After some scramble, the mahjong was finally set.

As the dealer, Chen Guang proudly picked up the dice and threw it into the city wall, but when he saw the points, he was stunned.

3 points.


This is awkward.

He spent a lot of energy to put the row of mahjong in front of him, but in the end, he had to start from others. In this way, when he caught his side, wouldn't it become a single card?The double and bar prepared before, aren't they all in vain?

These days, I have been practising playing cards, not rolling dice.

If the dice can't be thrown accurately, what's the use of laying the cards well?
Can't touch it!

Alas, careless!
Chen Guang sighed secretly.

Liu Jiaman, who was sitting opposite the door, laughed immediately after seeing the points.

Doesn't this mean putting the initiative in her hands?
"Old Chen, thank you!"

While deliberately angry with Chen Guang, Liu Jiaman reached out and picked up the dice on the table. She looked down at the city wall in front of her, recalled the location of the good cards, and then threw the dice into the city wall.


Liu Jiaman prayed silently in her heart.

If you can throw 6 points, then add the 3 points thrown by Chen Guang before, and the total is 9 points. When Chen Guang and Jiang Liwen finish drawing and it is her turn to draw, the four cards are exactly two pairs. .

The dice rolled under the gazes of the crowd, and soon stopped.

Both dice are 6 points up.

It is 12 o'clock.

The expression on Liu Jiaman's face, who was still triumphant just now, froze instantly, and then the whole person was completely wilted like a deflated ball.

It's over, happy early.

12 plus 3 is 15. When it's her turn to catch, it's time to catch Liu Qing.

How could this be so?
At this moment, Liu Qing was not only not happy, but also very worried, staring at the city wall in front of him and counting silently.

'There is one hand left by Sister Man, which is just enough for Uncle Chen to catch. On my side, first Sister Liwen's hand, then Sister Man's hand, and then myself...'

Liu Qing looked at it, her brows furrowing involuntarily. If she did not make a mistake, then the couples and leopards that had been arranged before would be caught by Uncle Chen and Sister Man, and she herself just succeeded. Skip those few good cards.

This, isn't this the same as making wedding dresses for others?
I had the courage to fight for a long time with the actor and actress, but in the end, I still got nothing.

Also depressed is Chen Guang.

When laying out the cards, he had even thought about the wonderful picture of his hand. Normally three kong and one self-draw, and the last time was a luxurious seven pair. However, he didn't expect that he would fall in the stage of throwing dice before he drew a card.

Now it seems that shuffling and drawing cards are all secondary. The first practice should be to throw the dice. If the dice are not thrown correctly, no matter how well the cards are placed, you will not be able to touch them.

"Old Chen, what are you doing? Draw the card!" Jiang Liwen urged.

Chen Guang regained his senses after hearing this, and then reluctantly went to draw cards, hoping that this round would end soon and the next round would start sooner.

Be careful when throwing dice in the next round.

Because he couldn't control the number of dice, Liu Jiaman felt a little unhappy in his heart. He didn't expect that he could control seven or eight cards by shuffling the cards, but he would fall on the simple throwing of the dice.


However, as she held on to it, the unpleasantness in her heart began to slowly recede, turning into a hint of surprise, which then turned into a surprise.

This card is good!

First hand, two pairs.

The second hand, or two pairs.

In the third hand, although there is no pair, it forms a leopard with the previous pairs.

After all 13 cards are drawn, there are a total of one leopard and three pairs in the hand. Although the remaining few cards are random cards, as a starting card, this card face is quite good.

While secretly rejoicing, Liu Jiaman raised his head and glanced at Liu Qing, the next player. Those pairs were all drawn from the opponent's cards.

It seems that the other party is also doing a good job when laying out the cards, and she is picking the fruits of the other party's labor.

"Qingqing, it seems that you don't practice less often." Liu Jiaman said that he was able to make so many pairs. It seems that the other party also practiced less often in private.

"No, no!" Liu Qing said with a wry smile.

No matter how much you practice, it’s all for others, so what’s the use?
Xu Jie looked at Liu Jiaman's card and Liu Qing's card, and immediately understood what Sister Man meant.

This is to praise Liu Qing's shuffling skills.

It's just that there are some mistakes in this technique. Others kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred, while Liu Qing loses eight hundred without killing one enemy.

What spirit is this?
It's simply dedication.

And do good deeds, not to be named.

"Don't tell me, none of you have practiced throwing dice." Xu Jie said, he could see the problem at a glance.

There are two prerequisites for playing tricks when placing cards. One is to be the banker, and the other is to be able to roll dice. Otherwise, no matter how well you play, you won't be able to catch those cards.

Of course, you can change cards when you draw cards, but this is not something that beginners like Liu Qing and Liu Jiaman can easily master.

The four people present looked at each other, and all blushed for a while.

Seeing this scene, Xu Jie couldn't help but smile bitterly. If you want to say that these people are the best of the best, why don't they have any brains?
If he didn't say it, wouldn't these people know?

"It's my fault, I didn't remind you." Xu Jie said helplessly.

"Mr. Xu, this has nothing to do with you, it's because their brains are not good." Tamarind said with a smile: "I have practiced throwing dice. Although the success rate is a bit low, I can throw it right three or four times out of ten."

Liu Jiaman was very dissatisfied with Lao Luo's behavior, and said angrily: "You're called throwing, right? You're clearly called Meng right, and the [-]% hit rate is too embarrassing to laugh at us? My success rate can reach [-]% without training. ."

"Just blow it." Tamarind pouted.

The technical content of this dice roll is not lower than that of the shuffle. The card has only one side, no matter how you roll it, the words on it will not change, but the dice has six sides, and if you roll it, it will be another number, and the number of points is different. It will affect what kind of cards will be drawn next, and even decide whether or not this game can be handed.

"Hmph, this game will let you know how good I am." Liu Jiaman said confidently, he was bound to win this game.

Just this card, I'm sorry for Lei's sister Liu Qing.

As the game progressed, all the pairs in Liu Jiaman's hand were correct, and soon there were only four cards left in her hand, three of ten thousand, and one per pot.


Obviously, Hu Yitong.

"It doesn't matter if you listen to it, you have to pay attention!" Liu Jiaman straightened up, rolled up the sleeves of his clothes, and was in a state of excitement.

When filming, why do people like to play against old actors?
Because with the masters, you can improve your level.

Liu Jiaman felt that the reason why he listened so quickly was closely related to playing mahjong with Xu Jie before.

If you play a high-end game for a long time and then go to a low-end game, you will inevitably feel a feeling of crushing your opponent.

However, as the cards below became less and less, Jiaman Liu gradually became anxious.

How about a barrel?

There is no one below, it should be all at the back, but why can't you touch any one?

After several thousand touches, Liu Jiaman's mentality was about to collapse.

If no one plays a pot, she will not be able to play cards in this round. The problem is that the game has entered the late stage. If she changes her cards now and plays a barrel, she may be shot.

In the end, the first game ended with no one Hu Cheng, and it ended with a yellow card.

"Where did the one barrel die?" Liu Jiaman said dissatisfiedly, then reached out and grabbed the last four remaining hands, but still didn't see a barrel.

At this moment, Chen Guang pushed down the cards in his hand, and saw that there were three cylinders in it.

"Ah? It's all with you. Why do you want to do so much? Why don't you call one?" Liu Jiaman asked Chen Guang loudly.

"Nonsense, three of me, one of you, you should be the one to hit, why didn't you hit?" Chen Guang asked back, he started with three barrels, who would beat them out?
"Me? Aren't I afraid of firing a gun?" Liu Jiaman said.


Chen Guang was speechless and thought to himself: You are afraid of firing guns, am I not afraid?

Liu Qing on the side bowed her head embarrassedly, because the three sheets and one tube were placed together by her, but they were touched by Chen Guang by accident.

Liu Jiaman saw that Chen Guang stopped talking, so he looked at Xu Jie and asked, "Brother, come here and comment on our performance in this game."

"Still using reviews?" Xu Jie asked while eating.

He really didn't know how to evaluate the performance of these four people just now.

"Of course, otherwise how can we realize our own strengths and weaknesses?" Liu Jiaman showed an humbly asking for advice.

She has always been serious about mahjong.

Xu Jie thought to himself: there are no advantages, all are disadvantages.

"Yes, Mr. Xu, just talk about it, we can also choose the key points to practice." Chen Guang also said.

Although at the mahjong table, he and Liu Jiaman are rivals, but on this matter, he and Liu Jiaman have the same idea.

This game of mahjong tonight is not for playing, but for testing results and summarizing experience.

The old saying is good: the authorities are obsessed with bystanders.

Some things depend on Teacher Xu.

"Mr. Xu, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. We will not be angry if we should criticize and correct us." Jiang Liwen said at this time.

When she was playing mahjong just now, Teacher Xu stood behind her for a while, which made her very concerned.

"Yes!" Liu Qing nodded.


Xu Jie saw that the four people at the poker table were all looking at him, so he thought about it seriously, and finally, in the expectation of everyone, he slowly spit out a sentence: "Your performance just now is really... broken!"

Everyone was stunned.

Crushed, doesn't it mean rotten to the extreme?

"Yes, is it that bad?" Liu Jiaman asked in a low voice, she still wanted the other party to praise her a few words, but the result was Wang Zhai, and it was all wiped out.

"It's rotten to the top, and it's so bad that it can't be added, and your problem is not in a certain link, but in every link." Xu Jie said seriously.


When everyone heard it, the four people who had also strongly invited Xu Jie to comment were all depressed at the moment.

To say that these four people at the poker table are considered to be the winners in life, but they have never been evaluated like this.

It hurts self-esteem!
"From the time the cards were shuffled, your intentions to find and hide cards were too obvious, and you even fought with each other. How can you play mahjong seriously?" Xu Jie said more and more seriously.

Liu Jiaman and others were still a little unconvinced. They felt that they were not useless, at least the cards were played well. Now, when they heard Xu Jie's words and thought about the scene when the cards were played, they were immediately ashamed and speechless.

It doesn't sound good to say, it's just like playing a house.

"How many times have I told you that you must be natural when you shuffle the cards. You are better off, just start rushing directly. How can you shuffle your cards like that? Even when you shuffle your cards, you can't shuffle the cards you want. In front of you, you can also pick it up in the next card placement, all of you are either the best actor, or the queen, and the last time you are the four little actresses, can't you even act like this?"

Xu Jie didn't say anything, and once he said it, he was out of control.

Want to know the cons?
No problem, a lot, don't be afraid to hurt your self-esteem.

Xu Jie continued: "I won't talk about rolling the dice, I'll talk about drawing cards. When you lay out the cards, you put so many good cards in front of you, why don't you take the opportunity to change the cards when you draw the cards? Even if the dice are not rolled correctly, can you use other methods to use those good cards for your own use?"

"Mr. Xu, it's too difficult to change cards, I haven't learned it yet." Chen Guang said in a low voice, like a student who failed the exam, with a guilty face.

If the shuffling is not good, you can barely rub two hands, but if you do not change the cards well, no one dares to try it.

Because even if the cards they want are put together when the cards are shuffled, other people won't say anything. After all, they don't know where to draw them, and all four of them may draw those cards.

But changing cards is different.

The card change is carried out in the process of playing cards. Once someone finds out, there is no way to continue playing the card. If there are ruthless people at the same table, they may have to chop their hands.

"Well, I'm a bit self-aware. Regarding card skills, I want to make a serious statement. If you can't do it well, don't do it. There's no reluctance, do you know?" Xu Jie said.

In card skills, there are only "can do it" and "can't do it", there is no such thing as "reluctantly able to do it".

Because reluctance means there is a possibility of being discovered.

Being caught smoking Lao Qian at the mahjong table has serious consequences.



Liu Jiaman, Chen Guang and others nodded.

"Okay, let's continue." Xu Jie said.

The four of them looked at each other, then pushed down the mahjong tiles in front of them, and started the second round of shuffling.

It's just that compared to the first round, everyone had to be much more cautious in this round, and the shuffling of cards was not as arrogant as before.

Tamarind and Hu Jing on the side secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they didn't win in the rock-paper-scissors game just now, otherwise they would be the ones who were taught by Teacher Xu just now.


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