The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 874 Joint premiere

Chapter 874 Joint premiere
Beijing TV.

After talking on the phone with Lao Jiang, Lu Hong immediately came to the program marketing center, found Jia Zhengli, the person in charge of the program procurement, and planned to discuss with her about the purchase of "Legend of Lan Xi".

The TV station's procurement of TV series is the responsibility of the corresponding department. Even if he is the deputy editor-in-chief or the director of the satellite TV program center, he cannot interfere at will.

Of course, opinions and suggestions are still welcome.

"Editor Lu, what brought you to our marketing center?" Jia Zhengli walked out of the office and was about to go to the meeting room when she saw Lu Hong walking towards her.

"Director Jia, I have something very important to talk to you about." Lu Hong said with a serious expression, with a hint of anxiety in his brows.

There is no way, the wolf is coming, so don't worry.


Jia Zhengli was slightly taken aback, both surprised and puzzled.

This year's investment promotion meeting has ended, and next year's investment promotion meeting has not yet started. Apart from TV drama investment promotion, there seems to be no other intersection between the two of them. What important matter can the other party ask her for?

But after thinking about it, no matter what the other party says, it is a high-level executive of the TV station and the person in charge of Beijing Satellite TV. If the superior talks to the subordinate, even if it is not from the same department, they have to listen.

What's more, isn't the TV series purchased by the program marketing center mainly broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV?If deputy editor-in-chief Lu disagreed, wouldn't the TV series fall into her hands?
When it comes to buying TV dramas, she has the final say, but whether they can be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV is still up to the other party.

"Editor Lu, please come in." Jia Zhengli opened her office and pointed inside politely.

Lu Hong was also polite and walked in directly.

Jia Zhengli knew that Lu Hong liked to drink tea, so she took out a pack of tea from the cabinet under the water dispenser and made it for him, then brought the cup to Lu Hong's deputy editor-in-chief, sat down and asked curiously: "Mr. Hey, what's the big deal?"

At the same time, I thought to myself: Could it be that the ratings of the TV series are too poor, and the other party is very dissatisfied with her purchases?
Lu Hong didn't have time to drink tea, so he said directly: "It's like this, Beijing TV Culture has a TV series called "The Legend of Lan Xi" that is being filmed, and I want it to be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV."

Jia Zhengli was a little surprised.

Rare, so rare.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu has always seldom interfered with the procurement of plays, but what happened today?Not only interfered with words, but also named the name of the TV series.

Doesn't the implication of saying "I think" mean that she must buy this TV series?If she doesn't buy it, how can this TV series be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV?
After Jia Zhengli came back to her senses, she said with a smile: "JingTV Culture is a subsidiary of our Beijing Radio and Television Station. It is right to support them. When the film is delivered, I will say hello to the evaluation team."

It's rare that deputy editor-in-chief Lu took the initiative to speak up once, so how could she not give the other party this face?

If she doesn't give the other party face, and the other party gets angry later, won't the play she bought be rejected by the other party?

"No, the purchase agreement must be signed as soon as possible." Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu said in a tone that did not allow others to refute.

"Ah? But didn't you just say that the TV series is still being filmed?" Jia Zhengli was a little confused. How could she sign a purchase agreement before the filming was over?
Even if it is to support the brother unit, even if there are some unknown tricks in it, you have to go through the process and pretend, right?
"It is true that we are still shooting, but... I will show you the news and you will know." Lu Hong didn't know what to say, and was also worried that Jia Zhengli might misunderstand, so he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and took out the phone he saw during lunch. I found out the news.

Out of curiosity, Jia Zhengli looked at her mobile phone, and the more she looked, the more surprised she was, this lineup.
"Now do you know why I'm in such a hurry?" Lu Hong looked at Jia Zhengli and said, "Lao Jiang from Beijing TV Culture just called me, and Huxiang Satellite TV has already started to take action, and offered a single episode of 800 million yuan to buy it." How can we give up such a TV series to other TV stations?"

"8 million?" Jia Zhengli was stunned, even stuttering when she spoke.

Not to mention the past few years she has been in office, even if it is pushed forward ten or twenty years, Beijing TV Station has never spent so much money on TV dramas, no matter how famous the leading actors are and how many things they manage.

"Director Jia, don't think it's expensive. You are also an expert. Looking at the cast of this TV series, you can see that 800 million yuan for an episode is not expensive. Otherwise, can Huxiang Satellite TV take the initiative? And 800 million yuan for an episode is only the initial price. , there is still room for growth." Lu Hong said seriously.

Looking at Jia Zhengli's expression, he knew that Jia Zhengli was too expensive.

Isn't he too expensive?
Also hate it!

But there is no way, Huxiang Satellite TV has already offered such a high price, if Beijing Satellite TV wants to obtain the premiere rights of "Legend of Lanxi", it must be higher than the price offered by Huxiang Satellite TV, at least the same.

"Editor Lu, can I ask you a question? How many episodes does this TV series have?" Jia Zhengli looked at Lu Hong and asked.

"Seventy episodes are expected." Lu Hong said.


When Jia Zhengli heard this, she immediately frowned.

To spend close to 6 million yuan to buy the first broadcast rights of a TV series, either the deputy editor-in-chief Lu is crazy, or the person in charge of Huxiang Satellite TV is crazy.

During her tenure, she only spent 3 million yuan to buy a TV series at most once.

It's good now, it doubled directly.

She thought about it for a while, and finally showed a troubled expression on her face, and said to Lu Hong: "Editor Lu, to be honest, I really want to buy this TV series and broadcast it on Beijing Satellite TV, but the purchase of the premiere rights of this TV series The cost is too high, enough to buy several other TV series, I, I have to ask the higher up for instructions."

Although the total amount of TV series purchased by her every year is more than one billion, but this time, she is afraid that if something goes wrong after the purchase, the responsibility will be too great for her to bear.

Although there are usually some TV dramas with poor ratings and poor reputation, the money spent on purchases can be fully earned back through the investment of naming rights.

However, the purchase price this time is too high, almost sky-high in the field of TV dramas. Whether there are sponsors willing to spend so much money for the purchase is a question.

In fact, she has every right to be the master, but she doesn't want to take the risk, and she doesn't want to offend Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, so she can only throw this issue to the higher-ups.

"I'll go with you!" Lu Hong stood up after speaking. He was worried that the other party could not explain clearly, so he decided to accompany the other party himself.

"Now?" Jia Zhengli looked at Lu Hong in surprise, even if she wanted to ask for instructions, there was no need to be in such a hurry.

"Director Jia, time is urgent. If we wait a little longer, maybe Lao Jiang will sell the premiere rights to Huxiang Satellite TV." Lu Hong urged.

The current situation is like an auction, and others will not give them too much time to discuss.

Jia Zhengli had no choice but to say, "I'll go talk to my subordinates, postpone the meeting a little bit, and then we'll go find the director together."

I thought: It’s just a TV series, so what?

However, for Lu Hong, this is not just a TV series, but also represents a possible record-breaking ratings.

In his opinion, revenue is not that important. In fact, TV stations need more than one billion in financial allocations every year, but as long as the ratings increase, they can straighten their backs when they ask for money from the higher-ups, right?
And if the ratings go up, next year's advertising fee will increase, and maybe the gap in the station will be reduced. The two variety shows "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage" are the best proofs.

The more reluctant to spend money, the more unable to attract viewers, the more the ratings will not increase, the less sponsors will be willing to spend a lot of money to name the show, and then enter a vicious circle.

So, this time he is determined to buy this TV series.

Jia Zhengli also saw the determination of deputy editor-in-chief Lu, so she sighed secretly, then got up and left the office, briefly explained a few words to the deputy director next door, and then took the elevator to find the director.

Director's Office.

"Huh? Did you two come together, or did you meet by chance?" Zhao Juncheng looked at Lu Hong and Jia Zhengli with a smile. This combination was not common in his office.

"Director, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and I are here together, and I have something to ask you for instructions." Jia Zhengli said respectfully.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Zhao Juncheng asked, thinking: What could be the matter between these two?
Jia Zhengli turned her head to look at Lu Hong beside her, hesitating how to speak.

When Lu Hong saw Director Jia's appearance, he was worried that the director was thinking too much, so he opened his mouth and said, "Director, it's like this, Beijing Television Culture has a TV series that is being filmed, which is full of stars and has a good market prospect. Followed, and intends to buy the first broadcast rights, I was thinking, how can the TV series shot by our own people be given to other TV stations? So I found Director Jia and suggested to her to see if I can buy it, after all, the fat is not lost An outsider, Tian, ​​but Director Jia can't make up his mind, so let's come together and ask you for instructions."

Zhao Juncheng understood, it turned out to be such a thing.

"Director Jia, isn't it the job of your program marketing center to purchase repertoires? It's up to you to decide, and you don't need to ask me for instructions." Zhao Juncheng said.

His job is to be in charge of the general direction of Beijing Radio and Television Station. As for the purchase of TV dramas and variety shows, he has never been too involved, and at most he only reads the submitted reports.

"Director, the price of the premiere rights of this TV series is too high, I dare not decide on my own." Jia Zhengli said with a wry smile.

To be honest, she has never hesitated to be publicized by those film and television companies and distribution companies.

"Oh? How much is it?" Zhao Juncheng looked at Jia Zhengli curiously.

He felt that since it was a TV series filmed by JingTV Culture, it was a TV series in the station, and the right to premiere should be easily negotiated.

"About 6 million yuan is needed," Jia Zhengli said.

"6 million?" Zhao Juncheng was also stunned after hearing this.

Just because he didn't ask about the procurement of TV dramas, it doesn't mean he doesn't know the purchase price of TV dramas. He remembered reading a drama procurement report at the beginning of the year, and the most expensive one was only more than [-] million yuan.

6 million is indeed a bit too unexpected.

If he saw the purchase report, he would call Jia Zhengli to inquire carefully to see where the money was spent.

"Is this Jiang Hai's offer to you?" Zhao Juncheng frowned and asked.

I thought: This Jiang Hai is too nonsense, right?Even if you want to increase the revenue of Jingshi Culture, you can't cheat your own people like this, can you?

"Director, this is really not an offer from Jiang Hai, but an offer from Huxiang Satellite TV." Lu Hong explained.

"Huxiang Satellite TV?" Zhao Juncheng was taken aback, it seemed that he had misunderstood Jiang Hai, "You mean, Huxiang Satellite TV has already made an offer for this TV series?"

"Yes, the director, the price they gave for a single episode is 800 million, and this TV is expected to shoot 70 episodes." Lu Hong replied.

After Zhao Juncheng listened, his brows relaxed immediately, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Jiang Hai is very capable. It's already the end of the year, and he can still make such a big noise. By the way, I heard that the box office of the movie directed by Xu Jie has exceeded 4 million?" Zhao Juncheng asked.

"Well, in fact, this TV series was adapted by Xiao Xu based on that movie. He is not only the screenwriter, but also the producer." Lu Hong said.

"Really? This Xiao Xu is really a rare talent. No matter where he goes or what he does, he can make achievements." The smile on Zhao Juncheng's face became even brighter.

There is such a talent in the station, he is naturally very happy as the station director.

Lu Hong also laughed. He raised his hands and feet to agree with the director's words. If it wasn't for Xiao Xu, his promotion to deputy editor-in-chief would not have been so smooth.

In fact, the reason why he values ​​this TV series so much is because of the big names on the one hand, and Xiao Xu on the other.

Others' works are afraid of losing money before buying, but Xiao Xu's works are afraid of not being able to take advantage of the work if you buy it late.

"I see. What you mean is that you are worried that if you spend so much money, the ratings will not increase, and you won't be able to earn back from the advertisements, right?" Zhao Juncheng thought to himself and asked the two people in front of him.

"I'm not worried about the ratings." Lu Hong shook his head, his confidence in Xu Jie was stronger than in himself.

Jia Zhengli next to her looked embarrassed. Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu was not worried, did it mean she was worried?

But yes, she was indeed worried.

"Since you are worried, let Huxiang Satellite TV do it." Zhao Juncheng said.


Jia Zhengli was stunned.

Lu Hong was also stunned, he didn't expect the director to have such an attitude.

Give it to Huxiang Satellite TV?

Why give it up to Huxiang Satellite TV?

Beijing Satellite TV and Hunan Satellite TV are competitors.

Zhao Juncheng saw the doubts of Lu Hong and Jia Zhengli, and explained: "Since you are all worried, then transfer this worry to Huxiang Satellite TV and let them buy it and worry about it. Anyway, Beijing TV Culture is the industry of our Beijing Radio and Television Station. In this way As soon as we come, don't we make a steady profit without losing money?"

Jia Zhengli looked at the head of the station, then at the deputy editor-in-chief Lu, but didn't dare to speak.

In fact, whether it is the director or the deputy editor-in-chief Lu, neither of them is wrong, but one considers it from the perspective of the entire Beijing Radio and Television Station, while the deputy editor-in-chief Lu considers it from the perspective of Beijing Satellite TV, and the positions are different. , look at the problem from different angles, and naturally draw different conclusions.

But when Lu Hong heard the director's explanation, he felt uncomfortable.

Beijing TV Culture has made money, and Beijing Radio and Television Station has also made money, but what about his Beijing Satellite TV?
Originally, the ratings of Beijing Satellite TV’s evening golden theater were not high compared to other TV stations. Now it’s hard to meet a potential hit TV series produced by one’s own people. As a result, the director wants to give it to another TV station. How can I ask? Can he feel better?
He also expects this "Legend of Lan Xi" to be a turnaround.

"Director, I think such a good resource and project should not be handed over to Huxiang Satellite TV. This TV series has huge potential in terms of advertising effect and ratings. We should give it a try. Try." Lu Hong said boldly.

"En." Zhao Juncheng nodded, and then he seriously considered Lu Hong's opinion, and then said: "Well, Director Jia, you can contact Huxiang Satellite TV to see if you can buy this TV series together. how about a joint premiere, which can not only reduce the purchase cost of the film, but also share the risks?"

"Director, this method is good, I will do it right away." Jia Zhengli echoed.

This form is very common. This year, many TV dramas were jointly premiered by Beijing Satellite TV and other satellite TVs.

Although Lu Hong felt that it was a pity not to be able to broadcast it alone, he also felt that this form was preferable, and it was better than not being able to broadcast it.

This also fully verifies the sentence: there is no permanent opponent, only permanent interests.

Jia Zhengli returned to her office, found the mobile phone number of Liu Kuo, Director of the Program Marketing Center of Huxiang Satellite TV, and called him.

Soon the phone will be connected.

"Is it director Liu Kuo Liu from Huxiang TV? I'm Jia Zhengli from Beijing Satellite TV."

"Director Jia, I'm Liu Kuo, what can I do for you?"

"I heard that Director Liu plans to buy the premiere rights of the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi"? Do you know about this?" Jia Zhengli asked first, don't be the Jiang Hai fool of JingTV Culture.

"Well, there is such a thing." Liu Kuo was not surprised. After all, Jingshi Culture is one of the industries of Beijing Radio and Television Station. It is normal for the other party to know.

"Coincidentally, our capital TV station is also interested in this drama. Since we all have such an idea, how about buying the premiere rights of this drama through a contract?" Jia Zhengli asked.

"Okay!" Liu Kuo agreed without thinking.

In fact, this suggestion was completely in his plan. If Beijing Satellite TV refused to release "Legend of Lan Xi", he would take the initiative to call Jia Zhengli for a joint premiere.

You know, it is also a prime-time TV drama in the evening, and the naming fee of Huxiang Satellite TV has always been higher than that of several other David TV channels.

In other words, if the TV series "Legend of Lanxi" is broadcast together in the future, Huxiang Satellite TV will have more advertising revenue than Beijing Satellite TV.

"Okay, it's a deal." Jia Zhengli laughed, "When will Director Liu come to the capital, let's go to Jingshi Culture and discuss the procurement agreement face-to-face."

"Well, I'll go there tomorrow and finalize this matter as soon as possible." Liu Kuo said, to finalize the matter one day earlier, it is better to attract investment one day earlier, so as to avoid long nights and dreams.

"I'll let you know from Jingshi Culture, we have a happy cooperation."

"Well, it's a pleasure to work together."


(End of this chapter)

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