As time passed by, more and more employees entered the conference room. When everyone saw what was written on the whiteboard, everyone was full of doubts.

"The Legend of Lan Xi" has already been launched, and suddenly you want to add characters to it?
If you add it, you will add it, and you will add four at once, and it will be fine if you add four.
Although in the filming process of film and television dramas, it is common to change the script, but most of them are small things. It is the first time that everyone has encountered such a big change as Mr. Xu requested.

Everyone doesn't understand why Mr. Xu is so tossed all of a sudden, why?

Did you see that everyone was idle and wanted to find something for everyone to do?

If the script was changed to keep improving, everyone would understand, but now these actions are not superfluous?
The late-comer looked at the early-comer, and the early-comer was also dazed, shaking his head to show he didn't understand.

for a long time.

As another employee walked into the conference room in a panic, Qian Cheng, the head of the creative department, also got up and came to Xu Jie's side, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Xu, everyone is here."

After hearing this, Xu Jie raised his head, looked around the conference room, then glanced at the clock on the wall, it was past ten o'clock, and it had been an hour since he notified Qian Cheng.

"Oh, I see."

Xu Jie nodded.

Qian Cheng also went back and sat down.

At this time, Xu Jie stood up and tapped on the table with his hand "dong dong dong". After everyone looked over, he said, "It's really embarrassing for everyone to call you here so late, I know. Some of you may have just arrived home, and some of you are on a date with friends. I'm here to say sorry, but you should know me too. If it wasn't for something very important, I wouldn't call you to the office so late. Yes, anyway, in my impression, this is the first time, so I hope everyone will not complain."

"No, Mr. Xu." Qian Cheng immediately took the place of all the staff in the Creation Department.

Complain about Mr. Xu?
What a joke.

Without President Xu, where would the creative department come from?

Besides, everyone can see how Mr. Xu usually treats the creative department, and he knows it well. How can he complain when Mr. Xu needs it?

"Yes, Mr. Xu, aren't you here too?"

"You're all here, why don't we come?"


Others followed Qian Cheng's position.

Mr. Xu works overtime as a senior executive of the company. What reason do they have to complain?
Complaints are largely due to injustice, but Mr. Xu leads by example and acts by himself. Even if someone complained before, but now, no one will complain anymore.

Seeing everyone's attitude, Xu Jie was very relieved, and continued: "Thank you for your understanding, but I think the most curious thing for you now is why I suddenly added a character to the script, right?"

Everyone nodded.

"I'll give each of you a chance to guess why I added a character to the script." Xu Jie sold off.

The purpose of his doing this is to mobilize everyone's emotions and stop worrying about working overtime. After all, no one wants to work overtime, including himself. …

As soon as everyone heard it, they immediately began to speculate.

"Bring capital into the group?" Someone asked.

And this sentence also represents the thoughts of most people.

Xu Jie smiled and shook his head, the crew was not short of money this time.

"Finally?" Someone asked.

Xu Jie shook his head again.

"Could it be a relative of a leader or boss?"

Xu Jie still shook his head.

When everyone sees that this is not right or that is not right, they are even more puzzled. Apart from the above three reasons, is there any other reason?

"Mr. Xu, don't give up, tell us quickly." Qian Cheng said with a wry smile.

Seeing that Xu Jie completely aroused everyone's curiosity, he said: "Actually, the reason is very simple. These four people can not only increase the topic and popularity of our TV series, but also sell more money for the TV series."

"Star? Big coffee?" Someone asked.

Xu Jie finally nodded this time.

He came to the whiteboard and wrote the names of the four characters in front of them.

The first one, Tamarind.

When everyone saw the name "Tamarin", the conference room immediately remembered the exclamation.

"Tamarin? Is it the international actor Tamarind?"

"Really? Are you kidding me?"

"How did Xu always invite Tamarind? This is too awesome, isn't it?"

Everyone felt incredible at the same time, and everyone seemed very excited. You must know that Tamarind is a super first-line star. As the other party, it is a proper role to put it in any film and television drama. Now Tamarind is actually going to join "Lan" Xi Chuan, what happened?
When Xu Jie wrote the second name "Chen Guang", everyone couldn't help exclaiming again.


"It turned out to be the King of Songs? Does the King of Songs also make a cameo appearance in our TV series?"

"The King of Songs has acted in film and television dramas. Although the role is not heavy, his acting skills are still good."

"What kind of ecstasy did President Xu use? How could he invite the singer Chen Guang to act?"

Soon, Xu Jie wrote the third person's name, Jiang Liwen.


The crowd couldn't take it anymore, and the voice was louder than before.

Invite another actress?
With Liu Jiaman, aren't there two actresses?

Xu Jie continued until he wrote the name of "Hu Jing" and stopped writing!

Everyone is crazy!
Some scratched their heads, some rubbed their eyes, some jumped up from their chairs, and some even pinched themselves.

"Three queens!"

"I'm not dreaming, right? Come on, who's going to pinch me!"

"Liu Jiaman, Jiang Liwen, Hu Jing, Tamarind, Chen Guang, three actresses, one actor, and one singer, what kind of fairy lineup is this?"

"Mr. Xu, today is not April Fool's Day, don't make fun of us!"

If it is only a super first-line star, everyone can accept it. After all, the actress Liu Jiaman was invited by President Xu, but now, four super first-line stars have suddenly appeared, and no one dares to believe it.

Xu Jie looked at the shocked people, returned to the conference table and sat down, and said, "Now you know why I called you so late?"

When everyone heard this, they nodded.

Not to mention four super first-line stars joining, even if there is only one super first-line star, it is worth their creative department to hold a meeting to customize a role for him. …

"From now on, we will create new roles for these four stars in "The Legend of Lan Xi" in the shortest possible time, which can neither affect the overall framework, but also add luster to the story. My personal opinion is to put They're in different units, so it's easier."

In one sentence, Xu Jie not only stated the task tonight, but also directly transferred the topic to the topic.

Now that everyone's here, it's time to discuss.

"Everyone can speak freely and don't have any concerns." Xu Jie said.

After everyone heard it, those who had ideas began to talk about their ideas, and those who had no ideas continued to look for ideas. Being able to design characters for the best actor and actress is full of motivation.

However, adding four characters to a mature script and story is no easy task.

The characters such as soy sauce are not good, and the important characters will be involved too much. If they are not handled properly, it may affect the whole plot.

Therefore, although there are a lot of people who put forward ideas, they often cannot stand to discuss them together, which also leads to very slow progress in the work. They are either thinking or on the way to thinking.

The discussion went on from the first midnight to the second midnight, and then from the second midnight to the early morning, and only two buckets of pure water were used for making coffee.

Until the sky saw the light, Xu Jie looked at the employees with dark circles and felt a little unbearable. He also knew that the increase in roles could not be discussed in one night, so he immediately announced the meeting and went out to eat breakfast if he was hungry. , sleep directly in the company if you are sleepy.

And he went back to the office to demonstrate the several characters he had written down.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside.


Xu Jie raised his head and saw Boss Jiang walking in from outside.

"Xiao Xu, I heard that you and the people from the creative department added an overnight shift? What's the situation?" Jiang Hai was puzzled, even a little anxious.

Normal overtime starts from get off work, but Xu Jie and the people in the creative department went to work in the company at 9 o'clock in the evening.

As far as he knows, due to some well-known factors, some employees of the company live in Yanjiao, and from Yanjiao to the company, even if you drive by yourself, it will take about an hour, let alone the bus or subway to change trains, so he thinks if it is not For the most important thing, Xiao Xu should not bother his employees like that.

"It's nothing, I just want to add a few characters to "The Legend of Lan Xi". My ability is limited, so I called all the people in the creative department." Xu Jie said simply, then got up and stretched his waist, maybe Because of the place that hasn't been moved for a long time, the various joints of the body make a "click" and "click" sound.

"Adding characters? Isn't the script of "The Legend of Lan Xi" already finished? Why did you suddenly add characters?" Jiang Hai asked in surprise.

Temporary addition of roles will not only disrupt the original shooting plan, but also affect the shooting cycle of the entire TV series, and even affect the broadcast time of the TV series.

"The official answer is: in order to make the story more exciting and make the TV series more attractive." Xu Jie replied.

"What about the unofficial answer?" Jiang Hai asked, thinking to himself: How come there are two sets of explanations for such a simple question? …

"The more stars you add, the more guaranteed the ratings." Xu Jie said.

"Which stars are they?"

Jiang Hai is very curious about these stars who can instruct Xiao Xu to play the role. You must know that Xiao Xu has managed many big-name stars.

"Jiang Liwen, Hu Jing, Tamarind and Chen Guang!" Xu Jie said, taking out his mobile phone and preparing to order takeout for breakfast.

I didn't eat much at Liu Jiaman's house last night, and after another busy night, my stomach was growling.

"What?" Jiang Hai's eyes widened, his expression unbelievable, and his expression was exactly the same as that of the employees who saw Xu Jie write the star's name last night.

Nowadays, many young people only pursue traffic stars, and they may not know much about these super-first-line stars, but for people of his age, it is like thunder. After all, the age of these stars is not much different from his, and he often used to Watching these people's movies can be regarded as a testimony of his transition from youth to middle age, which is similar to Liu Jiaman's position in his heart.

"Xiao Xu, is what you said true or false? How did you invite them?" Jiang Hai asked in surprise. Beijing TV did not have such a lineup for the New Year's Eve party.

"It's the same way to get Liu Jiaman." Xu Jie said lightly.

"Mahjong?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

Jiang Hai was speechless.

Do these big stars like playing mahjong so much?

"By the way, after you find so many movie stars, is the money in your account still enough?" Jiang Hai asked worriedly. The salary of the super first-tier stars is naturally the price of the super first-tier stars.

Liu Jiaman, Liu Qing, and Fang Yi, the three leading actors, have a total salary of more than 7000 million. Half of the total investment of 5000 million was directly spent. Now Jiang Liwen, Hu Jing, Luo Wanglin, and Chen Guang are invited. Can these movie queens and movie kings still have the money to continue filming?I'm afraid you won't be able to add chicken legs to tomorrow's box lunch, right?
"It doesn't matter. In order to share the risk, I brought in another company, which is the company that invested in "Lovers in Time and Space". At least another 6000 to [-] million?" Xu Jie said confidently.

He hasn't talked to Jiang Liwen and others about the remuneration, but he is teaching him card skills. At least he can't give him a teacher-student price?

"What do you mean, you want to sell it to Lao Lu for 5000 million?" Jiang Hai still remembers what Xiao Xu said, spending 5000 million and selling it for [-] million is not a big deal.

"To put it all together, three hundred million, this is only the first round of broadcasting rights, and there are also the broadcasting rights of this round and the network broadcasting rights..." Xu Jie said incessantly.

It is rare to invite so many super first-line stars to co-star in "The Legend of Lan Xi". Maybe there will never be such a fairy lineup in the future. If he doesn't take advantage of this time to make a lot of money, I'm sorry he stayed up last night. night.

He set a small goal for himself, this investment, at least half of the small goal should be earned.

Jiang Hai, who was listening on the side, swallowed a mouthful of saliva unconsciously, thinking to himself: This kid really dares to shout, and he is so courageous that even his own people are pitiful.

The first round of broadcast rights will be sold for [-] million?
Lao Lu is so scheming, can he be the big boss?

"Xiao Xu, isn't it a bit too cruel?" Jiang Hai was a little timid, mainly because he was afraid of Xu Jie playing off.

"It won't work if you're not ruthless, how can the company's performance improve quickly if you're not ruthless?" Xu Jie said.

Jiang Hai was slightly startled when he heard the word "performance".

Yes, I am now the general manager of Jingshi Culture. I just need to improve the company's performance. What does Lao Lu do?
It is said that the naming rights of "Ordinary Courage" can be sold for [-] million yuan, and it is not very expensive to sell [-] million yuan for the first broadcast of a TV series that gathers so many super first-line stars.

"Xiao Xu, come on, if you don't have enough money, tell me. If you don't have enough money, I don't dare to tell you. I'll give you tens of millions of dollars to solve the problem." Jiang Hai said vigorously.

"Thank you boss." Xu Jie said with a smile.

I thought to myself: If you approve it, how can I make money from this drama?


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