The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 871 Exposing the News

Chapter 871 Exposing the News
Chapter 869 Exposing the News

early morning.

Xu Jie drove to the villa area where Liu Jiaman lived, but he didn't come here today to find Liu Jiaman, but to wait for Luo Wanglin.

Because starting from today, Luo Wanglin will officially join the crew and start filming for "Legend of Lan Xi".

For this day, Xu Jie has waited too long.

He drove the car and parked slowly outside a villa. If he remembered correctly, the villa in front of him was the home of actor Luo Wanglin, and Sister Man's home was not far behind.

Not long after, the door of the villa opened suddenly, and Luo Wanglin was seen walking out of it.

"Mr. Xu, are you here to wait for me?" Luo Wanglin asked curiously.

"Yes, Brother Luo, I was worried that your driver could not find the way, so I came here to show you the way." Xu Jie explained after hearing this.

"You are too polite. My driver has been with me for more than ten years. There are no film and television bases in the capital that he doesn't know. Besides, didn't you send me the location map last night? Why don't you go there yourself?" Luo Wanglin didn't expect Xu Jie to come. When his wife mentioned it just now, he thought she was just passing by and was waiting for Liu Jiaman.

"By the way, no trouble." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Luo Wanglin looked at the time, and it was not yet seven o'clock, more than 20 minutes earlier than the time he had agreed with the driver. He looked at the road in front of the villa, and he couldn't even see the shadow of a nanny's car, so Turning to Xu Jie, he said: "My car won't be here for a while, how about this, I'll go home and change my clothes, and then take your car to the set, the driver won't be there to pick me up, just go directly to the set. "

"Brother Luo, don't worry. I was worried about the traffic jam, so I came a little earlier." Xu Jie said hurriedly, for fear of being misunderstood by the other party as Zhou Paipi.

"Anyway, I'm still reading the script at home, and it's the same in your car. You wait for a while." After finishing speaking, Luo Wanglin returned to the villa. After a few minutes, he walked out of the villa again, tidying up his body. While wearing his coat, he said, "Okay, let's go."

Xu Jie didn't hesitate, and got into the car directly.

In fact, he didn't come early, even in order to take care of Luo Wanglin who participated in the filming on the first day, he was more than an hour later than the normal actor's departure time.

The crew starts filming at eight o'clock every morning, and it takes about an hour to get from the city to the film and television base without traffic jams, plus makeup on set...

To be honest, it was already too early to shoot Luo Wanglin's scene at nine o'clock today.

along the way.

Luo Wanglin asked a lot of questions related to the script and the characters, and Xu Jie also spoke endlessly. He explained the content of the entire script and the character characteristics of the characters in detail, hoping that the other party can understand the story and the characters. Integrate into the character as soon as possible, so that the shooting can be smoother.

At [-]:[-], the car arrived at the set.

As soon as Xu Jie got out of the car, Lu Zhihong stepped forward quickly.

"Mr. Xu, the filming is about to start, why is Luo Wanglin still..."

Lu Zhihong wanted to say why Luo Wanglin didn't come, whether he regretted it, but just halfway through speaking, he saw the rear door of the Range Rover opened, and Luo Wanglin walked out from inside.

"What's wrong?" Xu Jie looked at Lu Zhihong and asked.

"No, nothing." Lu Zhihong shook his head hastily, not even daring to breathe.

For a young director like him, to be able to cooperate with the queen and best actor in his lifetime is simply smoke from his ancestral grave. If the time goes back a year, such a thing he dared not even dream of, but today it has come true.

Xu Jie touched Lu Zhihong with his hand calmly, signaling that the other party should take the initiative to say hello to Luo Wanglin.

However, Lu Zhihong was obviously shocked by Luo Wanglin's actor aura, and he didn't even notice the hint from Mr. Xu.

Xu Jie secretly sighed, his subordinates are really more ignorant than the other.

"Brother Luo, this is Lu Zhihong, the director of our "Legend of Lan Xi"." Xu Jie introduced Luo Wanglin.

"Hello, Director Lu, I just received the script not long ago, and I don't have a deep understanding of the story and characters. I need to ask you to guide me in the future, and I will take the trouble." Luo Wanglin said politely.

Of course, this politeness is mainly to save face for Xu Jie next to him.

Although he didn't know the director named Lu Zhihong in front of him, didn't he say that?Don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face.

He had to give Teacher Xu face.

Lu Zhihong was shocked when he heard it, and when he recovered, he immediately grasped Luo Wanglin's extended hand with both hands, and said nervously and excitedly: "Mr. Luo, don't say that, you have acted in so many classics. The role has a very rich performance experience, we learn from each other and guide each other."

Wouldn't it be ruining for him, a director of a TV series who had difficulty getting a star, to direct the best actor?
Even if the other party dared to learn, he did not dare to teach.

He didn't teach well, and he was afraid that the other party would make fun of him. After all, he was cooperating with well-known domestic directors, and he didn't even have a representative work.

Seeing Lu Zhihong's disappointment, Xu Jie almost stretched out his legs and kicked him.

Are those things you said on the first day of the startup all for nothing?

"Hurry up and arrange someone to do makeup for Teacher Luo," Xu Jie said.


Lu Zhihong nodded repeatedly, then led Luo Wanglin into the dressing room, and called a makeup artist to do makeup for Luo Wanglin. As for what kind of makeup to wear, there is a photo of someone else's makeup, just refer to it.


Some staff members and actors gathered together, looking towards the direction of the dressing room and discussing in a low voice.

"Hey, did you see it? It's Luo Wanglin."

"I see, I see, I really deserve to be an actor, with an aura of [-] meters, and I walk with wind."

"Mr. Xu is really awesome. Not only can he invite actress Liu Jiaman, but he can also invite actor Luo Wanglin. It seems that our drama is about to take off."

"What's this? It's said that there are singing king Chen Guang, actress Jiang Liwen and Hu Jing behind."

"Ah? True or false? Who did you hear it from?"

"I just overheard the conversation between Sister Man and Liu Qing by accident. They said it. Anyway, the fun is yet to come."

"I wipe!"


One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, and soon, the entire crew knows.

After an hour and a half, under Xu Jie's guidance, Luo Wanglin's makeup was finally finished.

Xu Jie then asked the photographer to take a few photos of Luo Wanglin as a final makeup photo for reference in future makeup.

At the same time, in an inconspicuous corner, a person was holding a mobile phone, and the camera was pointed at Luo Wanglin, taking pictures and recording videos, and did not put the phone away until Luo Wanglin started filming.

Xu Jie knew that Lu Zhihong was timid and not confident when facing Luo Wanglin, so he moved the chair behind him, on the one hand to shock the scene; .

In fact, compared to Luo Wanglin, Xu Jie was more worried about Lu Zhihong.

Luo Wanglin is the movie king, he has acted in many different roles, and his acting skills are naturally lacking. In comparison, Lu Zhihong's resume is too simple. Whether he can control the next filming is also a huge problem for Lu Zhihong. test.

Shooting begins.

Xu Jie stared at Luo Wanglin intently, with a little nervousness in his eyes.

He didn't know how long it would take for the other party to enter the role, how long it would take to integrate into the crew. After all, the other party was not acting in a one-man show, so it was not enough to just enter the role by himself, but also to be able to form a tacit understanding and cooperation with other actors.

"All departments are preparing..."

As Lu Zhihong's voice sounded on the set, the on-site staff and actors immediately got into the mood.


Luo Wanglin's eyes in front of the camera changed, and it changed instantly, as if he was a different person.

That's right, it was indeed a different person.

Changed from actor Luo Wanglin to a character in the play.

Xu Jie, who was sitting by the side, stared blankly.

Could this be the actor?
He has worked with many actors before, including first- and second-tier artists, as well as some popular actors and actresses, but among so many actors, only Luo Wanglin can give him a feeling of being a different person after starting the machine.

Even the actress Liu Jiaman is a little inferior in comparison.

Just for this point, the absolute value of 50 a day is worth it.

After all, someone like Liu Qing needs 50 yuan per episode. Compared with Luo Wanglin in front of him, Liu Qing's cost performance is very low.

The worries in Xu Jie's heart quickly disappeared, and he even began to look forward to the ratings of "Legend of Lan Xi" after its broadcast.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the shots were shot one after another, and soon it was noon.

While Xu Jie was eating and chatting with Luo Wanglin, the assistant director Wang Wen came over.

"Mr. Xu..." Wang Wen hesitated to speak.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie asked.

Wang Wen looked at Luo Wanglin at the side, hesitated for a moment, then handed the phone to Xu Jie, "Mr. Xu, this is a piece of news that just appeared on the Internet."


Xu Jie took the phone curiously, and then looked at the screen.

This is a piece of news in the entertainment section of a portal website, and the content is actually related to Luo Wanglin.

"A netizen photographed Luo Wanglin appearing on the set of "The Legend of Lan Xi" and participated in the filming of the TV series. It is rumored that Luo Wanglin will play a very important role in the play. According to the netizen, singer Chen Guang and actress Jiang Liwen , Hu Jing will also play an important role in the play..."

Below are a few photos of Luo Wanglin appearing in the crew of "The Legend of Lan Xi" and after changing clothes. Although the photos are not very clear, you can still see Luo Wanglin's face clearly.

And Xu Jie still saw himself in the photo, it was a photo of him talking with Luo Wanglin.

Although the news has not been released for a long time, there are many comments from netizens.

"Luo Actor is acting in a TV series? Are you sure it's "Legend of Lan Xi"?"

""Legend of Lan Xi"? Isn't it the first TV series after actress Liu Jiaman came back? Now even actor Luo Wanglin has joined?"

"Fake news, right? I don't believe that there is a crew that can invite Luo Wanglin, Chen Guang, Jiang Liwen, and Hu Jing to the crew. By the way, there is also Liu Jiaman. How much will it cost?"

"I went to the official Weibo of "Legend of Lan Xi" and looked at the makeup photos they released. There are no people like Luo Wanglin in it. Could it be an easter egg?"


Because the status of the film kings and queens exposed in the news is too big, many netizens don't believe it, and they don't dare to believe it.

You must know that these few are all super first-line stars, and which one is singled out is a ruthless character who is alone.

"Brother Luo, you're on the news." After Xu Jie finished reading, he pushed the phone in front of Luo Wanglin.

Luo Wanglin glanced at it, but didn't take it seriously, and said jokingly: "Is there someone else shooting me? It seems that I haven't lost my temper yet."

It's normal for celebrities to be photographed.

In other words, if no one shoots, that is the tragedy of a star.

Otherwise, there would be no such things as celebrities revealing their schedules and hiring people to act as fans.

"Wang Wen, go and find out who took the picture, whether a reporter sneaked in, or some group actor secretly took the picture, you must find this so-called netizen for me." Xu Jie returned the phone to Wang Wen, There was also a trace of displeasure on his face.

"Yes, Mr. Xu."

Wang Wen also looked serious.

Although the filming of the film crew is not a confidential matter, it can’t be done by others, otherwise you will film me and everyone will film, and the whole Internet will know about the things in the film crew. What if extreme fans come to the film set to chase after stars? ?At that time, it will inevitably affect the normal filming work of the crew.

There is also a particularly important point. If someone is jealous and hires trolls to smear artists and TV dramas on the Internet, the crew and actors will be messed with mentality, and the result may be even more serious.

"Mr. Xu, there's no need, just shoot. It's no big deal. I'm not blind. Besides, what can I do if I find the person who took the picture? At most, I will be fired from the crew." Luo Wanglin said lightly.

He has been in the arts for more than 20 years, and he has seen this kind of thing too many times, and he has long been used to it.

To be a star, one must get used to living under the spotlight, otherwise don't be a star.

What's more, it's not a big deal. If it's about private life, it's a bit too much.

"Brother Luo, be generous!" Xu Jie gave Luo Wanglin a thumbs-up, then turned to Wang Wen and said, "Listen to Brother Luo, I won't investigate, but we must pay more attention in the future."

"Understood." Wang Wen nodded seriously, then turned and left, not disturbing Mr. Xu and Luo Wanglin for dinner.

"Brother Luo, you have such a good temper. When I was filming "Delicious History", a young artist was posed for a photo by the ensemble, but at the end he made a fuss about stopping the filming." Xu Jie continued to eat while talking.

"It can only be said that they have experienced too little. After they have experienced the trough of their careers, they will know that sometimes being secretly photographed is not necessarily a bad thing." Luo Wanglin said with a smile.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it. Hearing this tone, it seems that the other party has also experienced a trough in his career.

Just when Xu Jie was about to have an in-depth chat, the phone in his pocket vibrated suddenly. He took out the phone and looked at the caller ID. It was from Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

"Brother Luo, I'll take a call from the leader of our station." Xu Jie said to Luo Wanglin.

When Luo Wanglin heard this, he quickly waved at Xu Jie, "Well, let's go."

Xu Jie took the mobile phone to a place with few people, and then connected the call.

"Good afternoon, Editor-in-Chief Lu, what can I do for you?" Xu Jie asked, not knowing why Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu suddenly called.


(End of this chapter)

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