The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 870 Contract Completion

Chapter 870 Contract Completion
Xu Jie kept saying that he was looking for someone to play a few rounds for dinner, but in fact, he was guiding Liu Jiaman, Jiang Liwen, Chen Guang and Liu Qing all night, and there was no end at all.

And his sharp comments also benefited everyone a lot.

Watching Teacher Xu playing before, they always thought that it was not that difficult. When practicing in private, if they made a little progress, they felt that they could do it, and they could go to the mahjong table to kill all directions.

As the old saying goes: it is the mule or the horse that comes out for a walk.

Now after such a sprint, all of them have revealed their true colors, and they finally understand that their previous ideas were all whimsical and self-deceiving. In front of real masters, their behavior is simply deception, extremely naive, wanting to play in mahjong There is still a long way to go to sweep Liuhe on the table.

After Xu Jie left Sister Man's house, he did not go home immediately. Instead, he came to the company again and drafted four actors' employment contracts again.

In the film and television industry, no matter how good the relationship is, everything that involves performances must be implemented in a paper contract, not just a verbal agreement, even if it is just a guest appearance.

The world is impermanent and unpredictable!
Who knows what will happen next?
In the entertainment industry, there are too many things where they call each other brothers and hug their necks and waists a few days ago, but act strangers and turn against each other a few days later.

The entertainment industry is a vanity fair.

So here, there are neither permanent enemies nor permanent friends.

Be cautious at all times.

Isn't there such a sentence?
Be careful.

The next evening.

Xu Jie drove to Liu Jiaman's house.

Because of the traffic jam, Xu Jie came later than usual. When he arrived at Sister Man's house, not only Sister Man, Liu Qing, and Ding Mengni came back, but also Luo Wanglin, Chen Guang, Jiang Liwen, and Hu Jing. .

"Brother, you are late, you must compensate us for 10 minutes tonight." Liu Jiaman said while eating a cucumber, and then pointed to the dining table with the cucumber in his hand, "You haven't eaten yet, eat quickly."

"Don't worry, take a little time."

Xu Jie took out four documents from the bag, and placed them one by one in front of Luo Wanglin, Chen Guang, Jiang Liwen, and Hu Jing. He even prepared the signature pens carefully.

"Big Brothers and Sisters, Actors, Actors, and Queens, this is your actor's employment contract. I have signed and stamped it here. Everyone, please read it carefully. If there is no problem, please sign your name on the last page. "

Xu Jie has been busy for this day for too long, and it is time to draw a successful conclusion.

When Luo Wanglin and the others heard this, they immediately picked up the contract and read it.

"The action is fast." Chen Guang said with a smile.

"If you don't hurry up, you can't wait for anyone to shoot." Xu Jie said.

"It's true." Without further ado, Chen Guang picked up the pen, turned to the last page, and wrote his name on it.

Xu Jie was startled when he saw it, looked at Chen Guang and asked, "Brother Chen, don't you take a closer look at the terms and conditions inside?"

"This kind of thing is usually left to the agent to read. I don't understand it, and it's useless to read it. Besides, can you cheat me?" After Chen Guang finished speaking, he closed the contract and handed it to Xu Jay.

In fact, it's not that he doesn't understand the contract, but that he doesn't think it's necessary.

There were four people who signed this contract, and he didn't believe that the other party had the guts to cheat him, Lao Luo, Li Wen, and Hu Jing.

It's okay to cheat those newcomers who are new to the entertainment industry in the contract, but if you dare to cheat the actor and actress, isn't your brain broken?
Besides, Jingshi Culture represented by the other party is a company under Jingcheng Radio and Television Station. It is a very formal company, so how could they cheat them?
Another point is that although the other party is the vice president of the company, he is actually a part-time worker. There is no need to cheat them. After all, the other party will not get any benefits if they cheat them. situation.

"Don't dare, it's my luck to have the opportunity to cooperate with four of them, so how dare I cheat a few of them?" Xu Jie said sincerely.

He planned to use the fame of these four people to raise the prices of TV series to earn money from TV stations and video sites. As for these four people, he really didn't think about cheating anyone.

Moreover, he also wants to take advantage of this cooperation opportunity to shorten the relationship with the four film kings and actresses. In the future, JingTV Culture will also be able to use it when shooting film and television dramas, right?

No matter what happens in the future, anyway, the two sides are now in a mutually beneficial relationship.

Luo Wanglin looked up at Xu Jie, maybe he was moved by the other party's sincerity, or maybe he felt that the other party didn't dare to cheat him, so he happily signed the contract at the end.

Jiang Liwen and Hu Jing looked at the situation, since Lao Luo and Lao Chen both signed, can Teacher Xu cheat the two women alone?Besides, hasn't Jiaman already signed it?Therefore, the two stopped looking at it carefully, and continued to eat after signing their names.

While accepting the contract, Xu Jie said, "Thank you, brother and sister, for your trust. I can't repay you. If there are still good scripts in the future, I must choose them first."

Everyone was speechless.

I thought: Where is this return?Obviously still want to take advantage.

"Mr. Xu, it's not like you have nothing to repay, just pass on all your poker skills to us." Hu Jing said at this time.

By the way, they agreed to act in "Legend of Lan Xi", isn't it just to learn card skills?
"Please don't worry, Sister Hu. I promise to tell you everything I want to say, and take out all the oil and water in my stomach." Xu Jie said, patting his stomach.

Using card skills to exchange a few movie stars and actresses for filming, this business is sure to make a profit.

"Okay, since the contract has been signed, let's eat quickly." Liu Jiaman urged.

She has already finished today's dinner, a cucumber, and now she just wants to sit down at the mahjong table quickly.

"Understood Sister Man." Xu Jie put away the contract, then sat down, and said to Luo Wanglin while eating: "Brother Luo, I saw your itinerary, and there is a week of blank time from the day after tomorrow, how about we Just start filming your scenes from the day after tomorrow?"

"Okay, I'm fine." Luo Wanglin said without thinking, and answered very simply.

In his opinion, since he has signed an actor employment contract, he must do what an actor should do. If he doesn't think about doing it, he won't sign this contract.

"Lao Luo, if I remember correctly, we have known each other for so many years, this should be the third time we have cooperated, right?" Liu Jiaman asked.

"Yes, when we first cooperated, I was not yet thirty, and it has been more than ten years since our last cooperation." Luo Wanglin's eyes were full of memories.

After the others heard it, they couldn't help but think of the previous cooperation, and were filled with emotion for a while.

Liu Qing looked at the seniors, although on the surface she seemed to be listening attentively, but her heart was full of joy.

Now there are four more movie kings and actresses joining "Legend of Lan Xi". As the leading actress of this TV series, can she be unhappy?

The same goes for the stars holding the moon.

Such a lineup of immortals, even if there is no pay, there will be many people competing to act.

'I really earned it this time! '

Liu Qing thought to herself.

Soon, Xu Jie finished his dinner, and everyone sat around again, starting tonight's game of cards.

Because the script has been revised and the contract has been signed, Xu Jie stayed at Sister Man's house until 09:30 before leaving, as compensation for being late tonight.


the next day.

Xu Jie returned to the set after a week's absence.

And the first thing he did after he showed up was to call all the director team into a room for a meeting.

"I believe everyone has read the latest version of the script, right? So next, our original shooting plan will also be changed accordingly." Xu Jie looked at the few people in front of him and said.

"President Xu, why did you suddenly add drama?" Lu Zhihong asked in confusion.

The filming plan was already made before the filming started. Now not only have scenes to be added, but some scenes have also been deleted. Wouldn't the filming plan after that be completely messed up?

Moreover, the original [-]-episode TV series has now become [-] episodes. Not only will the actors have to pay a lot of salary for this, but the cost of the crew will also increase greatly.

As a result, the already abundant filming funds suddenly became tense.

"Yes, Mr. Xu, the original plot is already quite exciting and coherent, so why bother?" Wang Wen didn't quite understand Mr. Xu's move.

It's normal to change the script. When Mr. Xu was filming "Lover in Time and Space", he often changed the script, but it was only limited to a few scenes.

But this time there were too many changes, which virtually added a lot of workload to the crew.

"Many things have already been arranged by the crew. Such a big change will cause a lot of damage to the crew, Mr. Xu." The deputy director of the TV drama department, Yang Guowei, said worriedly. He is also the third assistant director of the director team.

"Then keep the loss to a minimum." Xu Jie's tone of voice was unquestionable.

Because the script has not been polished well, and the actor's performance contract has not been completed, so he did not disclose the fact that Luo Wanglin, Chen Guang, Jiang Liwen, and Hu Jing will join "Legend of Lan Xi" to the director team in advance.

The insiders Liu Jiaman, Liu Qing, Ding Mengni, and screenwriter Qian Cheng and others did not dare to leak the secret without his permission.

Therefore, no matter whether it is Lu Zhihong or Wang Wen, they don't know that the actor and queen will join "Legend of Lan Xi".

When everyone heard Mr. Xu's words, they didn't dare to have any objection. They could only listen quietly and let Mr. Xu arrange the work.

"I will hand over the re-established shooting plan to you as soon as possible, and this new plan will be implemented from tomorrow." Xu Jie said.


Everyone was stunned.

Is this too fast?

Xu Jie ignored everyone's reactions, and continued: "That's right, it's tomorrow, so you have to speed up the shooting progress today, and then reserve some time to prepare for the next shooting task. I'm not talking about the stories of the four units. Did you make any changes? The first unit will be filmed tomorrow."

"But what about the actors? What about the actors? Especially the newly added male lead, I'm afraid I won't have time to choose them in one day." Yang Guowei said that the main job of his crew is to coordinate the actors, recruit and manage the extras.

"The leading actor of the first unit is already available," Xu Jie said.

"Who?" Lu Zhihong asked curiously.

"Luo Wanglin." Xu Jie replied.

"Luo, Luo Wanglin?" Lu Zhihong opened his eyes wide with surprise.

"Yes, it's the film king Luo Wanglin?" Wang Wen asked in disbelief. It's not that there are no stars with the same name in the entertainment industry, but there seems to be only one named Luo Wanglin.

"That's right." Xu Jie nodded.

He has long been accustomed to everyone's reactions, and it was the same with those people when it was announced in the creative department a few days ago.

Wang Wen quickly returned to normal after experiencing a short-circuit in her head. She now understands why Mr. Xu changed the script.

With the actor joining, of course the script needs to be changed, how can an ordinary character be worthy of the actor's status?

"President Xu, did you change the script for Luo Wanglin?" Lu Zhihong asked.

"That's right." Xu Jie said.

Lu Zhihong swallowed when he heard it, it turned out that it was a tailor-made character and plot.

However, Luo Wanglin's joining also reminded him of the protagonists of the other three units. Are those people also like Luo Wanglin?

"Mr. Xu, besides Luo Wanglin, who are the other three actors?" Lu Zhihong asked.

Although the sudden addition of an actor Luo Wanglin was already surprising, but who asked Mr. Xu to surprise them?
To change the way of thinking, if there is only one more Luo Wanglin, why does Mr. Xu add four units?It's not necessary at all.

"The second unit is Hu Jing, the third unit is Chen Guang, and the fourth unit is Jiang Liwen." Xu Jie also mentioned the protagonists of the next few stories.

Now that the contract has been signed, there is no need to hide it now.


The director team were all stunned.

If hearing Luo Wanglin's joining just now was like hearing a thunderclap, then hearing the names of Hu Jing, Chen Guang and Jiang Liwen now is like hearing that Mars is about to hit the earth.

This is obviously impossible to happen, but now it really happened.

A TV series brings together three actresses, one actor, one song king, and one post-95 Xiaohuadan. For them, it is like a dream.

"I also want to tell you earlier, but I have always had a verbal agreement with them. I signed the actor contract last night. Do you still have any doubts about changing the shooting plan?" Xu Jie looked at Lu Zhihong and the others and asked.


Everyone shook their heads in unison.

At the same time, there was excitement and joy on his face.

Originally, the cast of "Legend of Lan Xi" was already very strong, and now there are four more actor and actress queens. When the TV series starts broadcasting, it will definitely attract unprecedented attention.

But while they were happy, they also felt the pressure.

With such a strong cast, if the filming is not good, won't they be drowned by the audience's spitting stars?
"Okay, let's go." Xu Jie waved at Lu Zhihong and the others. He could just use his free time during the day to formulate a new shooting plan.

Hearing Mr. Xu's words, several directors left the room one after another.

Lu Zhihong had just stepped out of the steps with one foot, and suddenly retracted it, turned to look at Xu Jie and asked, "Mr. Xu, are you still here tomorrow?"

"Come on, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked.

"Oh, nothing."

Lu Zhihong breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked out.

With Mr. Xu as the backbone, he can rest assured.


(End of this chapter)

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