Chapter 864

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

Mahjong started again.

However, compared with just now, there are two more people behind Xu Jie, Jiang Liwen and Luo Wanglin. As for Chen Guang, it's not that he doesn't want to watch it, because he really has no place. In the end, he can only stand at Xu Jie's upper house, which is Liu Qing Next to him, let's see if Xu Jie is really good, or if the others are too weak. After all, ordinary players are also masters in Novice Village.

"Mr. Xu, your poker skills are well known to us. You can't just let us go and deny us the chance to learn just because we want to steal from you." Luo Wanglin said jokingly.

"Old Luo, aren't you taking advantage of my younger brother? How can anyone not pay tuition for studying?" Liu Jiaman said after hearing this.

"Haha, that's why it's called stealing a teacher." Luo Wanglin said cheekily.

"It's not that I discouraged your enthusiasm. My younger brother's card skills have reached a state of perfection and proficiency. Even if you see it, you can't learn it." Liu Jiaman said while playing cards.

She herself is the prime example.

In the small circle of playing mahjong before the entertainment, although she is not considered a master, she generally wins more and loses less. Even her personal disciple who listens carefully in class and studies hard after class has not learned three or four out of ten. Don't mention these people who lie on the window and steal the teacher.

If people like Luo Wanglin can learn it by just looking at it, then she will be a fart in this circle in the future, and just quit the circle, so as not to embarrass herself.

"That's not necessarily true." Luo Wanglin said confidently.

I thought: Isn't it just playing mahjong?What can you not learn?
The so-called card skills are nothing more than some card-playing skills, such as: "Cards pass in front of the door, it is better to touch one" "First play one, then play the lack, and then consider all" "Cards are drawn from a single card, discarding the card is the easiest to lose "Keep up with the family, punish the family, and keep an eye on the opposite family", after playing for a long time, you will understand it naturally.

Even if this president Xu is as amazing as Hu Jing said, he doesn't believe that his 20 years of experience in playing mahjong will not be able to learn the opponent's routines.

When Liu Jiaman heard it, she felt unhappy immediately. Doesn't this mean that she is stupid and can't learn?
"Brother, did you hear me, don't hold back your hand later." Liu Jiaman said while giving Xu Jie a wink.

She didn't want to be taken for a fool.

Xu Jie smiled lightly. Although he didn't speak, he nodded his head to express his understanding.

In fact, Luo Wanglin's words made him feel somewhat uncomfortable, as if he had no real skills.

Isn't that underestimating him?
He can humbly say that his card skills are trivial, but if others really think so, then he has to give them a little color.

Liu Qing who was on the side couldn't help crying in her heart after seeing the ruthless Sister Man and the serious Xu Jie.

It's over, and it's time to start moving bricks again.

The one surnamed Xu had just finished Erlian Tianhu, and was about to enter the Entertainment Bureau to start teaching. As a result, Luo Wanglin and the others came, and came as soon as they came, and wanted to steal the teacher without paying the tuition...

She, who pays the tuition fee, has not learned anything yet, and it is no wonder that she can steal it if she does not pay the tuition fee.

"Brother Chen, do you want to play two laps?" Liu Qing asked, looking at Chen Guang who was beside him.

"Although Qingqing respects the old and loves the young is a virtue, but you don't have to be polite when it comes to playing mahjong. You play your game and don't worry about me. I just came to take a look." Chen Guang said after hearing it.

If he really wanted to play, he could have another game with Luo Wanglin, Jiang Liwen, and Hu Jing, but he really didn't come here tonight to play mahjong.

Seeing that Chen Guang couldn't make it, Liu Qing could only continue to play cards, thinking: Who is being polite to you, I just don't want to play cards repeatedly.

As long as she can learn something, she will not give up her position, but how can she learn a lot from Tianhu?

Liu Qing sighed secretly, it was the first time that she felt that mahjong was boring, no, she felt that playing mahjong with Xu Jie was boring.

Xu Jie threw the dice and began to draw cards.

The first four cards were left unread on the table, and so were the next four.

Luo Wanglin, who was standing behind, was not in a hurry, as many veteran players did, they didn't look at the cards, they looked at them when they were all in one.

Soon, all fourteen cards were drawn.

It's just that he didn't see Xu Jie stand up the cards, but just put the cards one by one. After re-arranging, he took out a card from the third from the right and played it out.


The mahjong tiles landed.

Really a whiteboard!
Luo Wanglin was stunned.

Jiang Liwen was confused.

Chen Guang swallowed his saliva.

Even Hu Jing, who had gained some insight in the past two days, showed a surprised expression at this time.

Can you play without looking at the cards?
What kind of work is this?
Liu Qing, who originally had an expression of grievance, immediately sat up straight after seeing Xu Jie's new flower work, and her eyes opened big, round and bright.

Can you still fight like that?

It's almost like having clairvoyant eyes.

Even Liu Jiaman, who told Xu Jie not to stay behind, was amazed by Xu Jie's actions at the moment. He didn't expect the other party to show so many hands and still have something. What a treasure boy!

She drew a card and played a two-barrel.


As Xu Jie said, he turned over three cards, all of which were two cards, and then buckled one from the back, put it in the card, and then played a card.

"In red."

After two laps.

Ding Mengni played a nine-barrel after facing out the eight-barrel.


Xu Jie turned over three more cards.




The cards that Xu Jie had been holding in front of him were all turned upside down now, but they were all gongs, and they were all cones, and he held only one card in his hand.

For Liu Jiaman, Liu Qing, Ding Mengni and Hu Jing, the familiar formula and familiar taste had already happened once last night, but for Luo Wanglin, Jiang Liwen and Chen Guang, this was something serious, especially that The way of playing with the cards in his hands made Luo Wanglin, who was planning to steal the teacher before, directly learn to be lonely.

Can't even see the cards, learn a hammer?

"Touch yourself!"

Xu Jie caught a card, and then combined the remaining cards in his hand, forming two five-barrels.

Four bars all in one color!
"Excellent!" Liu Jiaman praised deliberately, then looked at Luo Wanglin and asked, "Lao Luo, what did you steal from me? Share it with us?"


Luo Wanglin blushed, and then smiled wryly, "I didn't even see it, how could I steal it?" Then he looked at Xu Jie and said, "I said Mr. Xu knew that I wanted to steal, but he didn't show me a single card. , you are too stingy, aren't you? They are all men, so be more generous."

"Ms. Luo, I'm not afraid of you watching, I'm afraid of Liu Qing watching. This woman has a lot of eyes and good eyes. She can often spot my cards, but since you want to see, then I won't hold it." Xu Jie dumped the blame on Liu Qing.


Liu Qing was taken aback.

Isn't this framing her?

When did she peek at other people's cards?
You can question her bad playing, but you can't question her brand!

"When do I..."

Just as Liu Qing was about to prove her innocence, her words were interrupted.

"What are you? Play poker more seriously, don't look around, I can fool you, as my master, you have an unshirkable responsibility." Xu Jie said seriously, and stopped the other party's mouth in time.

Liu Qing looked innocent after hearing this.

What does it have to do with her?
She is true to her family, but she didn't give the other party food. She just accidentally let the other party rob her once. In terms of responsibility, Sister Man is the most responsible, because Sister Man let the other party rob her twice.

But thinking about it, I definitely can't say it, otherwise wouldn't I offend Sister Man?
Well, I will bear it!
Who made us young actors?

Liu Qing thought to herself.

This is the fault of the blame, ah!
Xu Jie placed the cards, threw the dice again, and then began to draw the cards.

This time, the principle of "don't look at the cards, but look at them" is still adopted.

After drawing the fourteen cards, Xu Jie stood up the cards.

Luo Wanglin immediately cast his gaze over, and put the same ones together, Shunzi together, and ones of the same color... Wait!
Just as he sensed something was wrong, Xu Jie had already pushed down the cards.

"Heaven Hu!"

That's right, it is indeed Tianhu.

After a brief surprise, Luo Wanglin showed a wry smile on his face.

Before playing with the cards down, I didn't see anything, but now I finally waited until the opponent put the cards up, thinking that I could learn some card skills, but in the end, he just went crazy and saw another loneliness.

"Pretty!" Liu Jiaman extended a thumbs up to Xu Jie, giving her a long face.

And Liu Qing started to rub the cards silently.

She knew it would be like this.

Steal a teacher?

How could it be possible for you to succeed in stealing a teacher?

If it could be done, she and Sister Man would have done it a long time ago, and still need to pay the tuition?
"Lao Luo, what have you learned in this game?" Liu Jiaman looked at Luo Wanglin again and asked, she had a competition with Luo Wanglin today.

"Jiaman, didn't you see? Xu is always a fool, how do you want me to learn? If I had this luck, I would have bought a lottery ticket long ago." Luo Wanglin said.


Liu Jiaman laughed, and laughed very loudly, and in the end even made Luo Wanglin laugh so hard that his whole body was shaking.

"Why, what's the matter?" Luo Wanglin asked in confusion, he looked around, and finally his eyes fell on Hu Jing who called him last night.

I thought: Did I say something wrong?

Hu Qing shook his head, then sighed, feeling that Luo Wanglin at this time was the same as himself yesterday.

Of course, she also knew that Luo Wanglin couldn't be blamed for this matter. After all, the other party only watched two rounds. If she watched a few more rounds like her, she would know that it was definitely not as simple as luck.

"Old Luo, Lao Luo, it seems that you don't know anything about poker skills." Liu Jiaman laughed presumptuously. The friendship of more than [-] years is here, so she is not afraid of the other party's anger at all.

Luo Wanglin frowned when he heard it, not because he was angry with Liu Jiaman, but because he was very dissatisfied.

He has been playing mahjong for so many years, and he thinks his skills are fair, so why does he know nothing and become a novice?

"Jiaman, you can say that I don't have acting skills, but you can't say that I don't know how to play cards. We have played mahjong together for so many years, and I definitely won more times than you." Luo Wanglin said seriously, the subtext is: If I have nothing know, so what are you?Nothing?

"You are still not convinced?" After Liu Jiaman finished speaking to Luo Wanglin, she turned to look at Xu Jie and said, "Brother, let's play the dice again."

Xu Jie threw the dice and was about to draw cards according to the points, but Liu Jiaman took the lead. After she finished drawing, she drew four more cards after three hands.

In this way, no one else did anything, only Liu Jiaman grabbed all the fourteen cards that should belong to Xu Jie, and then put them down one by one.

The cards were a bit messy, but after Liu Jiaman simply put them together, seven pairs appeared in front of everyone.


Luo Wanglin looked dumbfounded.

This, isn't this Tianhu again?
Although Jiang Liwen and Chen Guang on the side didn't say anything just now, they also felt in their hearts that Xu Jie was able to make a fool of himself because of luck, but now seeing Liu Jiaman doing such a trick, anyone who still thinks it's luck is a fool.

"What about Lao Luo, are you still convinced?" Liu Jiaman asked triumphantly. Although this card should not belong to her, it feels really good to catch Tianhu.

Luo Wanglin nodded reflexively, and now he finally understood that the card skills Liu Jiaman and Hu Jing said were not the same thing as the card skills he understood.

The card skills he understands are the skills of playing cards, and the card skills Liu Jiaman talked about refers to thousands of skills.

"Just accept it!" Liu Jiaman was very satisfied with Luo Wanglin's attitude, as if Luo Wanglin was the one who served her.

Luo Wanglin looked at Liu Jiaman, then at Xu Jie, and suddenly said, "Mr. Xu, I watched your movie. It was really good. When will we have a chance to cooperate?"


Xu Jie was taken aback this time, he didn't expect Luo Wanglin's attitude to change so quickly, but it can be seen from this point that the other party is not only a smart person, but also a decisive person, unlike Hu Jing, what else does he need to listen to? , Doesn't this mean that you don't believe him?

"Jiaman, are you playing mahjong with President Xu these days to learn card skills from President Xu?" Jiang Liwen asked.

These people play mahjong, and they all have a fixed small circle. It is difficult for outsiders to enter. Even if they lead someone into the circle, they must first check whether the newcomer is qualified. big.

Recently, Liu Jiaman didn't play with them, but found someone else to play with. If there was no special reason, he definitely wouldn't have done that.

"Yes." Liu Jiaman nodded without denying it.

When Jiang Liwen heard it, since Mr. Xu is willing to teach Liu Jiaman, why not teach her?
Isn't it just making movies and TV shows?She can too.

"Mr. Xu, is there still a shortage of people for the TV series that Jiaman is filming? I also want to play a guest role." Jiang Liwen said.

Of course, it is false to want to play a guest role, but it is true to want to learn card skills. The reason why I say this is just to use the guest role to express my intention to learn card skills, which means: as long as you are willing to teach, I will be willing to act .

"Add me. Although I'm not a professional actor, it's okay to play a small role." Chen Guang said not to be outdone.

Everyone has learned it. If he doesn't learn it, wouldn't he just be a fool?
At this time, the actor, actress, and queen singer are like elementary school students. When they see their classmates learning their specialties, they have to learn them themselves. I don’t know if I like it or not.


(End of this chapter)

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