Chapter 863
Xu Jie sat down and started tonight's mahjong game, but just after rubbing the cards twice, he felt someone kicking him under the mahjong table.

what's the situation?
Xu Jie was calm on the surface, but he was very curious in his heart. If he made small moves under the mahjong table, it was either adultery or inside information.

If it was four women, or four men, it would definitely not be the former, but if it was three women and one man, then maybe something happened.

Throughout the ages, have there been fewer hookups on the mahjong table?

There are Wang Jiazhi and Mr. Yi who are far away, and those who are near... right now.

Xu Jie wants to pretend to be confused. After all, he has always been a very strict person in his life style, and he knows that life is hard-won now, and he cannot destroy his "legs" with his own hands, not to mention that none of the women present is fuel-efficient. Deng, he didn't dare to provoke him casually.

However, just because he doesn't talk to others doesn't mean that others don't talk to him.

Perhaps seeing that he didn't respond, the man stepped on his feet directly after kicking him twice.

Xu Jie shuddered in pain.

If you step on it, you will step on it, and you will be crushed twice. Isn't this intentionally hurting people?

He pretended to be calm and glanced towards the direction of being stepped on. It was Liu Jiaman. When the other party saw him looking over, he immediately took his foot away, but he kept winking at him, and deliberately glanced in the direction of Hu Jing who was behind him. , as if to say: Come on, show!
Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, he really wanted him to show his hands in front of Hu Jing like last night, it had nothing to do with adultery, he was thinking too much.


Xu Jie coughed lightly, then nodded slightly.

no problem!
When Liu Jiaman saw it, the corners of his mouth turned up, revealing a smile, then he threw the dice in his hand and started to draw cards.

Just now Xu Jie was only thinking about getting kicked, and he didn't play tricks when arranging the cards, so it was not very good to get the cards in his hand. Under normal playing conditions, it is already very good to be able to get a win.

Of course, this doesn't bother Xu Jie. The so-called card skills can not only be used when displaying cards, but also when drawing cards.

After a few rounds, a loose hand directly turned into thirteen under his operation, and finally came a self-draw.

"Ah? So fast? I just listened to the card!" Liu Qing said with a resentful face, as if she was blaming Xu Jie for not doing it so quickly. Finally, in order to comfort herself, she could only say: "A thousand cuts will not kill you first!" One, come again."

After hearing this, Xu Jie said, "If you don't play the first game, you won't be able to play it in the future."


Liu Qing was speechless.

This statement, although annoying, is true.

Perhaps, this is reality.

Reality is often crueler than imagination.

"Yeah, Qingqing, if you can play Hu, you would have done Hu yesterday, so why wait until today? Let's learn from Teacher Xu honestly." Liu Jiaman made up for it.

Although she didn't have a Hu, she was very happy because it opened Hu Jing's horizons.

Liu Qing looked at Liu Jiaman who was at the opposite door, and thought: Didn't you still talk about Sanying fighting Lu Bu yesterday?How did it become an apprenticeship today?
In fact, this is all secondary, what worries her the most is that Hu Jing is at the side.

If Xu Jie keeps messing around like this, Hu Jing will not be tempted. Once the other party also wants to learn from a teacher, won't there be another person in the entertainment circle who knows how to play poker?

As the old saying goes: Rare things are more expensive.

If she is the only one who can play mahjong with her peers in the industry, she will play mahjong with thirteen hands and all games will be the same. Who will not look at her as a female gambler with admiration?

But if all the peers in the circle know it, not only will the difficulty of using card skills when playing mahjong rise sharply, but everyone will not be surprised even if they are fooled, because they all know what is going on, which will intensify the entertainment. The introversion of the peer-to-peer mahjong skills.

To be honest, when Xu Jie agreed to teach Liu Jiaman, she was not very happy in her heart, but since Sister Man agreed to appear in "Lover in Time and Space" and "Legend of Lan Xi", she can bear it after thinking about it , but now let Hu Jing know and see, what is going on?

Everyone has a different personality and views on things differently.

Some people will hide the treasure after they get it, for fear that others will know, while some people will show it off after getting the treasure, for fear that others will not know.

Liu Qing belongs to the former, while Liu Jiaman obviously belongs to the latter.

Hu Jing looked at Xu Jie who was rubbing the cards, and fell into deep thinking.

Although she had been sitting next to Sister Man just now, her eyes had been staring at Xu Jie. However, after watching for so long, she didn't find any problem from the beginning to the end.

What does this mean?
It means that the other party has become Thirteen Yao with no means, or the means are so superb that she has been staring at her without seeing it.

If it's the former, then how can Hu's attacks last night be explained?But if it's the latter, that's great.

In order to be able to see more clearly, Hu Jing took the opportunity of holding the fruit, dragged the chair and moved towards Xu Jie's side, so that she could see what the mahjong tiles in the opponent's hand were.

Second round.

Xu Jie sits in the manor.

Two dice are rolled on the table, and five points are scored at the end.

Grab a hand, four cards, all buckled on the table, four after four, and finally skip cards, get fourteen cards in hand.

Xu Jie pinched the cards on both sides, and with a slight force of both hands, all the fourteen cards on the table stood up.

Hu Qian's sharp eyes scanned the fourteen cards one by one, but she was stunned after reading them.


"Tianhu is right!"

As Xu Jie said, he slid his fingertips across the mahjong tiles, and the fourteen standing mahjong tiles fell down like cut leeks.

Liu Jiaman laughed again, especially after seeing Hu Jing's stunned look, she gave Xu Jie a big thumbs up in her heart.

And Liu Qing, at this moment, showed a bitter face, she was about to overthrow and shuffle the cards before she finished laying them out, did she come here to learn card skills, or to practice playing cards?

Anyway, let him touch a few and type a few.

The sound of "crash clatter" made Hu Jing recover from her daze, and her heart was inconceivable besides inconceivable.

She deliberately changed her position, preparing to see how the other party showed her hand, but now it turned out that the other party had finished showing off, but she didn't see anything.

What is this called?
This is called: eat shit without catching up with the heat.

Hu Jing was full of doubts.

Is this what is going on?
Could it be that everything has been arranged before the capture?
Not right!

Even if the opponent throws as many points as they want when throwing the dice, how can they control the cards placed by others?This is not a mahjong machine.

and many more!

Could it be that these four people joined forces to tease her?

Hu Jing cast her eyes on the other three people again, but Sister Man, Liu Qing and Ding Mengni seemed to be casual when placing their cards, including Xu Jie, who took whatever card was at hand, without deliberate signs at all Signs put together.

The dice were thrown, and the shots started again.

Four cards, eight cards, twelve cards, skip cards.

"All in one color."

Xu Jie put the cards down again after setting them up.

There is no doubt that it is Tianhu again.

"Mr. Xu, can you do it? You will lose friends if you play like this!" Liu Qing said dissatisfied.

At least she was allowed to draw a few cards in the first round, which gave her some hope, but in the second and third rounds, she didn't even give her a chance to change cards.
According to the opponent's foolishness, the cards placed tonight can be built into a three-bedroom and two-living room.

"Good luck, what can I do?" Xu Jie spread his hands, looking like "what can you do to me".

"You're lucky, why don't you buy a lottery ticket?" Liu Qing rolled her eyes fiercely and threw it over.

After playing mahjong for so long, who doesn't know who?Who will believe that there is no "job" here two times in a row?

The other party's words can only deceive Hu Jing now.

"Look at what you said, once I go to buy a lottery ticket and win the first prize, what should I do? I originally thought about giving some money to charity, but ended up emptying the prize pool. I don't want to do things that harm charity." Xu Jie Said lightly.

The corner of Liu Qing's mouth twitched, as if she had done something detrimental to public welfare.

"Okay brother, let Liu Qing go." Liu Jiaman took the opportunity to say.

What should be shown off has already been shown off, what should be shown has also been shown, and the next step is to enter the entertainment bureau. After all, she doesn't want to keep building walls here.

The sense of participation is too low!
"Okay Sister Man, I understand." After Xu Jie finished speaking.

While rubbing the cards, Liu Jiaman looked at Hu Jing beside her and asked, "Jing Jing, have you thought it through yet? Do you want to learn from my brother?"

Xu Jie also wants to draw Hu Jing into the team of learning card skills. After all, she is also a movie queen. Even if it is just a small role in a friendly cameo with only a few scenes, it can add a bright spot to the movie or TV series, just like Liu Jia in the past. It's the same as Mann's guest appearance in the movie "Lover in Time and Space".

"Sister Jing, the warm-up session is over, and the next step is the payment session." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Hu Jing was taken aback.

Payment link?

Do you have to take off your clothes if you lose?
No, no, certainly not.

By the way, what Sister Man said yesterday, it seems that she is learning poker skills from Mr. Xu. Is it time to teach poker skills next?

"Can I try a class?" Hu Jing asked.

"Try listening? Jingjing, are you trying to take advantage of my younger brother? Couldn't it be enough just now..."

"Ding dong!"

Liu Jiaman was talking when the doorbell suddenly rang in the house.

The assistant at the side immediately walked to the door, and said loudly, "Sister Man, it's Jiang Liwen, Luo Wanglin, and Chen Guang."

"Oh? Why are they here? Did they come to ask me to play mahjong?" Liu Jiaman said to himself, and then said, "Let them come in."

These people are all her former poker friends. Before playing mahjong with Xu Jie, she often played games with these people. They are all neighbors, and it is more convenient to organize bureaus.


The door opened, and two men and a woman entered the room immediately after.

Liu Qing and Ding Mengni looked at the three people in surprise. In fact, they have been in surprise from ear to ear since the assistant revealed the names of the three people just now.

Jiang Liwen is not only the best actress, but also the best actress, super first-line star, and her status in the domestic film and television industry is not inferior to Liu Jiaman; Luo Wanglin is also a super first-line star, not only won the best actor in China, but also won the best actor abroad; As for Chen Guang, although he has not participated in many film and television dramas and has never won the title of actor, he is like a big brother in the Chinese music scene. He is one of the earliest four major singers in China.

"Yo, I've already played it." Jiang Liwen was the first to speak after seeing the situation in the house.

"I said why Jiaman didn't come to play with us recently. It turns out that he has new poker friends. Let me see who they are." Luo Wanglin said as he walked towards the mahjong table.

Although Chen Guang didn't speak, his eyes were full of curiosity, and he kept observing the other people on the mahjong table.

Liu Qing and Ding Mengni immediately stood up and greeted the three seniors who came in.

"Hello Miss Wen!"

"Hello, Uncle Luo, hello, Uncle Chen!"


Luo Wanglin and Chen Guang were stunned when they heard Liu Qing and Ding Mengni's address. They were about the same age as Jiang Liwen, and they were only five years old. How could they be called sisters and uncles?Although their seniority is very high, they are not happy at all.

"Brother Luo!" Luo Wanglin said with a serious expression, feeling old being called.

Ding Mengni is okay, after all, she has only been in the industry for a few years, it is easy to change her words, and there is no psychological burden, but Liu Qing is different, she was born as a child star, she started filming at the age of seven, and she and Luo Wanglin filmed together In the play, she was eight years old at the time, and the other party was thirty, so she called the other party's uncle in the crew.

"Luo, Uncle Luo, when I was eight years old, I filmed a TV series with you, and you asked me to call you uncle." Liu Qing said with a wry smile.

It seems that the other party has forgotten.

But it's normal, she didn't have many scenes in that drama.

"Aren't you Liu Qing?" Luo Wanglin was taken aback, stared at Liu Qing for a while, and suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment, "I remembered, you are Xiaoying, right?"

"Yeah." Liu Qing nodded, Xiaoying is the name of the character in the play,
"So Liu Qing, you were Xiaoying at that time." Luo Wanglin was also surprised.

Liu Qing, he knew, but he really didn't know that the other party was that kid back then.

Thinking of this, he felt even more depressed. Looking at the other party, he couldn't accept his old age.

"Hello, Teacher Jiang, Hello, Teacher Luo, and Hello, Teacher Chen." Xu Jie also stood up and greeted the three of them.

"Mr. Xu, although we haven't met, we have admired your name for a long time. You are much more handsome than those on TV." Jiang Liwen asked with a smile.

"Teacher Jiang is also prettier than on the screen." Xu Jie also complimented, and then looked at Liu Jiaman, "Sister Man, you have guests here, then we will go back first."

Now that the old card friend is here, it's better for him, the new card friend, to step aside quickly, lest Sister Man be said to have a newcomer and forget the old one.

"Don't!" Luo Wanglin said after hearing this: "I just heard that Mr. Xu is very good at playing mahjong, that's why you came here for the purpose of learning. If you leave, who shall I steal?"

"Yes, we are all here to steal the teacher, you play your tricks, don't worry about us." Chen Guang echoed.

"It would be even better if you are willing to teach us a few hands." Jiang Liwen said.

Xu Jie was taken aback, his fame has been worn into the ears of these movie kings and queens?
No deliberate promotion!

He couldn't help but look at Liu Jiaman, there was no one else here except Sister Man.

Liu Jiaman was also confused, and asked strangely: "Who did you listen to? I never told you."

"I'm listening..." Luo Wanglin glanced at Hu Jing, and saw that the other party was looking up at the lamp, obviously wanting to stay out of the matter, so he said, "I heard it from an extra actor by chance."

Hu Jing secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she just called these three people last night, asked about Xu Jie's situation, and told what she saw by the way, but unexpectedly these three people also came.

Liu Jiaman thought for a while, and this matter was really uncertain, so he said to Xu Jie: "Come on, sit down quickly, let's continue."

Xu Jie heard that since these people came to steal the teacher, even if he wanted to leave, he might not be able to leave, so he sat down and thought about taking down these three together.


(End of this chapter)

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