The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 868 Friendship Price

"By the way, Big Brother Luo, when you said you wanted to participate in my TV series, did you really have such an idea, or was it just a whim and just talking about it?" Xu Jie asked Luo Wanglin tentatively.

Before signing the actor employment contract, he must ask clearly about some things, such as remuneration, but if he directly takes out the actor employment contract, it will inevitably give people a sense of business, so he is ready to listen to the other party first. The truth is, maybe I can play the emotional card and save a little salary. After all, the landlord's family doesn't have much surplus food.

"Huh? Why do you suddenly ask that?" Tamarind asked with a smile, the whole person seemed to be immersed in the joy of improving his card skills.

"Brother Luo, didn't I tell you that there are a few important roles that have not yet been decided on the actors? The scenes of these roles are about to start shooting. If you are just talking about it, then I have to find the actors quickly. If you If you really want to participate, I will send you the script first, so you can join the group in a few days." Xu Jie said.

"Oh? So fast?" Luo Wanglin was taken aback.

He thought that the other party was just talking, how could an important role not be auditioned in advance?Didn't expect it to be true.

When Xu Jie saw the expression on Tamarind's face, his heart sank.

This man won't go back, will he?

Wasn't he busy this week in vain?

However, since the other party is an actor, and there were so many people on the scene that night, shouldn't he go back on it?
"The progress is already very slow. If it weren't for playing mahjong with Sister Man, the crew would not have finished work so early, and the progress should have been faster." Xu Jie said.

After listening to this, Tamarind laughed directly, put his arm around Xu Jie's shoulder and patted, and said, "It's really not easy for you, you have to be in charge of the production work in the crew, and you have to accompany Jiaman to play mahjong outside the crew, thank you for your hard work. Now, as for this TV series, I'm definitely going to do it. I can't let you, Mr. Xu, teach me in vain, right? But you also know that there are many activities in the entertainment industry at the end of the year, so I'll give you my itinerary for the last two months. , as long as it is a day when there is no event marked, I will be there whenever I am called.”

Today's entertainment industry is dominated by little fresh meat. Although an old bacon like him is famous and has a high status, compared with those little fresh meat, no one else is busy.

I heard that many Xiao Xianrou’s schedules are scheduled for one year later, and he, it is very good to have a work in two years, most of the time he is resting, and a few times he will participate in some parties and business activities. Of course, this is It also has a lot to do with his picky script. Without a good script, he would rather not act.

"Thank you Big Brother Luo for your support, look at the remuneration..." Xu Jie stopped here, he wanted to know what the other party thought about the remuneration.

Teaching card skills is teaching card skills, and the salary is salary. He used the teaching skills in exchange for the other party's agreement to appear in "The Legend of Lan Xi", so the salary should still be given.

Just like Liu Jiaman.

Card skills are taught, and the remuneration cannot be less.

"Pay? Do I have a lot of roles?" Tamarind asked.

"The role you are going to play is one of the protagonists of a certain unit. There are not many scenes, and it can be completed in about ten days." Xu Jie thought for a while and said.

"I usually leave things like performance contracts and remuneration to my agent, but with our relationship, it definitely doesn't need to be so troublesome. How about this? I'll give you a friendly price, 50 a day, how about it?" Luo Wanglin didn't go around in circles, and straightforwardly quoted a salary.

"Okay, okay, thank you Big Brother Luo." Xu Jie happily agreed.

This salary is far lower than his expectations.

You must know that the first- and second-tier artists invited by "Delicious History" have a daily salary of 100 million, not to mention the actor like Luo Wanglin, whose daily salary of 50 is definitely cheap.

Calculated in ten days, after filming Luo Wanglin's scene, you need to pay 500 million, plus the other three, the total is 2000 million.

Although it has increased unexpected expenses, these four people can bring him far more than 2000 million yuan in income, so the money spent is definitely worth it.

Not to mention 50 a day, even if it is 100 million a day, he will pay this money.

Now look at the other four.

However, with Tamarind as an example, I believe that the asking prices of the other three are not much higher.

"You're welcome, we're not outsiders, can I let you call Big Brother Luo in vain?" Tamarind said with a smile.

Xu Jie also laughed.

The other party looked like a man of attention.

It seems that he really didn't call Brother Luo in vain, at least 500 million was left for the crew.

Xu Jie was about to mention about the actor's employment contract when he suddenly saw Jiang Liwen and Hu Jing walking here together. Just when the two actresses walked in front of him, he saw Chen Guang standing on the balance car from a distance. Come on, fortunately there is still a little light in the sky, if this is at night, wouldn't it be mistaken for A Piao?

"Mr. Xu, Lao Luo, what are you talking about so happily?" Jiang Liwen asked curiously.

I thought to myself: Could it be that Teacher Xu gave Lao Luo a small stove alone, right?
"You came just in time..." Luo Wanglin looked at the three old friends and said, "The TV series in charge of Mr. Xu has been filming for several days, and several important roles have not yet been found. Are you ready to play, anyway, I have already I've agreed with Teacher Xu, and I'll join the group in a few days."

Jiang Liwen and others heard Lao Luo's words, and then they remembered the filming. Since they have already agreed, how can they go back?

What's more, Lao Luo has already set an example. If they go back on their word, how can they learn card skills from Teacher Xu in the future?

"I'm fine, I can do it anytime." Chen Guang said.

In his opinion, acting is an after-school hobby, and there is no reason to refuse when someone finds him and pays him back.

"Me too, as long as you notify me a few days in advance and don't conflict with my itinerary." Hu Jing answered quickly this time without any hesitation.

In fact, before today, she had already thought about it, as long as the other three were genuine, he would follow suit. As for the quality of the script, there was absolutely no need to worry about it. The book that Liu Jiaman took over would be so bad. ?
"It's the first time we've known each other for so many years, Mr. Xu, thank you for giving us this opportunity." Jiang Liwen looked at the other three.

In fact, they have worked together before, but it's just two people. For example, she, who has filmed with Tamarind before, and Hu Jing, who has partnered with Chen Guang once, but it is the first time for the four of them to film together.

By the way, I have to add another Liu Jiaman.

This lineup, ordinary people really can't afford it.

"Well, that's right." Chen Guang nodded, thinking about it, he thought it was quite interesting. It didn't feel like filming, but like a gathering of old friends.

"That's great, with everyone's participation, I think this TV series will be even more exciting after the filming. By the way, about everyone's remuneration..." Xu Jie wondered if Chen Guang and others thought the same as Tamarind. So there is no direct quotation.

He was worried that if the report was low, the hearts of the three would inevitably be unbalanced, but if the report was high, Tamarind would definitely feel uncomfortable, so he handed over the initiative again.

After Jiang Liwen heard it, she was a little embarrassed to speak. After all, this kind of thing has always been handled by the agent, and then the agent will discuss with her privately.

Hu Jing also showed a hint of embarrassment, thinking about it and thinking about it, she didn't know what to say.

If you say too much, the other party will think that she is a Leo. If you say too little, you will feel disadvantaged. The most important thing is, let others say the price?

Alas, the old problem has been made again.

Chen Guang, who was on the side, was also hesitant. He was worried that the salary would not be appropriate and he would lose his qualifications to study.

At this time, he suddenly thought of what Lao Luo said just now, saying, "I have already agreed with Teacher Xu." This agreement should include the salary.

"Lao Luo, what's your salary, tell us for a reference." Chen Guang asked.

It is a very abrupt and impolite behavior to ask someone's salary in person, just like asking about the salary between colleagues, everyone is very taboo.

However, he and Luo Wanglin have been good friends for 30 to [-] years, and they have nothing to say in private, including the salary issue. I think it was Lao Luo who introduced him when he made his first movie.

"Mr. Xu and I hit it off right away, and he opened my eyes again, so I gave him a friendship price of 50 a day." Luo Wanglin replied truthfully.

50 a day?

Chen Guang was startled when he heard it, this is really a friendship price.

Not to mention how much Lao Luo's salary is, Lao Luo's commercial performance fee alone is several times that, and commercial performances usually only need to show up for an hour or two.

Although Jiang Liwen and Hu Jing were also a little surprised, they were still able to accept this remuneration, because in the film industry, the remuneration of actresses has always been lower than that of male actors, and even far lower than that of TV drama actresses, so Tamarind gave The friendship price is the normal price for them.

"I'm a monk halfway through, and my acting skills are incomparable with Lao Luo's. I'll take half of Lao Luo's, 25 a day, okay, Mr. Xu?" Chen Guang asked Xu Jie.

Xu Jie was stunned.

Not to raise prices, but also to lower prices?
OK, that's great.

It seems that these super first-line stars are not short of money, and they are easier to satisfy than he imagined.

Jiang Liwen saw that Chen Guang took the initiative to lower the salary, and she felt embarrassed to join Luo Wanglin, so she said: "The salary of the female lead is not as good as that of the male lead. I will take 40 a day and make friends with Teacher Xu."

Hu Jing originally wanted to say 50, but when she heard that Jiang Liwen wanted 40, she immediately changed her words and said, "I'm the same as Liwen, is it okay?"

"No problem, no problem at all, I will send you the script and the information about the roles you will play now. As for the actor employment contract, I will prepare it for everyone as soon as I arrive at the company tomorrow." Xu Jie said happily.

As one of the investors, he naturally hopes that the lower the cost of TV dramas, the better.

As for the actor employment contract prepared in advance in the car, it is no longer needed, because the price written on it is high, so the contract needs to be revised and reprinted.


Suddenly, a car honked its horn.

It was Liu Jiaman's car, and behind it were Liu Qing's nanny car and Ding Mengni's nanny car.

"You came early enough." Liu Jiaman said after getting off the bus.

"Isn't this hungry? I'm in a hurry to eat." Xu Jie replied.

When a person is in a good mood, his appetite will widen, and he thinks he can eat at least two bowls of rice tonight.

"Oh? Do you think the food in our community cafeteria is delicious? Do you and Su Yun want to move here?" Liu Jiaman asked, starting to get excited after thinking about it.

If the other party can move here, it will be more convenient to play mahjong in the future, and it will also be convenient to learn card skills.

"Sister Man, I'm just hungry, and when my wife is at home, she cooks for me every day, so I don't need to order takeout." Xu Jie said.

No matter how capable the cooks here are, can the food be as delicious as Su Yun's?Certainly not.

At least he thought so.

"Speaking of eating, why do you still sprinkle dog food?" Liu Jiaman said angrily, now is her window period, so Xu Jie's invisible show of affection made her jealous.

"I didn't sprinkle dog food, didn't I just say it casually?" Xu Jie smiled and thought at the same time: I'm allowed to talk about buying a house, and I don't need to talk about cooking?

Strictly speaking, the other party's topic is more biased.

"Okay, hurry into the house, the wind is a little cold." Tamarind put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked shiveringly towards the door.

This year's autumn doesn't feel like much, and it transitions directly from summer to winter.

The leaves did not know when they turned yellow, and quietly fell to the ground, feeling that they could wear a down jacket.

After Xu Jie finished eating one bowl, he filled another bowl.

Such behavior made Liu Jiaman very unhappy, because it was a waste of her time.

A bowl of rice, at least one less game.

"Did you not eat during the day?" Liu Jiaman couldn't help asking.

In fact, she is still very envious of each other in her heart. Although the movie is popular, she has no idol burden at all. She eats what she should eat, and eats more if it tastes good. Unlike actors like them, who dare not eat it, then dare not eat it.

"It's good for people to eat more." Xu Jie said.


Liu Jiaman's mouth twitched and turned to look at Tamarind and Chen Guang, trying to drive these people away.

Xu Jie said while eating: "Sister Man, don't worry, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, or you can play two games for me, just in time to test your learning results, and I will guide you."

Luo Wanglin and others did not intend to play, but when they heard that they could get the guidance of Teacher Xu, they immediately started to move.

The four of them looked at each other, none of them wanted to, and they saw desire in each other's eyes. It was like learning to drive. After watching the instructor's demonstration for a few days, it was finally their turn to get into the car and practice. Who is not excited?
"Ladies first!" Jiang Liwen said first, and then found a helper and looked at Hu Jing, "I will play two games first, and then you will play two games, how about it?"

"Okay." Hu Jing nodded.

However, Chen Guang did not think so.

"No, everything should be fair. I think rock-paper-scissors is the fairest. What do you think, Lao Luo?" Chen Guang also brought in a helper.

"Yes, the original meaning of women's priority should be to respect women, but the word priority is discriminatory and disrespectful. Why should women be given priority? Do you think women are weak? Isn't this looking down on women? I don't It would disrespect women." Tamarind said solemnly.

"Okay, okay, don't agree if you don't agree, why are there so many fallacies?" Jiang Liwen said angrily, then put her hands behind her back, "Come on, rock-paper-scissors."

The other three immediately began to prepare, some clenched their fists, some clenched their fists, and some put their hands in their pockets, for fear of being seen by others.


All four hands stretched out at the same time.

One scissors, three cloths, Jiang Liwen won.

"Hee hee, how is it, do you take it now?" Jiang Liwen said proudly, "This is life, I am the daughter of heaven."

Then he sat where Xu Jie usually sat.


Chen Guang pretended to vomit.

Although they should be willing to admit defeat, but who can truly balance their hearts?
"Teachers, my mother is chatting with me, or else you have another piece of rock-paper-scissors, whoever wins will play two games for me?" Ding Mengni whispered.

Chatting with mom is fake, but giving position is real.

She could see it. In the past, Mr. Xu didn't speak, and none of these four movie stars and actresses dared to come to the table rashly. Now that Mr. Xu has spoken, who doesn't want to try how many pounds and two taels for himself?
Tamarind, Chen Guang, Hu Jing, the three of them looked at each other, and all kept their hands behind their backs.


One cloth, two stones.

Chen Guang won.

He raised his hand high, then walked towards the card table, and said arrogantly: "Make way, the Son of Heaven's Chosen is here."


Jiang Liwen also vomited, and used her own way to treat her own body.

Liu Qing refused because she felt that this was a good opportunity to exercise and test herself.

Although I have been playing with Xu Jie a few days ago, but I have no sense of experience at all, but now it is different, I can't beat Xu Jie, can I still beat these people?After all, she is the real big sister.

So, Liu Jiaman, Liu Qing, Jiang Liwen, and Chen Guang formed a table and began to shuffle the cards.

Xu Jie was curious about how the four would fight together, so he put some meat in the bowl, then came to the mahjong table and stood behind Liu Jiaman.

Some people think that playing mahjong only starts after drawing thirteen cards, but for him, playing mahjong has already started the moment the cards are shuffled.

The four of them obviously had their own ghosts, and none of them said anything, just kept their heads down, their eyes fixed on the mahjong tiles that were being tossed on the table.

Since they are from the same master, the idea is the same. Everyone is looking for the cards they want when shuffling the cards, such as pair, leopard, Kong, Yao and so on.

But then, the problem also followed.

For example, there are two people who are eyeing the same card, or the same type of card. Everyone wants it, but no one wants it.

Coupled with the unskilled shuffling skills, the result is...

After half a minute of rubbing, the four of them are still rubbing cards!
Xu Jie was speechless, not even the meat in the bowl felt fragrant.

Is this playing mahjong?Are you still playing mahjong?

Did he teach that?

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