Xu Jie held another afternoon meeting at the company, and didn't realize it was past five o'clock until he received a work call from Lu Zhihong.

After listening to the other party's report on today's work on the set and the progress of the shooting, he announced to the people in the creative department that the meeting was suspended on the spot, and then he would eat dinner, and make up for his sleep, and then resume the meeting when he came back at more than nine o'clock.

Xu Jie left the company and drove to the villa area where Liu Jiaman was located. Because of his frequent visits recently and the celebrity effect, he was not blocked and let him enter directly.

It takes about an hour to drive from the studio to Sister Man's house. After Xu Jie parked the car in front of Sister Man's house, he expected the other party to return in half an hour, so he put down his seat and took the time to make up for sleep.

Time is precious, even 1 minute cannot be wasted.

I don't know how long it took, Xu Jie suddenly heard the sound of "bang bang bang" in his sleep.

He opened his eyes and saw Liu Jiaman standing outside the car, patting the window with his hands.

"Xu Jie? President Xu? Brother?"

Xu Jie sat up, touched two mouths with his hands, then opened the door and got out of the car, saying, "Sister Man, why did you come back? I've been waiting to fall asleep."

After speaking, I looked at the time on my watch, it was past six o'clock.

"During the rush hour, there is no way for the traffic jam on the road." Liu Jiaman explained helplessly.

To be in a hurry, she is in a hurry than anyone else. When there is a traffic jam in the middle, she can't wait to grow her invisible wings and fly home directly from the halfway. Maybe she has already played.

"By the way, why didn't you go to the studio today?" Liu Jiaman asked curiously.

"Hey, isn't this coming to the end of the year soon? There will be selections, parties, and special programs to be done. There are too many things to do. I will focus on handling them in the past few days, and it will be fine after a while." Xu Jie found a reason at will.

In fact, it's not that he doesn't want to go to the studio, but it takes more than two hours to go from the company to the studio. He really doesn't have that much time, and he doesn't want to waste time on the road.

"I thought you wouldn't come tonight." Liu Jiaman said.

Unless my wife comes back, no one can stop me from coming to Sister Man's house. "Xu Jie said solemnly.

"Hee hee, I love to hear what you say, but don't let the paparazzi know, otherwise I think I'm raising little fresh meat." Liu Jiaman said jokingly.

"I'm Xiao Xianrou? Haha, thank you Sister Man for your compliment. Originally, I wasn't confident in acting in a movie role. With Sister Man's words, the new four students must have my seat." Xu Jie said with a smile.


Liu Qing, who was behind him, looked like he was vomiting.

Four big students?

The four villains are about the same.

Xu Jie saw Liu Qing doing something wrong, glared at the other party and asked, "Why, do you have an opinion? Mengni, do you think I can do it?"

"Okay!" Ding Mengni nodded seriously.

This is not a compliment.

In her heart, Mr. Xu is simply omnipotent, and he is much more handsome than those super popular niche students now. This is the real man, and those are all bitches.

"Did you hear it?" Xu Jie looked at Liu Qing proudly and said, "This is the voice of the masses. The eyes of the masses are sharp, unlike you, who have no eyes."

After finishing speaking, he followed Liu Jiaman into the villa.

Liu Qing gritted his back molars angrily, didn't he just didn't like the script "Lovers in Time and Space"?It's been a little over a year. As for repeating it?
Small belly chicken intestines!

"Liu Qing!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Liu Qing was angry, so she turned around angrily, but when she saw the person calling her name, she was immediately stunned.

It turned out to be Jiang Liwen, Hu Jing, Tamarind and Chen Guang.

"Is this Mr. Xu's car? Is he here?" Tamarind pointed to the Range Rover on the side of the road. He remembered that the other party drove away in this car last night, but he didn't pay much attention to the license plate number.

"Yes, Uncle Luo, he's here, he just entered." Liu Qing replied respectfully.

Although traffic is king in today's entertainment industry, in front of these super-first-line stars, traffic is nothing but a cloud, and the status of these people in the circle cannot be shaken by traffic. In front of the actor and actress, they are still just ordinary juniors.

How can people who go up the mountain have the right to challenge the gods who go down the mountain?

"I've already said it, it's called Big Brother Luo." Tamarind emphasized again that people are not satisfied with their old age when they are middle-aged, and even more so with celebrities.

"Oh, I understand Uncle Luo." Liu Qing blushed, a little embarrassed.

"Ha ha!"

Chen Guang, who was on the side, smiled and couldn't close his mouth, and he didn't forget to insert a knife: "Lao Luo, don't pretend to be tender, and recognize the reality."

Luo Wanglin looked helpless. He also knew that this was a memory that Liu Qing had brought up since he was a child, and it was difficult to change it, so he sighed depressedly and said, "Oh, forget it, call it whatever you like."

After hearing this, Liu Qing secretly breathed a sigh of relief and asked her to change her name to Big Brother to someone who had been called Uncle since she was a child. Not only was she uncomfortable, but she was also uncomfortable.

Jiang Liwen came over, stretched out her hand and gently hugged Liu Qing's shoulder, and comforted him gently: "Don't worry about him, he likes to pretend to be tender."

When Luo Wanglin saw that he was exposed, he was like Jiang Liwen, and then walked to the gate of Liu Jiaman's house, shouting loudly as he walked, "Jiaman, we're here to eat."

"You came early, and dinner has to wait for a while." Liu Jiaman said, because they were old friends, she didn't entertain them, and went upstairs to change clothes.

"Wait a while, just wait for a while, I just have something to ask Mr. Xu." Luo Wanglin walked quickly to Xu Jie's side, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, I went home and practiced for a long time last night, but I always couldn't do it well. , apart from what you said, is there any trick? Is it a quick way to advance?"

He went home and practiced until midnight last night, not to mention progress, not even the slightest result.

When Mr. Xu was teaching, he said that his hands must be steady and precise. As a result, his hands were like prosthetic limbs, and in the end he even doubted whether it was his own.

Chen Guang, Jiang Liwen, and Hu Jing were in the same situation as him. This is why the four of them came so early, because they wanted to have more time to consult with Teacher Xu.

"Brother Luo, didn't I tell you the trick last night?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously. Could it be that the other party didn't listen carefully during his class?
"But when I practice according to your tricks, it always doesn't work. Are there other tricks?" Tamarind asked. …

In order to prove that this trick is really not suitable for him, and to prove that he really listened carefully in class, he also came to the mahjong table to demonstrate it, and in the end, Chen Guang and others on the side laughed.

"Lao Luo, is that your fake hand?" Chen Guang opened his mouth to run.

"Don't be rude, have you learned it? You will come." Tamarind said angrily.

"I won't, but I have the right to speak." Chen Guang said confidently.

Tamarind is angry, can he still be friends?
"Brother Luo, it's not that my trick doesn't work, it's that you haven't practiced it properly, as the old saying goes: practice makes perfect, skill makes great, and great is the so-called trick, you haven't even done the first step, so what? Can you master the trick?" Xu Jie could see the problem at a glance.

How is it possible to want to master the know-how of poker skills without diligent practice?

Not to mention no talent, even if you have talent, you have to practice hard.

He remembered saying something similar when he was leaving last night, but it turned out that it didn't work after only a few hours of practice. Did the other party misunderstand the word "diligence"?
"You don't even know how to walk, but you want to learn to run? Why don't you practice flying?" Liu Jiaman walked downstairs at this time, looked at Tamarind who was sitting at the mahjong table and said, "I've been practicing for a few months. You're only a little successful, you want to learn it after practicing for a few hours? Do you look down on me, or do you look down on the card skills my brother taught you?"

"No, I definitely didn't mean that." Tamarind shook his head quickly.

When others heard that Liu Jiaman was hanged and beaten by Xu Jie after practicing for a few months, they couldn't help being a little disappointed, but they were not as anxious as before.

It seems that practicing card skills can't be rushed.

If you want to speed, you can't reach it.

The assistant instructed the property staff to bring the food to the table, and the eight people sat around and ate together.

Xu Jie didn't eat at noon, so he didn't need Liu Jiaman to urge him, he took up his rice bowl and ate it in big gulps.

"Mr. Xu, can I ask you a question?" Jiang Liwen looked at Xu Jie and asked.

"Ask." Xu Jie said while eating.

"How long have you practiced to get to this state?" Jiang Liwen asked.

Not only Jiang Liwen, but other people also appeared very curious when they heard it, only Liu Qing was not curious because she had heard of it.

"Me?" Xu Jie chewed the meat in his mouth twice and swallowed it into his stomach, then said, "I don't know how many years I have practiced, anyway, I used mahjong as a toy when I was born. You should also know that everything is easy to practice when you are young, and the older you get, the harder it is.”


Everyone listened to the five flavors.

According to the meaning of the other party, wouldn't they be able to transcend in their entire lives?
Forget it, if you can’t surpass it, you can’t surpass it, and if you can reach six or seven out of ten, it will be done.

Tamarind sighed after hearing this, wondering why his mother didn't play mahjong with him when he was a child.

Sure enough, everything has to start with the doll.

Education is so important.

After eating, Liu Jiaman couldn't wait to sit at the mahjong table. Only by sitting here can she feel happy.

Ding Mengni looked at the actors and actresses standing around the mahjong table. She was really embarrassed to sit down, so she said, "Mr. Luo, Mr. Chen, Mr. Jiang, Mr. Hu, whoever wants to play can sit with me."

"I also have a place here." Liu Qing also said.

It's not that she doesn't want to play, but that she was disgusted by Xu Jietian yesterday, and she doesn't want to move bricks today, so she can only concentrate on learning card skills.

"Xiao Ding, Liu Qing, you are playing your game, don't worry about us." Jiang Liwen waved his hands again and again.

"Yes, it's only for being abused when going up. It's better to stand behind Teacher Xu and see clearly, so that bystanders will be clear." Luo Wanglin also said.

Playing mahjong is an experience.

And last night's live teaching, although it was very lively, both Tian Hu and Blind Hu, but for the other participants, there is no experience at all, so it is better to watch on the side and concentrate on observing Xu The method used by the teacher in practice.

Hu Jing saw Ding Mengni standing in the same place hesitating, she pushed the opponent directly, and pressed the person to the seat. The purpose of their coming here was to learn card skills, not to play mahjong.

Just like learning to drive, the theory has not yet been understood, how can it be practiced?

"Don't be polite, just sit down and start." Liu Jiaman said while rubbing mahjong: "Meng Ni, Liu Qing, you don't need to worry about them, if they want to play, they will already play, and you don't need to let them. "

Liu Qing sat down and thought: I'm not being polite, I'm really tired of building walls.

The four sat down and the game began.

Today is still the entertainment and teaching bureau, playing cards first, then reviewing the game, focusing on teaching.

However, this approach is very time consuming.

Originally, a game could be finished in three to five minutes, but now it takes more than ten minutes to review the teaching, and it takes more time when someone asks a question.

From less than seven o'clock to nine o'clock, for a total of more than two hours, only eight games were played.

This is also for learning, if it is for fun, a bad temper can make people anxious.

After Xu Jie left from Liu Jiaman's house, he drove back to the company in a hurry, and once again devoted himself to discussing the role with the staff of the creative department.

For him, this is a top priority.

Whether "The Legend of Lan Xi" can make a fortune depends on the results of the meeting.

Five days passed in the blink of an eye.

With everyone's hard work day and night, the four characters were finally added and the script was revised.

It's not that Xu Jie is unfriendly and doesn't let everyone rest, it's really that time waits for no one.

The crew is filming every day. If the characters are not added in time, it will not only affect the next filming tasks, but even stop work in serious cases.

So after the work was completed, Xu Jie directly gave everyone two days off, which could be regarded as a kind of compensation.

this night.

Xu Jie drove to Liu Jiaman's house as usual. Compared with usual, this time he brought a briefcase with the actor's employment contract in it.

Class, he has taught, it is time to charge tuition.

"Teacher Xu!"

While shouting, Tamarind walked towards Xu Jie quickly.

His home is not far ahead, and standing on the top floor can just see Liu Jiaman's home.

In the past few days, at this time, he would come to the top floor to drink coffee while watching the scenery. As soon as he saw Xu Jie's car, he would immediately go downstairs and go this way.

"Brother Luo, you seem to be in a good mood today, is there any happy event?" Xu Jie looked at the excited Tamarind with a hint of joy in his brows.

Could it be that you are old enough to have children?

"You see it all?" Tamarind was slightly startled, and then said excitedly: "Or you are right, even if you have talent, you have to work hard. After a few days of continuous practice, I found that I got a bit of a trick. Now, when I practice shuffling cards today, I can control up to six cards with one hand, so I can learn at a good speed.”

"Well, yes, it seems that Big Brother Luo still has talent." Xu Jie praised the other party.

"Is that so? I think so too, haha." Tamarind laughed, a little carried away.

Xu Jie saw Tamarind's happy look, it seemed that it was time to get down to business.


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