The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 873 Knock 1 stroke

Chapter 873

Xu Jie hung up the phone of his senior sister, and couldn't restrain the excitement and joy in his heart any longer, so he just imitated Liu Huangshu's dance on the spot.

More than [-] million, that's more than [-] million for the premiere rights, how can he be calm?
How many pigs did Mom and Dad have to sell to make so much money!
Although there is no accompaniment, silence is better than sound at this time, and the music is in his heart.

About a hundred or so people on the set, after seeing Mr. Xu who was shaking his head and being intoxicated with himself, one of them was stunned, thinking what is Mr. Xu doing?Is it a neck sprain, or a calf cramp?
In everyone's eyes, Mr. Xu has always been calm and calm in situations, especially when he is working, he is very serious. Why did he suddenly jump up?This is completely out of line with Mr. Xu's character.

"Jiaman, look!"

In the nanny's car, Hu Jing who was eating suddenly pointed out the window, her eyes were full of surprise and doubt.

"what's up?"

After Liu Jiaman heard it, she looked in the direction Hu Jing was pointing at. However, she, who was used to strong winds and waves, couldn't help but be taken aback when she saw Xu Jie who was dancing disco.

What's wrong bro?
When Luo Wanglin and the others asked for a role, they never saw the other party so excited.

Could it be that Su Yun came back from Hengdian?

But if you come back, you don't have to be so happy, right?It's not that I didn't get it.

" he winning the lottery?" Jiang Liwen asked curiously, and couldn't help laughing at the end.

"Winning the lottery can make him so happy?" Liu Jiaman rubbed her eyes with her hands as she said, wondering if she had identified the wrong person.

But when she looked again, she found that the person hadn't changed, so she was sure it wasn't her eyes.

Also, if there is a problem, it can't be that everyone has a problem with their eyes, right?

"Maybe it's the grand prize." Jiang Liwen said.

"Grand prize? How big is that prize? I didn't see him dance when the box office of the movie exceeded 4 million." Liu Jiaman said.

The first prize of the lottery is only 500 million. Does Xu always care about people with that little money?
Obviously not.

"Mr. Xu, what is there to make us happy?" Liu Qing lowered the car window and asked loudly in Xu Jie's direction.

Is there another actor or queen who will enter "Legend of Lan Xi"?
If yes, she will also dance a section.

Xu Jie frowned immediately when he saw someone interrupting his disco dance, stopped dancing, and said to Liu Qing angrily: "Perform your play well and don't inquire about other people's affairs, just like the aunt in the community yard." .”

The corner of Liu Qing's mouth twitched, not wanting it out of embarrassment.

She just wanted to care about the other party, but she didn't expect to touch her nose.

Anyway, she is also the number one female, how can she talk to the number one female like this?And in front of so many people, does she still want to lose face?
"A dog biting Lu Dongbin doesn't know a good heart. Hmph! If you don't say it, don't say it. No one cares to listen to what's so great." Liu Qing turned her head and closed the car window.

Xu Jie didn't care if Liu Qingsheng was not angry, he saw everyone looking at him, and realized that he was overjoyed and overjoyed just now, so he hurried to the parking lot, got in his car, and closed the door.

'Xu Jie, Xu Jie, don't be too happy. If you don't put money in your pocket for a day, it's someone else's property. '

Xu Jie pointed at the rearview mirror and kept admonishing himself, then took out his mobile phone and called Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

It's just that I just found the number of deputy editor-in-chief Lu, and suddenly began to hesitate in my heart.

Anyway, deputy editor-in-chief Lu is also his leader, and there are several levels of difference between the two of them. How decent is it to bargain with the leader?
What's more, he is so thin-skinned, and he is embarrassed to say some things to the deputy editor-in-chief Lu, and even more embarrassed to refute the face of the deputy editor-in-chief Lu.

Xu Jie thought for a while, and a very suitable person suddenly appeared in his mind.

Boss Jiang!

Although in terms of position, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu is also Boss Jiang's leader, but the two have known each other for a long time, and the relationship is relatively close, and Boss Jiang has a thick skin. When he was in the TV station, he often went to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu. Drinking tea, drinking, and smoking, so Boss Jiang told Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu that it was perfect.

Thinking of this, Xu Jie immediately found Boss Jiang's number and called him.

"Beep... beep... click!"

The phone is connected.

"Xiao Xu, the call at noon, let me guess, is there something good?" Jiang Hai asked with a smile on the other side of the microphone.

Usually he calls Xiao Xu more often, and Xiao Xu seldom calls him, but whenever the other party calls him, there must be something very important.

Therefore, he hopes that this important thing is a good thing.

"Boss, you are really clever. This time is not only a good thing, but also a very good thing." Xu Jie deliberately emphasized, first let the other party be happy, so that the other party can come out later.

"Oh? What a great event? What a great event?" Jiang Hai immediately stopped being attracted, and his heart was full of curiosity.

It's a good thing, it's still a good thing, he wants to hear what a good thing it is, why doesn't he know it in the company?
"It's like this. I have a senior who works at Huxiang Satellite TV. She just called me and said that she wants to buy the premiere rights of the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi", and the asking price is 800 million per episode..."


Before Xu Jie finished speaking, he heard Jiang Hai's surprised voice.

"Eight million per episode? I remember you said that this TV series is expected to shoot 800 episodes, that's 60 million..." Jiang Hai's voice trembled slightly.

We must know that the total revenue of Jingshi Culture last year was only 8 million yuan. The key is that none of the 8 million yuan was profitable, and of the 4 million yuan, how could half of it be profitable?
"Boss, because there are a few more leading actors, the TV series has now increased to 70 episodes." Xu Jie said.


Jiang Hai was stunned.

70 episodes, that's 5 million.


Jiang Hai couldn't help but swear.

This is just the first broadcast right, if you add the network broadcast right...

He didn't dare to think any further.

Don't even dare to dream of doing this.

"Xiao Xu, you, what you said is true?" Jiang Hai couldn't believe it, and even wondered if Xiao Xu was dreaming while taking a nap, and just woke up and couldn't distinguish between dreams and reality.

This has happened to many people, who mistake dreams for reality and events that happened in reality for dreams.

It must be that Xiao Xu has been too tired recently, yes, too tired.

"My senior sister said on the phone that the director of Huxiang Satellite TV and the person in charge of the drama procurement department entrusted her to negotiate with me to purchase the premiere rights of "Legend of Lanxi". I don't think it is a fake." Xu Jie After thinking about it, he said.

This matter is neither big nor small. Although it is only the purchase of the premiere rights of a TV series, the funds are as high as several hundred million. No matter how courageous my senior sister is, she would not dare to tease him with such a thing.

"If this is the case, there should be no fakes, Xiao Xu, what do you think?" Jiang Hai's mind was a little messed up, and he couldn't think normally for a while, so he wanted to hear Xiao Xu's thoughts, the other party was from the company The vice president is also the person in charge of the TV series, so he should listen to the other party's opinion.

"Of course, the higher the selling price, the better, because it is not only related to the company's revenue, but also related to the company's future business development in the film and television industry, but..." Xu Jie stopped suddenly when he said this.

"Just what?" Jiang Hai asked.

He agrees with Xiao Xu.

As the general manager and person in charge of the company, there is nothing more important than increasing the company's revenue and profitability.

This will directly affect whether he can be promoted to the top of Beijing Radio and Television Station in the future.

"If it's just sold to Huxiang Satellite TV, I'm afraid it's hard to explain to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu. Just now, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu called me to express his concern for this TV series, and said that the location of the Golden Theater for the evening has been reserved. Alright, alas!" Xu Jie sighed deeply after finishing speaking.

Of course, this sigh was not really worrying, but a sigh for Boss Jiang. As for why he sighed, the other party had to understand it himself.

"It's difficult to explain? Why is it difficult to explain? Beijing TV Culture is not his company of Beijing Satellite TV. Now it is a market economy. Of course, the highest price wins. After all, we are also generating income for Taiwan." After hearing this, Jiang Hai said loudly, Obviously he didn't want to delay the company from making money because of Lao Lu's face.

"That's what you said, but Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu won't be angry, right?" Xu Jie asked worriedly, and at the same time used words to guide Boss Jiang.

"I'll go and tell him that if he wants to find out, I'll go to the head of the station. Let's take advantage of it. What are we afraid of?" Jiang Hai said confidently.

Xu Jie smiled, thinking: What I'm waiting for is your words.

"Boss, then please, and you have to tell the deputy editor-in-chief Lu quickly, because Huxiang Satellite TV is still waiting for my reply, and the entrustment time is too long. I am afraid that the night will be long and dreamy. Even the lanterns are hard to find, by the way, my senior sister also said that on the basis of 800 million for a single episode, it can still be negotiated." Xu Jie instructed.

The implication is to tell Boss Jiang not to be so stubborn, and to get as much as he can. This time, Huxiang Satellite TV is participating. The opportunity is really rare, and he must not be soft-hearted.

"Understood, if Lao Lu doesn't buy it this time, it's fine. If he wants to buy it, I will definitely hit him hard." Jiang Hai laughed twice, intending to sharpen his knife and rush to Lao Lu.

To be honest, he has always been worried about the fact that the 6 million exclusive title fee of "Ordinary Courage" was all attributed to Beijing Satellite TV. Now that he finally has the opportunity to "revenge", how could he let it go?

"Boss, I'll wait for your news." Xu Jie also smiled, it seems that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu is going to bleed this time.

Of course, the bleeding is the bleeding, and the loss is definitely not a loss. With the star lineup of "Legend of Lan Xi", there must be a lot of merchants who want to be named.

Otherwise, why would Hunan Satellite TV pay so much money?
This is called getting up early without benefit.

Now it's up to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu to take the gamble.


After Jiang Hai hung up the phone, he stood up excitedly from his seat and walked around the office.

"Good!" "Good!" "Good!"

He said yes three times in a row.

The first good thing is to talk about Xiao Xu, the TV series is made by Xiao Xu, this job is so beautiful, it really is his blessing.

The second good thing is that Huxiang Satellite TV, the other party's sudden offer directly raised the premiere rights of the TV series to a new level, greatly increasing the revenue of Beijing Television Culture.

And the third good thing is to say to himself, with this heavyweight performance, Jingshi Culture will definitely shine in Taiwan, and he has also achieved excellent results, and he will be transferred back to Taiwan to take up a higher position in the future At that time, I believe no one would object.

and many more!

Things haven't been discussed yet, so it's too early to be happy.

He sat back again, picked up his phone, and dialed Lao Lu's number.

No matter how old Lu took advantage of him before, he would admit it, but this time, he must not back down, not even half a step.

"Lao Jiang, you don't want to call me if you have nothing to do. What's the matter this time?" Lu Hong said as he walked towards the office.

"It's nothing serious, I just want to talk about the TV series Xiao Xu is filming, how much do you plan to pay for the premiere rights?" Jiang Hai asked.

In the past, he was worried about whether the TV series produced by the company would be able to star, and even prepared to compromise on the price of the premiere rights in order to be able to star.

But there is no need for it now, because this time the right to choose and decide is all in his hands.

"Huh? Isn't Xiao Xu's TV series finished filming yet? What are you doing so early?" Lu Hong asked suspiciously.

TV dramas are sold after the filming is over, how can they start selling before the filming is over?What if something goes wrong in the middle?
"It's like this. People from Huxiang Satellite TV contacted our company, expressing their intention to buy the premiere rights of this TV series, and offered a price that we couldn't refuse. Can I not ask you? If the price you offer is right, then I will reject Huxiang Satellite TV and stick to you first." Jiang Hai said with a smile.

I thought: It feels so good to have the initiative.

"What? Want to buy Huxiang Satellite TV?" Lu Hong was stunned, and his steps stopped.

The five David TVs have always had fierce competition for ratings in variety shows and golden theaters.

Although Beijing Satellite TV temporarily leads other satellite TVs in the ratings of variety shows, it has always been in the middle and lower reaches of the Golden Theater.

Now that Xiao Xu has produced a star-studded TV series, he also has high hopes for this TV series, but why did Cheng Yaojin come out halfway?
And everyone knows that Beijing Television Culture is an industry under Beijing Radio and Television Station. Isn't Huxiang Satellite TV using a shovel to poach people's corners?
"What's the price offered by Huxiang Satellite TV?" Lu Hong asked with concern, even a little nervous.

Because the advertising revenue of Huxiang Satellite TV has always been higher than that of Beijing Satellite TV, it is naturally rich and powerful in spending money. You can hire any celebrity you want, and you can buy which TV series you want. This is also the case of Huxiang Satellite TV. An important reason why the ratings have been good.

"It's 800 million for a single episode, and it's still negotiable. I don't think there's any problem with asking for 900 million," Jiang Hai said.


Lu Hong was surprised, and he was speechless in astonishment.

He just called Xiao Xu and asked about the cost of the TV series. When he heard that the minimum was 2 million, he felt that 5000 million could be won, but the quotation given by Huxiang Satellite TV, It was nearly 4 million more than he expected. This is not digging a corner with a shovel, but an excavator to dig a corner, and the wall is useless.

"Old Jiang, you, aren't you kidding me? Did you make it up to test me?" Lu Hong asked.

After Jiang Hai heard Lao Lu's reaction, he couldn't help but want to laugh. He didn't expect the deputy editor-in-chief Lu, who was always calm and composed, to panic sometimes.

"Old Lu, look at what you said, why am I testing you? If I made it up myself and scared you away, wouldn't this TV series fall into my hands?" Jiang Hai said.

Lu Hong thought for a while, and felt that what Lao Jiang said was also reasonable. Beijing Television Culture has always relied on Beijing TV Station for food, and it would not be of any benefit to the other party to fool him.

It seems that this thing is true!

Thinking of this, the expression on his face became serious.

If it's only a difference of 800 million yuan, he will risk his old face and ask Lao Jiang to sell the premiere rights of the TV series to Beijing Satellite TV.

But now there is a difference of [-] million. Even if he has face, his old face is not worth [-] million.

"Old Lu? Old Lu? Just say something, Huxiang Satellite TV is still waiting for my reply." Jiang Hai urged.

From his point of view, he naturally wanted to cut through the mess quickly and sign the purchase agreement early, so that this year's financial report can be more beautiful.

This year can be regarded as his first full year after coming to Jingshi Culture. If he can get a beautiful annual financial report, it will surely surprise everyone.

If it is postponed to next year, although the revenue will still be the company's, the shocking effect will definitely not be as obvious as this year.

I would like to ask, is the shock from 8 million revenue to 12 billion revenue, or the shock from 8 million revenue to 18 billion revenue?
I believe even a fool can answer this answer.

"Lao Jiang, this matter is not trivial. I have to discuss it with the person in charge of the repertoire purchasing department." Lu Hong said cautiously.

According to what he pointed out, Beijing Satellite TV has never used so much money to purchase a TV series. You must know that Beijing Satellite TV's advertising revenue last year was only more than two billion yuan.

"Old Lu, you have to hurry up. It's best to give me the answer before the afternoon. Huxiang Satellite TV is pressing hard. If you are late, maybe other TV stations will join in, and the price may be uncertain at that time." It will be even higher." Jiang Hai intentionally frightened the other party, after all, the God of Wealth came, so he couldn't make Huxiang Satellite TV wait too long, could he?impolite.

"Okay, okay, I'll go find Lao Jia now." Lu Hong said immediately.

Lao Jia, Jia Zhengli, is the director of the program marketing center, responsible for the procurement of plays.

Jiang Hai hung up the phone and smiled unkindly.

When Beijing Satellite TV changed its version, Lao Lu was never in such a hurry.

"Today is a good day, everything in my mind can be accomplished..."

He involuntarily put his feet on the desk, raised his legs, hummed a little song, and his face was full of joy.


(End of this chapter)

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