The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 872 Being Targeted!

Chapter 872 Being Targeted!

"Xiao Xu, I just saw a piece of news. How many stars have been invited to the TV series you are filming? Luo Wanglin, Chen Guang, Jiang Liwen, Hu Jing, are they real or fake?"

The voice of deputy editor-in-chief Lu came from the microphone of the mobile phone, which sounded full of surprise.

Lu Hong couldn't help being surprised.

For Xiao Xu's TV series, he didn't pay much attention to it at first, until he saw the box office of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" broke 2 million to 3 million and then broke 4 million, so he paid attention.

As a result, it didn't matter if I paid attention, and found that even the actress Liu Jiaman was invited out by Xiao Xu somehow to star in this TV series changed by the movie.

But today, I just took the time to swipe my phone for a while during lunch, and saw the news that actor Luo Wanglin appeared in Xiao Xu's crew, and Chen Guang, Jiang Liwen, and Hu Jing were mentioned in it. star.

He was not only surprised, but even more curious, because if he wanted to invite these people to film, it was not something that could be done with money alone.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback after hearing the words of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu. Just now, he thought that the other party had some work to entrust to him, but he didn't expect it to be gossip.

When did the deputy editor-in-chief of Tangtang Beijing Radio and Television Station have the time to pay attention to entertainment news?Shouldn't we pay more attention to national current affairs and social news?
"Yes, Chief Editor Lu, there is indeed such a thing." Xu Jie said truthfully.

Now that the news has been exposed, he has nothing to hide, not to mention, he didn't intend to hide it, because the news...

He was the one who let it out.

The person who took the photo was also arranged by him.

One is to promote the TV series, and when selling broadcasting rights in the future, the price can be raised; the other is that "Lovers in Time and Space" will be released in a few days, and he wants to fight hard in the last few days. Maybe it will lead to another wave of movie-watching frenzy, and it will sell for millions more. Fly legs are also meat.

"It turned out to be true?" Lu Hong's eyes were filled with shock and disbelief when he heard it.

Not to mention the evening prime time of Beijing Satellite TV, even if it is the TV series broadcast on the evening prime time of all TV stations in the country, none of them has such a luxurious lineup.

Leaving aside the content, these actor and actress alone are enough to attract countless viewers.

No matter which year it is broadcast, the number one in the annual ratings can be booked in advance, without any suspense at all.

However, he has a problem.

"Xiao Xu, how did you invite these people?" Lu Hong asked.

It is already very difficult to invite these movie kings and queens. The key is to persuade these movie stars to play supporting roles. Is this something that ordinary people can do?

"I think... probably because I was moved by my sincerity." Xu Jie said.


Lu Hong was taken aback.

This answer was somewhat unexpected to him, he thought that the other party used money to impress those movie kings and queens.

"What about the specific performance?" Lu Hong asked curiously.

He wanted to listen to it, and he also wanted to learn it. He might be able to use it sometime in the future. There is no end to learning.


Xu Jie paused, he couldn't talk about playing mahjong and teaching cards, could he?
It not only affects his image, but also affects the image of Luo Wanglin and others.

Xu Jie thought for a while, and then replied: "I go to these big stars every day. After meeting, I talk about life, ideals, and hobbies. I often have long talks until late at night. I also modify the script for them and tailor-made them. The characters persisted for a long time before they were moved by me and decided to join the crew."

Lu Hong was stunned. It turns out that there are so many stories behind the actor and actress who starred in TV dramas.

It seems that Luo Wanglin and others chatted with Xiao Xu very well, otherwise they would not be moved by some chicken soup about life ideals.

Sure enough, since ancient times, routines can't be kept, only true feelings can win people's hearts.

In this process, Xiao Xu must have paid a lot.

Alas, Lao Jiang is so lucky to have such a subordinate.

"Xiao Xu, you've invited so many celebrities again. Don't you think you're going to be stretched in terms of funds?" Lu Hong asked. He knew that the total investment of that TV series was 5000 million, but for the current cast, the salary alone I'm afraid it's more than this number.

"Yes, but I have already secured an investment. It is a film and television culture company that participated in the investment of "Lovers in Time and Space". The other party promised to invest as much as there is a shortage of funds." Xu Jie said.

Of course, the film and television culture companies he mentioned are his companies.

As for why he didn't say the specific amount of investment, it was to make it easier for him to sit on the ground and raise the price when he sold the copyright of TV dramas in the future.

Since Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu already knew that 5000 million would definitely not be enough, then when purchasing the rights to broadcast TV dramas in the future, he would definitely not just add tens of millions to send him and JingTV Culture away.

"Xiao Xu, haven't you made a budget? Have you calculated how much you will need to film this TV series?" Lu Hong asked with concern.

Because the cost of filming TV series is directly related to the purchase of TV series by him and the procurement team in the future.

Knowing the cost makes it easier to bid, right?
How could Xu Jie not know what Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu meant?
But how could he tell others about such an important matter?

This is his trump card.

How could he show his hole cards to others?
So, he said: "I have just signed contracts with the four film kings and actresses, and I haven't had time to do the cost calculation, but I estimate that the total investment will be 5000 million. Well, I said at least. "

The implication: Don't even think about talking about three hundred million.

More than [-] million?
Just for the cast of this show, there are definitely not many!
In those TV dramas nowadays, as long as the male and female protagonists are first-line artists, the price of a single episode is around 500 million, not to mention that "Legend of Lan Xi" is full of actor and actress.

Taking 500 million as the standard, "Legend of Lan Xi" has a total of 5000 episodes, [-] is [-] million, and [-] million won't make much money.

Lu Hong nodded secretly. This number was within his expectations. After all, the cast is there. If it is too small, it will make people feel that the production of the TV series is shoddy.

"Xiao Xu, take a good shot. I've already reserved the broadcast time for Beijing Satellite TV's Golden Theater, so don't worry." Lu Hong said with a smile.

With this TV series, the ratings of Beijing Satellite TV Golden Theater can also surpass other satellite TV channels.

The ratings of variety shows are the first, and the ratings of TV dramas are also the first. In the future, the entire evening program will become the world of Beijing Satellite TV?

Just think about it and be happy.

"Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Lu, for your support." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

At the beginning, I tried my best to promote the TV series produced by Beijing Television Culture to Beijing Satellite TV. First, I wanted to find a way to get the bottom line. No matter whether the filming was good or bad, at least I would not lose money; For a company that can make a TV series that can be broadcast on the stars, which actor would not want to work with it?
But now, the two goals have been easily achieved, and his work is not in vain.

"Okay, Xiao Xu, go ahead, I won't bother you, we'll talk when you come to the TV station." Lu Hong said with a smile, he is also going to start preparations, ready to attract investment for the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi" , with the current star lineup, he can make a lot of money as a middleman.

This is really "ratings" and "revenue" flying together!

Xu Jie waited for Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu to hang up the phone before putting the phone in his pocket. However, when he was about to go back to eat, the phone vibrated again.

Did Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu not finish his sentence?
Xu Jie thought to himself, then took out his phone.

Seeing the caller ID, Xu Jie stopped. The caller was not the deputy editor-in-chief Lu just now, but Liu Liya, his program producer senior sister at Huxiang Satellite TV.

It's not the New Year's day, why call him?
Could it be that the heart of poaching him to Huxiang Satellite TV is still alive?

"Sister? Are you coming to the capital again?" Xu Jie asked after answering the phone.

"Why, don't you want to see me?" Liu Liya asked back.

"No, it's been a few days since the last time we left the capital. To be honest, I miss my senior. If my senior makes this call, she misses me too, right?" Xu Jie asked jokingly.

"Student, you are a star now. If those paparazzi know what you said just now, the consequences will definitely be worse than the photo gate back then." Liu Liya reminded.

She still hasn't forgotten that the last time she went to the capital to meet her junior, she was photographed by the paparazzi, and poaching turned into an affair. Later, she was scolded by Su Yun's fans for several days. She is innocent.

"If those paparazzi can even listen to our phone calls, then I will give in to their tricks. By the way, senior sister, what do you want from me? It's not just chatting, right?" Xu Jie wondered. He is a colleague, but they belong to two different TV stations, and they can even be said to be rivals. Besides wanting to poach him, what else can the other party do?
"Student, I heard that you are filming "The Legend of Lan Xi", a spin-off of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space"? Is that so?" Liu Liya asked.

"Producer, I am the producer this time, and the director is another person in our company." Xu Jie corrected.

"I also heard that in addition to Liu Qing, Liu Jiaman, and Fang Yi, now there are Luo Wanglin, Chen Guang, Jiang Liwen, and Hu Jing as the leading actors, right?" Liu Liya asked again.

"Well, that's right, what do you want to say, senior?" Xu Jie thought to himself: It seems that this senior also saw the news on the Internet.

Liu Liya was not ambiguous this time, and went directly to the topic, "Student, no, Mr. Xu, I am calling this call on behalf of Huxiang Satellite TV, and I want to talk to you about purchasing the premiere rights of "Legend of Lan Xi". Sell ​​it?"

Xu Jie was taken aback.

Buy the premiere rights of "Legend of Lan Xi"?

Huxiang Satellite TV?

Xu Jie swallowed a mouthful of saliva unconsciously, and his face was full of surprise.

Firstly, he didn't think of selling it to others; secondly, he didn't expect that someone would come to buy it on his own initiative.

"Senior sister, are you kidding me? Don't you Huxiang Satellite TV always like to broadcast some self-produced dramas? Besides, my TV series has not been launched for a long time, and the production has not yet been completed." Xu Jie said.

Different TV stations have different selection concepts for TV dramas broadcast in prime time in the evening.

Some TV stations like to spend a lot of money to buy the first broadcast rights of big productions, some TV stations like to spend a small amount of money to buy the second-round broadcast rights of big productions, some TV stations like to spend very little money to buy the broadcast rights of some small productions, and some TV stations like Spending money to make homemade TV series to broadcast, and Huxiang Satellite TV belongs to the latter.

"You can joke about other things, but I never joke when it comes to work. To tell you the truth, this call was ordered by our director. It doesn't matter if the filming is not finished. We trust you." Liu Liya said seriously .

Xu Jie was almost amused by the senior sister's last sentence.


How can anyone trust a competitor?
Besides, is this trusting him?It is clear that he believes in big stars.

The previous question is the best proof.

Of course, the window paper cannot be pierced, so what to do with it?
"Thank you senior sister and your leaders for your trust, but I haven't considered the premiere right yet." Xu Jie wanted to think again, because senior sister's phone call was too sudden, and it wasn't just the relationship between him and Huxiang Satellite TV. The interim matter also involved deputy editor-in-chief Lu, so the matter was more complicated.

"It doesn't matter if you didn't think about it before. It's not too late to think about it now. Let me give you a quotation first. If you are not satisfied, we can continue to discuss." Liu Liya looked determined to win.

And her attitude also represents the attitude of Huxiang Satellite TV.


Although Xu Jie never thought of selling the premiere rights to Huxiang Satellite TV, he was still interested after hearing what his senior sister said.

Through the quotation of the senior sister, not only can you learn about the current TV drama market, but it can also be used as a reference for selling to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

"Sister, what do you think?" Xu Jie listened attentively.

"700 million for one episode, I don't know what my junior thinks?" Liu Liya asked.

Xu Jie was shocked all over.

700 million for one episode?
"Legend of Lan Xi" is expected to shoot 4 episodes, that is... 9000 million?
Xu Jie shook his head violently, suspecting that he had heard wrong.

I know that Huxiang Satellite TV is rich and powerful, and its annual advertising revenue is several times that of Beijing Satellite TV, but I didn't expect it to be so rich.

"Sister, you're teasing me again!" Xu Jie said.

He had the courage to think about it, and he dared to think of 4 million, and any more would feel like a fraud.

"Student, didn't I tell you that if you are not satisfied, you can discuss it. You think 700 million is less, but what about 800 million for one episode?" Liu Liya made another offer.

Xu Jie almost sat on the ground when he heard his hind legs go limp.

What he meant was: Are you making fun of him for such a high price?

As a result, the senior sister seemed to mistakenly think that the price of 700 million yuan for an episode was too low for him, and the key point was to increase the price in the end.

What was originally 4 million has now directly become 9000 million.

When bidding for the exclusive naming rights of the two variety shows "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage", no one raised the price all at once.

"Cough, senior sister, you have asked me so many questions, and I also have a question to ask you." Xu Jie couldn't help but said.

"Oh? You can ask." Liu Liya never refused to come.

"What is the basis for your TV station to give this price?" Xu Jie wanted to find out the thinking of Huxiang Satellite TV. In this way, when he told the deputy editor-in-chief Lu, he also had a legitimate reason, otherwise he would have thought him The price starts on the ground.

"It's very simple, based on the remuneration of the main actors, the difficulty of producing the TV series, and the IP value of the TV series." Liu Liya replied.

That's not what she said, but the metric that the vast majority of TV stations use when buying shows.

It wasn't someone who said it casually on a whim, nor was it decided by a certain person.

There is a department in the TV station that is responsible for purchasing dramas, and there is an evaluation team within the department. The team members will make an evaluation based on various aspects of the TV series, and then decide whether to buy.

Generally speaking, after the filming of a TV series is completed, the copyright owner of the TV series, or the publisher, will take the initiative to contact the TV station and invite people from the purchasing department to watch the film.

But this time the situation is special.

Although the TV series has not been filmed yet, and it has not been sent to Huxiang Satellite TV for people in the purchasing department to watch, but the cast of this drama is too frightening. With these stars, there is no need to watch the plot at all. Eyes can be bought.

"Sister, can you tell me again, how did you calculate it?" Xu Jie wanted to know more details.

"Student, I'm not too sure about this. Our director and people from the purchasing department came to me together and asked me to purchase the premiere rights of this TV series through you. However, based on my experience in producing variety shows for so many years, our station The reason why such a high price is given is that the remuneration of the actors should occupy a large part, like Liu Jiaman, Jiang Liwen, and Hu Jing, these three are all actresses, Luo Wanglin is the actor, although Chen Guang is not a film and television actor , but they are also top-notch artists, plus Liu Qing, Fang Yi and other artists, the salary of the actors alone is at least five or six million yuan per episode, what do you think, junior?"

After Liu Liya finished speaking, she turned to Xu Jie and asked Xu Jie if he knew the other party's hole cards, so he could continue to bid, right?
"Well, it did cost a lot of money to invite celebrities." Xu Jie said vaguely.

I thought: Does the outside world think so?It seems that the decision to hire a big star is indeed correct and wise.

"Student, this is the first time I've purchased the premiere rights, you can't let me fail." Liu Liya said.

"Senior sister, I don't want you to fail, but you also know that Beijing Television Culture still has Beijing Radio and Television Station on it. Do you think Beijing Satellite TV will not be interested in my TV series? If there are so many TV shows there Qian, what do you think I should do? Why don't you give me some time and let me go to Beijing Satellite TV to find out what they say and see what they mean?"

Xu Jie didn't directly reject the senior, but adopted a tactic of delaying the attack.

To put it bluntly, I was heartbroken.

Not to mention that there is still room for negotiation, even if the price is 800 million yuan for an episode, he can't find a reason to refuse.

Even if he invests 5000 million, he will have 800 million out of the 200 million. The first broadcast rights alone will allow him to earn a small goal.

This does not include the right to broadcast online, and the right to broadcast in the second round.

Who doesn't care?

Liu Liya was also relieved to hear that her junior did not refuse.

She is not afraid of the other party comparing prices, but she is afraid that the other party has other reasons.

"Student, then I will wait for your good news." Liu Liya said.

"I don't know if it's good or not, but the news will definitely be given to Senior Sister."



(End of this chapter)

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