The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 865 Catching a Big Fish

Liu Qing was stunned when he looked at the best actresses and actresses who were rushing to sign up for the role.

In normal times, the director and the producer would take the script and ask them to act in the movie, but why is it the other way around today?
But after a brief surprise, Liu Qing began to get excited again.

If all these people join "The Legend of Lan Xi", will the ratings not rise to the sky by then?
This lineup, let alone filming a TV series, even if there is a table to play mahjong and broadcast, there will be countless audiences sitting in front of the TV to watch.

And as the heroine of the whole drama, she will undoubtedly benefit the most.

The stars hold the moon!

So, she immediately looked at Xu Jie and kept winking at the man. Seeing that he didn't look at him, she hurriedly kicked him under the table with her feet, signaling to quickly agree, after such a village, there would be no such store. Well, maybe after a while, people will calm down and stop learning, and turn to the Internet to find video lessons.

Xu Jie felt someone kicked him again, and in the direction of the kick was a murderous stare.

Really the emperor is not in a hurry, the eunuch is in a hurry!
If card skills are bait, then the surrounding people are fish.

Isn't the reason why he showed his talents just to lure these big fish?
Now that the big fish bites the hook, can he stop the rod?

"Teachers, how did you know that my TV series is still short of actors? There are just a few important roles that haven't been able to find suitable actors. If you are willing to play, that would be great." Xu Jie said with a smile.

In fact, the important characters in "The Legend of Lan Xi" have already found actors. The reason why he said this is mainly to find a suitable reason for both parties to cooperate.

As for the role, you can add it to it. If you really can't add it, then change the actor. After all, the influence of the best actor and actress is not comparable to that of ordinary young actors.

When filming "Lovers in Time and Space", didn't it bring a lot of heat and topics to the movie because of the friendly cameo of actress Liu Jiaman?

Now there are not only movie queens, but also movie kings and singers. "The Legend of Lan Xi" will definitely attract more attention.

The most important thing is that with these movie stars and actresses, the TV series will definitely be able to sell for a better price.

He is the behind-the-scenes boss of the investment company behind "The Legend of Lan Xi". The higher the price of "The Legend of Lan Xi", the more rice he earns.

As for future collaborations...

He never thought about it.

First, the next film and television project of Jingshi Culture has not yet been determined, and I don’t know that it will not start until the year of the monkey. Second, he has neither friendship nor familiarity with these film stars and queens. If they don’t use it now, these people will be busy in the future. , or what to do if you turn your face and don't recognize someone?Who should pay for the technology transfer fee?

Therefore, if you can use it now, use it now, let them play if there are characters, and let them play if there are no characters to create characters.
When everyone heard it, they all understood what Mr. Xu meant.

Isn't there such a word?The right to not use, expired and void.

The same sentence applies to the present situation.

Some people don't use it, and it may become invalid in the future.

No one can tell what will happen in the future, so if you meet someone who wants to repay on the spot, don't be embarrassed to accept it.

After all, these days, there are a lot of people who owe money and don't pay it back, let alone people who don't pay it back.

However, President Xu's words also gave them a reassurance, because if the other party didn't want to teach them card skills, they would not be assigned roles.

To be honest, if President Xu was very polite to them and said something like "If you don't act, I will teach you", they would still be worried, worried that the other party would hide and not teach the real thing, and now they don't need to worry.

"It's really better to come early than coincidence." Tamarind said with emotion.

"Maybe this is fate." Jiang Liwen said with a smile.

"Then can we start now? Is there a ceremony for apprenticeship or something?" Chen Guang asked excitedly, then looked at Liu Jiaman, wondering if the other party had any ceremony before learning card skills.

Hu Jing, who was on the side, was depressed and regretful at the moment. She clearly came here before Tamarind and the others, but she fell behind. She could have become a senior sister, but now she has become a junior junior sister.

It seems that sometimes thinking too much is not necessarily a good thing.

"I don't have to pay much attention to it. I usually play mahjong with Sister Man, and Hu Wan will do a review. When I talk, everyone can listen carefully." Xu Jie said simply.

"Teacher Xu, don't worry, I will listen carefully!" Chen Guang said solemnly, and even changed his name, not President Xu, but Teacher Xu.

Xu Jie nodded, then looked at Liu Jiaman, Liu Qing and Ding Mengni, and said, "Let's start over."

While shuffling cards, Liu Jiaman looked at Tamarind and others with a smile and said, "You only thank my brother, shouldn't you also thank me? If it wasn't for me, would you meet my brother?"

"Thank you, definitely thank you, I will give you a [-]% discount in the future." Tamarind said in a big voice.

Liu Jiaman glanced at the other party directly, what is the difference between a 0.99% discount and no discount?Multiplied by [-] she still feels tired.

"The discount is waived, just call me senior sister in the future." Liu Jiaman said.

"I also want to call you Senior Sister, but when I think that if we surpass you in poker skills in the future, wouldn't you be very embarrassed as Senior Sister? So for the sake of your face, I will not call you." Tamarind said eloquently.

"So, I also want to thank you for thinking of me and protecting my face?" Liu Jiaman frowned slightly.

"Thank you, you don't have to. In the future, when Teacher Xu comes to your house, don't forget to tell me." Tamarind said.

Liu Jiaman grabbed an orange and threw it.

Tamarind didn't falter, he stretched out his hand to catch it, then peeled it and ate it, saying, "Thank you!"


Liu Jiaman gritted her teeth fiercely, swearing in her heart that she would have to give the other party some color to see on the day she left the apprenticeship.

The game begins again.

In order to express his sincerity, Xu Jie came up as Tianhu, and then taught these people the skills when laying cards. Next, he did not look at cards in another round, and he also explained the tricks. It can be said that he was full of sincerity. ,nothing left.

Tamarind, Jiang Liwen, Chen Guang, and Hu Jing watched carefully and listened carefully. While they were amazed by Xu Jie's superb skills, they also admired Xu Jie's card skills.

Seeing something is one thing, but doing it is another.

And something like this looks so awesome, you don't have to think about how hard it is to do it.

Suddenly it was 9 o'clock.

"Okay, that's all for today. You can practice more when you have nothing to do." Xu Jie looked at Luo Wanglin and the others and said.

He only taught four tricks just now, and he was practicing most of the time. The reason why he didn't teach them all was that there was not enough time, and the second was to sway the appetite of these people and keep Tamarind and others hungry forever, otherwise all of a sudden they would be hungry. After he is full, who will ask him for food?
"Today is really eye-opening!" Tamarind sighed.

"Yeah, I've only seen it in movies before, but I didn't expect to see it in reality. It's wonderful!" Jiang Liwen was excited and even applauded Xu Jie.

"Mr. Xu, you said that in learning card skills, talent is more important, or diligence is more important?" Chen Guang asked curiously.

No way, the card skills shown by the teacher are really too powerful, and he has been doubting whether he can learn it or not during the course of listening to the class.

To be honest, he never doubted himself so much when he was filming for the first time.

After the others heard it, they all looked at Xu Jie, waiting for the other party's answer.

If talent is important, then they have to find a teacher to ask how their talent is, and if diligence is important, then go home and hurry up to practice.

Xu Jie looked at Chen Guang and the others, not knowing how to answer for a while.

In fact, the question of who is more important between talent and diligence has been discussed for thousands of years, but in his opinion, talent and diligence should not be greater than or less than, but a plus, talent plus diligence equals success .

Xu Jie thought for a while, then said: "Talent can determine your upper limit, and diligence can determine your lower limit, just like in the film and television industry, diligence can make a person a good actor, and talent determines whether a person can become the best actor. Top actors, in a word: don’t waste your talent, work hard if you don’t have talent, no matter what the final result is, as long as you don’t regret it.”

"Well said!" Liu Jiaman said loudly, then put his arm around Xu Jie's shoulder intimately, looked at Chen Guang and others and said, "How is it, my brother is good, right?"

"What brother, it's a teacher." After Chen Guang corrected him, he stepped forward and took Xu Jie's hand, and said enthusiastically, "Mr. Xu, how are you going home? Do you need me to drive you?"

When the others heard it, they were immediately anxious, where is this a gift?Obviously want to eat a small stove alone!

Isn't this a pot-eater?

"Mr. Xu, I am a veteran driver with more than 20 years of driving experience. I will see you off." Luo Wanglin is not to be outdone, and has the opportunity to eat a small stove alone. Who wouldn't want to eat it?
"Mr. Xu, my car is better than theirs, get in my car." Jiang Liwen is also a woman who doesn't want to be a man, and she doesn't want to miss out on good things.

Hu Jing, who was on the side, was in a hurry. She didn't have more than 20 years of driving experience, and her car was not that good. What should I do?

Seeing that Xu Jie was so popular, Liu Jiaman immediately regretted introducing Xu Jie to these people.

No, we must protect my brother.

"You've all been quarreled, my brother has a car!" Liu Jiaman dragged Xu Jie behind him, blocked Xu Jie, took out the spirit of a big sister, and said loudly, "My brother has to work tomorrow, Don't bother him. Besides, didn't he teach you a lot just now? Have you all learned it? What's the use of knowing more if you haven't learned it?"

When everyone thinks about it, yes.

I haven't digested what I heard just now, can I hear it again?
It's like eating. Eating too much is not only uncomfortable, but also easy to indigestion.

"Then we won't disturb Teacher Xu." Jiang Liwen said.

Tamarind and Chen Guang looked at each other and stopped insisting on giving them away.

"Then let's see you tomorrow." Xu Jie said to the movie stars and actresses, and then quickly left Liu Jiaman's house, for fear of being held back or talking to him alone.

The car starts and drives away slowly.

Xu Jie looked at Sister Man's house through the rearview mirror, he was relieved, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

I had a good harvest tonight. I caught a few big fish. Of course, it would be nice if I could catch big fish every day.

However, he still has a very important thing to do, and that is to revise the script and set some roles for several actors and actresses. This is also a way to maximize the effect of actors and actresses. method, if it is really impossible to place a role, then you can only settle for the next best thing, and let the actor and actress adapt to the role.

Since four characters need to be added this time, it is not only very difficult, but also the workload is very large, so Xu Jie called Qian Cheng directly in the car, it is time to show the advantages of the creative department.

"All... all... cards!"

Soon, the phone is connected.

"Mr. Xu, what instructions do you have?" Qian Cheng asked. He knew very well that at this time, Mr. Xu would not call him for no reason.

"Old Qian, you go to inform all the members of the creative department, and immediately go to the company's large conference room for a meeting." Xu Jie said.

Qian Cheng was stunned when he heard it. After working under Mr. Xu for so long, it was the first time that they were asked to return to the company to work overtime after get off work, and it sounded as if it was urgent.

"Okay, Mr. Xu, I will inform everyone immediately." Qian Cheng said quickly.

The more urgent the matter, the less he dared to delay.

More than 20 minutes later, Xu Jie arrived at the company.

When he came to the conference room, two employees of the creative department had already arrived.

Xu Jie knew where the employees lived, and it was impossible to gather everyone in a short period of time, so in order not to waste time and saliva, he picked up the whiteboard pen and directly wrote the content of the meeting tonight on the whiteboard.

"Add four characters to "The Legend of Lan Xi", two men and two women..."

Next, he wrote down the images and characteristics of Tamarind, Chen Guang, Jiang Liwen and Hu Jing for reference.

The staff of the Creation Department sitting in the conference room were all stunned for a while when they saw the content on the whiteboard.

Isn't the script of "The Legend of Lan Xi" already written?Even if it needs to be changed, it should be a change in the plot, and then find the actors according to the needs of the plot.

But now, it's all reversed, how could this be done?

Even if there are actors who bring money into the group, they should have taken a fancy to a certain role in the script and want to squeeze out the originally decided lead actor, such as the temporary addition of a role to someone, in the entire film and television circle. There are very few, and four are added all at once. How many plots and scenes must be added.

No one in the conference room dared to speak, and no one dared to ask. Calling them here so late must be a hard task and not negotiable.

It's just that they are a little curious, which four actors are so awesome, so that President Xu can temporarily modify the script and add roles for them?

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