The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 875 Webcasting Rights

Chapter 875 Webcasting Rights

Jiang Hai anxiously walked up and down the office, stopping from time to time to look at the mobile phone on the table, thinking: Why didn't Lao Lu call back?

Do you think the price is too high and you don't plan to buy it?

That's great.

If it is sold to Beijing Satellite TV, it will act as if Beijing Satellite TV is helping Beijing Television Culture, and if it is sold to Hunan Satellite TV, then it will be able to reflect the business capabilities of Beijing Television Culture.

Therefore, from the perspective of the general manager, he is of course willing to develop the company's business and get rid of the dependence on Beijing Satellite TV. Only in this way can Beijing TV Culture become bigger and stronger, which is also a real performance.

"Ring bell bell!"

Suddenly, a rapid bell rang.

Jiang Hai was shocked, and then quickly walked to the desk, picked up his mobile phone, but the screen was black, and the ringing was still ringing.

It's the phone on the desk.

He grabbed the microphone and put it to his ear, "What's the matter?"

"Mr. Jiang, a person who claims to be the general manager of Juxiang Media, Zhou Haoxiang, is looking for you." Yang Xiuyan at the front desk said on the phone.

"Juxiang Media? Zhou Haoxiang?" Jiang Hai recalled carefully, and found that he didn't know this person, "Did he ask me for anything?"

"Speaking of which, I'm here to buy the live broadcast rights of "Legend of Lan Xi"." Yang Xiuyan said.


Jiang Hai's eyes lit up.

Buy the webcast live broadcast rights of "Legend of Lan Xi"?
So, are you here to send money again?
Today's TV series can not only be sold to TV stations, but also to video websites, and the price is not cheap.

Of course, the TV drama must be a good TV drama, and there must be no video website that will take the initiative to buy a bad TV drama, because the film and television companies or distributors are rushing to ask people to buy it.

and many more!

Just after the news that Luo Wanglin, Chen Guang, Jiang Liwen, and Hu Jing joined "Legend of Lan Xi" was exposed, someone came to buy the right to broadcast online. Could it be a liar?

These days, there are too many scammers, and the film and television industry is the hardest-hit area, among which film and television investment and film and television copyright are particularly serious.

"I don't know him, let him go," Jiang Hai said.

TV stations are scrambling to buy the premiere rights of "Legend of Lan Xi", and the online live broadcast rights will definitely not worry about selling, so no matter whether this person is a liar or not, he doesn't care about it for the time being. his task.

"Alright Mr. Jiang." Yang Xiuyan responded.

Jiang Hai was about to hang up the phone when he vaguely heard a man's voice coming from the microphone.

"Miss, please tell Mr. Jiang again, we were introduced by Mr. Feng Dekun."

"Wait!" Jiang Hai said suddenly.

Old Feng?

If it was introduced by Lao Feng, it should not be some liar.

"Boss Jiang, what's the matter?" Yang Xiuyan asked in confusion, she even thought about how to reject the man.

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call to understand the situation." Jiang Hai said to Yang Xiuyan, then picked up his phone and called Lao Feng.

Although the online broadcast rights of "Legend of Lan Xi" are not worrying about selling, if someone really wants to buy it, it is not a bad idea to sit down and have a talk, just take this opportunity to learn about the market for the online broadcast rights of "Legend of Lan Xi".

Soon, the other side of the phone was connected.

"Lao Jiang, what can you do?" The voice of Feng Dekun, the boss of New Era Media, came from the microphone.

"Old Feng, there is a man here, Zhou Haoxiang, who is said to be introduced by you, is there such a thing?" Jiang Hai asked straight to the point.

"Are you talking about Mr. Zhou of Juxiang Media? I didn't introduce him to you, but he took the initiative to find me to inquire about you." Feng Dekun said truthfully.

"Oh, is this person reliable? How is the strength of the company?" Jiang Hai asked.

"This person is capable, has vision, is capable of doing business, and has business contacts with some TV stations and video sites. Moreover, Juxiang Media is a listed company, and its strength is not bad. By the way, he seems to be interested in the TV series shot by your Jingshi Culture. I'm very interested, okay Lao Jiang, people have come to buy TV dramas on their own initiative, I remember that when Lao Yu was around, no one wanted the TV dramas that were filmed." Feng Dekun said.

"Hey, how dare you go to Liangshan without twos and threes? If you don't have diamonds, you will take on this porcelain job. That's fine, I have something to do here. Let's talk another day." Jiang Hai boasted for himself, and then hung up the phone , said to Yang Xiuyan at the front desk here: "You take the person to the reception room, and I will go there in a while."

"It's President Jiang."

After Jiang Hai put down his phone, he didn't leave the office immediately. If he went too fast, it would inevitably make the other party feel that he was very happy that someone came to buy it. Therefore, he had to show that he was not in a hurry, so that the other party would in a hurry.

In addition, he still needs to make a phone call. If someone wants to buy such a big deal as an online broadcasting right, how can he not discuss it with Xiao Xu?Maybe the other party has already made arrangements?
He found Xiao Xu's number and dialed it.

"Boss, what does Editor-in-Chief Lu say?" Xu Jie's anxious voice rang out as soon as the call was made.

"Xiao Xu, Lao Lu hasn't replied yet, but there is such a situation on the company's side. A company took the initiative to come to the door and wanted to buy the online broadcasting rights of the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi". I don't know if you What do you think?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Internet broadcast rights? Of course, the more you sell, the better." Xu Jie said after hearing this, whether it is from the perspective of investors or producers, there is nothing to discuss about this.

"Then what is your psychological price for the right to broadcast online?" Jiang Hai continued to ask, it was also the first time he had encountered such a thing, so he had no idea.

"The first broadcast can only be broadcast once, but the online broadcast right can be broadcast at will within the copyright period, so why can't the online broadcast right be lower than the first broadcast right?" Xu Jie said after thinking about it.

As a matter of fact, he just asked Lu Zhihong about the right to broadcast on the Internet. The other party said that after the first broadcast, film and television companies would generally sell the online broadcasting rights of TV dramas to video platforms at a lower price, but he thought it was unreasonable to do so.

Although the first time is very precious, isn't the value of the next few decades not as good as the first time?

In addition, many young people nowadays usually do not choose to stay in front of the TV to watch dramas due to reasons such as overtime work, dating, and eating. I feel that the right to broadcast on the Internet must not be low.

"Okay, then I'll use the standard of 800 million for a single episode to discuss the right to broadcast online with them." Jiang Hai said.

He would selectively listen to what other people said, even what his wife said, but he would listen [-]% to what Xiao Xu said.

"Well, anyway, the filming of the TV series hasn't finished yet, so we're not in a hurry, we have to hold on, let's make an appointment, the more anxious others are." Xu Jie comforted Boss Jiang.

For such a TV series with movie kings and queens, the ones who are anxious should not be the production company, but those who want to buy it. After all, there are more wolves and less meat, so if you can't buy it, it will be cheaper for others.

Think the price is high?
With so many super first-line stars, isn't it worth taking a gamble?


After talking on the phone with Xu Jie, Jiang Hai adjusted his clothes and left his office.

When he took the elevator to the first floor, opened the door and walked into the reception room, he immediately saw a man and a woman sitting inside. The word description is: beautiful.

Beauty plan?
When Zhou Haoxiang saw the person entering the door, he immediately stood up from the chair, then walked over quickly, stretched out his hands, and introduced himself actively.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, I'm Zhou Haoxiang from Juxiang Media. Your name is like a thunderbolt. As the old saying goes, it's better to meet you than to be famous. When I saw you today, I felt that you were even more generous than the outside world..."

Do not wear flattery!

Zhou Haoxiang's success in this industry is naturally inseparable from this mouth. No matter how big a person is, he likes to be praised, and no matter how awesome a person is, he also likes to be praised.

Jiang Hai held each other's hand. Although there was no expression on his face, he felt very comfortable in his heart. Although this flattery was a bit direct, sometimes the more direct the more penetrating, he liked this kind of simple and rough shooting, crooked Haw's shooting will not feel satisfying.

"Hello, sit down." Jiang Hai said lightly, and then found a chair to sit down.

"Thank you Mr. Jiang." Zhou Haoxiang and the secretary sat down politely when they saw Jiang Hai sitting down.

"What does Mr. Zhou want from me?" Jiang Hai asked pretending not to know.

"Oh, that's right." Zhou Haoxiang moved his body, facing Jiang Hai and said, "I came to Mr. Jiang today to buy the online broadcasting rights of the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi."

""The Legend of Lan Xi" hasn't finished filming yet, why did you buy it so early?" Jiang Hai asked, he wanted to know what these people really thought.

In his perception, buying the copyright of a film and television drama before it is finished, and not even watching it, isn't it money to burn?

"I have watched the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" produced by your company, and I was deeply attracted by the stories in it, so after knowing that your company is going to shoot a TV series "Legend of Lan Xi" based on "Lovers in Time and Space", I made up my mind My idea, no matter how much you pay, you must buy the broadcasting copyright of "The Legend of Lan Xi". I also know that Jingshi Culture is a company of Beijing Radio and Television Station, and I don't expect to get the first broadcasting right, so I found you and wanted to buy an online broadcasting Right." Zhou Haoxiang said sincerely.

What is this called?
This is called moving with true feelings.

He wants to tell the other party, I want to buy the network broadcast rights of this TV series, not because I think it makes money, but because I like the story told by this TV series.

Jiang Hai nodded after listening, and had no other expressions.

For so many years in the TV station, how can he not know what the other party is thinking?

However, these were of no use to him.

To be precise, the other party expressed the wrong target.

If the other party said these words to Xiao Xu, maybe they could really impress Xiao Xu, after all: a daughter is easy to get, but a bosom friend is hard to find.

But neither "Lover in Time and Space" nor "The Legend of Lan Xi" has anything to do with him as the general manager, so how could he be moved by the other party's words?
In fact, he hates this kind of person the most.

Talk about business, talk about business, talk about feelings?Isn't this crooked, can't tell the priority?

"Since Mr. Zhou wants to purchase the online broadcasting rights of "Legend of Lan Xi", I believe he must have brought an offer?" Jiang Hai asked.

What he cares about is how much money the other party can pay, and how much revenue he can bring to Jingshi Culture. As for feelings, children only talk about feelings, and adults only talk about pros and cons.

Zhou Haoxiang didn't expect that the person in front of him would be so straightforward. He also prepared a lot of after-views of "Lover in Time and Space", and it seems that he won't be able to use it today.

"Mr. Jiang, Juxiang Media is very sincere about buying the live broadcast rights of "Legend of Lanxi". Otherwise, we wouldn't come to buy the TV series before it's finished filming..." Zhou Haoxiang continued to express his sincerity.

He knew that there would be many people competing this time, so he especially wanted to gain an advantage in things other than money.

However, Jiang Hai frowned, with a hint of impatience on his face.

He gave up his nap time and took the time to come here on such an important matter as waiting for Lao Lu's reply. Is it just to sit here and watch the other party set the magnetic field?
He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and sent a WeChat message to his wife, asking what to have for dinner tonight...

At this time, Zhou Haoxiang also saw that Mr. Jiang in front of him did not follow his set, so he sighed secretly, prayed in his heart, and said: "Mr. Jiang, we at Juxiang Media are going to buy a single episode at a price of 500 million yuan. How do you like the right to broadcast "The Legend of Lan Xi" on the Internet?"

After Jiang Hai heard it, his frown did not relax.

When he was going downstairs just now, he used his mobile phone to check the price of the webcasting rights. The price given by the other party was indeed quite a lot, but it was definitely not much.

In the past two or three years, there have been a lot of online broadcasting rights that have sold 800 million single episodes, and some even sold 1000 million.

Leaving aside the content, as far as the cast is concerned, those TV dramas are far behind "Legend of Lan Xi".

So the price of 500 million for a single episode is really not much.

And it is also very different from Xiao Xu's expectations.

Zhou Haoxiang was not stupid either. He could tell by Boss Jiang's expression that the other party was not satisfied with the price, otherwise he wouldn't have kept silent.

It seems that if you want to win the webcast rights of "Legend of Lan Xi", you really need to sacrifice some blood.

"How about this, Boss Jiang, I don't want to add hundreds of thousands, how about just adding another one million on top of the previous one?" Zhou Haoxiang asked expectantly.

Jiang Hai put the mobile phone in his pocket. Although the purchase price given by the other party was a step further than expected, it was still far from it.

"Mr. Zhou, you should go back and hold a meeting to discuss it. Of course, if you think "Legend of Lan Xi" is only worth it, then you can watch other TV series." Jiang Hai said bluntly.

What sincerity and insincerity!
In business, the best way to express your sincerity is to reflect your sincerity in the price. If the price is not in place, it means that you don't like me.

If you say a thousand words and ten thousand, you think I'm not worth that price.

Since you think I'm worthless, why should I talk to you?

Jiang Hai stood up straight away. He was going to call Lao Lu to ask if he had thought about it, and why there was no news for so long.


(End of this chapter)

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