Chapter 876
Seeing that Jiang Hai was about to leave, Zhou Haoxiang hurriedly stood up, his eyes flustered, and he was even at a loss.

Is the price of 600 million for a single episode too low?
But if you think about it carefully, the webcasting rights of TV dramas starred by first-line traffic stars can be sold for 800 million yuan. For TV dramas like "Legend of Lan Xi" that have gathered so many actors and actresses, you can buy them for 600 million yuan. , It is indeed a bit whimsical, no wonder the other party doesn't want to talk to him.

"Mr. Jiang, please stop." Zhou Haoxiang hurried to catch up, and said embarrassedly: "Mr. Jiang, if you are not satisfied with the price of the webcasting rights, we can discuss it slowly."

Jiang Hai thought to himself: Who has time to discuss with you slowly?Who has time to listen to your crap?

"Mr. Zhou, you need to discuss it with someone who is sincere, but Mr. Zhou doesn't seem to bring your sincerity with you today." Jiang Hai said expressionlessly.

Zhou Haoxiang was shocked. This, doesn't this mean that he has no sincerity?
Wasn't he expressing it clearly enough?

"Mr. Jiang, I really came here today with sincerity for buying "Legend of Lan Xi" and respect for you. The world can learn from it." Zhou Haoxiang said loudly, feeling that he was too wronged.

"Sincerity and respect are not just words," Jiang Hai said.

Zhou Haoxiang was slightly taken aback, but he quickly understood what the other party meant.

It seems that this Jiang is always impatient, and the conventional method is not very effective.

He couldn't help but start to complain about Mr. Feng Dekun and Mr. Feng in the new era. The Mr. Jiang in front of him is different from what the other party said. Isn't this fooling him?

If he knew that Jiang was always a straightforward person, he would not continue to test.

It's all right now, not only did the test fail to produce results, but it also offended people. If Mr. Feng hadn't been asked at the beginning, maybe it wouldn't have happened.

"Mr. Jiang, if I did something wrong just now, please forgive me. Sit down for a while and give me another chance." Zhou Haoxiang said sincerely, burying all the grievances in his heart.

No way, who made him a second-hand dealer?
If the other party connects with the video site, then there is nothing wrong with him.

Jiang Hai saw that the other party's attitude was not bad, so he sat down again.

The old saying is good: stay a line in life, and I really want to see you in the future.

Since the other party is already so humble, how can we give the other party a chance, right?
Zhou Haoxiang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then hurried to Mr. Jiang's side, and at the same time flirted with the female secretary at the side.

The female secretary hurried to the side tea room, poured a glass of Jingshi Culture's water from Jingshi Culture's cup, and put it in front of Jingshi Culture's general manager.

Alas, who let this be the site of Jingshi Culture?
Here, she can't show her talents at all.

If it was at the wine table, it would be her home game, and she wouldn't embarrass the boss so much. She can't use her bare hands now.

Jiang Hai picked up the water glass and waited for Zhou Haoxiang to quote again under the guise of drinking water.

And Zhou Haoxiang didn't dare to try again this time, because he knew that if he didn't grasp this opportunity, he wouldn't even think about "Legend of Lan Xi" in the future.

"Mr. Jiang, Juxiang Media purchased the online broadcasting rights of the TV series "Legend of Lanxi" for 800 million yuan per episode. This is the greatest sincerity we can show." Zhou Haoxiang said seriously.

Although the webcast rights of 800 million for a single episode are not the highest in the circle, they can definitely be ranked in the top ten.

Of course, the final webcasting rights of "Legend of Lan Xi" must be more than this price. As a businessman, he also has to make some money, right?Otherwise, why are you begging someone to buy the copyright so humbly?

As for earning more or less, it depends on how to communicate with the video site, but as an old acquaintance, he is confident that on the basis of this price, he can raise another 50 to 100 million.

After Jiang Hai listened to it, he took a deep look at Zhou Haoxiang, and thought that he was indeed a specialist in film and television dramas. The quotation for the webcasting rights happened to be stuck in the quotation for the first broadcasting rights.

And Xiao Xu also said on the phone just now that the offer for the webcasting right must not be lower than the first broadcasting right. Now that the two are evenly matched, it can be regarded as a sincere offer.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

Just when Jiang Hai was about to speak, the cell phone in his pocket rang suddenly, he quickly took it out and looked at the screen, it was the call he had been waiting for for a long time.

"I'm going out to answer the phone." Jiang Hai said to Zhou Haoxiang, and then quickly walked out of the reception room.

"Alright Mr. Jiang, we are not in a hurry, take your time..."

Before Zhou Haoxiang finished speaking, he heard a "click", the door closed, and the person had already walked out.


There was no outsider in the room, so Zhou Haoxiang sighed.

He has been in this business for nearly ten years, and he has bought countless film and television drama copyrights, but this is the first time he has received such a cold reception.

Although he is a second-hand dealer, he is also here to give money. He is the God of Wealth, so how can he treat the God of Wealth like this?

"Mr. Zhou, do you think that President Jiang just took the opportunity of answering the phone to leave?" the female secretary asked in a low voice.

"Ah?" Zhou Haoxiang was stunned, looked in the direction of the door blankly, thought for a while and said: "Should, probably not, if he disagrees with our quotation just now, he can get up and leave as before. There's no need to use the phone as an excuse to leave."

The female secretary nodded lightly. Mr. Zhou's analysis is indeed very reasonable, "Mr. Zhou, then tell me, will they sell the webcasting rights of "Legend of Lan Xi" to our company?"

"If I knew their psychological reserve price, I would have signed the contract a long time ago, and I still have to wait here?" Zhou Haoxiang said with a wry smile.

"This President Jiang is really serious. He just quotes as much as he wants to buy, and sits there without saying anything, pretending to be unpredictable." The female secretary said dissatisfied.

In the past, the film and television companies took the initiative to sell at the door, but today, they took the initiative to come to the door to buy, and they were rejected by others. It's really a turn of events.

"Shh, keep your voice down!" Zhou Haoxiang put his index finger to his mouth, and then carefully looked around the meeting room. After confirming that there were no monitors, he was relieved and said to the secretary: "This time is different from the past. You have also seen the cast of "Legend of Xi", and it will become a blockbuster in the future, so we must start before the filming of this TV series is finished. After the filming is finished, other companies and video platforms will see this TV series. Copyright The fee may be more than that.”

What he is most worried about now is that other companies and video platforms will approach Mr. Jiang, so that the competition will become more intense, and the price of copyright will naturally rise.

"Mr. Zhou, why don't we have a banquet outside with Mr. Jiang tonight?" the female secretary asked.

Now when talking about business, it is rare to talk about it in the company. First, there is no atmosphere in the dry talk. Everyone is very rational, and business is not easy to negotiate. Second, the walls have ears, and some words and things are not suitable for the company.

For example, "public relations" are all managed in private, so how can anyone send a package of "sincerity" to the company?Isn't that a big fool?
Even if you dare to give it away, others may not dare to accept it.

Especially in a situation like Mr. Jiang, no matter how much the copyright fee is sold, it is still making money for the public, and it cannot enter his personal pocket. Benefit.

To be willing to be willing, to be willing to have a reward.

Zhou Haoxiang nodded after hearing this. He came to the door today because he wanted to check on Mr. Jiang himself, but judging from the relationship just now, there is indeed a need for a banquet.

Jiang Hai walked out of the reception room and came to an empty room next door, he couldn't wait to connect to his mobile phone and asked, "How about it, old Lu, have you figured it out?"

"After thinking about it, our Beijing Satellite TV has decided to jointly purchase the premiere rights of "Legend of Lanxi" with Hunan Satellite TV. As for the cost, it will be based on 800 million yuan for a single episode." Lu Hong said with a smile.

"What?" Jiang Hai was stunned.

He is also planning to use Huxiang Satellite TV to beat Lao Lu, so that the other party can increase the price of the first broadcast rights appropriately. He never thought that the other party would contact Huxiang Satellite TV to jointly purchase the first broadcast rights. Isn't this cheating him?

"Old Lu, old Lu, are you too vicious? Don't pay if you don't want to part with it. Why contact Huxiang Satellite TV? You and Huxiang Satellite TV have negotiated the price. How can I argue with them? Price? Didn’t I already tell you that Huxiang Satellite TV’s 800 million single episode is still negotiable? You, aren’t you ruining my good deed?” Jiang Hai said dissatisfied, even ignoring that the other party was one level higher than him fact.

Even if a single episode is raised by another 50, it can be sold for tens of millions more, right?

This is a real profit.

How many parties does it take to earn this money?

Lu Hong was not angry when he heard it. He had known Lao Jiang for so many years, so how could he not know Lao Jiang's temper?

Of course, he was not afraid of Lao Jiang's complaints, after all, the decision this time was slightly different from the past.

"Lao Jiang, this is our director's idea." Lu Hong said.

"Ah? Is that right? Anyway, our director is thoughtful. Not only earning money from Huxiang Satellite TV, but also being able to broadcast on our Beijing Satellite TV. It's the best of both worlds. Wise, anyway, at my level, I definitely think about it." I can't come up with such a good idea." Jiang Hai said in an admiring tone.


The corner of Lu Hong's mouth twitched, thinking that this person's face changed too quickly, right?

For the same thing, if he thought it up, it would be immoral, if the director thought it up, it would be wise, the double standard should not be too obvious.

"I'm in the office, and the director is not by my side." Lu Hong said.

"Whether I'm speaking or not, I'm telling the truth." Jiang Hai said solemnly.

"Are you still human?" Lu Hong said angrily.

He really hoped that the technology would be more advanced. In addition to the visual function, there would be more fan functions. In this way, he would be able to fan the other party's big-eared post through the air.

"Old Lu, you still have the nerve to talk about me? I asked you to handle this matter, and I don't know how to explain it to Xiao Xu. That's fine, let's not talk about it. Xiao Xu is still waiting for my reply, alas!" Jiang Hai said Wan sighed heavily.

"Come on, Xiao Xu is more aware of the overall situation than you." Lu Hong said after hearing it, but after he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a little uncertain.

Xiao Xu is in charge of the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi", but now he has made the decision on the premiere rights for the other party. Who would feel comfortable doing it instead?
This is not a question of high or low rank, nor is it a question of more money and less money, but a question of respect or not.

It seems that I really have to explain it to Xiao Xu.

Jiang Hai hung up on Lao Lu and immediately called Xiao Xu.

Xu Jie had also been waiting for Boss Jiang's call, so after seeing the incoming call, he quickly pressed the answer button.

"Boss, how are you doing?"

"Oh, Xiao Xu, something went wrong with Lao Lu." Jiang Hai said.

"Is Editor-in-Chief Lu not planning to buy it?" Xu Jie asked. He thought it was a good thing. If Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu wanted to buy it, what should I do if I bargained with him?To give face or not?If the other party doesn't buy it, there will be no such problems.

"Buy, but he contacted Huxiang Satellite TV to jointly buy the first broadcast rights..." Jiang Hai relayed to Xiao Xu exactly what Lao Lu said to him just now.

Xu Jie was taken aback.

Joint purchase?

That's the premiere together.

This was indeed beyond his expectations, but it wasn't a bad thing, because the TV series would have a greater influence if it was broadcast on two channels.

If Beijing Satellite TV bought the exclusive premiere rights, it would face a situation of encirclement and suppression when the TV series was officially broadcast.

The TV dramas broadcast by Huxiang Satellite TV in prime time at night have always been in the forefront in ratings and have a large market share.

Now that the two David TVs are jointly premiering, it is good for both Beijing Satellite TV and him.

Everything has to be looked at from both sides.

Jiang Hai didn't hear Xiao Xu's voice, and thought that the other party was upset, so he comforted him: "Xiao Xu, don't be unhappy, let me tell you another good news, Zhou Haoxiang of Juxiang Media has already released the webcasting rights to the single The collection is 800 million, this person belongs to toothpaste, squeezed for a long time from 500 million to 800 million, I squeeze again, maybe I can squeeze another 200 million."

"Boss, I asked a few acquaintances just now. Juxiang Media has always been known for its rich resources in the film and television industry, and has maintained good relationships with many TV stations and video platforms. I think this time it will be sold at a price of 800 million yuan. Sell ​​it to him and let him earn some money, so that we will have more cooperation opportunities in the future." Xu Jie said.

Although he has been waiting for Boss Jiang's call, he is not idle. For example, he inquired about Juxiang Media's situation from Hu Zhen.

As for the webcasting rights, he also checked some reports and read some news. 800 million for a single episode is considered very high. What if we raise it to 200 million and scare people away?Isn't it worth the candle?
The income from the first broadcast rights plus the webcast rights has exceeded his expectations, and it has also made him a lot of money. It is better to accept it as soon as it is good, so that we can still be friends in the future.

"Okay, what you say counts. I will sign the contract and so on, so as not to have long nights and dreams." Jiang Hai said after hearing it.

In fact, if it wasn't for the hard target given by Xiao Xu, when Zhou Haoxiang said 500 million for a single episode, he would have agreed.

500 million for a single episode, that's 5000 million!

"Boss, I'm sorry to trouble you." Xu Jie said, he was on the set and couldn't go back for a while.

"Haha, if this is called trouble, then I really hope there will be more trouble like this in the future."


(End of this chapter)

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