night, either she said something or something?
Xu Jie stared at Liu Qing for a while, and finally said nothing, continuing to eat egg-filled pancakes.

In fact, even if you press the other party and expose the other party, what's the use?As long as the pressure is enough, at least when a friend invites you out to play at night, you will think about how to face him the next day.

This is called taking precautions.

Rebuke is not the purpose, the purpose is to warn.

Seeing that Xu Jie had left, Liu Qing breathed a sigh of relief. Thinking of facing this man's interrogation every day in the future, her brain began to ache.

It seems that it is better to rest earlier in the future. If you yawn every day, won't you be beaten to death by this man?

"All departments are preparing, the actors are in place, and today's shooting will start in 2 minutes!" Lu Zhihong said with a loudspeaker, and his voice spread throughout the set.

The staff and actors took action immediately, and with the news that the box office of "Lovers in Time and Space" exceeded 4 million, everyone became more motivated to work.

Since the filming lasted all afternoon yesterday, the actors entered the state very quickly when filming again today, as if returning to the scene when filming "Lover in Time and Space" in an instant.

At 5:[-] p.m., the shooting ended.

"Mr. Xu, hurry up!" Liu Jiaman beckoned to Xu Jie anxiously, just changed the clothes on his body, and left without even taking off the makeup on his face.

"Okay!" Xu Jie gestured an "OK" gesture to Liu Jiaman.

Today not only finished the shooting content ahead of schedule, but also shot a few more shots, exceeding the shooting task, so when faced with Liu Jiaman’s urging, Xu Jie was not vague, as long as the filming is good, he doesn’t mind being with the other party Play more games.

Because of Liu Jiaman's loud voice, Liu Qing and Ding Mengni, who were still taking off their makeup, were alarmed. The two women ran out of the dressing room one after another, preparing to take off their makeup in the car.

Compared with putting on makeup, removing makeup was still very fast. By the time a group of cars parked outside Liu Jiaman's house, the three women had already finished removing their makeup.

In order to save time, Liu Jiaman had asked the property owner to deliver dinner to his home in advance, so the four of them could cook as soon as they entered the gate.

The "canteen" located in the villa area is usually served by a chef, and the people who live here are either rich or expensive, and no one will order if the food is not delicious.

Facing the sumptuous dinner, Xu Jie really wanted to eat more, but Liu Jiaman didn't allow it, and kept urging him from the side. This also reminded Xu Jie when he was in high school, every time it was meal time, the head teacher would stare at him. Everyone, whoever dares to talk while eating will be reprimanded, and whoever eats slowly will be stared at fiercely.

In 10 minutes, Xu Jie was kicked off the dinner table by Liu Jiaman.

And Liu Qing and Ding Mengni had already sat at the mahjong table in advance.

It's not that Xu Jie eats slowly, but that these three women eat less.

Compared with men, women's appetite is inherently small, and female artists need to maintain a slender figure and lose weight every day, so they are off the table in five or six minutes.

For example, Liu Jiaman ate three mouthfuls of rice and six mouthfuls of vegetables, and then gnawed on a cucumber.

Such a dinner is hard to eat slowly.

"Where are you going? Come here!" Liu Jiaman asked Xu Jie who was away from the mahjong table.

"Bathroom." Xu Jie said.

"There's a lot of excrement and urine on the lazy donkey, hurry up." Liu Jiaman said angrily.


Xu Jie was speechless.

Did you say he was lazy?
Among the people in the national television system today, who has more works than him?
Absolutely not!

This is Liu Jiaman, if anyone else said this sentence, he would be able to distinguish with the other party.

Seeing Xu Jie's deflated appearance, Liu Qing couldn't help snickering in her heart. If she wasn't afraid that the other party would retaliate on the set tomorrow, she would definitely laugh at him wantonly.

When Xu Jie came out of the bathroom, he found that there was an extra person in Sister Man's house, and it was the actress Hu Jing who appeared here last night.

"Jingjing, didn't you say that there is a dinner tonight? Why did it end so early?" Liu Jiaman asked suspiciously, but her eyes were full of smiles, as if everything was in her expectation.

"The dinner was changed to noon, so I came back early. I didn't expect to see your car outside the door again. It's really a coincidence to come early." Hu Jing said with a smile after hearing this.

"Sister Jing, I heard from Sister Man that you are also an expert, why don't you come?" Xu Jie walked over and gave way.

"No, no, you should come." Hu Jing waved her hands again and again.

It's not that she's being polite, but that the reason why she turned down the dinner and came here today is to be able to see the other party's card skills again.

In order to understand this person, after she left last night, she deliberately asked a few poker friends, but everyone said they were not clear, and Liu Jiaman had never mentioned it, and this aroused her curiosity even more, secretly Decided to see if the other party really has a job in hand, or is it just a fake.


(End of this chapter)

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